Sex, Drugs, and Jesus

Episode #148: Solar Eclipse + Ray of Light Album Breakdown + Ascension Symptoms

De'Vannon Seráphino Episode 148

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In this episode I am going to provide for you my breakdown on Madonna’s Ray of Light Album along with correlation to the eclipse season that we are in right now as well as speak deeper into many of the Spiritual Awakening symptoms I have been through. Many people are starting to Ascend and I am all the way HERE FOR IT!!! 

INCLUDED IN THIS EPISODE (But not limited to):

 ·      My Take On Madonna’s Ray Of Light Album

·      Learning Life Lessons From Music

·      Solar Eclipse Insight

·      Release + Detach

·      Why Death Is A Beautiful Thing

·      True & Genuine Relationships Are What It’s All About

·      Ascension Symptoms

·      Let’s Re-educate Ourselves

·      Lessons From Shrek 2

·      Living To Serve Others

·      Have You Made It Home Yet?

·      The Power Of Goodbye





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Episode #148: Solar Eclipse + Ray of Light Album Breakdown + Ascension Symptoms 


De'Vannon Seráphino: Hello. Hello. Hello, everyone. And welcome back to the Sex, Drugs, and Jesus podcast. My name is Devan and Serafino, and I am your hostess with the mostest. I am so delighted to be blessed to be Jesus granted this opportunity to, to share with you, to minister unto you, to reach unto you and to just to do what I can to help enlighten all you beautiful generations out there.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And so. Today is what? Monday, April the 8th. Today is our day of our total solar eclipse. And, good Lord. I've been wanting to do this show. Today I'm talking about Madonna's Ray of Light album. And how my spiritual thoughts on it, and how I think it's, It's such an interesting album, especially as it relates to spiritual growth and ascension and different things like that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And so [00:01:00] everything happens when it's supposed to, I've had this on my roster to do since last year. And today is the day where I have the time and the space and everything. And it also happens to be the solar eclipse is going to be happening in a couple of hours. It's just about 1pm Eastern time. As I'm recording this, and so, but I, but I think today is just simply the day it was meant to happen because, you know, a solar with, with, with these eclipses that we've been in, we had that lunar eclipse, like, a week ago, the solar eclipses today, and after these eclipses happen, we stay in that energy for, like, a, I think the better part of the year to follow it, it's not like a one and done type of thing.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's almost like these eclipses inject certain energetic seeds that then need time to germinate. Et cetera, et cetera. I will not be around anybody during this eclipse. I'm going to be with the Lord and with, and with certain spiritual beings that I like to keep around and really, really turn inward.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That's what To me, eclipses are about, [00:02:00] there are certain shamans and other spiritual leaders in the world who hold my point of view, I don't believe in looking up at the sun when it's blocked out certain people in certain spiritual, who have certain spiritual mindsets also think that it's not a good thing to like watch the lights go out.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You know, so I'm not watching anything. I'm not going to be around anybody. I think it's far too spiritual for for me to turn it into a social thing. And so this is an experience between myself and the divine. And so, but eclipses also bring what detachment release. They're karmic as fuck.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Jesus Christ, like, the I mean, God is always repaying people for whatever they've said, thought, done, or did not say, think, or do. But there are certain times where it seems like the karmic consequences of our actions or inactions [00:03:00] seem to be heightened and intensified. This is one of those times, a lot of growth, a lot of digging around in our shadow to see what we can face.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Old stuff comes up. We have some retrograde y type of things, I believe, with Mercury getting ready to happen too. So then here comes Mercury. An opportunity to face and deal with things you haven't dealt with before in the astrological and spiritual forces are in your favor to help you if you have bold enough to face your whole truth, a partial truth, the whole truth, because anything that's not a 100 percent truth is a lie.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So yes, 99. 99999 percent truth is bullshit and it will not do. And so I really feel like Madonna's album, Array of Light. Is reflective of ascension spiritual growth in this eclipse season that we're [00:04:00] in the website is sex, drugs and Jesus dot com before I forget to tell you that our YouTube channel sex, drugs and Jesus podcast and we're on all the social media and everything like that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Like to give a shout out to my mom down there in Louisiana. I will see you soon. And also to my two children, my cats, my Maine Coon mixed babies my lovely Miss Felicity Cleopatra, the Catalino de Serafino, my daughter, and then my boy, Mr. Felix, the Catalino de Serafino. And yes, they are that extra, that gorgeous, that beautiful.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And probably about 17 pounds each now. They're really long, fluffy. Maine Coon mix cats that still think they weigh a pound and like to crawl all over my chest and everything. And so, and I let them, what can I say? I like to spoil. Those who are under my, under my under my care, under my care. [00:05:00] Anyway, so I'm going to talk about a couple of the songs that really stand out to me from this album.

De'Vannon Seráphino: They will be Drowned World, Substitute for Love, Ray of Light, Nothing Really Matters. Sky fits heaven, frozen in the power of goodbye. Interesting thing about music is like you can listen to it today and then come back 10 years later and there's a whole other different meaning to it because you're looking at it Through a new set of eyes with this eclipse energy that we have going on.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It gives us an opportunity to look at things from the past. I'm saying we're returning to the past, but we have the opportunity to reevaluate what happened. How it happened, see, we can learn something new from it to help ourselves and then to go forth to help this world because we're here to serve the Lord, the divine, you know, and to be a benefit. We're not just here to consume and to get up every day and go find shit to [00:06:00] do. You know, we're here to do what our purpose is. What is our soul's mission? All of these things should be stirring in us right now. We're going to have the fun, but we got to be about the business of doing what the divine wants us to do.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And so this album came out in 1998. I think I was a junior and I was a junior in high school at that time. And I pulled a little blurb from billboard. com, which this will go in the show notes. I'm supposed to link to this article. So to quote billboard. com, they're saying, when ray of light drop, when ray of light dropped on February 22nd, 1998.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The world was already used to the idea of Madonna reinventing herself with each album. But even so, the Madonna Ciccone revealed on Ray of Light was a breathtaking departure from everything that had come before. Instead of pushing boundaries and pressing society's buttons with the smirk of a precocious child, [00:07:00] The then 39 year old singer was looking inward, and for the first time, she was admitting she didn't necessarily like what she saw.

De'Vannon Seráphino: She was admitting she didn't necessarily, I'm sorry, I'm saying the same thing again. For a pop star and songwriter defined by her ferocious confidence, Ray of Light showed us that after conquering the world, Madonna still had doubts. Even the strong, end of quote, even the strongest of us. Might have to deal with insecurities trying to pop up.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Envious emotions trying to come up, which we have the power to reject. It's not so much about what feelings try to come up and possess you or take hold of you, it's about what you feel. Block energies with and get on the same page with and allow to control and to possess you so anger could try to show up jealousy covetousness.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You don't have to accept that shit. You have to accept those emotions [00:08:00] when those come up those spirits trying to prevail over you. You have the power to rebuke those things. And to acknowledge that is there, then to make a decision that is not going to control you today. When those flashbacks come back, which can happen a lot about stressful situations you've been in the past, you know, all you have to say is, I shall never relive that experience again, and you won't, because it's already done.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You just have to remind your mind and your subconscious and your non conscious that that's the actual truth. Okay, you shall never relive those experiences again. So when the devil tries to bring those up, or if you prefer to say negative energies, whatever you want to talk about the forces that are working against you in this universe, and there are forces that do not want to see you succeed and you just got to accept that and grow up about that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And, but it doesn't matter what they bring up. You always have the power. Can anybody make you do nothing? You don't want to do. You know, generally speaking, with the acceptance of some extreme circumstances, which most people don't live in [00:09:00] those. So I know when Madonna released this album, I think she had just given birth.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Yeah. She had just given birth to her first child to Lourdes. And see the thing about childbirth, it is a type of death. For the parent, anything that we start in this life is a type of death. And this is why death is a beautiful thing. When 1 thing is ending, something else is beginning. If you go from being single, okay, to being in a relationship with 1 or more persons.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Well, that is the death. of your singlehood, your life is now on a completely different trajectory and is going to morph and change based on the dynamics of this new relationship. So it's not, so it's not, these things are not done in a vacuum. So when people go about the business of, oh, but getting all emotional, wanting to have children, that's all cute and all, but it's going to redirect your whole life.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You know, and, and same thing with the relationship, the warm fuzzy feelings, Oh, I'm going to get me someone to date. Okay, but you got to [00:10:00] have to sacrifice it. How your life as you know it will die. So it could be a beautiful thing, or it might not be just depends on how everything goes. I know that Madonna has spent a lot of time in the Orient, like Japan, you know, and different places like that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Right around the time that this album came out, that's why we see in the video for Nothing Really Matters, she is giving us that geisha energy, she's giving us that Japanese energy, and everything. And, As a very, very, I agree with what this billboard album because I remember interviews Madonna did during this time and the way she was talking became very like enlightened, super spiritual.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I think this is when she began to get super fucking healthy and get all meditative, you know, and, and stuff like that. And, because whatever she went through calls her to just take a completely different perspective on things when I went through the chaos of [00:11:00] last year, which I've covered in previous episodes, you know, that, that the devastation of that sort of foolishness, you know, from, from within a relationship and from with other people, you know, around me who I thought I could trust who I couldn't.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You know, it is a common thing for people who were able to make it out of that to experience, you know, rapid spiritual growth, you know, and I don't know at what point it caught up with me or whatever the fuck started happening. And then I realized that I was in some type of Kundalini rising, some type of ascension.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The, the issues that I dealt with forced me to propel and grow at an astronomical rate. And these eclipses that we're, that we've been in between and all of the energies that are prevailing this year. Have this kind of power, this sort of essence and flair to them. And so I want to tie this into this album.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And I invite you to whenever you have time to go back and listen to Madonna's ray of light and see what, what speaks to [00:12:00] you from it and see how we can use music to help us grow spiritually. To help us understand ourselves better. It's cool to twerk and shake our fat P H A T asses to all the songs that we can, honey, yes.

De'Vannon Seráphino: However, we gotta calm the fuck down and listen to the subtle messages within these lyrics, within ourselves. Life is too short to be fucking around. We gotta be serious about life, we can enjoy the fuck out of it, but we gotta get our spiritual selves tuned up. The first song is a drowned world substitute for love.

De'Vannon Seráphino: This is the opening song. Okay, and I mean, drowned world, it means a world that's drowning in its own emotions.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's not balanced, you know, you're not, if you're drowning, you're not staying afloat, you know, this is chaos. This is not what we [00:13:00] want to substitute for love. I mean that in the title, you know, she is Madonna's talking about the great many things that people go out there and do because they don't love themselves using drugs in a bad way, using sex in a bad way, using each other in a bad way, hiding from the truth and a million different ways.

De'Vannon Seráphino: doom scrolling through social media, whatever the case may be, overworking, staying at the office way too damn long, not being balanced. Over volunteering, doing anything too damn much. I mean, people can hide in the most interesting of places. So some of the lyrics from this song, I traded fame for love without a second thought.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It all became a silly game. Some things cannot be bought. This makes me think of from the book of Ecclesiastes, when Solomon is talking about vanity of vanities. Everything is vanity. It's vanity. Solomon was richest person, probably in the world at that [00:14:00] time, certainly the wisest in the book of Ecclesiastes.

De'Vannon Seráphino: He talks about how he tried every fucking thing. He could both coronal and spiritual and everything. And at the end of the day, he said, you know what, it all comes down to fulfilling your purpose for why you're here on this earth, fulfilling your purpose for your generation. Enjoy your labors, but do what you were sent here to do.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So Madonna had come full circle. She'd already been rich. She'd already, tried so much. And she's saying in an instant, she would trade all the fame for love. One thing that I've experienced to this past year is I've grown. It's like, there's a huge focus on who's close to me and the requirements are quite severe and quite intense because I'm focused on building like just a small elite team of people.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You know, who I can really rely on, and that, that emphasis on high quality, meaningful, close relationships [00:15:00] is something that as I've grown, I've realized how really how temporary this world and everything in it is, but those relationships have a more lasting value to them. You know, and I'm still in the middle of this growth process.

De'Vannon Seráphino: These ascensions that we experienced the last three years. Who knows? And there are some people believe they don't stop once they start. You start seeing all these secretistic numbers and things and everywhere you go. I mean, I've had this, you know, like on clocks, on televisions, you'll see them 555 111 444, you know, et cetera, et cetera, 222, you know, and, this also reminds me of an article.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Yeah. I was reading what I think when Madonna was living in the UK and some shit had happened something broke in her house on a holiday, and she was saying like no matter how much money she offered the repair guy. They absolutely refused to come and to repair it. And she was like, [00:16:00] according to this article I can't remember what magazine it was in, she was saying like it's refreshing to see that some people can't be bought.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You know, it's amazing how the very people who and this is no shade to Madonna, but you know, if you let people bend you to their will, they'll go with that. But if you're strong enough to resist them, they also have to respect you. If you don't. It's interesting the way that goes. People will try all kinds of things, but if actually.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Don't bend, then people kind of like take a step back and go, okay, this one's not going to be food like that. And so this just reminded me of that, that article I read more lyrics says I traded fame for love without a second thought. Oh, wait a minute, damn it. Let me read the same thing again. And she said, I traveled around the world looking for a home.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I found myself in crowded rooms feeling so alone.[00:17:00]

De'Vannon Seráphino: I've had that experience a bunch. I could have been in the middle of a huge ass rave with thousands of people. And sometimes I just feel like I just, like, I just can't connect with anybody. I think that this is like times when the Lord can be calling us to, to go be with him, because it's not for us to always be around a whole group of people, you know, our alone time with God must become of increasing importance rather than so much time with people.

De'Vannon Seráphino: There is a balance as we are physical beings, but we're also spiritual beings too. But after this physical time clock is run out, that spirit of yours is still going to be there. We gotta, we gotta start investing more into the afterlife while we yet live. And so this feeling of isolation can come upon us more frequently as we experience growth.

De'Vannon Seráphino: There will be people who come through this eclipses and actually [00:18:00]take advantage of this and learn and growth and change. I'm here to tell you that you are going to feel more and more isolated, around, you know, people who you used to be comfortable with. You're gonna find you have a less in common, you know, than people.

De'Vannon Seráphino: They're low operational conversations. You're not going to be interested in hearing it. The low vibrational things people like to put into their body, like fast food and sodas. You're not going to be interested in doing any of that anymore. And that's okay, because we should grow and change. We shouldn't be doing the same shit this year as we were doing last year, or 10 years ago, strictly speaking, you know, but some stuff, you know, we still don't play our video games and shit like that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But you know what the fuck I mean? Like. If there's room to grow, if I can grow, you know, you know, so I don't, I mean, my opinion, with the exception of some extenuating circumstances, if somebody has a kitchen to cook in, and I mean, you can set aside time to meal prep and things like that, because [00:19:00] what fast food cost you both physically, mentally, energetically, and financially.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You're really coming up short at the end of the day with fucking around with fast food. I don't think the people who own those companies actually eat the bullshit they're selling people. Which is an insult to the intelligence of people who are willing to eat it. But, so yeah, so that feeling of feeling alone is multitudinal. You know, I found myself, you know, checking into, like the psychedelic societies, you know, around New York, because I'm trying to find a group of people who are into consciousness expansion, who, when I say things like Kundalini rising or spiritual things, they know what I'm talking about.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I can't be around people who want to talk about what the Kardashians are doing, or who did what, or just money, or sex, or who's dating, you know, basic bitch bullshit. I ain't got time for that. And neither will you, once you grow. [00:20:00] So I'm just trying to tell you, you know, expect it, it's part of the process.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The lyrics continue, I had so many lovers who settled for the thrill. I mean, I love the fact that she's saying settled for the thrill because she's acknowledging the fact that no matter how many lovers you get or how much sex you can have, it's a basic ass thrill. She's saying she did this. She was a part of it, but she's also acknowledged that there really wasn't anything to it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay. More lyrics famous faces for all places trinkets. I can buy no handsome stranger petty danger drug that I can try. Well, this is this. This still speaks to me about like, how. Solomon was experimenting with things in the book of Ecclesiastes. I mean, [00:21:00] most people would, if you have a lot of money, a lot of fame, a lot of recognition as Solomon did, and so does Madonna, they tried shit and both of them came to the same conclusion, relationships.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Serving the divine, sorting out your soul's purpose at the end of the day. So people working hard to get rich or to have experiences, there's people who've done all that. And they've already told you that even if you go and have sex with everyone, you can get your hands on and do every drug and get your hands on and get all the money you can get your hands on.

De'Vannon Seráphino: If you have any fucking sense, then you understand that all of those things. are passing vanities. I'm going to do a different show about Lucifer's devices. And I'm going to teach you about the subtle ways that the devil tricks people with fools gold, which are things that have a certain aesthetic to them, but they don't have roots.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It won't last. And so I'm thankful to God for letting people. Get [00:22:00]wealthy, get fortune, get fame and everything. And then tell us just how much it really isn't. And so some people really, really want to be famous and rich, but I mean, there's, there's burdens that come along with that. And most people cannot handle having options.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Those people get consumed with what options they have. And they're not nowhere near being rich. There wouldn't be a world if everybody had as much money as they wanted, because some people just cannot fucking handle it. And so, The last thing from this song, she says, now I find I've changed my mind.

De'Vannon Seráphino: This is my religion. That's the whole point of the whole album. That's the whole point of going through spiritual growth at Ascension and Kundalini risings and taking advantage of the. Of the cosmic forces available, sent to us by God through eclipses and different things like that, and full moons, and, and all that, super moons, and so on and so forth.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Now I find I've changed. This is about changing your point of view, doing [00:23:00] something different, not living the life the same way that you had before. Okay, by the time this show comes out, 12, should be on the 12th of April. It won't matter that the eclipses happened. Cause like I said, we are still in this from the foreseeable future is that these things don't just go away overnight.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's not wanting to die. I will be in Guadalajara, go and hang out with some shamans and spiritual leaders, two of which are getting married and I'm going to be marinating in Mexico for a while because it's a blessing to go to Mexico, very open minded people, big hearted people safe. Very safe down there, care what you see on the news, you know, at least in the deep parts where I go into like Puerto Vallarta and Guadalajara Mexico City, you know, things like that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Anyway, I digress on that. Ray of Light is the next song. It is the name of the album. Also I think it's number three [00:24:00] on the track. Zephyr in the sky at night I wonder, Do my tears of mourning sink beneath the sun? She's got herself a universe gone quickly, For the call of thunder threatens everyone.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That call of thunder, Hmm, Is what in the tarot peeps. You know, we, we, we, you know, people refer to as it's like the tower that's called thunder is what shakes up and changes everything. We have a lightning striking. We have the voice of God rumbling and changing. When we had that earthquake up here the other day over in Jersey, you know, I was laying in bed and, and I thought maybe the wind was blowing, you know, the, the particular tower that I live in, it was like, it's kind of tall. And so I was like, it was like a gust of wind or whatever the case may be. Cause I was still like sleep. And then I started getting like these emergency warnings and everything like, Oh, [00:25:00]okay.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I personally don't think that it's a coincidence really that anything, nothing's really a coincidence to me, but especially like, The earthquake in the in, like, the New York City tri state area, you know, when we're in between, like, a lunar and a solar eclipse with all the other astrological. indications for this year.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I don't think just happened to happen. God will speak to us a million different ways from a dragonfly fluttering in front of you to a lady bug landing on the palm of your hand. The two seeing shooting stars to a Earthquakes in Jersey that are felt, you know, all across New York, you know, and I'm in Manhattan, building an earthquake, you know, I'm up here concerned about blizzards, blizzards and snow, snow storms, but lo and behold, we got earthquakes too.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I remember when I was living in Los An living in Southern California and working in Los Angeles, we went through a phase where there was like tornadoes and [00:26:00] like Watts and Compton and shit, you know, just unusual fucking weather like that. Yeah. Yeah. you know, happens when God is trying to get our attention.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So in this song, you know, Madonna's saying, for the call of thunder threatens everyone. There are certain things that happen that change the whole planet, be it the coronavirus, these astrological times that we're under. You know, and can't nobody escape karma. I don't care who you are because the God is not mocked whatsoever.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Any human souls that also will they read period. These are universal laws, which nobody can change. Every little thing you say and do will come back to you. In the book of Matthew, Jesus talks about how how humans will have to give an account for every idle word that has come out of our mouths. So everything is recorded in the books that are open in the book of Revelation, and it talks about how the books are open, which contain all of our works, everything that we do, there are no secrets.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And and then there was a little [00:27:00] book with everybody's name, who's, who's destined to be in the, written in the Lamb's book of life. And so.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That thunder comes and it shakes shit up. You have people who will fall and meet destruction, who didn't think it would ever happen. You have people who, who will come up and rise, who thought that the situation that they were going through was so damn bad that they were gonna die. You know, I've been there before.

De'Vannon Seráphino: A bitch ain't dead. No, she's very much fucking You know, and thriving and getting better and everything is working out in my favor because I honor God and I lean and depend on him. But we got to go through the darkness to be refined and stripped and have everything stripped away from us that we don't need so we can come out listening.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That is what this album is about. That's what this eclipse season and all these cosmic energies are trying to help us to do. She's got herself a [00:28:00] universe gone quickly. This speaks to me like, so it's like she had a universe, a life as she understood it, existence as she understood it, gone quickly. Okay, when these tower moments, as it's spoken in the tarot happen, This is shit that can happen faster than what you realize.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It comes upon you like it unawares. It's change you didn't think would ever happen. Doesn't matter that this girl had this universe. It's gone and it went quickly. But hey, she gets a new universe. And she's gonna have to learn to adjust into it back when it when I was getting ready to go to the military when I was 17 evangelist Nelson was telling me you know to go out into the world to make it I need to learn to adjust instead of thinking people should act like how I act.

De'Vannon Seráphino: She was telling me I need to win in Rome do as the Romans to a degree, don't do no foolishness, nothing like that I still got to be myself but there must be flexibility. Okay. [00:29:00]And I'm, and this, this woman, whoever this is, I guess Madonna's talking about herself, she let the universe go. She wasn't trying to hold on to shit that she used to do or used to have, whoever it was she thought she used to be.

De'Vannon Seráphino: This lyrics say she's got herself a universe gone quickly. She released what the spiritual forces were trying to take from her so that she could be granted something new and be better positioned to serve her purpose for the divine. For the is everyone. None can deliver you out of God's hands. I don't care who you are.

De'Vannon Seráphino: There's no witch you can go run to. There's no demon you can go pray to. There's no way to wiggle out of it. You know? Then the final lyrics from this song, Madonna says, And I feel very famous and I feel like I just got home. Haven't had all the money, all the fame, all the people licking her ass everywhere that she goes.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It wasn't until she went through this [00:30:00] cataclysmic change that she's saying, like, I just got home now. I feel like I know who I am now. I feel like I've accomplished all this, you know, in the book of Proverbs, it talks about how, how a human can scale a whole city and not know themselves. A person can accomplish great things, have all the kids and the money and all the lovers and all the sex, but completely have no fucking idea who they are.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And so, so, so I'm happy Madonna made it home, but what I'm trying to get you to understand that by this point, she already had the shit that you think that you want to have in life. Now you're not her. And so your responses to things in life are going to be different, but yet we all carry certain commonalities.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay, home, she found, was in her relationships. You know, this new kid that she had changed her perspective. Home, to me, is in those very relationships that I'm trying to [00:31:00] cultivate with people who really fucking get me and understand me. I'm a weird motherfucker. Like, I really am a strange person, and I'm, and that is a part of power.

De'Vannon Seráphino: For God's sakes, I don't want to be like most people. How boring would that be? And so, this is a time where lightworkers are standing up, and it's okay to be weird. It's okay to be different. It always was, but more collectively, people are starting to see that there is more strength in being the weird person in the room than being the system relevant person who looks and walks and talks like every fucking body else.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Nobody wants that. Nobody really fucking sins. And so, home, you know, is where your heart is. And the Lord said wherever your treasure is, so your heart would be also. So what do you really value? You know, spirituality, the divine. You know, that's where my true home is, is with the Lord in heaven. I'm here on this earth to help you all out, but I'd rather go be with him.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I will in time. I have much work to [00:32:00] do. And so home, home, where are you the most comfortable? You know, home, home, home, home here is coming into an understanding of who you are and why you are. And having the right team of highly scrutinized, well qualified people around you. I'm talking about friends.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The right business partners, taking your time when it comes to finding people to get in bed with all of this work that you're doing can very easily and quickly be unraveled. If you open yourself up sexually to the wrong sort of people, I have warned you about sex magic, witchcraft, dark magic, dark intentions, and I released a blog that's about halfway done, but it was just time to get it out there.

De'Vannon Seráphino: On my website, I consulted with two other shamans that I know and are two shamans that I know and to [00:33:00] ask, to answer questions about the spiritual aspect of sex. No, your parents didn't teach you this. No, they didn't know. I'm done talking about what parents didn't do. What we can do is reeducate ourselves.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And learn different. I am going down a path myself of learning like sexual shamanism, sexual alchemy and refraining myself from being sexually active. No dating, no nothing like that until I get a new head of knowledge. Cause I wasn't trained right with sex. I don't want to do it wrong anymore. I want to be sure who the fuck I'm dealing with and I want to worship the divine through sexual hope.

De'Vannon Seráphino: interactions which you can do everything from mindful spiritual masturbation to alchemical shamanistic tantric sex with, with your partner. There's like specific training that I'm going to take for this. So I don't know how that works with like polyamory or anything [00:34:00] like that yet, but I will be able to tell you this information this year at some point.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So home is when you know who's around you, who you are, is having shit in place, balanced out. It's very intentional living. Where everything is accounted for and if it or a person doesn't add value within the dynamic has to be renegotiated or it has to be excommunicated, but this is us not allowing for foolishness on any level.

De'Vannon Seráphino: There are billions of people in this world. If somebody isn't treating you right, bitch, go find some fucking body else is really just that damn simple. And, you know, in theory, I mean, the dynamics and the inner workings and unraveling from people might not be, but if it's not going to work, it's not going to work my, my, my favorite scene from Shrek.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I think it was Shrek 2 when the gingerbread dude got big and he went stomping through town. He smashed the [00:35:00] Starbucks and everybody ran out there and like chaos and pandemonium and just screaming. And then they just ran across the street to the other Starbucks. You know, so, and I love the valuable life lesson there.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So if there's some foolishness going on with one person, okay, let that tower moment happen. Let it crumble to the fucking ground. Okay. I go across the streets somewhere. There is nothing nobody's doing or selling in this world that you can't get somewhere else. So tolerate nothing does not respect me because you can always do better.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Or as we would say in the game, if you're going to trade, trade up. We're not gonna negotiate that. So the next song is gonna be Nothing Really Matters. This is the one with all the Japanese inspiration in it. I fucking love it. Y'all know I love me some Japan. You know, I might pop up there any day now just hanging out.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I mean, you [00:36:00] know, living in New York has its perks and damn near probably every fucking airline in the world comes through our airports. And so it's, you know, getting somewhere from up here. It's like nothing, nothing really matters. So let me read these lyrics. When I was very young and nothing really mattered to me, but making myself happy, I was the only one.

De'Vannon Seráphino: How many of us were selfish little shits, you know, when we were, when we were younger, you know, I remember being an arrogant little fucking child when I was like, I don't know, like four or five, because I guess I got that was spoiled. Whoever the reasons are, but at the same time, I was still generous and helping people, but I.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I used to just, people used to like, try to just get my attention, you know, so much when I was a child that I just wanted to sleep because I was fucking tired. But, [00:37:00] but I remember being kind of, I was having like a few moments. It's not like it was all the time, but the beautiful thing here is, We grow out of it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's sad when you see people well into their adult years who were still living from a script that they feel like everything has to be about them or for them, and they haven't understood the power that comes with living to serve other people. You know, like like Yoda told Anakin, you know, you got to learn to let go of that, which you fear to lose.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So that you can actually get what's meant for you to have, but because when you're holding on to things, you can only see that thing, but there's like many, many things that can be had, but you know, got to let go. You got to let go to tunnel vision there. And that's then Madonna continues and she says, now that I am grown, everything's changed a person can she's not talking about physical age.

De'Vannon Seráphino: She's talking about she. Has [00:38:00] leveled up spiritually. Okay, 39 years old when ray of light dropped when this album dropped. She's saying now that I am ground, not she turned 18. You know, so sometimes we'd be thinking we're, we're adulting. We, you, we have to become adults financially and all of that. Sure. But you also have to grow up, grow up spiritually, emotionally.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay. Mastering things like detachment, forgiveness, You know, not playing a victim, you know, being aware when these energies start to try to lurk around in your presence you know, things are never going to be perfect, but you can get pretty fucking skilled at becoming aware of. Adverse energies and spirits that don't need to be in your presence, be it physically manifesting, like, in a person or just some, some shit you're picking up on when you're by yourself.[00:39:00]

De'Vannon Seráphino: And she says, I'll never be the same because of you. Now, this, you could be her little daughter, it could, she could be talking about the change that have happened. She could be referencing back to that. thunder from the ray of light song that threatens everyone. But whatever it is that happened, she was one way and now she's never going to be the same.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The divanin that I am today, sitting here on April the 8th of the year 2024, is completely fucking different than the divanin that I was on April 8th of 2023. Okay.

De'Vannon Seráphino: There, most people in esoteric circles seem to agree and believe that there is like a wave of enlightenment sweeping the world, okay, where God is In my opinion, echoing what is spoken of in the book of Joel in the Old Testament, where the Lord talks about how in the last days, he will pour out his spirit upon all flesh.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And so, but when the spirit of the [00:40:00] Lord comes, you get liberty. I mean, the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty. There is life. There is freedom. There is peace. There's healing. So for somebody to be granted a spiritual awakening of any kind, you know, the spirit of God has to be present for that to pull back the darkness that has had you blind to some degree.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And so.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You won't be the same, you know, once that happens, which is a death that you must go through, it'll be uncomfortable as fuck, but it gets better with time, you know, but what good, what, what good, you know, I'm going to quote John wick at some point, you know, what good is life when it's convenient, you know, we grow through, you know, the problems and the pain and the bullshit and all of these different things, you know, that we go through, you know, that that's where the value is.[00:41:00]

De'Vannon Seráphino: Madonna continues. Nothing really matters. Love is all we need. Everything I give you all comes back to me after all the fortune, all the fame, all the lovers spoken of in previous songs. At the end of the day, love, valuable, high quality relationships. The select few is what it boils down to. So with a bunch of money, what can you do?

De'Vannon Seráphino: Go fly somewhere else, go have some other experience, go eat the next most exotic thing, go find a new drug, go buy you some whores, whatever the case may be, yawn. You know, what never does get old is a true connection, that conversation between you and God and conversation between you and people who you know you can trust unequivocally.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You The love from our spirit animals, [00:42:00] you know, you know, that, that, that psychic connection between us and especially cats, you know, is, is, is intense. It's a very, very real and very, very severe and like the best way every animal has that kind of ability in them. And even every insect is really about us as humans getting a heightened sense of awareness.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You know, to be able to understand nature in a way we have not understood it before. All of that is going on through this whole Ray of Light album. This is a whole metamorphosis. And again, this time that we're in, this is a strong time and a strong year. People want to change that. They can, I don't care what it is.

De'Vannon Seráphino: There is nothing that God can't deliver you from. Okay. Because all power. You know, belongs to God, and there is nothing that he cannot undo. And so, you know, I never thought in a million years that I [00:43:00] actually would stop drinking, and I have, and I just drink de alcoholized things, and bars actually have plenty of de alcoholized options, or just fucking juice, and it's not weird, it's not strange at all.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I feel like it's, it's a power, it's a position of power, it's a power move to be the only person at a bar, at a restaurant, or at some sort of function, not drinking. The weird one in the room is the strong one in the room. I'll say that again. The weird one in the room is the strong one in the room. That's my story and I'm fucking sticking to it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And, and it all comes back to me. That's referencing the karma that Spoke earlier. God is not mocked whatsoever any human souls that also will they read Madonna continues. I realize that nobody wins something is ending is something begins. This is referencing back to me the universe that the woman from the ray of light song.

De'Vannon Seráphino: She's she's got herself a universe gone quickly. That one ended, but another one begin. [00:44:00] You enter into a relationship, your singleness ends. That's there's a death, the new birth. This is a relationship. That relationship ends. That's a death. Your new birth is you. This is why it is important when a relationship ends that you don't go take your ass.

De'Vannon Seráphino: to start having sex with a lot of people, or really anyone, or to start, for fuck's sake, not having rebound sex with the person you broke up with a large, or not rebound sex, or having sex with the person that you broke up with, or any kind of rebound sex. You need to give yourself time to go through the transition of becoming single and, and, and really getting the lessons out of the breakup and out of the relationship.

De'Vannon Seráphino: If you don't slow down to give yourself that time to heal and to learn, then the likeliness of you hopping into another relationship that that's gonna fuck up is [00:45:00] high because you're not ready. You have a weak foundation. You're not strong as you think you are, but you need to wait. You know, something in something begins.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay. So the relationship in it, you're single. Now you're turning into a new you, but you need to give time for that to completely happen before you go run off and get into another relationship again, as you could very subtly subconsciously and non consciously. Be using that new relationship. And I just don't even know what to say about people who are consciously intentionally using a new relationship to try to patch over old pain.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Shame on you. Like, if you're intentionally doing that, and so you need to stop and, because all you're doing is ultimately, well, and so, [00:46:00] how did Sam Cooke say it? I'm too, too good at goodbye. No, Sam Smith wrote that song. I'm too good at goodbyes. You better learn how to get good at goodbyes. I used to hate saying goodbyes and things like that. Now I love it. I look forward to the next relationship I can cut off or detach. It's so liberating.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's like losing weight. And, and it's constantly sending a signal and a message to the divine that you actually are serious about your spiritual growth and your divine purpose. And if you are, then there's no way that you're going to tolerate less acceptable people around you. And so, but you're not here to serve humans more so than you are to serve God, but in by serving God, you end up serving humans, but your priorities have got to be right.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So we got to learn to let go. There's nothing that you have lost that you can't get again, but your intentions have got to be right. Like you can't go to God just wanting shit for the sake of having shit, you know, like, and especially if you haven't healed, you know, you got to get your priorities in line.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Your reason [00:47:00] for existence has to come first. Then Madonna and this song says nothing. Takes the past away like the future. Nothing makes the darkness go like the light. And it also has been said, and I can't remember who said this quote, that the wound is the point part in us where the light enters. So during this year, during this time, let you know, be in that shadow, feel the feelings of whatever pain you went through and let that light come in through those wounds.

De'Vannon Seráphino: She said nothing takes the past away like the future. I agree with that. But some of these changes are not going to happen overnight. When I got out of that terrible situation last year, shit, I, I, I, I tried to fix it instantly. Even changing my last name, you know, things we initiate these changes. Like I was mentioning earlier, it's like this [00:48:00] eclipse will inject and plant seeds of change that are going to need time to germinate, you know, you know, I mean, it took the better part of a year, you know, for me to, to, to become who I am in a solid grounded way where I feel like I'm ready to really go forth and You know, in my new strength, in my new personality, in my new, you know, people I haven't been around in a while, who I will see when I'm back in Louisiana here shortly, I mean, we damn near might have to have reintroductions, you know, the changes that can come upon an individual who's really fucking ready to change.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You know, you should not, in essence, look like the same person. Like you want to have certain habits still. I still play with my Xbox. I still garden the way I show up to situations, the way I deal with relationships of any kind, [00:49:00] the way I might, the way I think internally, the way I don't let people bother me.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You know, the way, the way that you show up to life. You know, which is how people perceive you is what will change. Okay. You like to cook. You're probably still going to like to cook, you know, things of that nature, the way you approach God, you know, things like that can take on a new form.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Nothing takes the past away like the future. Nothing makes the darkness go like the light. The Maori proverb says, when we turn our face to the sun, the shadows fall behind us. Okay, this is about keeping your focus on what's ahead of you, because those old energies are going to come up and try to pull you back.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Things that you've been tied to, your habits, your whatever they are, overthinking, critical self talk, those are all habits. Neuropathways that have been formed, not just drugs, sex, or whatever the case may [00:50:00] be. Gambling, excessive traveling, or whatever, whatever kind of like addiction. or pattern, negative pattern, we'll say it like that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That shit's not interested in letting you go. Because remember, there are sentient spirits and entities attached to everything, and these things bond with you. So like, you've been incessantly doing whatever for years. It's because you're ready to turn away from it. I mean, the shit's going to want to turn away from you.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But the challenge is for you to To get up every day and to still I say I'm moving forward. I'm pressing forward. I physically say I speak light and I speak light into my future. Okay. You can rebuke the darkness in the name of Jesus. If you would be so powerful, but you got to say focus on what is a head and let go of what's behind you.

De'Vannon Seráphino: What. The Apostle Paul said that the one thing he does is to press toward the mark [00:51:00] for the prize of the high calling that is in Christ Jesus and forgetting those things which are past. What Fleetwood Mac said, like, don't stop thinking about tomorrow. It'll soon be here. Yesterday is gone. Yesterday's gone.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Come on, Stevie Nicks. Yes. And, That's enough from that song. One of my favorite videos of all time, though, that nothing really matters. So, Sky Fits Heaven, she says, traveling down this road, watching the signs as I go, I think I'll follow the sun. Isn't everyone just traveling down their own road, watching the signs as they go?

De'Vannon Seráphino: I think I'll follow my heart. It's a very good place to start. Let us pay attention to the signs, you know, and my prayer for you is as you grow spiritually, you will be able to see the signs and the way God speaks to us. You can hear it in the wind. Before that earthquake happened up here, it was raining torrentially like a day or three before, [00:52:00] and I was listening through the spirit at this rain, and I said that rain sounds bad.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You know, it had like an angry, you know, sound to it, you know, so I'm like, you know, you know, what is God angry about? I'm not suggesting the earthquake was punishment. I didn't say that. But, but I'm saying like, there's, there's meanings to things in certain formations of clouds, you know, you can. Sometimes the weather can feel ominous, you know, and you can tell something bad is about to happen.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's the gas in the house tonight, or whatever the case may be. So let us watch the signs. I mentioned the synchronicities in the numbers. You know, if you keep seeing 555, maybe Google what does 555 mean? Sunsigns. org is a great website for numerology. There's YouTube videos, there's all kinds of things to help you understand.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But when shit keeps happening, Are you here? You keep hearing you're seeing patterns to stop [00:53:00] blowing that off. Don't brush that off. You know, God's trying to talk to you. So, Madonna's talking about watching the signs as you go travel down your road, but pay attention, learn how to read the tea leaves. Okay.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Read the room what's going on here live intentionally and be thankful that you're being directed by God by the divine and let that direction happen, but also be concerned about your contribution to the divine in return, you know, I've expressed in the past, you know, my frustration with the amount of manifesting that this world likes to do for physical things.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I want you to start manifesting spiritual growth. Your ascensions, a close relationship with God, manifest spiritual understanding, manifest wisdom, manifest more faith. And I don't care what anybody says, everybody operates on some level of faith. So you might not want to believe in God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost, but you [00:54:00] might believe in some YouTube or whatever, telling you that they're star seeds and indigo children, or that they.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Of what they're reading and coffee grinds are literally in tea leaves. You have enough faith to believe that the people who wrote. And he has given us this information on all of these astrological signs is true. You believe that validated that I researched to try to see, you know, who came up with all of this stuff.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Like. The numerology astrological signs, you know, where did it come from? What spirit gave us this? The research only goes back to like, certain enlightened minds of the age. And it's like, they just came up with it. It doesn't really answer who, because we've been able to use, say, the Zodiac and we know, okay, well, most people born under the sign of Pisces seem to act like this.

De'Vannon Seráphino: We can validate that and prove it. But [00:55:00] much of it, okay. Is still you going on faith, you're choosing to believe that whoever's intuiting whatever reading your tarot cards are divining for you in whatever kind of way you put a faith in that person and putting faith in the cards and the deck, you're putting faith in the gemstones or the crystals or in the candles or whatever it is that they're using.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So you've got faith that the people who that you where you go out to eat are going to poison you put some shit in your food. I have known of things like that to happen, you know, but people said in the restaurants believe that it would but did, you know, we have faith every fucking second of the day.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay, there's a lot of faith. You just might not choose to believe in God with it and that is totally your choice. But I'm trying to get you to understand is we're all people of faith. It's just what are you choosing? Put your faith in. You believe we believe, you know, so much from that our car or the train will take us to the other side of town or [00:56:00] that we'll be able to stand up and walk across the room.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Some people wake up and they actually can't do that, depending on what ailment has taken over them, taking hold on them throughout the night. You know, but we have a lot of faith, a lot of faith. The next part says oh, that she mentioned following her heart. It's a very good place to start. When's the last time that you absolutely lived for yourself in the terms of doing what you want to do?

De'Vannon Seráphino: Because this is a You want to do it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Not to somebody else wants you to do it. Be your manipulative parents, friends, lovers, people you're sleeping with, you know, not not coercion, not your family. People you doing what you want to do, because you want to do it. You got to follow your heart. That is your path of happiness. So you have a job that you hate.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's established an exit plan to leave. No matter how much money you make, the misery [00:57:00] that you have, it's not going to compensate for the fact that you're expending energy every day to something that you know, you're not aligned. So ultimately you're going to cancel it all out, whatever kind of progress or prosperity you think you're getting from that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And so fate fits karma. So use it. That's what the wise man said to me. Fate fits. Karma means. Whatever happens to you in the future is heavily tied to what you're doing today. So, so what some people try to just act like is random ass fate or don't know why this happened to me. Well, you may have forgotten what you did back then when I was in the hospital.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The fuck was I in Brooklyn. I was one of the people who I was roomed with. Because he had COVID and I had COVID at the time. God helped me. These respiratory diseases in New York are fucking strong. [00:58:00] Period. It is strong. I can see why New York was so hit with COVID, but I didn't, I haven't had them now, so my immune system is New York strong.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I had rhinovirus, COVID twice and pneumonia since I've been here and the flu. You know, and my lab results are fine. It's just these, these viruses here are getting my body ready for the whole world. You can make it in New York, you can make it anywhere. Biologically speaking. But this fool What's that in there?

De'Vannon Seráphino: Telling, you know, telling me about how he used to cheat on his girl, you know, have her waiting to go on a date with him. He'll cancel this. We could go have sex with some other girl just playing foolish, childish, low vibrational masculine games like that. And now he's sitting there. He gets his positive HIV diagnosis while I'm in the hospital with him.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And, and yeah, hospitals are just that tacky where they don't, I mean, patient confidentiality just doesn't [00:59:00] exist. No hospital I've been in actually honors that anymore. They talk loud, they tell all your business, everybody on the whole damn floor knows what's going on. It's just the way they are. So I don't think anybody even works at HIPAA anymore.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And so, so he sat in there crying and shit. Cause he got HIV and his current girlfriend. You know, was texting certain questions that made it seem like she's been out there sleeping around on him. Well, he had gotten to a point in his life, he decided to stop being a hoe. Okay, but that does not erase all the time that you spent hoeing.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And so now that you're ready to be all responsible and shit, don't mean that you not gonna have to pay and it's not for you to decide. What your comeuppance is going to be. See, that's one of the tricks of Lucifer. He will trick you into doing things today that give you pleasure as your mind, which is a [01:00:00] broken mind, if you're under that type of influence, to be willing to do such low things.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But he'll, the devil will trick you into having that pleasure today, but it's going to cost you so fucking much more in the future. Okay, so he and the bitterness will be so strong that, you know, everybody's gonna remember whatever fucking fleeting ass pleasure you had when he was out there having sex or doing whatever the fuck was done with dishonest intentions and so a harmful intentions to people and, Don't be sitting there crying actually verbally saying why me what did I do to deserve this?

De'Vannon Seráphino: I kept my mouth shut because it's not for me to explain to motherfucking, you know, little boys and shit. Why, you know, they've got to connect those dots on their own, you know, he can't he couldn't understood why he can't run around and cheat on people today. And now the now you have it has been decided [01:01:00] by the powers that be.

De'Vannon Seráphino: God, or whatever you want to call it, that your portion is to now have HIV. Probably got from the current person you're with. And, and as the angels, as the angels speak, you know, in the book of revelation, when God's judgments are coming down upon people, you are worthy Lord, because you have judged us, whether the Lord decides to strike somebody from this earth and kill them for the things they have done, or to inflict them with the disease or to drive them crazy in their mind.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I mean, God has done that. everything in his arsenal to balance those karmic skills and they will be balanced. Don't let people tell you that God is so nice and or the divine is just this fluffy being that's only good and doesn't judge people and will never ever hurt anyone. The Lord will repay to you your ways.

De'Vannon Seráphino: God holds the power of life and death. In his hands, when Jesus got up out the grave, he said, he has, he has the, he said, behold, [01:02:00] all power is given into my hands, which means the keys of death and hell, you know, belong to God. All power belongs to God. It is too damn delusional. To think that we as humans, which are a reflection of the divine, have all these different aspects to us from anger and rage and pleasantness and all the things.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And God is just going to be one way he is a consistent being, but he has emotions. He has a personality and there's side to him that gets really pissed off when people hurt his children. Okay, so don't let people tell you that the hand of God cannot be against you. Oh, yes, it can. You know, there's scripture that speaks about how God will speak against people and fight against people.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's a terrible position to be in, but when you do janky, low vibration of shit to people, what Madonna is talking about here, fate fits karma. Your fate, you are deciding it today based on how you treat people today. And what I'm trying to get you to understand is you need to [01:03:00]stop letting The devil fool you into cheap fools gold drills, just to have some fun in this moment when that shit could cost you like years of your life to some of these karmic cycles.

De'Vannon Seráphino: People get in last for years. It's not decades. It's not for you to decide what the punishment will be or how long it's going to last. So, so you go have your little sex sessions or your seances where you're trying to cast black magic against people or lie and fabricate contracts or whatever kind of janky shit you're doing.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay, it might not take you that much time to do those things, but what if the Lord decides you will have five years of chaos because of that? He might. You have no fucking clue. On the flip side of the coin, good shit happens too if you do good shit. I mean, the Lord really, really has done amazing and incredible things internally.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The way I love myself, the way I think about myself, the boundaries I enforce with motherfuckers. Shit that I wasn't able to do, [01:04:00] like, about a year ago. I'm doing that shit now. I'm very well established in New York City, even though my initiation was rough as a son of a bitch. But it helped me to build character.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The Lord has, has worked so many marvelous things, you know. Like 2024, you know, you know, the van is back, period. And I give glory to God for that, you know, period. But you know, fate fits perfectly. Karma, you so into people, even though they despitefully use you, God is going to get them, but you're also going to get your good payback to you will have, even if, even if you have problems, you understand how you can look at that problem and see the value in it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Doesn't matter. There's no door that's really closed to you when you walk with the Lord. That's just a redirection. You didn't need to go through it any damn way. So fate fits karma. There is something so karmic about this time. It's just like, [01:05:00] it's just like whatever the fuck has happened is right in front of people and nobody can hide from it or run away.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Which is a mercy because God is trying to afford you the opportunity to deal with your shit while you're yet alive and you can, okay? Do it today because tomorrow is not promised and stop thinking you're gonna come back as a giraffe or some goddamn butterfly or some bug or some insect. You better treat this life like it's the only one because that's a high gamble to take.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The thing that you just get to very fluffily just keep doing it again. I mean, there is some shit that just sounds too good to be true. You From God just being this titty bear that just showers rainbows upon people all the time and nothing else. To be able to fuck over life and just keep getting reincarnated.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I mean, no, I'm telling you, no. And so she says fate fits karma. So use it. [01:06:00] That's what the wise man said to me. Well, I hope y'all learn to listen to wisdom and wise people and how to discern who's wise and who isn't. Because wisdom is great when you have it around you. Use it because the wise people are not guaranteed to be around you forever.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The prophets don't live forever, as it says in the in the Bible, you know, learn to go to God for yourself. But if you're graced to having somebody who has more wisdom than you, and they think enough of you to speak that to you, you better listen to that person because it's not guaranteed they're going to be there tomorrow.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay, hand fits giving. So do it. That's what the gospel said to me. Life fits giving. So let your judgments go. That's how our future should be. Reminds me of a dream that I had and the Lord was showing me Republicans. It was a beautiful melodious song singing. When you hear good music in your, in your [01:07:00] dream space, this is a good thing.

De'Vannon Seráphino: This is a very auspicious sign. And it was Republicans wanting to establish a new point of view, acknowledging that they had been doing people wrong.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And I was like, this was during a time where I was very anti fucking Republican. I mean, I still am because I mean, because of the way they hurt people, I'm not against them because of their values, but so much of the current Republican party has to do with being against. Minorities are against people who they think are less than them and treating people any kind of way.

De'Vannon Seráphino: They're not really for anything. It's like they take this fear and this anger and they use that to motivate people and they are things that do motivate people. Low vibrational fucking basic bitch people, but motivation to people all the same. And in this dream the Lord is showing me that he's changing the hearts of those types of people.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Old, [01:08:00] white, racist, financially stable people are some of the last people in this earth who are going to give a fuck about changing. They're surrounded by people who are supporting their bullshit, and for the Lord to show me this in a dream, the Lord knew I needed a song to confirm the validity of what he is telling me.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I'm all like, people can change. And they do, and the Lord has, you know, another thing that I've struggled with, you know, we talk about ascensions and Kundalini risings and all of that and awakenings and such a positive, like, there's some shadow aspects to that, too, you know, so I had to circumnavigate through this phase of, you know, realizing, you know, that now, most places I go to, I'm the wisest person in the room, and not being so utterly, like, bored with people, or, harboring a disdain towards people because, you know, They are where they're at, and now my wisdom is elevated above [01:09:00] that, you know, I've had other dreams about that, you know, basically, with an ascension can come like a type of arrogance and a hubris where you do understand that you're stronger than people.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And I am, but in that same breath. The whole reason for the strength is to help the weakest among us. So letting our judgments go, you know, at face value, you would think, you know, stop the anti gay shit, stop the anti, you know, black shit, you know, African American shit or whatever the case might be, but.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Also, for those of us who have experienced awakenings and ascensions to not judge people who are not ascended like we are. Okay. So that was one that I had to, that the Lord had to deal with me on, and to really get into my face about is, even in my thoughts. You know, and it took some doing, but you know, the Lord is a [01:10:00] gracious God, you know, to just be able to listen to somebody saying it and planning and doing things that I know is going to hurt them super low vibrational, but that is what's important to them.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You know, that's what's important to them getting laid or just going to do whatever type of bullshit that people like to do that really doesn't edify. It doesn't enhance, but I can't judge people. I have to wait for the opportunity to speak. If at all in sometimes it's about shutting up or just praying silently, you know, for someone that when I see where Madonna is saying, let your judgment to go.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That's what I'm reminded of. And with this dream about the Republicans and other dreams that I've had. You know, you know, the Lord wants those of us who have been ascended to really, really work with people, which means we're going to have to have really good spiritual hygiene when we're alone and doing our yoga and our meditations, our drumming, our music circles, whatever the fuck that it is that we do, our crystal [01:11:00] work, going to the damn spa bench and nothing like hopping in a hot tub or a sauna, you know, you know, We got to recharge, you know, that's why Jesus was constantly on the Mount of Olives with his, with his chosen few, his small elite team, you know, you know, that, you know, that way he had his crowd that he felt like understood him, he would go and impart his wisdom to people that he'd go fuck back up on the Mount of Olives and shit like that, you know, so we got to be very, very balanced, balance, balance, balance, you know, speak balance to this world.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Lord, balance your people out in the name of thy son, Frozen. Okay, this is the one song, no matter what, what male I have spoken to in this world, he could be like, totally fucking masculine type of dude who don't fucking listen to Madonna. Okay, every dude knows about this motherfucking song. Cause that one scene, [01:12:00] where Madonna turns into the, those, those, Dobermans or fucking German Shepherds or whatever kind of dogs they are.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I don't, you know, but this video is very like, it's blue and black. This one in the next and last song, I'm going to talk about the power of goodbye. Echo each other with that monochromatic tone. It's like very, just very emotional, fluid, violet y type, blue and black, cold as fuck, cold vibes, all fucking Day long and throughout the night, but every guy in the world knows about that one Madonna song when she turned into the dog and she turned into like birds and all kinds of shit too.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But this song is about letting people go who won't be flexible. The lyrics, you only see what your eyes want to see. How can life be what you want it to be? You're frozen. When your heart's not open, you ever deal with a person who's so in their own way [01:13:00] that they say they want this, but then they act like that and that the words that leave their mouth don't or not congruent with the way they choose to live.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay. In this song Madonna is just saying, you know, you're, you're not the person who I thought you were hoped you could be this is how you actually are. Yeah. I'm willing now to see you for how you really are a part of, you know, going through bad relationships of any kind, coworkers, friends, business, family, children.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Whatever is getting to a point where you can actually acknowledge the evil low vibrations, however you choose to describe it within motherfucking people, you know, she continues, you're so consumed with how much you get. You waste your time with hate and regret. You're broken when your heart's not open.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You ever meet somebody who want to complain about old shit.

De'Vannon Seráphino: She says you [01:14:00] waste your time with hate and regret. And you still consume with how much you get. It's like the more people get. This consumerism, no matter how many people you sleep with, how much you can drink, no matter how much you can travel and feed yourself on anything that can be consumed from shopping to whatever.

De'Vannon Seráphino: If you don't get into your shadow and deal with the shit that's there, Hilda and her child, you ain't living the type of life you could be. Period. Period. Being distracted with distractions. That is the consumerism she's talking about here, while wasting time with hate and regret. You have to face whatever it is you hate, whatever it is you regret.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Use this year of the eclipses, I will call it, for this. Get on them ashy kneecaps as the old person, old people used to tell us, and pray. And get down there and pray at length. Them little popcorn [01:15:00] prayers ain't gonna cut it. You have got to labor before the Lord. You know, we would do all kinds of things that bring us pleasure for an extended period of time.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And then when it comes down to soul work, healing, being of service to God, it needs to be done quick, if at all. Uh uh, they ain't gonna cut it. Because like I said, the things you're trying to break from don't want you to be broken free. You got to convince God to help you. Okay. Okay. You like to be convinced to what, buy this, buy that, you know how people get, you know, they'll be like, I'll consider if I'll buy this or travel here.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Well, as much as you have a right to do that, why should God hop on at the split of a finger and a snap of a finger just because you asked him to do some shit. Especially when you're not really close to God like that in the first place. You know, you don't do shit for people who aren't close to you like you would for people who are close to you.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Person X could come and ask you [01:16:00] for thing X. You'd be like, no, no, no, huh? And your best friend could ask you for that same damn thing. You'd be like, oh, here, girl, you don't have to talk like a girl. I don't need it anyway. You know, and I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, but we treat people different based on how we view those people.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You All of us do that. And so God is not just going to do some shit for you because you say so, because after years of ignoring him, you decide that you're actually going to pay attention. And then you're going there to get shit, you know, so

De'Vannon Seráphino: anyway, now there's no point in placing the blame and you should know I suffer the same if I lose you, my heart will be broken. One sign of spiritual maturation is when you stop worrying about who the fuck is the blame. You stop arguing. You understand that arguing is a choice. [01:17:00] Everything you do is a choice.

De'Vannon Seráphino: No way I can make you do what you don't want to do. Stay away from people or proceed with caution with people really fucking stay away from people who have this thing about them where they think that arguing must be a part of the human existence. No, it's a part of their existence. There are people who have been in my life for decades.

De'Vannon Seráphino: We've never had one fucking fight. We're truthful with each other. We'll check each other and love to keep each other in line. But we don't raise, we've never fucking raised our voices that we've been friends a long time. Okay, so a part of growth is getting out of this blaming that matter. Everybody's going to give an account for their own actions.

De'Vannon Seráphino: However, anybody's acting is the extent to which they can. So there's no point in trying to change people. This song is about that. Just acknowledging this person is deeply in their negative vibration coming from their [01:18:00] shadow. I can't do anything with this relationship is not going to work. You might have to make this decision about your kids one day.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You know, you know, doesn't matter. A person is an individual soul with their own decisions. You can't do anything with people like, like, like the angel Gabriel told Daniel, the wicked shall do wickedly like there. He just moved on to the next subject. There isn't anything that you can do. People are going to do what the fuck they want to do.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And so, I love that. She's acknowledging, you know, if I lose you, my heart will be broken because she's saying this ain't going to work. I'm going to face these feelings and go through it. But go through it. I will. Then she goes on to say, if I could melt your heart, we'd never be apart. Give yourself to me. You hold the key.

De'Vannon Seráphino: She's mourning the loss of something that had potential every relationship. I had, I wanted it to work. It didn't because I was in that narcissistic cycle and [01:19:00] everything like that, which is now been shattered and banished and just disintegrated. There's nothing left of it. She understood this other person could have changed by saying that they hold the key to their own happiness.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You know, but they chose to hold on to hate and regret, but if only she could have melted that heart, but you know, that person did not want their own heart to melt. She's specifically talking about romance here because, you know, Madonna's had her ups and downs when it comes to relationships, but we can always apply this to other dynamics, but this is giving me strong, like lover romance vibes because these are our closest, some of our closest relationships, probably the closest.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Because most people should not be seeing naked and all of that. It's a very vulnerable thing. And as we discussed in the sex blog that's now live on my website, sexdrugsatjesus. com, you're open, totally fucking open every time you have sex with somebody. There is no part of [01:20:00] you that isn't inaccessible, although you might think it is or try to act like it is.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But, but she, but she's, she's this whole song is about the coldness that comes from a relationship that was once warm or perceived to be in wishing it was going to be one way, but it just won't come into terms with the truth of some hard shit is a part of spiritual growth. Life is not supposed to be butterflies and fucking rainbows all the time.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I'm one of the most positive minded, optimistic, upbeat, happy go lucky, hippie skippy people I know. However, when it comes to other people, there are limits, and there's only so damn much you can do. You will waste your energy trying to chase down somebody and change them. They must initiate the change that they want to, want to have in their life, and you cannot do that for them.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It does not matter how much vision you have for other [01:21:00] people, how wonderful you think they are and could be. They have got to sort that shit out on their own. And in my opinion, people don't need to be getting into relationships. And the spirit would say this too. People don't need to be getting into relationships.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Unless they have themselves sorted out beforehand, you need two whole people to get together, or however many are going to be in a polyamorous union, but everybody needs to have their demons named, attained, assorted with treatments on board. You don't have to be perfect, but you can't have shit lurking in your shadow that you won't face, unwilling to change, arguing and things like that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's not suitable for a relationship. You know, you know, why, why the fuck are you fighting over? Like we have every reason to be thankful, for everything that we have. And when people argue and fight, cheat, do all of this bullshit, [01:22:00] everything, but facing their issues with their inner child, it's a choice that they made.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So we need to get our shit together and come into relationships with healthy practices, habits. From eating to physical fitness, spiritual hygiene, you need to have your basis covered and not just be all emotional like, Oh, I want a relationship. I just want someone to bond all the time. You know, come on people.

De'Vannon Seráphino: This is a time of growth. We got to, we got to do better.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And so, And so, so that's enough for Frozen. Shout out to Elsa too, girl. And so the last song is The Power of Goodbye. This speaks, this song to me is the answer to the song that I just was talking about Frozen. After she analyzed this dude, saw he wasn't about shit, wasn't gonna change, mourned. The idea of the relationship that, that, that, that she was in, even though it takes two people, one person wanting to be [01:23:00] positive and how was it that meme or something I came across said trying to be in a relationship, say, like a narcissist or whatever type of evil they have, or somebody who won't change and be flexible.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's like. The nice person being in a boat that's sinking, and the nice person trying to take the water out of it, and the narcissist or the cheater or the liar is trying to steal poking holes in the damn boat. You're working towards two different objectives. One person is trying to sabotage the shit.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Another one is actually trying to move forward. It won't work, bitch. I tried it. You know, sounds like Madonna may have too. So the power of goodbye, this is the one where her and that hot ass model, you know, they're like fighting and moving the chess pieces around, you know, everything like that. It's so dramatic.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Yes. And so she's saying your heart is not open. So I must go. The spell has been broken. I loved you. I [01:24:00] spoke of last year when I ended that relationship, how, and other people have spoken of this too, who were once with a narcissist, how it feels like we were under a spell that had been broken, you know, and it's like the light was brighter, food tasted better, child, the air smelled sweeter, you know, I was still going through a whole lot of shit internally, but there was a light and there was hope, but like the spell was broken.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And. Sometimes we know when some shit has run its course and the expiry date has long passed. But what happens is when we keep exposing ourself To that energy tends to want to pull us in. That's why when we buy ourselves away from people, we're happier when we're around them. We're like, kind of like, fuck, we got to hang up with this person again, you know, but you want to keep the relationship going.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And this is why I say, don't another reason why I say, don't go back and sleep with people who you didn't broke up with. So, [01:25:00] you know, you may need to keep your distance from them for a while, perhaps permanently, because if you're trying to get free of something, you can't keep reinfecting yourself with it, you know, so you got to get away from that energy, whatever it is, be it drugs or porn.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Or whatever, in order for the spell to break, you can't keep being exposed to it. Freedom comes when you learn to let go. Creation comes when you learn to say no. No is a word that I used to struggle with. She's speaking about detachment here. Detachment is something I used to struggle with. Child, I love detaching.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's freedom, and it's the fucking truth. When you don't hold attachments to physical things, or to people, or to the ideas of whatever you've defined as pleasure, When the only thing that you know that you can't go without is your relationship with the divine, you have achieved, been granted a power that most people don't achieve in this life.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay, understanding that [01:26:00] whatever it is that you lose, God can give it to you again. But the most important thing is having truth around you and not facilitating and building structures to reinforce lies being, you know, that relationship isn't right. You know, your children are out there doing what the fuck ever.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You know your cats are acting a fool when you're not at the house. Come on now. I know what my cats are doing. I'm not around, but whatever. They're, they're great children so they can walk on my fucking tables and. And a little girl likes to sniff around and sneak food out of any kind of thing that's just been cooked and left on the counters.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I know what they do when they're not slaughtering lizards and other things that unfortunately, well, I mean, forced and unfortunately find their ways across my children's path. And, You know, freedom comes when you learn to let go. Let go. Let go of everything, as years and years says it in their song, [01:27:00] King.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I mean, there's really not that much I can add to that. You must let go of that which you feared to lose. You know, Yoda was right. You can't Being attached to things in this world is another part of Lucifer's tricks because this world is fading. This is why Lucifer didn't mind offering Jesus while he was tempting him everything in the world, because it's not going to be here tomorrow anyway.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But the allegiance that Lucifer was trying to get from Jesus, that he wanted a different dynamic in his relationship with Jesus, that was worth more to Lucifer than everything on this planet, because Lucifer knows that there's something about our relationships. With the divine and with each other that has an eternal value to it, an eternal flavor, whereas things in this world is not.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So there goes any kind of physical thing. Okay, period. Sex included. Anything that you can trick a person with, beguile a person with, you know, it comes in that territory, but [01:28:00] being willing to let go, this is the importance of fasting from food, drinks, sex, video games, travel, whatever it is that you associate pleasure with, you need to put yourself on a hiatus from it from time to time to keep your flesh in check.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And and also to show sacrifice to the divine I know there's a lot of talk about go get this experience and consume that and give a fuck what the popular voice is, the popular voice has gotten groups of people killed at the same damn time all throughout history. I am telling your ass to, to take time off from the things that you like.

De'Vannon Seráphino: To honor God, to show thanks and gratitude and to keep yourself in control. So, creation comes when you learn to say no. There is so much power. Creation comes when you learn to say no. Say no to people you banished from your life and want to come back. No. Saying no to habits that try to come back into your life.

De'Vannon Seráphino: [01:29:00] No! No, one of my favorite lines from that movie set it off. You know, what part of no do you not understand, Stowe? The N or the O. And so,

De'Vannon Seráphino: What, Meghan Trainor, my girl, made that song. My name is no. My sign is no. My number is no. You need to let it go. You need to let it go. Need to let it go. Oh, that song gives me so much life. My name is no. My sign is no. My number is no. You need to let it go. It is so fucking interesting. The more that I have said no to certain people, places, things, and beings, it's like, I It's like the more attracted they become.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But once I say, no, it's final, no, I don't ever, ever, ever, ever take back my nose. And so [01:30:00] child, let me move on. So you were my lesson. I had to learn. I was your fortress. You had to burn. Ciao. I mean, this is a part of the evaluating that you could go through, which you in relationships, you got to give yourself time to.

De'Vannon Seráphino: To feel these feelings. She took time to learn these lessons rather than going run off and getting in a relationship. She was burned to the ground. I remember that dream that I had about my mother in the car fire when I, when I was at the Metropolitan Hotel in Dubai the year before last. You know, the way that last relationship that I was, the in and the ego absolutely burdened me down to the ground.

De'Vannon Seráphino: There was a nothing left. You know, and so, but that's okay because I get to, you know, we get to be reborn from the ashes. I'm trying to encourage you to let go of whatever the fuck it is you fear to let go [01:31:00] of and go through the pain, bitch, because you get a better life on the other end. And she's acknowledging this person who the relationship couldn't last.

De'Vannon Seráphino: There was a lesson that she needed to learn and that she had to be destroyed in the process of learning it. I'm on the same page with this bitch. I feel it. I feel it. But where is Madonna now? Happy? Raising her children? Showing up late to concerts, whatever the fuck she feels like it, because who gon really check her?

De'Vannon Seráphino: And so, okay. Pain is a warning that something's wrong.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I was down in Mexico a couple of weeks ago, participating in a plant medicine research. A thing that I'm gonna do a separate video on, and when I was under the influence of the medicine, there were certain pains that I was feeling, and it was like, it was like a a sentient spirit telling me, like the pain was interpreted as like, it was like a spirit saying this is what's wrong, this is what you need [01:32:00] to work on.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Pain is any type of discomfort, a nudge, an intuition, the spirit telling you something ain't right about that, something's not right. You know how it is when we be having those second thoughts about people we're in a relationship with going, you know, I bet you they out there doing whatever, you know, Pay attention to that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Lean into that. Don't lean away from it. Because that's how you listen to what God is trying to tell you. We be knowing when shit's not right. And yet we go forward with it anyway, but eventually everything comes out because there are no secrets. And so, and then the longer you stay tied to people, I feel the need to tell you this, you know, God wants you to know and to understand.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That you're doing yourself a disservice by staying in relationships with people who are dishonest and willing to lie scheme and cheat and be abusive and hit you or curse you out and do all those things [01:33:00] because you're tied to that person. You know when you are having sex, you're having sex with people, and when you're in relationships with people, you get caught up into their karma too.

De'Vannon Seráphino: If you have kids staying in a re abusive relationship, you're not doing it for the sake of the kids, you're doing it 'cause you're addicted to the person who's abusing you. Stop using the children as an excuse. You're lying to yourself and but you're hurting those children and I get it might not be easy to leave your responsibility is to start the baby steps to have an exit plan because you don't want to let yourself get into a situation where you might have bad karma for, for allowing those kids to be abused when you could have done something to get them out of that situation, but you just want to stay there because of this man or this woman or whatever girl by get you something new, heal first and get you something new.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It'd be all right.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Because remember when, right, when Sodom and Gomorrah got destroyed, one thing that people don't really preach about, and it wasn't because of the gays, it was because of people's fucked up [01:34:00] relationships with each other and their over sexualization, which was gay straight, promulgated every damn thing in between.

De'Vannon Seráphino: They're just dating for each other. They wanted to have all the sex with people who do all these things, but they didn't actually honor the people. And the Lord warned us about having experiences with people with our minds being alienated from people. That's in the Bible too. The Lord wants us fully present with people, caring about people, wanting their best interests, not just using people to get by, be it sexually or other.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Financially, or whatever the case may be. But with the Ottoman, the more got destroyed. Also, the surrounding villages too, because that's the way it goes. Those people got caught up in it. In Sodom and Gomorrah's destruction because they were too close. Lot's wife turned around and got turned to a pillar of salt because her mind was looking back when God wanted her looking ahead.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So [01:35:00] we got to get away from these people so we don't get caught up in their karma and their karma will be bad. You know, you know, you, and I don't say this with any kind of gloating joy because the Lord showed me, you know, his plans for the people who hurt me from the past. It's the kind of thing that's, and, and very, and people who are trying to, you know, like hurt me since I've been in New York, you know, the Lord showed me what he does, you know, to people.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's nothing to, It's sobering is the kind of stuff that just, I mean, I'm not a speechless person, but what, like, what I saw in the way that it was showed to me was just like, well, Lord, you know, and so, no, so, so God is trying to warn you, use this year and this time to establish your exit strategy from bad jobs, bad [01:36:00] people, because that karma is not going to be withheld from them forever.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Right. And then when you leave, that person is when they can really get the full brunt of it, and they deserve every bit of it. And, but think about how it's hindering you, you know, how much further would you be along if you weren't married to a narcissist? How much further would you be along? I mean, because you, you have an energetic contract, you enter into people long before you sign on any kind of dotted line, you accept that person's energy and all that they are, whether they're whatever they're out there doing or not doing, you're part of it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And so that's all going to be very careful who we have sex with, who we date, who we marry. And so, because their entire existence gets mixed in with yours, and so, let them people go. They're not very likely to change, though they have every opportunity to do it. There's so much healing available online, over Zoom, over YouTube, whatever the fuck.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And when people want to stay the same and do like what [01:37:00] Madonna was talking about in the Frozen song, in this day and time, you're dealing with a hard headed motherfucker who just, you ever talk to somebody and they're saying something. And you're like, like I was at this physical therapy thing the other day and there was this older guy and it was this younger guy and it was like the beginnings of like an extended or like a several session physical therapy thing, teaching us on how to help our lower backs and this and this younger guy was like this.

De'Vannon Seráphino: These exercises are for like old people. I can't believe that I'm in here doing this. Which he said very loudly, they'd offended the older person, but they're low vibrational masculine. That's the type of empty headed shit that them dudes say. And I was trying to tell him, you know, like, well, maybe, you know, this is just the beginning and things like that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You know, we start slow build up because technically these exercises are for people who have been injured or having like a bad back day. If you [01:38:00] want to go run a marathon and this might not be the class for you. Yeah. And he was just repeating back to me, you know, using I statement saying, well, I can do this and this and this, you know, you ever talk to somebody and you're giving them an alternative point of view, but they keep repeating back to you how they already are.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Another guy was talking to. Considering being friends with absolutely nothing sexual was one of those people who likes to vent. I'm not into venting. I'm into problem solving, not talking about them. And and I was telling him, you know, like, you know, it's not a good thing to just constantly tell people about negative things, especially if you're not going to lean in with something positive with no gratitude.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And instead of considering the alternate point of view, he just kept repeating, well, I like to vent. Needless to say, I've got friends with him because, you know, you, you accept a certain portion of your friend's karmic consequences to it is, [01:39:00] it means so much to the divide. And when, when God was down here and you're choosing friends, you're choosing people to sleep with, you're choosing people to date, those choices do or do define you.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You can tell a lot about people through the company that you choose. I used to did not accept that. But yeah, you can, because people are making an active decision to have the people around them. There is a lot for you to go off of there, so be damn careful. And when you start to have those inclinations, like this lyric says, pain is a warning that something's wrong.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Pay attention. Why are you uncomfortable on any level? Fix it or get rid of the person. I pray to God that it won't be long. You want to go higher. That's the whole point here is to grow. There's nothing left to try. There's no place left to hide. There's no greater power than the power of goodbye.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Goodbye is a great power. And I pray that you come to a point where you don't feel like [01:40:00] there's anything left to try. There's nothing left to hide. Some people call that rock bottom, a breaking point. This is when you can change. But if you're still trying to negotiate with evil, negotiate with a fake relationship, negotiate with a situation ship or some bullshit.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Any type of bullshit that you know ain't real shit, then you're not ready to change. Not enough bad things have happened to you yet. You're not uncomfortable enough yet. And there's no greater power than the power of goodbye.

De'Vannon Seráphino: There is, there's a certain change that comes over

De'Vannon Seráphino: I think I'll leave that alone. There's nothing left to lose, there's no more heart to bruise, there's no greater power than the power of goodbye. That's the last lyric too. This reminds me of how emptied out [01:41:00] I felt coming through the devastation of the relationship from last year. It's not, I don't sit around thinking about all this shit or nothing like that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Those days are gone. I have great peace, great happiness that the Holy Ghost has given me and I'm thankful to Jesus for it. Amen. Amen. Amen. But there was, I felt there was nothing left on the inside. The saying goes in spiritual circles that we must be emptied out so that we can be filled again.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The spiritual people believe the universe expands and contracts and our emptying out and getting refilled echoes that. Like the universe is a moving thing, not rigid, so to speak. And so

De'Vannon Seráphino: I love this, you know, because she's saying there's no more heart to bruise. There's nothing left to lose. She had to try everything that she could. She'd given her all, [01:42:00] and she knew it was time to move on and to move on without this person. And so I admire the strength that comes through this type of analysis.

De'Vannon Seráphino: This is somebody telling themselves the whole fucking truth about them, whoever this other person or persons were, the situation, its prognosis, and the fact that it won't work. We're going to go through this change. We're going to come out completely different. for having me. This is what this Ray of Light album is all about.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Change, accepting change, looking at it as a positive thing and not a negative thing and understanding that we were meant to grow and evolve, to serve God, serve the divine. Sort out our purpose and to, to go through cycles, you know, to go through cycles, to go through cycles. We should always be open to change, releasing, letting go freely.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The Lord said it like this, freely you have received, freely give. You must give up whatever it takes to be free. For [01:43:00] you to excel in life to let go of whatever is hindering you, whatever is hurting you cycles tend to repeat. It might look different. The heartbreak next time or whatever is disappointing, and, and so, yeah, so consider this. Consider listening to this Ray of Light album and maybe pay attention to what it speaks to you. Don't take for granted or just write off the things that the moon and the sun and the stars, what God has set in motion to do. They paid attention. You know, to new moons and different things like that, even back in the Old Testament, they would do feast and things like that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I don't worship the moon. I don't pray to angels. I only worship God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost, the high Trinity before whom I serve. I just want to be clear on that. I'm not saying that I'm looking down on people who worship the [01:44:00] moon or nothing like that. I just think it's always good to know that when people are teaching you where they're getting their power from.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Who and what they're praying to rather because people will use the word intuition loosely and just, I mean, strictly speaking, some being outside of us has to tell us things that are going to happen. All of the answers are not within us. I fundamentally disagree with that. All of the answers are not within us.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It is a team effort in between us and God. Some of the answers are within us some shit. We need to get directly from outside of us. And so to pay attention when you're listening to spiritual leaders. Who are these people? Where are they getting their information from? Who do they pray to? What have they been through, you know, rather than listening to every convincing, intense sounding voice and just running off and following it, you have low vibrational, spiritual, quote, unquote, people calling themselves leaders and healers too, which I'm going to do a separate show talking about like low vibrational clairvoyance, you know, and another date [01:45:00] and time.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And so The shame, even in the most spiritual places, you still have fuckers running around perpetrating on some bullshit. So, so, especially on YouTube. So, we talked about Ray of Light, darlings, and how this album coincides greatly with this eclipse energy. And it's eclipse time that we're under, and, it's 2.

De'Vannon Seráphino: 40 p. m. Eastern Standard Time on Monday, April the 8th, as I'm closing this out. It should be getting pretty eclipsy around here soon. I wish you the best. I wish you light. I wish you a closer relationship with the divine than you've ever had before. I speak success and strength over this world for all who are bold and strong enough to reach through the darkness.

De'Vannon Seráphino: define their [01:46:00] light. Until next time.


De'Vannon Seráphino: thank you all so much for joining us today and for taking some time to invest into yourself and into the lives of your loved ones, please visit us at sex drugs and jesus. com and check out our resource page, our spiritual service offerings, my blog, my books, and other writings that God has partnered with me to create.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Find us on any social media platform, stay strong, my people, and just remember that everything is going to be all right.

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