Sex, Drugs, and Jesus

Episode #149: Sex Blog Overview

De'Vannon Seráphino Episode 149

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In this episode I am giving you an overview of the Sex Blog that myself and two Shamans contributed to for you. We will discuss sex from a spiritual perspective and this blog can be found at


INCLUDED IN THIS EPISODE (But not limited to):

·      Sexual Spirituality 

·      Dark Magic Used During Sex

·      The Feminine Connection To Spirituality

·      Learn What It Is And Why It Is

·      Stop And Re-evaluate Your Sex Life






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Episode #149: Sex Blog Overview


De'Vannon Seráphino: [00:00:00] Hello, all my beautiful people. Welcome back to the Sex, Drugs, and Jesus podcast. My name is Devan and Serafino, and I'm coming to you today to give you a brief overview of a blog that I recently released on my website. Thank you so much for supporting the YouTube channel, the social media channels, the podcast itself, DownUnderApparel.

De'Vannon Seráphino: com, my lingerie store, and please check out Sex, Drugs, and Jesus. com. There's lots of interesting resources. On the actual website for the podcast, not to mention all the books that I have written, and I'm, of course, working on more books as we speak. So, I paired with, two, two people that I know, and I'm just going to read the introduction to this blog because it pretty much explains everything that I, would want to say.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Anyway, so let me just read it. The title, the title of this blog is The Meanings of Sex, Spiritual, and Other. [00:01:00] Sex is one of the most sought after experiences in the human race. It is also something which can be used for good or for evil. Sex is a multi layered event which taps into physicality, spirituality, emotions, and so much more.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The point of this blog is to enlighten and educate people on what is happening spiritually and energetically when it comes to various aspects of sex. We are neither encouraging nor discouraging. We are informing spiritual and energetic implications are in effect, whether those engaging in sexual behaviors or aware of them are not much like when someone contracts a sexually transmitted disease or infection, but was not aware that it happened.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And you see, the absence of knowledge and awareness of the disease does not prevent people from contracting diseases, burying our heads in the sand and acting like sex is only. physical, it's not the way to go. [00:02:00] The three of us, meaning myself and the, the other two, people who have contributed to this all believe somewhat differently, spiritually speaking, this blog is not to promote who we pray to or who we believe in, but rather to promote an informed approach to sexuality.

De'Vannon Seráphino: As many of you have not experienced before this post was written by myself. Also the lovely Ali Padilla and the courageous and brave Mr. Anthony Gabar de la Croix. Ali and Anthony are two of my shamanic spiritual guru friends who I met in Mexico some time back. Anthony has been interviewed on our podcast.

De'Vannon Seráphino: There's a link to his interview. In the blog at sexdrugsandjesus. com and, and Ali will be interviewed in the future. These questions were prayed over, meditated upon and given an immense amount of consideration before the answers were recorded as always. I [00:03:00] encourage you to go to God. The divine, however you describe them for yourself and really spend time before them in prayer and meditation and study to see what you come up with your relationship with the divine is personal to you.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And the point of this blog is they help you to be sure that you're not hurting yourself or your relationship with the divine in ways that you might not be aware of specifically through sex. Now, Ale, who happens to be one of the shamans, I'm going to Guadalajara. Soon to, to, to be a part of their union ceremony at Guadalajara, Mexico, that is, and and so she did some of her answers.

De'Vannon Seráphino: She will be contributing more. She's had a lot going on, not to mention a wedding to get ready for. And so, so you'll see that Ali's answer. Stop it about question nine. Just check back later and they will be there. And yeah, so I wanted to specify Guadalajara, Mexico. I was at an event [00:04:00] last night. And I met a guy from Madrid, and he was saying, I was saying, yeah, yeah, I'm going to Guadalajara or whatever, and he was all like, Guadalajara like, apparently he was telling me there's a Guadalajara in Spain, which I had no idea.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So, Guadalajara, Mexico is where we're going. And, so what I'm going to do is read just each of these like 20 something questions so you can get a flavor, an idea of the flavor of what this blog is about. And a lot of it,

De'Vannon Seráphino: Revolves around, like, the magical aspects of, of sexual encounters. Besides what the three of us have contributed here, I invite you to go on YouTube and different aspects of the internet and just look up things like sex magic, sexual alchemy, sexual tantra. Ways to worship the divine through sex, spiritual sexuality take a second and [00:05:00] look up those things and get many different perspectives on it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: There's some interesting shit out there, like, like, like it really, really is. And it makes you wonder. It's the kind of education that's completely contrary. To like popular education or what we learn from porn or from sex apps or dating apps or from fucking regular movies and television it's, it's completely, it's like a new way to educate yourself.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I myself will be taking a specific training in a couple of months to learn sexual shamanism and sexual alchemy and things like that. And I've stopped having sex. Can't remember the last time I did, and I'm like, God, I hope I fucking remember what to do with the dick the next time I have the pleasure.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Because, like, my memories are, like, fading. I'm like, okay, I'm like, people still have sex? Like, yeah, of course you do. But what I'm trying to get you to understand is sometimes we need to stop for a moment. And reevaluate our approach to [00:06:00] things because the way sex opens us up to people, and when we have sex with people, there's, there's every part of you is accessible to that person, period.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And there's no way that you can change that. And, And as I was headed thinking about when I was going to record this and I've had this on my roster since last year, but of course I had some things going on, I was like, you know what, I think I'll do this before I head out to Mexico and everything.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And so I can just edit it when I'm down there. On my way to the event I went to last night, I stopped to get my nails done. And because this event is like an all white kind of like tan thing as it's, as it is, as it is done the way, the way they want it done. So I wanted to get my white nails, which you can barely see because with this, the sun rising and everything like it is right now, but this is like, like an alpine white snow I went with, [00:07:00] and with this new nailistic or whatever it is, there's like a white glitter kind of like frost thing on top of it. It's going to be so cute. We're going to be so snatched for the gods. G O D Z E S, yes. And so, I was getting my nails done and the, the esthetician is telling me about, how her son died last year, and, this girl that, that, that he was dating put some type of voodoo, voodoo, witchcraft, magic on him.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And then it's like, these guys be knowing that that happens and it's like, they don't want to believe it until like, it's almost too late to do something about it. Well, she was able to kill him, she, as I, as I, from what I could, gather is like, he wouldn't stop drinking, then he ended up having a heart attack, that sort of thing, which, when people drink too [00:08:00] much, and I thank God for just taking that from me, like, I don't drink anymore, I'm a full on psychonaut, I'll be doing my psychedelics down here in Mexico, you bet your sweet ass I am, and I'm a full on psychonaut, I'll be doing my psychedelics down here in Mexico, you bet your sweet ass I am, and, And Heineken has a great fucking zero proof beer.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I mean, who even knew? And so it's, it's really magical. The doors that opened to us once we close others, but those doors won't open unless we close the others. It's interesting like that, how you have to take that leap of faith. So, so this girl was able to use magic, get into this dude's head and cause him to self destruct like that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And then I get to this event. Yeah. After learning about this guy, and this is in the straight world, I talk a lot about the queer experience because that's where most of my experience it is, but don't get it twisted. I'm like, like, these problems don't care about like body type, gender, sexual [00:09:00] orientation.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The devil or negative energy as you would describe it is trying to destroy you in any way that it can. It didn't care about what someone's race or economic, socioeconomic status is. I go to the event, talking to another person, and I get a story about how, this person didn't die. they were able to get away from the individual who was casting magic against them, but it still took a few months for them to fully shake their magic.

De'Vannon Seráphino: All of that shit off and everything. And, same kind of situations though. these girls go after these guys using this witchcraft, easily put upon them through sex magic. As I've explained in previous shows, watch who you sleep with, who you cuddle with and lay next to. All somebody has to do is get one piece of your hair.

De'Vannon Seráphino: God, God forbid, if they get a hold of like your sperm in any kind of way. Or, [00:10:00] or any kind of vaginal fluids, spit, tears, all those things are used in very, very dark magic, blood, help you Lord. And so, there's this one person I talked to, didn't believe in God or anything like that until this witchery happened to him.

De'Vannon Seráphino: and now he's like, thank you, Jesus, because it took the power of God to break that spell from off of him. And and I told him, like, you're one of the blessed ones in that way, because a lot of people get caught up in that witchery and don't make it out. So in one night, I hear a story of a male who was murdered by a witch.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And then a guy who, who was, chosen to be redeemed from it. And I, and things don't happen by accident. when I was setting down trying to write this blog, I, it was so like hard to do, not like processing the verbiage or getting the paragraphs lined up. And I still need to go back and do like a grammar check.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But it [00:11:00] was like, it's like, I was pushing through like a thick energy that just didn't want me to, to write it. Well, we cast the devil aside and we do it anyway. And I can only do like. Emotionally energetically handle one or two of these questions a day when I sit down to start doing it is only 20 questions.

De'Vannon Seráphino: This is not like a complex, dissertation that I'm working on here, but it's like, I felt just like physically heavy after just doing one or two questions because of the weight. Of what we're talking about here. People base so much of the human existence off of sexual encounters, the pursuit of dating, romance, relationships, lust, love, whatever you want to call it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Our sexuality is infused. In everything that we do, because we are sexual beings and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. But when we fuck up and we don't use it right, or we don't do it right, and we're not aware of the fact that there are people who are [00:12:00] willing to exploit the inherent vulnerabilities to sex.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay. That's when we, that's when we get into, issues and problems and things like that. Question number one says, is sex spiritual and energetic, or is it just a physical act? I'm not going to read the answers. I'm just trying to explain to you kind of like where we're at with this. Question number two is, do you consider starting to have sex being a loss of virginity or not?

De'Vannon Seráphino: Question three, if someone is molested as a child, as I was, are they still a virgin when they begin to have sex? If someone has had oral sex only, are they still a virgin? Is oral sex less involved than penetrative sex? Spiritually speaking, do kissing and making out while keeping clothes [00:13:00] on carry any energetic implications?

De'Vannon Seráphino: Question seven, what happens to us spiritually and energetically during sex? Question 8. What happens to us when we climax, spiritually, energetically speaking? Is there a difference for males versus females?

De'Vannon Seráphino: What are the spiritual implications for promiscuous people? Question 10. How can people in loving relationships use sex through focused intention to strengthen their connection? Question 11. What are the spiritual implications of group sex? Oh. You know how y'all like to get down. Question number 12.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Give me your thoughts on sex witches, warlocks, and the risks involved with having sex with people who practice sex magic. [00:14:00] Have in parentheses, this is regarding people who use sex magic without informing their sexual partners of what they are doing. Now I'm well aware of How some people use the term black magic to describe magical practices that they're doing that they don't intend to be evil.

De'Vannon Seráphino: When I say black magic, I mean it as it is done intended with wicked purposes against people. And, I wanted to read briefly, though, before I get to the next question from the book of Acts in the Hebrew Bible, Acts chapter 16 and 16. It says that it came to pass as we went to prayer, a certain damsel, possessed with the spirit of divination, met us, which brought her masters much gain by soothsaying.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The same followed Paul and us, and cried, saying, these men are the servants of the most high God, and would show unto us the way of salvation. And this, this, and this did she many days. But Paul being grieved [00:15:00] turned and said to the spirit, I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. And the same hour, the spirit came out of her.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So why am I reading this? to point out to you that there's several examples in the Hebrew Bible and other texts, if you ever care to dig them up, that talk about witchcraft. It's not, it's not like it's a strange thing. It's not like it's not recorded history across several cultures. So I don't know why.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Why, for the clouds in the sky and as sure as it is blue, why some people are laboring under the delusion that witchcraft ain't real, and there are not those of us who walk this plane of existence who can take physical things. And use them to have a spiritual effect on ourselves, the environment, and the people around us if we choose to do so.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Shame on people who take their gifts and use them for dark and insidious purposes. I will be doing a show about petty ass clairvoyants [00:16:00] and petty energy workers later on. Because even in these esoteric and spiritual circles, child, there is bullshit. There are people who use their gifts like in the wrong way and they will exploit you and things like that, charge you way too damn much money to do some shit you probably could have done yourself in terms of like attaining success or love or better health or whatever the case may be.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I bring this scripture up to point out to you a couple of things. It says here, there's the damsel I remember in the Bible when King Saul went to go consort with the spirit of the prophet Samuel, who had died, he went to a female witch. We have black as a male witch or warlock in there. You have a couple, but I think it leans more heavily on like the female examples of witchery.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Males and females are [00:17:00] capable of witchcraft, but it's something about those of those of us who have like more feminine energy channeling through us is almost like we have a more natural connection to the other side. And so, because masculine energy is a very grounded earthy type energy and feminine energy is more like Venetian spiritual just in our natural essence and flow.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Males can connect. They just, Some of them had to work harder at it. And females is more like kind of instant with us. And so, yes, cause we're more touched by emotions, probably a great many things. So I'm not surprised to be hearing like stories come to me about straight males getting fucked over there.

De'Vannon Seráphino: There, there was males in my family my old blood family that I used to be affiliated with, that we had their asses cut up with, with these females too. And then Generations of Female Witches teach New Generations of Female Witches, and they [00:18:00] don't have a certain look. They just wear clothes from The Gap, or from the fuckin House of Darion, or from Abercrombie, or from Givenchy, or wherever the fuck.

De'Vannon Seráphino: They don't look like what the fuck you think. And the, and, and, and, and the scripture's talking about how this woman, It's like it's interesting because she was in command of this spirit of divination that would reveal to her truths about people, but she was under the control of other people.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So be careful who you go run to for tarot card readings and they have all this shit done. Ask people who the fuck they're praying to. Where they're getting their power from, who, who you need to know what it is and why it is to quote Queen Esther from the book of Esther, what it is and why it is.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Don't be so desperate for answers or whatever that anybody who [00:19:00]says talks a good game, you just go run to them. Because if you enter into that person's energy and you let them into yours, you're also going to be exposed to who or what the fuck ever it is that they're praying to. And I stand for the Trinity.

De'Vannon Seráphino: For God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost, and them only will I bow before and serve, and there's not another being in existence that I will ever bow to, and or as pray to either. But just as sure as I'm telling you that, you got people who pray to every kind of damn demon, pray to angels, which is completely unbiblical, and I don't care how popular it is in Catholic Church, it's not, it's not, it's just not what you're supposed to do.

De'Vannon Seráphino: We don't need a middleman. We don't need preachers. We don't need angels. We can pray to God directly and be fucking done with it. But you have people who just don't think that way. And these people will call upon fail entities, beings that I will not discuss on this show and pull power from these [00:20:00] things and they can tell you things they can't really tell you the future because you'll find like.

De'Vannon Seráphino: People who don't have visionary true sight or foresight can't, can't, can't prophesy or forecast the future like that. And so a lot of these tarot readers and people who practice different sorts of scrying and divination tend to stick with like the past and what's going on currently. Any devil can tell you that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I've come across people like that before. They've looked at me and told me, like, which street I grew up on and everything, and they weren't operating in the Holy Ghost. It was the devil that had got a hold of those people. And there's ways people can mix. The guy I'm thinking about was probably high on meth.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But it was so fucking strange that, that particular night in Montrose in Houston, Texas, where I, where I came across this individual, that people can use drugs like meth or really any kind of mind altering drug [00:21:00] meth is just the, just what all the kids were doing back then. And, and when they enter into those different frequencies.

De'Vannon Seráphino: those, those beings access them. So I'm saying all that to say, be careful, ask and question who the fuck these spiritual practitioners are that you're going to, who are they praying to, where the fuck you're getting your power. Cause they, cause you don't want to fuck with nobody janky. There's, they could attach entities to you while you're sitting there paying them to do spell work for you.

De'Vannon Seráphino: They could do the shit against you and not tell you, especially if you're silly enough. And I'll say stupid enough to try to go to, like, a magic worker to get spells cast against somebody else. Okay, if they're low vibrational enough to work against somebody, especially somebody who's never done them anything wrong, they'll work against you and not tell you.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Because the villains in the movie are all fun and good with each other until they eventually turn against each other. It's [00:22:00] silly, it's bad karma, and I advise you not to do it. But as I was thinking about this this morning, this Acts chapter 16 and 16, came up, so I wanted to read that to you.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So,

De'Vannon Seráphino: Question 13, what are the dangers of getting involved with sex magic practitioners? Is there any way to tell who practices sex magic? Question 15. Can someone tell if they are having sex magic done on them? Question 16. What are the spiritual energetic risks of polyamorous relationships? I have in parentheses not to be confused with group sex.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Polyamory is all about love and connection. Question 17. Is masturbation somehow less than or not as great as sex? Question 18. How can masturbation be used in a beneficial way? [00:23:00] Question 19. Can masturbation harm men, women in any way? Question 20. Give us your thoughts on pornography, spiritually and energetically speaking.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Question 21. Give us your take on dating and hookup apps, spiritually and energetically speaking. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. You know what y'all do.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Question, question 22. Let's talk about attraction. What causes one person to be attracted to another I have in parentheses. We have heard of pheromones, but they have a limited range in which they can travel. We can be attracted to someone we see over media or way down the street. So there goes all of that is just pheromones foolishness.

De'Vannon Seráphino: There's, there's More to it than that spiritually and energetically speaking. It is what is really drawing us to [00:24:00] each other sexually spiritually energetically speaking

De'Vannon Seráphino: and that'll close us out after that. Then I have this contact information for Anthony and I'll be adding allies as the beat rolls on. And so,

De'Vannon Seráphino: and so, yeah, I hope. And that, that you all take the time to read through these questions, families, you can take these questions and use it as a roadmap to initiate conversations with your children about sex. Okay.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I just, I, having parented two cats, well, many chickens and rabbits, goldfish and many things in the garden too. That is the extent of my. experience with raising beings. [00:25:00] I would like to think that if I would need to have like a sex talk with an individual that I of all people wouldn't have a problem with that since I'm so comfortable with myself.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I'm saying all that to say it's difficult for me to understand a lot of times why parents cannot have conversations about the reality of life with their children. I've heard parents say sex talks are difficult or talking about life is difficult, but I'm gonna like what you're raising a human.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And they're in the world and all those things are part of reality. So my best conclusion is that people who are not comfortable within themselves or haven't resolved their shadow issues, I suppose, would struggle with this. Because I do know a few parents that are totally comfortable with themselves and they talk about everything with their kids.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And so, I'm not judging you if you can't. Very easily talk about dicks and pussies [00:26:00] and whatever the fuck, sexual orientations and trans life issues and things like that. If you can't, maybe, maybe you surprised yourself that you can't talk about these things with your child or whatever, but it's interesting.

De'Vannon Seráphino: If anyone has any insights on that, feel free to drop a comment in the YouTube channel or message a bitch, something, you can use these questions, But these are not all the questions. Ali, Anthony and I are not your God. We're not trying to be God, but you know, we can be your guide.

De'Vannon Seráphino: We want you to have an individual relationship with the divine and to use sex in a positive way. Upbeat, high vibrational way, which honors your sexual partners, gives God the glory. Everybody can bust a nut and be happy and go home and not have to worry about no fucked up karma coming back on them.[00:27:00]

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay, because it's silly to have like, pleasure today just for God to convert it to pain tomorrow. Because if God gets on your ass about some shit you've done, you're not even much gonna be granted. The, the flexibility to remember whatever the fuck you used to smile about because God has that type of power.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And, so let's just be smart. Be prayerful and be intentional. And if you need to stop doing something for a moment, get off the dating apps, pouring down, just, I mean, if you can't stop doing any of those things because you want to, then you probably addicted to it, honestly. I mean, why would I say honestly, because all that speaks to fucking truth, but, yeah, I mean, if you can't stop doing something, then that thing has you.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I've heard sex addicts, one fool very recently tried to [00:28:00] justify the need to always be having sex, trying to act like it's some sort of code and like human DNA and then you have to do it or you'll go crazy. And I sat quietly and listened to this foolishness. I didn't say anything. It's not my job to straighten everybody out.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And I'm like, wow, people can do some interesting mental gymnastics to justify them being a hoe or whatever the fuck it is they want to go run out there and do. I mean, just say that's what the fuck you want to do. Don't try to act like your survival depends on sexual encounters. No, it doesn't. You won't turn into a goddamn turnip.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Or a wombat or a seal or a dragonfly, whatever the fuck it is you think is going to happen. If you'd say, take a year off of sex, then what will happen is you'll be cleansed energetically. You'll get to know yourself better than you have before. So you're not mixing with other people's energy. And most people who sleep around don't even have any idea if they can or how [00:29:00] to dismiss.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That those people's energy from off of them once they get out of bed with them. I have no fucking clue. And even, even the, even the few things that can be done won't take it all away. That's why when we go into, shamanic ceremonies and things, we're not permitted to engage in sex for like a month before.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The people's energies and shit follow you. It follows you around after you engage with sex with people. Because when you, when you have sex, you're totally open to each other. You and that person. Are doing a sort of dance and I don't care how lustful you were, how hidden and quitted you want to be, bitch.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You could carry, you're gonna carry that person with you for a while. And then, And some of you have just done it too damn much, and it's just time for you to chill the fuck out, and get some education, reintegrate sexual practices into your life once you become at it from a better angle. Because you will have cosmic and karmic and spiritual [00:30:00] consequences for the way you use sex.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's supposed to be fun, it's supposed to be beautiful. You can be polyamorous, you can do that, but you gotta love and respect, on some fucking level, the people who you engage in sex with. They can't be, you can't disrespect people through something that's so sacred. You should not disrespect people anyway.

De'Vannon Seráphino: For fuck's sake, you shouldn't be trying to hurt them. And but keep searching, keep reading books, keep looking up videos. This blog can just be the beginning of it. Maybe you have not considered this before. Those of, those of us, Who can detect the, the high energies that, that, that, that affect this world seem to agree that there is like a wave of enlightenment, switching, sweeping the world and people are, it's like they're starting to awaken and shit.

De'Vannon Seráphino: When I'm hearing, reports of I mean, that's, that is, that guy [00:31:00] last night is the second masculine who identifies as straight, who I've talked to in the last two weeks, who really didn't fuck with God before. And now he is, I can go looking for these people. I just happened to, well, I say happen loosely, cause I don't believe in happenstance, but you know, I it was meant for me to cross these guys path and they chose to to tell me these things.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I don't, I don't go up to people and be like, Hey, so how's your sex life and do you know, Jesus? No, I talked to people about like anything other than that. And they just get comfortable with the spirit that is within me. And then, and then the spirit has a way of drawing truth out of people. So people who call themselves soul winners or these preachers don't need to try to force people to accept Christ.

De'Vannon Seráphino: If you just be yourself and talk about God, just like people talk about the universe in passing and people are [00:32:00] interested in learning what you know, then they'll ask you, and they'll just start telling you shit. There's no need for coercion. When it comes to religion or anything like that at all. Because whatever's meant to be, shall be.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So there's no sense in getting your panties in a bundle, preachers. If you can't win a soul, because you have your identity tied up into the way you preach or the way your congregation responds to you, you need to evolve, preachers, if you're going to bother to go down that road. And, Oh, fuck. Okay, I guess I'll get off the mic and

De'Vannon Seráphino: get ready to get down to Mexico. So I love you all blessings be upon thee and I will see you soon.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I'll see you soon because I've got to record that that episode where I'm talking about the plant medicine experience I had in show me to Mexico. Like a month or so ago [00:33:00]when I was down there, Chameda is beautiful, Mexico City is beautiful. It was my first time flying into Mexico City. The Jacaranda trees, as they are called down there, are in bloom.

De'Vannon Seráphino: If you have a chance to Google Jacaranda, which is spelled with a J, J A C A R A N D A probably. It's like from the plane, it just looked like Mexico City was just like, the streets were like paved with a violet. I love it. Cause Hacaranda trees are like fucking this vibrant fucking violet. And anyway, Hacaranda trees are beautiful and so is Mexico City.

De'Vannon Seráphino: My name is Devan and I will see you all next time. Thank you so much. And this blog will be at sexdrugsandjesus. com under the blog section. Check it out.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Thank you all so much for joining us today and for taking some time to invest into yourself and into the lives of your loved ones, please visit us at [00:34:00] sex drugs and jesus. com and check out our resource page, our spiritual service offerings, my blog, my books, and other writings that God has partnered with me to create.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Find us on any social media platform, stay strong, my people, and just remember that everything is going to be all right. 

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