Sex, Drugs, and Jesus

THROWBACK: Episode #104: Message To Empathetic People - You're Too Damn Nice!

De'Vannon Seráphino

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Good day to you all!!! I am taking a break from recording new episodes for a few weeks. In the meantime I shall bestow upon you whichever past episodes the Spirit gives me to give to you. Let us listen. Let us learn. Let us grow.

In this episode I try my best to break through the darkness that so many of my nice, sweet, kind and caring empathetic people seem to be stuck in. I give my three tips to empathetic people: 1. Radical Acceptance 2. Get Baptized/Spiritual Ceremony 3.  LET MY PEOPLE GO!!!!!

INCLUDED IN THIS EPISODE (But not limited to):

 ·      Your Battle Is Really Emotional And Spiritual In Nature

·      You May Be In A Relationship With A Child And Don’t Know It

·      Understand And Accept That They Never Liked You

·      Beware Of Introverted Covert Narcissists

·      Do You Have An Evil Growing Next To You?

·      Narcissistic Amnesia 





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THROWBACK: Episode #104: Message To Empathetic People - You're Too Damn Nice!

De'Vannon: [00:00:00] Hello everyone. Thank you so much for your patience as we've been working on some transitions on the backend. Yes, everything is changing and it's changing for the better, but we finally got those changes done, so we're gonna be back to our weekly episodes and so, We're starting right off with my message to empathetic people out there, and in this episode, I'm trying to break through the darkness that so many of my nice, sweet, kind, loving, caring, empathetic people seem to be stuck in.

I'm gonna give you my three tips to empathetic people, radical acceptance. We're gonna talk about getting baptized or going through some spiritual ceremony and a key ceremony. Honey, yes. I wanna say to the darkness that has had my empathetic people entrapped through narcissists and sociopaths and various other crazy ass bitches out there.

I tell you the same thing God told to Pharaoh through Moses, let my people go. I let my empathetic people go, you crazy [00:01:00] abusive bitch. Leave my people alone. I speak freedom to my empathetic people, and I'm here to tell you that it's gonna be all right.

But you gotta get free. And today I'm gonna help you to do so.

Good morning on my beautiful Children. I'm my delicious children. My name is Devana and I host the Sex, drugs and Jesus podcast. And I'm coming to you this morning with a few words of encouragement, all my empathetic people out there. As I was laying in bed this morning trying to wake up and get this a day started.

I had some things stirring in my heart, and before I walk over to my gym and start my workout, I thought I would drop some wisdom on you. So this message cheers for people who are, have gotten away from narcissistic abuse, veian abuse, or sociopath, psychopath, whatever part of the, the, the dark psychological profiles that you've been influenced by, cuz once you get out of it, I wanna talk to you about how to begin to cleanse [00:02:00] yourself.

I need you to understand that whatever you went through, it was more of an emotional and spiritual batter battled than physical. It's like if somebody hits a person with their fist long after that bruise is gone, that person could have like emotional and internal wounds and scarring. Okay. As the Bible says, we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against spiritual darkness, and rulers and high places.

These, these terrible people who we were in these relationships with were nothing more than conduits of the devil. You don't believe in the devil then conduits of dark energy or whatever the fuck you wanna call it. But you understand that, that, that, that, that nothing good came out of that person. Okay?

And so you got entangled with them, with their energy, with, with, with the darkness that prevails over them. And now you gotta get away from all that. Now, once you're physically away from all that, just cuz you physically [00:03:00] left don't mean that that don't mean that you're mentally gone or emotionally gone.

That takes work.

You know, that, that, you know, that takes, that takes a different kind of work. A large part of this is just coming to terms with what happened. Yes, you got food by them. You're an empathetic person. You were big hearted, open-hearted. You thought you were gonna love this person. It's been the rest of your life with them, and everything was gonna work out great.

You thought no matter what problems came up, they could at least tell you the truth and that you can always come to the table at like adults and work it out. Okay. You understand now that that's not gonna happen because you're not in a relationship with an adult. You're in a relationship with an underdeveloped child running around an adult's body, not the same.

You understand that they trampled you under foot, they abused you, they took advantage of you. This is the difficult thing to come to terms with. And look, there's people who were reaching out to me and who I've [00:04:00] read comments on like Dr. Ramani's channel over on YouTube. These people have been in relationships with these people for like decades only to find out that that person is not who you thought they were.

Yes, people can wear false masks for years at a time, decades even. It's a learned behavior. It, it sucks. It's incredibly difficult when you realize that they never, that they never liked you, that they only liked what you could provide for them, which was a continual sense of narcissistic appli and a continual validation.

But I need you to just get it. No, they don't like you. Yes. You like them. You were not really in a relationship with them. You thought you were, but they were not there with you. They were there. People like this with narcissistic personality disorder, the sociopath and the psychopaths out there, they love themselves.

Above all. If you have somebody who's an introvert, you know, like a covert narcissist, you know, which is something I could speak to more, cuz that's what my [00:05:00] situation was, they like, You know, you'll find that they tend to always compare people to like that core group of people that they like. So I researched this and found it out, you know, you know, cuz they'll, they'll always compare you to like those, those those set group of people.

So in, so in cases is happening, I wanna let you know, so like in, like in the last relationship that I was in, you know, he never would stop comparing me. To like those five or seven friends that he has back in Georgia. And it was quite a bit frustrating because I was like, well, I would like to be myself.

You know how that goes. I, I never got any sense out of him, out of it because people with narcissist personality started cannot give you closure. They don't want to give you closure. They'd rather leave you tormented and twisted because they are tormented and twisted. But God holds all knowledge and light in his hands, and he showed me the truth of this in its time.

People who are [00:06:00] dealing with a covert narcissist, who's also an introvert, which is probably how that's gonna run together. They are going to have affection for the few people that they feel like they're gonna be close to, which could be the people they grew up with. Also, the people they grew up with are gonna be the last people probably to see them for what they really are okay.

And be willing to accept that. Because it's the, the, the psychosis of this all develops in that person over time. And when you got an evil growing right next to you, it's hard for you to see it, which is a huge reason why it's empathetic. People can miss this shit until it's too late.

Those core people are the only people who these introverted narcissists give a fuck about it. Everybody who they've met since then is just cannon fodder. It is just people they've used, people they've tried to manipulate. They don't give a damn about anybody else except for those group. Select group of people.

Okay? That is it. [00:07:00] It's a tough fucking pill to swallow when you consider all the activities these people are willing to go and do with you, and it's all been entertainment and their heart was never in it because they have never moved on from those people. I can prove this to you. When I was in that relationship, you know, he would always have dreams about being back there with those people or back in, you know, grade school.

You know, he never moved past that phase of his life yet. He was out here in the streets. Trying to act like he's moving forward when he never did move forward. You know, people like that live in torn existence. So what that meant is that every day with me, he had a mask on and that whenever he talked to them, he was living his truth.

Speaking of the future, the only thing he was concerned about is making just enough money to take care of his friends back home. These were his words. He only wanted to make so much to take care of them. And then maybe he may have mentioned me at the end of the [00:08:00] conversation or the sentence or something, you know, just a little trickle.

And and I was so confused about this, but studying it more deeply, this is how the fuck these people are. You know, I accepted this and it is like the light bulbs came on. I. You know, when I, when I looked and realized what this person really was and just what the amount of deception that they're capable of, it was like from, it was like from the last Airbender, not that whack ass, weak ass avatar movie.

A nice shalon dis disgraced and disrespected the world with the actual anime. At the end of it, when Fire Lord Osi knocked ANGs, little cute, bald-headed ass up against the rock, and it hit him back. Rock poked him in the back of that poked him in the back where Azula had shot him with that lightning bolt and caused his energy to get tied up.

Understand, when you've been in a relationship with someone with narcissistic personality [00:09:00]disorder, those other psychological profiles, you, your energy is locked up. It is not flowing free. And then until God comes and knocks them sense into you, you like what happened to Ang, you're just gonna sit there and let this person walk all over you continually.

It's like, so when Ang hit that fucking rock, sorry. And far Lord Roku, all his past lives just like turned and looked at him. They were like, finally, bitch, you done woke up and you fucking get it. Okay. I entered into like a state of nirvana. Okay? I'm sitting here like feeling like I'm fucking floating and shit as I'm understanding.

Partially what I already knew, but it being clarified and refined in my mind, gave me so much confirmation, positive, truthful validation, and and that I know that I'm not crazy, you know, I understood what I had been involved in.[00:10:00]

I'm saying all this to say that I want y'all to come to terms with what has happened and I need you to begin to get away. You're not gonna be able to see clearly what all you've been through until you get away from this person. So the three tips that I'm going to give you today only applies to people who are no longer around the person.

You cannot be friends with somebody who hurt you like this. I tried that with the person who I broke up with, and even being around him then was just more negativity. It was more chaos, more little things he would say to try to taunt me and try to get a reaction outta me, and it was just so pitiful, just so damn pitiful.

I. Even in the face of defeat, a narcissist can only do more of the same. They're like, may I have some more, please, more please. More torment, more chaos, more, more division, more hate, more self-loathing. It's like, it's like you can't, like you, the only thing [00:11:00] you can do is do what Jesus said from such. Turn away.

Leave these god damn people with these retic as minds left them alone. We cannot save them. We tried just as sure as God tried to reach after the children of Visual Israel all throughout the Bible and they trampled God under foot just like they did Jesus. Jesus reached after the children of Visual Israel.

God reached after the children of Visual Israel, and where did the children of Near Israel want to go? Reach after everything else. It really fucks you up when you're reaching out for somebody and they're reaching out. For, for other people, other experiences, they, they do, they, they don't want you, they want you, but then they don't, ain't nobody got time to live in a purgatory like that bitch either be in or out, back or forth, up or down, left or right.

You cannot live in this in between fucked up ass purgatory. It's that, no, nobody wants that. It's unhealthy and it's un hold. It's just a chaotic, hectic hell here on earth and we have enough [00:12:00]problems. And to be dealing with a twisted and confused individual. There are billions of people in this world. Go and find you friends and associates who speak peace get you somebody spiritually minded and, and if you're not spiritually minded, then heaven help you because you're dealing with a problem that is highly spiritual in nature.

But I would rather be one of the sheep getting trampled underfoot like God said What happened? And worst things you know are going to happen to those of us who believe because God is getting us ready for heaven, and that he's growing us spiritually and growing us, and maturing us internally by these bad experiences.

You're not gonna grow when everything's cool and copacetic. I was watching John Wick four the other day in my favorite fucking line. I'm paraphrasing. It was something like that, that that Japanese dude said something like, I'm super excited about this and I'm getting ready to head head to Japan soon. He said something like, you know what?

Good is friendship. If you only, you know, only if you only about that life when it's [00:13:00]convenient, you know, it's not about the convenient times, it's about worst times. That is when you really prove your worth. When you're with a narcissist, when shit gets sticky, that's when they turn to their manipulations and their me and their mechanics, cuz their minds have not developed enough to handle the full spectrum of human emotions.

And so when shit gets weird, then they start playing the victim and lying and everything. For the rest of us, that's when we show more love. There's too much of a difference. You're an empathetic person. They're not. You've gotta get away from them. Stop trying to negotiate with it, rationalize it, it will not work.

It is gonna take them years to get their problem solved because they've been hateful, hateful little bitches for years. And so they don't get to just quickly turn a light switch and go off and have a happy existence and nope, all their dirt has got to come back to them. All their karmas got to come back to them, and then they've got to actually do the work and be consistent about it before God's gonna take them seriously enough to grant them the sort of deliverance that they need.

But they can't say that deliverance has [00:14:00] not been offered to them because the empathetic person that was with them would've helped them. And it's not just me. All my homegirls have have gone. They're going through the same shit with people have tried with these men, and I've even started to meet men who have been fucked over by narcissistic women.

Not a lot. Maybe two or three. Mostly though was dudes though, that have this fucking personality disorder. But you know, even, even those homies tried with those fucking HEAs, okay. And the bitch wouldn't act right. And so, so as a queer man, I can totally call a woman a bitch, you know, because I am that bitch.

And you know, it's just the way it goes. Deal with it. And so empathetic people. First thing I need you to understand. Is that, you know, if they did it to Jesus, they're going to do it to you. If you don't believe in Jesus and understand that there are people that are conduits of darkness, world or conduit of light, dark forces are bullying forces.

They like to come and [00:15:00] force themselves upon you and do things like that. Light isn't like that. Light is light is more tenders, it floats, it's there. It's available, is not gonna be a forceful thing. And so, Just as sir as Jesus went down in the grave, you died when you were in a relationship with a narcissist, you died.

Unfortunately, I have known the people to physically be killed by the damn narcissist, and you have to really, really watch that shit with covert narcissist because they keep too much of their emotions bottled up, at least with an overt narcissist like Trump's crazy fucking ass who says the quiet part out loud on a damn near daily basis.

No, on a daily basis. It, you, it leaves you fucking know what's going on with them. A covert narcissist, oh, trust me, they think just as much as an overt or a malignant narcissist. And there's so many different, they think there's like seven types of narcissists out there. They, their minds are not still, even though their mouth [00:16:00] is, that is more dangerous.

And what happens is they bottle all that hate ranger anger, resentment up until when they burst. Sometimes they lash out and hurt people. Okay? Do not play with these people. They are very, very volatile. They're entirely unstable, and it is not wise for you to, to, to stay around these people. But you died either unfortunately, physically, even damn emotionally and mentally, you will never, ever be the same person.

I need you to just come to terms with that. Whoever you were, whatever you were before you were in entwined with this person, as that person's gone and she ain't coming back, and this is a beautiful thing because you get to be reborn. Jesus went down in that grave. Three days later, he got up and he said, behold, all power has been given into my hands.

He was refined. He was a, a, the, a higher version of himself. We had to die after dealing with these [00:17:00] people, but we get to be reborn again. They still have to deal with all the things that they've done, but our mind cannot be on them as to be on ourselves as a, we must become unattached from these people.

But rejoicing, the fact that you've encountered among the righteous and the empathetic and encountered worthy to suffer for righteousness sake. Cuz you tried to do a good thing for somebody who was undeserving of that good thing. Okay? It's no different. Jesus and God have reached out to people until there's a world for years and people just want more of their same vice that children did the same thing, God's like.

I'll give you all these things and I'll work with you. Okay, fine. You rejected the angel food from heaven. I'll give you these birds instead. You know, God was like begging people to just be with him and just to, to act right and to live right. And they just didn't do it. God got tired of the asses and killed them.

And so but it wasn't like done overnight. He strove at them for a fucking long ass time before he made that happen. [00:18:00] And so, You know, sometimes people wanna talk about God, like he's so vicious and mean, you know, but they don't, they don't, they, they forget the part where, you know, first of all, he's God.

He can do whatever the fuck he wants to get an old, a human, a fucking bitch ass explanation. But but, but oftentimes, you know, he, he really, really let himself be disrespected for a long time before he would execute judgment and wrath upon the children of his Israel. You know, you know, you know, they, some people like talk about garlic.

He's mean, but they missed the part where he was patient first. You know? And look and if you dealing with a narcissist, they gonna always recount the part where, where they got, where they felt like they played the victim, that they're not gonna talk about the part where you were like, nice. That's something that's called narcissistic amnesia.

It's a thing, honey, that narcissistic amnesia. Look it up, bitch. Where they have that selective memory that PS them as a victim, but then they forget the good shit other people have done [00:19:00] okay. And they forget the bad shit they've done. But like I said, they don't get to just skip on and have a good, peaceful life like that.

And just because you see them making money, going out on dates, finding people to sleep with and all that stupid dumb shit that, that they're just letting the devil use to keep them in track. They're doing everything but facing themselves and dealing with their emotions. It's a silly, simple minded way to live.

That is not happiness. Happiness is a state of mind. Happiness is a state of spirit, is a state of heart. Happiness is not a state of activity. It is not a state of what can I go do? Who can I go do? Who can I go suck energy off of the day? Or who can I go be codependent and hang around? Happiness is how many is not.

How many trips can I take? Happiness is not how much money can I make? Happiness is do I know who the fuck I am and why I am. And then when I got engaged with the world, am I living my purpose? Am I shedding love or am I siphoning love off of people? Happiness is being in line with the [00:20:00]divine, not. Just busy bodying, you know, all that is, is distraction and activity and foolish people will fall for it.

We empathetic people are not going to be this way, so get your minds off of these people. I'm saying all that to say that, okay, most people, the narcissists will leave the person, which can leave you feeling abandoned, which can leave you wondering what they're doing and all of that. Fortunately in my case, I left the narcissist, but that doesn't usually happen.

So you have got to you. You've gotta stop baby them. Leaving you was a blessing. That was the best thing that could have happened to you. Because look, you gonna struggle regardless. You either gonna struggle trying to stay in a relationship with a motherfucker, you gonna struggle trying to be friends with a motherfucker, or you gonna struggle after you leave with a motherfucker trying to get all of their dark fucking ink and tar out of your soul, psyche and mind.

But in all three instances, guess what? Bitch, you will struggle. Okay. [00:21:00] Blessed are the people who, when they first meet people like this, which is a power I've now gained and I can spot this shit. I'm like, bye bitch. Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm-hmm. I, I'm not, I'm not much talking about trying to have sex in your body. You know, that's not even much important.

I'm talking about just basic ass friends, business associates, anything like that. As soon as I meet somebody, I don't give a shit with. The potential dynamic is once I can sense that narcissistic personality disorder and them, I run away from them like a fucking god damn road runner from Wale Coyote or.

Okay, are the motherfucking, fucking cat, fucking rat shit from Tom and Jerry. Shit, I gets the fuck outta there. It's an interesting dynamic though, because at the same time, if the spirit tells me to minister to somebody, then I also have to minister to them. So I'm, so, I've learned how to like shield myself, psychically, spiritually [00:22:00] to give a word to people like this when I meet them, but also get the fuck outta there as too.

Is it quite an interesting skill set that I've had to develop in this particular life that I live? And but for you, your first priority is to leave. Now, once you have, once you come to terms with the fact that you're never gonna be the same person, then you can, then you must change. It is not uncommon for people to Get a new name.

I mean, legally change their names after they leave Le get out a relationship with an Narcisistic person. You know, and, and you have to, I just, this is super important. So you're gonna have to have a counselor to do it. You can go to that blog that I made. It's called Ethan's Sex Messages Revealed, where I went in there and listed all of his damn dirt and shit that he did.

In, in everything in order to help you all understand that the shit is common [00:23:00] and everything like that. But nevertheless, in that blog I put in there resources like narcissistic recovery groups and different things like that, go to that blog, it's Sex Drugs and and look it up and it'll help you to find ways, even if you're, find ways to come up outta your situation.

Even if you haven't left the person, you know they haven't left you and you know the shit ain't right, bitch. We be knowing, don't we though? We know. You can at least attend some of these groups and begin to let that seed, they get positive seed, be planted in you, that you're not crazy. What you're seeing is, is actually accurate and be and talk to other people who are out.

So you can begin to envision that because when you're with a narcissist, you're under the spell, they've cast on you and you don't see a future without them. And once you get away from it, your heart is gonna lurch and wanna go back to them. But bitch, you're gonna have to be stronger than that. So many of us left and went back.

I did that shit too. But this time when you leave, you've got to go and stay gone. [00:24:00] But as long as you were breathing, you could start all over again. As Dave caused this song says, which I love so fucking much, I forget to meet that man one day. And that beautiful woman who sang that song, Once you leave, that means you're out of the house, bitch.

Not on the other half of it. You got your finances separated, got the custody with the kids, worked out. All of this isn't done. You in your own place. Okay? And you're not talking to this person no more. You deleted the pictures. You're not ruminating over the text messages, okay? I would've deleted all of my text messages if not for the fact that I might need to call upon that for material for the book I'm working on.

But I also don't sit around and read through the damn things either. So they're nonexistent to me, but I know some of y'all like to go back and look through that shit. Stop. All that is, is a part of their energy still rubbing off on you. That's why you can't be friends with them because every time that you go around them, that badass fucking energy is just reinfecting you and pulling you back down.

So you're, so [00:25:00] I need you to stop your bleeding hard from bleeding, at least for this one person, and just do what the Lord told you. And from such, turn away. Leave that person alone, and it's okay to mourn them. You know, in the Old Testament, king Saul was a total narcissist. He tried to gaslight the prophet.

Samuel tried to play a victim and blame everybody else for the bad decisions that he made. Textbook narcissism, because y'all narcissists are controlled by the devil. And so, From the first liars in the Bible on down to the current ones. That's why they're, that's why they're so damn predictable. That's why most of them cheat.

Most of them, all of them lie. And gaslight, they have repetitive behavior because they're controlled by the same devil. This is not complicated. Once you actually learn it, you can track the patterns. You see a narcissist, you get in a relationship with narcissist. They're going to cheap. Eventually they're gonna want more variety, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

I've heard my ex, my the ex used to say all this shit, and now that I'm studying it, okay, it's the same shit. Rinse, wash, repeat, same tape, different person. Okay? And, and Samuel [00:26:00] had to finally cut Saul loose because God commanded him to, God got pissed off with Saul and his narcissistic as ways, and he is like, I'm, I'm, I'm repent that I even made him king.

He's been rejected. And, and, and Samuel tried to intercede for, for Saul and the Lord would not hear him because God was done with him. The Lord said a liar will not carry in his sight. You cannot negotiate with somebody who's not gonna tell you the truth. Some of these poor women out here have got to give their men fucking lie detector test, bitch.

I used to try to track Ethan in my fucking phone because I didn't believe I had to. I just never trusted his full word, and I knew that he was going places that he wasn't telling me. The few that I caught or just the few that I caught, that boy did far worse, you know? But the Lord let me find just enough of what I could handle.

Enough to motivate me to finally turn him loose permanently for once and for all. But trust me, these people are out there doing whatever it is that they please, and it doesn't matter how it affects you or anybody else. So stop being [00:27:00] silly and I mean this with love. Stop being silly and thinking that person's ever going to change.

Let them go. Samuel delivered his final message to Saul and told him everything was gonna change. The kingdom had been rented from him because he would not be true before the Lord. He, he insisted upon lying and his way. He's caught up to him and the Bible says that Samuel mourned for Saul, you know, for so long that the Lord told him.

How long did you going mourn for? You know, he cried over the loss of this man and what he could have been. I feel the same way about the X. You can, it's okay for you to hold space for that, but you also have to let that person go. You are not gonna be able to fix them. There's too many learned bad behaviors between the two of you.

It is not your place to save them. Stop and turn away from them and turn into yourself. All the energy that you put into that evil bastard. Okay? Put that into you. Put that into you cuz they, they are never, ever, ever going to give you half of the attention. Not even a modicum. The attention that you give them, if you, if you observe [00:28:00] that they're just setting there, letting you shower all that love upon them, they're not doing that.

All they're doing is giving you little breadcrumbs. Breadcrumb, you're, you're so starved for a compliment, for a kind word for that one time that you go out and you don't have an argument, you know? And you think that that's gonna happen and be that way forever. Imagine a different life, or you're with somebody who sees you eye to eye, they flourish you with compliments and flowers and beautiful things, and all the things you love and want.

You don't even have to ask them to do it, cuz they already want to. They're so motivated. They meet you halfway. They tell you the truth. They are where they say they're gonna go, you know? And, and just, and just, and it's just fucking beautiful. That's available to you if you let that other person go, okay, my situation is not as bad as others, and I am so thankful that things that could trigger me don't I hear you know, just, just things that could, like I said, I don't ruminate over the text and shit like that.

I'm like, why would I, I'm not the one who fucked up our relationship and calls it the end of, what the fuck would I do? I'm not gonna torture [00:29:00] myself, you know, anymore. And so then I already let him do that. Never again. But my God, like I said, like I don't have kids. Even though with, with, with the ex, there was no business interest tied up.

No real estate, no nothing. I met somebody the other day on day, her covert narcissist, I mean her, her fucking narcissism over there, covert. And I had a whole family across town, bitch here in fucking Baton Rouge. Okay. It is like, So, so like I said, these people grow in these problems. Okay. I'm sure that the, the person who had this secret family didn't start out that way.

They probably started with a few online engagements, which is still a spiritual exchange. Then they probably started cheating, you know, when they got comfortable with that, then they, then they set up a whole family. Do you see how that that person who, who. Who was evil like that, that narcissist grew in their wickedness.

Like we grow in righteousness. There's people in this earth who are gonna grow in wickedness. Okay? If I'd have stayed [00:30:00] with, with, with that ex, eventually he would've done the same damn thing. Okay? He's already running around doing who and what the fuck he wanted. If, you know, once they feel like they can get away with that, why not go to the next level?

I wasn't about to sit there and play a fool. Not that I saw him for what he really was, and And I encourage y'all to stop. What I'm saying is this, leave them feel sad about it and all of that bitch, but stay gone because you're dealing with a person that you don't know. You do not know them. You have a huge fucking question mark in front of you.

You do. You don't know the first true thing about this motherfucking person. There's a stranger in your house. It took a while to figure out. Come on, come on, come on. I know y'all know that song. You can't be who you say you are. You gotta be someone else. Who the fuck is you? Bitch? You will never know because they're never gonna take that mask off and show you.

So leave while you can and you still have life in your body. [00:31:00] The second thing is you need to get baptized. Okay. If you don't believe in Jesus and all of, and all of the Trinity, then you need to do some sort of spiritual ceremony. Okay? Could be ayahuasca, could be peyote, could be something. But you need to, you need to, you need to get baptized because baptism represents.

The ending of one man or woman or whatever, or whoever, in the rising of a new one. You go down one way. You come up a different person. Jesus went down to the earth. He came up a different person. Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist. He came up and the Holy Ghost appeared upon him as a dove. It changes you.

You must wash away the old person, okay, is symbolic of a transition. It is symbolic of change, powerful change. Like I said, if you don't believe in baptism, sure, go find some other version of it. But the point is, since you're dealing with spiritual evil, that shit [00:32:00] hates to be exercised about of you, and you need to be fucking cleansed.

People here local in Baton Rouge, I can baptize you. Anybody really can. If you have enough faith, you know, if you believe you can get God to move and do a great many things. There's nothing in the Bible what it says, you have to be a minister to baptize. He just says that if you believe all things are possible, but I am, you know, a licensed minister for those of you who just are, have that stuck in your head and you feel like someone just has to, I can do it.

I can make that shit happen for you. But it's not necessary. It was so fucking funny when I, when I got like ordained and licensed and everything. I'm probably the most non-Christian person who believes in Jesus that you'll like ever meet. But, you know, and I, I got this because I wasn't going to marry people, you know, marry my friends and people, you know, cause I got tired of them being rejected by these fucking conservative ass churches here in Baton Rouge.

And so I was like, fuck, I'll do it myself. Fuck all this bullshit. If so [00:33:00] I go down to the county clerk's office after I got my, my minister's license and everything. Hmm. Very contemporary, modern building. And then this, this, this bitch pulls out this fucking lather bound brown scroll book and plops it on the table like some dungeons and dragon shit.

I'm all like, okay. Can my fucking scribe fetch me my tongue and quill then so I can ink my name in the scroll. It was like, it was like the most, like, I felt kind of honored and also kind of like weird about it too at the same time. And a lot of things make me feel weird. When you get your minister's license here in Baton Rouge, you gotta go put your name on the book this, this official fucking book with like, I'm like, you might as well have had like a fucking candle with like a fucking vamp, a Dracula, Dracula fucking.

Ink seal on it or some shit. It's like the most weird, wild fucking thing I've ever seen. If I put my name in that book and then got the fuck up out of there. Cause it was like kind of like weird. [00:34:00] But I digress. But anyway, I'm here at Baton Rouge. I am a licensed minister and I can baptize you if you have left the person.

And if you're serious about it, don't come to me with no bullshit. If you still playing ground with this, toying, with this idea like it's going to work and all of that, girl, I'm pray for you that you come out of it cuz they are never going to change. And not, especially, not as long as you're there being their crutch, the best thing you can do for them is leave them.

Now, if they dumb enough to go and find somebody else to be co-dependent with and just clinging to them, but then that's on them, rather than taking advantage of the opportunity to heal and wonder why they keep getting left. Okay? But you cannot fix them. You will not change them and get yourself baptized.

You need to go through a spiritual ceremony. That is tip number two. The third thing. The spirit reminded me of this key ceremony that evangelist Nelson did one time in church. The Holy Ghost had her. She blessed water and made it holy, and then everybody put, Tammy put [00:35:00] their keys in it. Why? Because keys represent authority, access, power, their spiritual connotations to everything in this life.

From the movies we watched to the sex. We wanna go run out and have. To, to the things we allow ourselves to be exposed to through our cell phones to what we fail to do. You know, even being lazy and setting down is gathering stagnant energy, which she calls blockages within you. There is spirit everywhere.

A fool will deny that a wise person will embrace that period. She blessed this water. She prayed over this keys. Cause sometimes your access needs to be cleansed. Keys to the office, flee keys to your house. The way this applies to you. It's sometimes we've given these people's keys to our houses, homes, apartments, and condos, and then we went and got those motherfucking things in the back.

When you get those keys back, you can discard that key and throw it the fuck away, but maybe you can't afford to re-key the house. Okay? Or maybe you don't wanna throw the key away or whatever the fucking case [00:36:00] may be, but, All your keys. Nevertheless, do this. You can get you a bowl or use the sink and put you some sea salt in it and put them fucking keys in there and just for like five minutes, okay?

And cleanse that shit. You know, they strip all of their negative energy away from your keys, okay? Because what they represent is too powerful. What keys represented too powerful. You don't go around just handing out keys to the place that you live. You might go out on dates with all kinds of people and have sex with all kinds of people and take trips and have print funds and High five with all kinds of people.

But you don't just will willy-nilly hand out a key that's like a important decision to make. And so when you have to take something back from somebody, you know, you're not just revoking a key, you're telling this person, you have been rejected. You know, you can't come in here when you want to know more.

Trust is broken. Okay? That has to be spiritually washed away. Take them keys, not just [00:37:00] the house key you gave them. If that key's been on a key ring or next to other keys and just every now and then, this is good to do this with your keys. Take them motherfuckers and start. Give them bitches, salt, soul, Connie, and strip that evil off of there.

Pray over it. Meditate, send in positive vibes, whatever works for you. And then, and then you will get a reset of sorts and take the time to invite God. And, and, and take on the spiritual element into everything in your life cuz you are not just a physical being. You are a soul too. And we have got to start tending more to that aspect of us, or we will fall out of balance.

I'm gonna say it again. You're not just a physical body, you are mind, you are a spirit, you're a soul, you have a heart. It is the secrets of the heart that influenced this world. Okay. Out of the abundance of the heart flows, the issues of life is what Jesus told us. Everything starts as a thought. Then we materialize that somehow everything starts on the inside.

So I need y'all to get more prayerful, get more spiritual, and and stop living on [00:38:00] autopilot. To stop and stop acting like this physical role is all that there is to it. There's a spiritual side to everything. I'm praying for the Lord to send more dreams to people, to send more angels, to send, to send his spirit cuz it is prophesied that the spirit will be poured out upon all flesh.

You know, you know at the end of days, and I'm not saying the world's gonna end today, who the fuck knows? A lot has to happen before that comes. But you don't know if your world is gonna end today cuz tomorrow is not promised. Don't be a fool and think it's guaranteed for you to get old or to live a certain time.

And so, To get your spirit right. Get some spiritual understanding. I've been praying for spiritual understanding for y'all. You know, where is it? Where, where, where is the spiritual understanding People know how this world works when it comes down talking about God and you getting the prayer through.

People be looking at me like, fucking dears in the headlight. I'm like, they're like, what? I just look at them right back, like, girl, it's girl. Anyway. [00:39:00] I hope you enjoyed this episode. Again, the website is Sex Drugs and Let me give you a quick recap. Once you have gotten away from the narcissist, and only once you have gotten away, and I mean seriously gotten away, come to terms with the fact that you were abused and used and that the person never liked you.

It rejoicing. The fact that this puts you more in alignment with the spirit of Christ. If God and Jesus got used and spit on and trampled underfoot, so will you just be thankful you are not the one doing the hurt. Number two, you need a spiritual ceremony to cleanse you of the evils that you took on baptism, some ayahuasca, some other psychedelics, some other sort of shaman led thing.

Something. If you're here in Baton Rouge, reach out to me and we'll talk about a baptism for you. The third thing is a key ceremony. You need to, you need to cleanse your keys. Take them back, you know, for if you have, have left them with this person. Then look, [00:40:00] I don't wanna be clear, leaving this person is not just physically leaving them.

You cannot leave question marks over the dynamic of your relationship. One person I know left the narcissist. But they were also talking about, this is like months of almost a year later, and they're talking about some, well, I don't know, we're gonna be friends. Like, wait a minute, that hasn't been stated.

Don't you leave that possible door open. You have got to tell them for sure. We are not friends. We are not lovers. This is, you have got to say it. I don't care how much is going to hurt you to saying it releases you from that person. You know, it, it, it. You know, y'all have got to be broken free from that person fully.

Don't leave them little dangling tidbits of connection cuz that's all that a devil needs to rip you to, to reel you right back in. Get fully away from that person. And so And then go cry. Girl, I know you're mascara gonna be all over the fucking floor as was mine, but bitch, [00:41:00] you gonna breathe again and you going to get better, but you ain't gonna never get better.

If you stay in a relationship with somebody with, with narcissistic personalities heart, I can guarantee you that you ain't never gonna improve. And so wash your keys up or throw, throw the fucking things away, or re-key the house. But you gotta do something with those keys. Jonathan My name is Devon.

It's been a pleasure as always, darlings, and just remember that everything is gonna be all right.

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