Sex, Drugs, and Jesus

Episode #151: Lucifer's Devices Part 1

De'Vannon Seráphino Episode 151

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This episode will help you understand the mind of the devil, his tactics and modus operandi. Some deception is not as obvious as it seems.


INCLUDED IN THIS EPISODE (But not limited to):

·      What can you learn from watching movies and tv shows?

·      Lucifer deals in fool’s gold.

·      Look out before you step out.

·      The subtle power of words.

·      Understand the dynamics of the Lord’s personality.

·      It is time to get your spirit and soul sorted out.

·      How the devil plays in church.

·      The danger of group consciousness. 

·      Stop complaining.

·      Watch out for the creep Grindr mask.

·      You don’t have to drink if you don’t want to.






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Lucifer’s Devices Part 1

De'Vannon Seráphino: [00:00:00] Hello, my friends, and welcome back to the sex drugs and Jesus podcast. My name is Devan and Serafino, and I am so happy to be talking to you again today. Today, I am going to be talking to you about Lucifer, the devil, negative energy, however you want to describe it. Bills, the bubs, you know, however it is.

De'Vannon Seráphino: However you want to say it, that dark force in the universe. In in nature of however you choose to classify it beings that exist entities that exist that genuinely do not want to see you prevail. Do not want to see you get ahead. I feel like some people don't want to believe that there's a devil that demons exist.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay. I mean, I can't really, I don't know what I could do to convince people of that. But I, You know, I would encourage you to stop being naive and understand that such beings are [00:01:00] around. So this episode is going to talk about like the mindset of the devil. You know how lucifer thinks how he operates.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I'm not afraid of him. You know, I've I've tussled with the devil, you know, more times than I care to recount. And so, but I'm familiar. I like to call him lucifer because why not? You know, that's that's, you know, one of his names and like, like Dumbledore told us fear of a name increases a fear, the fear of the thing itself.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So we like to, we need to call things what it is, call beings what they are. Yeah. Before I get too into it, remember our website is sex, drugs, and Jesus dot com. We're also on YouTube, sex, drugs, and Jesus podcast. My retail stores down under apparel dot com. Thank you for checking those websites out and recommend them to all your friends, family, lovers, and loved ones.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Second Corinthians chapter two and verse 11 sums. The [00:02:00] point of this episode up nicely, which says at least Satan should get an advantage of us for we are not ignorant of his devices. We got to become smart. Like when I was in the military, I was in the air force for six years, you know, in order to defeat an enemy, you got to get inside that enemy's head.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You got to know how they think, how they operate. You got to be able to look into that, this type of darkness. And not be overcome by it, because the saying is true when you, when you gaze into the darkness, the darkness looks back. It does. However, we're in this world, and if you're trying to do good, if you're trying to break habits, you're trying to get out of bad entanglements, bad relationships, bad situationships.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Any kind of bad situation that darkness is not going to be very interested in letting you go part of my task here is to hopefully instruct you with some things that will prevent you from getting into bad situations in the [00:03:00] first place to need to be released from however I know this is life shit's gonna happen but that don't mean we have to just go ahead first into bullshit I had been working on this episodes in the last year This is before I moved to New York, but these episodes always come out, I feel, when God is ready for them to come out.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Not when the Van and Serafino wants them to come out, but when the Holy Ghost wants them to come out. I was watching Supernatural on Netflix the other day. Yeah, I know Supernatural was, oh, they gave us 15 great, beautiful, sexy ass seasons, and glorious too, I might add. Watching them two pretty ass boys run around.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's giving me life, but I'm, I'm going back and catching up on shows and things that I missed from that 10 year period. Like, well, I was homeless before when I lived in Houston. And then it took like 10 years for me to like, restabilize and come back to life. And I didn't have to have time to fuck around with television and shit like that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So I did not [00:04:00] see things fully, you know, like orange is a new black supernatural and stuff and things of that nature. And so I'm like, thank God for streaming services. So I can go back. And catch what I missed in supernatural is like my favorite show ever. You'll know I'm all about the witchery and, and all of that and the casting out of the devils.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And I mean, this shit is right up my alley. And so I'm going to read a quote from something, one of the demons said in supernatural. And, and, and when I heard her say this, I was like, I think it's time to release this show. The, the, the two guys on there who cast out the devils were, had a demon in front of them and the devil.

De'Vannon Seráphino: told them this. The devil was saying like basically humans are waist deep in food, booze, sex, and gambling. And I barely have to lift the finger to get them to destroy themselves. The demon continues that all you've got to do is nudge humans, some whiskey here, a hooker [00:05:00]there. And they'll walk right into hell with big fat smiles on their faces, end quote.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So, I tell y'all all the time on this show, watch movies, shows for entertainment. Yes, there's that aspect to it for sure. But please, don't listen to music. Watch shows and And all of these things that missed the life lessons that, that, that God is trying to teach you through these, these movies and shows, because movies and shows are made from a lot of research.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Real life lived experiences, even some shows that seem super far out, there has to be some human elements so that people can identify and relate or the show won't sell. So we can watch things and be entertained and have our titties tickled and all the things that we like and that's all cool, but we need to learn some shit too.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So when the show turns off, sit down with your friends, family, lovers, loved ones, and be like, what did you learn from this [00:06:00] that we can actually apply to our life? Do you have to do it every time you watch a show? Probably not. But I mean, don't you want to get the most out of anything that you do in this life?

De'Vannon Seráphino: And so when I watch Supernatural, I have my mental notebook out and I'd be taking notes. When I heard this demon basically say the human race is doing a fine job of destroying itself and the devils in this show were like, Damn, they're doing better than we are at destroying people, you know, and so, and so, and so I was like, let me, let me, let me just sit down and work on this show because the way the devil works, it's the same way that, that I've warned you, like how witches work. They will, because they use a Luciferian energy to do their dark magic. Like if the devil can get you to undo yours. Self, he really doesn't have much to do.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So he will exploit your darkest parts, your weakest part that the inner child that you have, that you haven't worked on, that [00:07:00] you're letting sit there and suffer your mental health issues. You're not tending to that. You might be patching over with vices, like excessive travel, sex. Drugs, alcohol, drugs can even include hallucinogenics.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You know, as I've gotten deeper into the psychonaut community, it's very sad that I have discovered there's some people who abuse psychedelics. And even though they're used for healing, they're, they're not, those people, some people I've seen are not advancing internally, okay, which is a damn shame because there is power in plant medicine, period.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And so. Lucifer really deals like in fools gold. He's going to try to sell you some shit that gives you a sensual sense of satisfaction on some type of level, mental, emotional, physical, but there's no legs to it, okay? There's no like longevity to it. It won't be there tomorrow. So we take like, say, the temptation of Christ.

De'Vannon Seráphino: For instance, when this, [00:08:00] when John the Baptist baptized the Lord, then the Holy Ghost came down as the dove on Jesus. God said, this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased. And then Jesus skipped on up the mountain, led up the spirit to be tempted of bilgey bubs. And so when he was up there, you know, the devil offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world was one of the temptations.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Now, why would The devil be willing to let go of all the kingdoms of the world to try to get Jesus to bow at his feet because the devil knows that the kingdoms of this world and all the riches and all the sex and all the money and all the gold and all the blah blah blah all the praise of humans. It's temporary.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's not going to last. What is permanent and lasting is the dynamics that we have with people, the relationships. So Lucifer was trying to get Jesus to change his, the dynamic of the relationship he had to him. He was [00:09:00] trying to flip it so that, that Jesus was not above Lucifer. He was trying to make Jesus be beneath Lucifer.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And he offered him something that has no Latin eternal value anyway, which is everything in this world. That is what fool's gold is. It's shiny. It's pretty. It's sparkly. It'll excite you to look at, but ain't shit to it. He has got some weight to it and everything like that, but you can't do nothing with it long term.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's like in the movies, how the leprechauns fool people and then they give them this pot of gold. By the time they get out to the car, they realize there's nothing but really rocks. You know, and, and, and that fool's goal can be tricky. Like it'll give you like a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction today.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Then it'll turn on you and bite you like a snake tomorrow. You know, I think about like when I was living in, in Baton Rouge years ago and, and working at the department of veterans affairs, the VA in New Orleans had this scandal happen where some [00:10:00] people in human resources were stealing like hundreds of thousands of dollars.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And it got in the way with it until they got caught. And so that to me is like that Luciferian fools go trickery. He let them, he caused them to lower their vibration enough to, to make it make sense in their heads that it's a good fucking idea to steal from the federal government. Not a little bit, but a lot of bit and then not stop.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And and then, you know, the FBI, whoever came there and hauled them off, and then that was the end of that. So what's the point of pleasure today, which is what Lucifer offered Jesus. If you're going to have pain and suffering for tomorrow. So we got to like think through things, you know, evangelist Nelson, my spiritual leader, the high clairvoyant, you know, would always say, you got to look out before you step out so we can't just go hop off into things.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Into people, into experiences, because this shit feels good. We got to examine. The have the foresight and the depth of sight to understand the, the who, what, where, when, why, how, and will this [00:11:00] still have value tomorrow? Or is this just a cheap thrill I'm settling for today? All right, Daniel chapter 7 and the Hebrew Bible and I always like to say the Hebrew Bible to remind the United States of America that the Bible does not belong to this country.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Did not come from this country. The United States doesn't have a monopoly. On the Bible, even though they make so much money from the interpretation of scriptures and things like that, which I covered on a different show with my good friend, Barry Bowen, who is a researcher and investigator for the Trinity Foundation over in Texas, who investigates.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Preachers and, you know, looks into all those things, but but, but Daniel 7 talks about how it was talking about the anti Christ and how that the anti Christ will be given a mouth speaking great things. And when I read through this, I thought about how manipulative people who are [00:12:00] infused with Luciferian energy.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Lie, they say convincing things, say certain words that sound convincing and they can motivate a lot of people But it's just not the truth. Be it Hitler, be it The damn narcissist you're married to, be it You know some fucking manipulative ass child who won't act right or whatever the case may be , we have to be careful We're not letting people's words influence that influence us because there are words.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I studied this in my hypnotherapy class, and there are people in this world who actually teach classes. About how to use words, tone of voice and things like that to control people. They said some of these foolish people tried to recruit me into it and I told them to go fuck off because I have no desire to work on a skill set to make people do what I want.

De'Vannon Seráphino: If it's supposed to happen, it will happen. I will go to God and pray to get the things I want. I'm not about to resort to [00:13:00] manipulations and connery and all of that stupid ass shit that people do. That's the only gonna bite them in the ass like a snake in the future. It's like Dune part two just came out.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I've been reading the Dune Chronicles and I'm further ahead in the books than the movies are, but you see how they use voice in Dune. And when they speak in a certain tone, people act and they can't control, they have to get up and do it. If I say that, that things like that are like, not like that exactly in real life, but that concept is real.

De'Vannon Seráphino: If I walk into a room and I say a million dollars. Everybody is going to get fucking excited on some level. There will be some sort of heightening of their senses or their emotions. If I say a million dollars. If I say somebody died, I don't even know who it is. There's going to be a lowering of people's energy and emotions just on those words alone.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And so if somebody knows how certain [00:14:00] words will play on certain people, most people's emotions, a person can weave a tapestry to control you. By saying certain things in tones of voices and certain words to manipulate you. If I want to, I can make an entire room more happy or more sad. Just because I know what words to say.

De'Vannon Seráphino: In the military, when they were training me to march flights and squadron groups of people, it was all about the drill instructors were kept drilling, you know, into me the importance of, saying forward, march. To the rear, march, right flank, march, left flank, march, about face or whatever the fuck the command would be, with power and with authority, the point they were trying to make, if I don't say it with the right inflection in my voice, then this group of men over here, Ain't gonna listen to what the fuck I'm saying.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay. They're not gonna listen to this group of people if they're not gonna listen to what the fuck I'm talking about. So, [00:15:00] so, so, so the warning here is to be careful about what the fuck you let people say to you and don't just do it because Any motion gets stirred up in you. Be level headed. Be objective.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Keep yourself grounded and pay attention to who is talking to you, why they're talking to you. I ain't saying be suspicious of everybody, but you kind of got to be a little bit suspicious of everybody and tell people, prove to you why you should trust them. Okay.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I was reading in the book of Zephaniah, in chapter one it says, and it shall come to pass at that time that I will search Jerusalem with candles and punish the men that are settled on their leaves that say in their heart, the Lord will not do good, neither will he do evil. Therefore their goods shall become a booty and their houses a desolation.

De'Vannon Seráphino: They shall also build houses and not inhabit them and they shall plant vineyards, [00:16:00] but not drink the wine thereof. The message here is to be very, very careful about this idea. That God is this passive being who just, just sets up, who just sets up in the heavenlies with nothing better to do than to shower good shit down on humans.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay, God has in his personality, and I know this as I hang, I make it a point to hang out with the High Trinity, God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost all the time. Alright, I got plenty of time to do it because I don't date. I'm not having sex right now. I'm like, my life is so like, focused on self improvement and sorting out my relationship with the divine.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Like I, like, I don't have enough time to tell you. I know God. Okay. That his personality is, is more wide and varied than ours. Okay. He has anger. He gets pissed off. He's nice and benevolent and everything in between. Okay. [00:17:00] Don't let people tell you that there is no judgment. Let people tell you. God is not going to get angry at you and smite you.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Yes, he will. Okay. He's going to repay to you your ways. Okay. Don't, don't sit there and think that because you know, scriptures like this talk about how people think because judgment was delayed so long, it would never come. This is a trick of the devil because he makes you become complacent. Okay, another thing they would warn us about in the military was being vigilant and not becoming complacent just because shit's been peaceful for a while don't mean it has to stay that way.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Everything is subject to change. The only thing that's guaranteed is change. You could have a house today and be homeless tomorrow. You could have perfect health today and be struck with cancer or some shit tomorrow. You could have a sound mind today and, and if you go up, it's up there and fuck, fuck with the wrong person.

De'Vannon Seráphino: They [00:18:00] could throw some witchcraft on your ass and cast you into a mental hospital by the end of the night. Okay, shit can change just that damn fast. Does it mean you run around and worry? No, it means you get your spiritual life sorted out because you don't know what the fuck is going to happen. You know, having your soul right with God, having your understanding of the divine being formed is like spiritual insurance because you don't know what kind of spiritual trouble might come upon you.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay, so this, so y'all got to get past this idea of going to work on spirituality one day or whatever kind of like lazy ass way you might have been doing it. And you need to get serious about it because part of you is soul and spirit and you must tend to those things. And you got to get past yoga, you know, and things like that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That's cute. It's a great place to start, but you need to understand who you worship and why I understand that everybody's going to worship Hebrews. Like I do, I get that. But there are [00:19:00] far too many. YouTube videos and books out there and Amazon and this and that and teachings and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah for people to be like a vague about where they stand spiritually in this day and time, and it just simply will not do and it's time for people to move past that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And, I'm very, very fucking happy to hear though, as I travel around the world, I'm hearing more people. Give me testimonies and accounts of, like, their own awakenings. People like God is starting to wake people up. And it's not just people who necessarily worship him per se. It's people who have been searching for something.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And it's like, it's coming to them, you know, in a spiritual aspect. I'm hearing it for men, women and everything in between. I'm hearing a lot of formerly toxic masculines that didn't pull their head out of their ass, out of their assholes and understand that they actually get to be their own man and they don't have to do what every other fucking dude is doing and that's okay.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Congratulations boys. I knew this day would come for you. I've been rooting for you. I've [00:20:00] been fucking rooting for you. Like literally all I want is for dudes to like, grow the fuck up, be men, have fun. And do right. Thank God. I'm hearing some, some, some testimonies from these just from friends with guys. I might come across, you know, at the gym or wherever this chapter and Zephaniah 1 talks about, oh, my God, this is a situation.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You don't want to be in. This is like, when, when, when God comes and searches. When he makes Inquisition, see God will give you space to do whatever the fuck you want. Go out, cheat, be a hoe, work witchcraft against people, murder people, kill people, steal, whatever, or pray, do right, tell the truth, you know, meditate, open your heart to God, whatever.

De'Vannon Seráphino: There's like a time. But then it's like God wakes up and then he flies down here, bends the clouds, as the scripture says, and enters into judgment with people. If you've done good, you will receive good. If you've done bad, well, as they say in John [00:21:00] Wick, by thine own hand, thy life is forfeit. It could be forfeited many different ways.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So next, next, next point is the church. I believe, and y'all know I don't go to church, I can't fucking stand the concept of church and organized religion. I am with Team Trinity all the way. I hang out with angels, ancestors, ascendant masters, I'm about all that. I I am so fuckin overchurched. It is like the most over glorified middleman ever.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Anybody who's come up out the game or ever fuckin even bought drugs, even if you were never a player, understands just how costly and expensive and taxing and unnecessary the goddamn shifty ass go between is. I don't care for Preachers, pastors. I don't, you don't need all that. Okay. And what Lucifer has done is given people an addiction to church, an addiction to preachers, an [00:22:00] addiction to pastors, an addiction to the community of church.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And slowly over time, it's like, God, I'm not saying this is everybody who fucking goes to church. But over time for many people who do is like God slips from being in the primary reason that they go to being peripheral Okay, because people are more excited about getting up picking an outfit seeing their friend being on the program Participating in some shit in front of a camera or whatever the case may be in church has become like this social shit Okay, and but back in the Bible days, people didn't fucking go to church every week and certainly not no damn three, four times a week.

De'Vannon Seráphino: People did not live in Jerusalem. They went up there like once a fucking year and they had church at home. You know, they had church out in the fields and shit, you know, where God is, you know, I'm gonna do a separate episode on this later, but I was in Guadalajara on the side of a mountain, like last week of the week before smoking [00:23:00] Bufo Elvira's fucking frog poison with a shaman.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And, and we were just out, I was sitting in a dry riverbed and man, I felt the Holy Ghost come through there and it felt like the churchiest church I'd ever had. And it was me and a shaman out in the woods. It felt pure. It felt like pure and it felt like God looked and saw us. Okay, now, it might sound hypocritical for me to say that I was with a shaman when I just threw so much shade at pastors and priests, but let me tell you, a shaman, it's not a pastor, they're not a preach, and they damn sure not a pope.

De'Vannon Seráphino: A shaman is a completely different entity entirely, and they exist to help to shepherd and guide you into a personal relationship with the divine by yourself. The shamans, any good ones worth their fucking shit, are always about spiritual independence. You always hear me [00:24:00]preach about, preach, dare I say that word, oh fuck it, I done said it, you know, preach about spiritual independence, know God for yourself, read, Every fucking thing that you feel drawn to spiritually, search it out.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Go to God for yourself. Shit the church did, like, speaking against things which heal. Like, growing up Pentecostal, they would tell us no music, no dancing, no cussing, no this, no, no, no that. But you know, there's healing in music. In shamanism, music and psychedelics go hand in glove. You have to have the music, the way it plays on the way the medicine works through you.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's healing and not the lyrics, the beats. Everything plant medicine is strong. It has the power to break the depression off of people, release people from drug addictions. I dare say sex addiction and things like that. If the person is willing to let it go, that medicine, God will reach through that medicine and come and yank that shit up out of you.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay. [00:25:00] And there's all kinds of plant medicines out there and things like that, y'all seek that healing. Prescription medicine is cute. Sometimes we do need that to get us started, but. It's been my experience plant medicine solid psychedelics are solid and in the church said no drugs. No, nothing. No, nothing girl

De'Vannon Seráphino: Coming to your own personal relationship in the church because there's a scripture that talks about how we should come to a point where we Have need that no man teach us. Okay, they don't preach this in church They would be preaching themselves out of a job churches school outgrow it graduate And go get by yourself with God, maybe not in Guadalajara on the side of a mountain, but whatever isolation with the divine looks like to you.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay, and we got to be careful about this anger against the church, because this is another area where Lucifer will play in and make people anti God. People like me who were kicked out of church. For not being straight. Our friends who [00:26:00] watch this happen can get a bitterness, you know, in us because you know, God is actually good.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It is the church that's bad and that's why the devil doesn't really fuck with churches because he's not trying to mess up something that's driving people away from God. So the devil uses the church. To drive people away from God by the fucked up shit preachers say and do to people and by slowly making a God out of the community, the preacher and the church within people before people realize that it has happened.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay, and I mean, and Lucifer is very masterful. I'm not praising him at all, but we've got to know our enemy. This, this dude is smart. He's old as fuck. He's an ancient being and you cannot outsmart the devil, but you can learn to identify the patterns and the tactics and then circumnavigate and pivot around them.

De'Vannon Seráphino: [00:27:00] Okay, it's probably an intentional thing of Lucifer to set up, like, popular preachers and things like that, and even ones in the local community, and then cause those preachers to fall, because he knows if he can get a preacher to fuck up half the damn congregation, if not all of them gonna scatter, get confused, because they were worshiping the preacher and not God.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That's why when these, some of these, these preachers fall, the whole congregation don't know what the fuck to do. Because they were there for the preacher, they weren't really there for God. I mean, they came there for God, but they stayed for the preacher. You know, and after a while, that's what, that's what really what they're about.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The preacher said this, oh God, I can't wait to hear the preacher this Sunday. You know, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And it's damn near like, people, you hear less and less of God and more and more talk about the preacher. What's the next book they're gonna write? What's the next song that's gonna come from the fucking band?

De'Vannon Seráphino: You know, and so on and so forth, just be careful. And then what the devil will do is when we get pissed off at the church, then hopping us and make us go to all of these [00:28:00]destructive devices and shit. That's what I did when I got kicked out of Lakewood church for not being straight. Yeah, that was Joel and Victoria Osteen's doing because they commissioned this shit within their staff and within their ranks.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Then I was like, well, fuck, I'm so hurt. So I'm going to go over here and start selling and doing all these drugs where I won't be judged. That was the wrong direction. You know, the church was too fucking restrictive, but them streets are too goddamn loose. You know, we need to be somewhere in the middle, you know, not too much, not too little.

De'Vannon Seráphino: We all talk about extremes later, but we can't be dancing in these extremes. Not too conservative, but not too damn fucking loose either. Because a lot of people have this live and let live, do whatever you want. If it feels good, do it. I disagree. You need to take things before the Lord and see if he approves of it and not, not do everything.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Because it just feels good. There's some people who I've heard say stupid shit like, like, sex [00:29:00] positive is like, they think sex positivity is anything that's not like a rape or molestation of some sort, and they think any fucking thing else they do with a, with a consenting adult is fine. Girl, no, it's not.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Because like, intentions and shit matter, the spirituality around it matter. I advise you to go see that sex blog that me and two other, two shamans, Released over at the sex drugs and Jesus website. There are more dynamics to this life and I despise and stand against this oversimplification of indulgence and pleasure as long as it's not hurting other people, whatever the fuck you want to do.

De'Vannon Seráphino: No, we still need parameters. We still need boundaries. I am a Sagittarius sun and a Scorpio ascended. I'm wild as fuck. Okay, I understand extremes that take shit there. Okay. Okay. Without getting burned up because I can handle out there. Shit. If I'm saying you're doing too much, you're doing too much. Okay.

De'Vannon Seráphino: [00:30:00] Period. You have to learn to discern God's truth from the world's truth. And you have to get to a point by hanging out with God, meditations, that you can do this alone. Like, without needing somebody else to corroborate truth, because oftentimes you will have a group of people. Making bad decisions, being confederate in it and encouraging each other to do stupid shit.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I think about Dathan when Moses was leading the children of Israel out of Egypt and dathan the shade thrower of his day. Righteous people, light workers. You know what I'm talking about? As the scripture says, every time we go to do good, there's a evil present. Whether it's the, the, the petty basic bitch next door, the dumb ass person.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You, you, you run into in the store. There's always gonna be some fucking thorn. In our side, if you want to call it that, I really look at them as like gnats flying around. They're like paper [00:31:00] tigers. They don't have any fucking power. They can't do shit. They just like to be fucking annoying. But Dathan tried to get people together to fight Moses and they wanted to go back to Egypt and the ground opened up and they swallowed him up because God wasn't having it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You know, but my point is all those people got together and thought it would be a good idea to battle the person who God just used to part the Red Sea. Or they were getting ready to go across it. I don't fucking remember, but enough miracles had been done from hell and fire coming down and locusts and flies.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Clearly the man was touched. Why would you fight somebody whose, whose hand is strong? God's hand is strong with like that. And what I'm, what I'm trying to get you to understand is that. All of those people decided to do that and they were all wrong. I think about the crucifixion, all of those people decided to crucify Jesus and it was not until he was a dead and then God turned the sky black and was the earthquake and the veil in the temple was written all of that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The Bible says they smoked their chest and [00:32:00] they went home sorrowful, but until God spoke. All of those people were telling each other. Yeah, it's a good idea. Let's kill this person. Let's let the criminals go. They use the word criminals non judgmental is just how they were described. Y'all know I got like four felonies myself.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It is what it is. I did what I did. And so, but my whole point is, they all thought what they were doing were right, but it wasn't and there wasn't anybody there telling them to do different. And there's a very short scripture that talk about that, but you know, God has the power to fight people in their consciousness.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And like, and he can get in your mind, you know, and you can't escape God if he get on your case. There's no where you can go, there's no witch you can go to, there's no spell you can cast. If God decides that what you did wasn't right, like it says, as these people crucify the Lord, they smoke their chest in the Hebrew culture that that's a sign of like, deep sorrow and grief.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay. That follows them home probably within [00:33:00] their dreams. They're probably plagued them for days and they may not. Not if had peace, maybe till they heard the Lord had risen. Even at that, it's a dangerous thing to fall into the hands of the Lord, and none can deliver you out of his hands. Confederate bad thinking.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Where else do we see this complaining? In an upcoming book that I'll write, it's talking about my transition from Baton Rouge to New York. Child, the living situations I had to be in, like in the shelters and things like they're up there, brought me around men who come playing like a mother and a fucker.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I couldn't believe all of these straight dudes, bitch about everything. The food's too hot. The food's too cold. It's not enough. The bed's hot, girl. Every damn day. It was a new gripe, a new bitch, a new moan. But in Psalms 144 and verse 13 through 15, it says. That our garners [00:34:00]may be full, affording all manner of store.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That our sheep may bring forth thousands and ten thousands in our streets. That our oxen may be strong to labor. That there be no breaking in, nor going out. That there be no complaining in our streets. Happy is that people that is in such a case. Yeah, happy is the people whose God is the Lord. Watch your mouth.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Y'all know I adamantly stand against venting, because it's very easy to cross over from venting, whatever the fuck people would want to do that for, and just become a complainer. A person can come to me if they want a fucking solution. Okay? But we not about to sit around. And even if they don't want a solution, then they need to at least be able to tell me the benefit of whatever this bad thing that they just can't let go of, and they just have to say, you know, what was the benefit?

De'Vannon Seráphino: Because we know [00:35:00] everything happens for us, not to us, if you choose to find the silver lining. Can't nobody come to me just with darkness because there's positivity even in the darkest of nights. Okay, now if you can't see it, we got to work on that. Okay, because because that there be no complaining all of these men that are around complain.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I was the only voice in the room saying, why don't we find something to be thankful for? We're standing up. We're talking. You have a mouth that works that you're using the fucking bitch and gripe and complain. We have a roof over our head. The food might not be lobster and caviar. Well, they were too basic to even eat such things.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I don't, you know, you know the food might not be whatever they would classify as the best, but it's food. We have running water, hot water, you know, there's people bringing us things, you know, it was a choice that they made my caution to you. It's to not let Lucifer get you caught up with a bunch of people who ain't got no better sense than the next fucking person standing [00:36:00]next to them.

De'Vannon Seráphino: There is a lot of weakness in this group dynamic where people encourage the worst behaviors from each other. You need to surround yourself with people who challenge you to be your best. Don't accept your bullshit, okay? Be very, very careful about that. I think about Grindr when I think about this. Grindr, Tinder, Bumble, all of those damn apps.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You know, I don't fuck with apps anymore. I mean, the over sexualization of this world is just distasteful and it turns me off to the point that, you know, I just don't even want to fucking touch people because people just have to make everything about sex. Yeah, we're sexual, but there comes a point where it's just, like, too much.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay? I, I had tried to be on fucking the Bumble Friends app for like a hot sec, half a second, and then people on there were, it says BFF, Friends. People on there were trying to have sex, [00:37:00] you know, and it's fucking hell, you know, I was like, girl bye. You know, you just can't have any damn thing because, you know, and so, but the internal thought processes people get on these apps with sexual intentions, not positive sexual intention.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Now, trying to be energy vampire seeking validation rather than going to contribute to a loving union between 2 or more people by being on those apps. You sign on to that energy again, go see that sex blog over at our website. We talk about this and I have warned people about that creepy ass grinder mass before I tried.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I looked up that mass years ago to see what the fuck that thing meant. A lie was posted about it. That thing reminds me of like. Old school witchcraft. I mean old, you know, witchcraft and mask and things like that that I used to see back in the 80s. I mean old school, [00:38:00] like from certain other countries that I won't mention, you know, you know, that type of shit.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I ain't saying that it is or isn't. But that thing, even when I used to use Grindr, always gave me the creeps, but if a spell was cast to make Grindr profitable, it's not impossible. People do that. I'm not saying they did or didn't. Okay, but somebody who deals, like, I worked so much with this sort of stuff, you know, it stands out to me.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I'm looking at this mask, like, if somebody were to just hypothetically have cast, you know, magic, Okay. to make Grindr prosperous and people will do this to, I mean, they'll do rituals to bring people to church. There's a ritual you can do using human bones. People might sacrifice people. You can sacrifice their lives physically.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You can sacrifice people's happiness, their joy, their calling, throw people off track of their divine destiny. There's all [00:39:00] kinds of ways to sacrifice people to get demonic forces to do things for you. How do I know this? Because I make it my business to study what the enemy is doing. I don't practice demonology, But I study certain things.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay. And so, so I'm churches, the businesses, the apps, it might be hard work and good old elbow grease and savvy marketing, or it could be bills, bubs, you know, helping them to have this prosperity. Like when Lucifer offered Jesus, all the kingdom in the world, the devil can make people rich. Okay.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Cause they don't want to wait on God. I ain't saying grinder did this, but I'm saying that damn mass. It's creepy as fuck, and there's something more to it. They could have chosen any fucking logo in the world, and a spellcaster could have cast that spell, and every time somebody logs on to that app, it could be like, sacrificing a certain portion of people's whatever, to feed strength and energy into that app, or it [00:40:00] could be reinforcing the original spell that was cast.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's like that thing is, has like a certain sort of life to it. It's like, it doesn't really feel dead to me. Like, it's just an icon. And so deal with that what you will. I thought I would throw that out there yet again. And, but if you, I mean, people don't do what they're going to do, but question people, inquire what's happening within people, you know, who are you?

De'Vannon Seráphino: Why are you? What drives you? I know people just want to go have their experiences with people and think that's that, but people's. The entities and the beings and the energy that are on people follow you out of the sex you have with them. You know, it follows you away from the conversations you have with them.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I mean, that's not a conversation. Depends on what you're talking about. It's not going to be as involved as a penis in a hole, but. You just really, really, really need to know people and too many people are willing to run off with people that they don't [00:41:00] know. You know, stop that. It's stupid and it's dangerous.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You should not do this thing. And you need to be willing to cut people off. Okay. so you've been in these groups and you're afraid to get away from them. Community is another thing Lucifer uses to keep people in bondage. Since I stopped drinking back in January when the Lord flipped the switch and delivered me from crack, crystal meth, cocaine, and alcohol in one fell swoop, haven't had a fucking craving since for any of it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And, people come up to me now saying things like they want to stop drinking as they have a drink in their hand. And what they're afraid of. Is something I had to process through is what will my social life look like? If I stop this, let me let you understand. That's a very valid concern and you always want to replace 1 thing with another.

De'Vannon Seráphino: This is true. 1st of all, there's a huge community of people who don't drink. Most places now offer nonalcoholic things. [00:42:00] I recommend micro dosings, various psychedelics when you go out micro dosing, maybe LSD or I mean, small doses. I mean, honestly, it makes me feel better than what I used to feel when I was tipsy.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I'm getting a, you know, a little inner child work done subconsciously, into some degree consciously while I'm out. And there's, it is totally fucking fine to the extent that I'm all like, I wonder what the fuck I even drank for, you know? And and what was I concerned about community? People should accept you whether you drink or not.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It is your body, your choice. You put it in what the fuck you want. And if somebody is levying on you some sort of demand for you to be cool by consumption of drugs or alcohol, then fuck them. You don't need the bitch anyway. Have your sword ready always to cut motherfuckers off. Do not get caught up in this oppression of the community.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You be yourself. Your obligation is to the divine first to fulfill your soul's purpose, to yourself, [00:43:00] and then other motherfucking people. Okay? Fuck people, you know, and what they think. You can see if you keep drinking and you get like sick and shit like that. Okay, the people who you try to get to accept you are not going to be the one sitting with you in the hospital.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay, the motherfucking people go. Them fair weather ass frenemies, girl, bye. In fact, that's a good litmus test. Stop drinking and see who still wants to want you to come around. That's a good way to weed out bullshit ass motherfucking people. Psalms 52 verse five through seven says, God shall likewise destroy the forever.

De'Vannon Seráphino: He shall take the away and pluck the out of thy dwelling place and Ruthie out of the land of the living. The righteous also shall see and fear and shall laugh at him. Lo, this is the man that made not God his strength, but trusted in the abundance of his riches and strengthened himself in his wickedness.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Mind how the fuck you use your strength. As the devil will play with your pride and your ego and [00:44:00] make you think that anything that makes you feel strong and capable and abundant and over the top is righteous with their scriptures that talk about how people's might is not right, even though they have might and God is not pleased with these people.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Verse six here is that little scripture that talks about how, how the righteous, we have a little bit of space to laugh at. The stupid fucking shit people who don't obey God do, especially when we warn their dumb asses and they go out there and get gobbled up by some bullshit. Anyway, I ain't so much for the, I told you souls, but you know, to myself, you know, scriptures like this justify me having a little bit of a, just a little chuckle.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You know, when I watch people's you know, lightning fall on people, you know, and, and like they're, they're drastic fucking karma catch up with them. And, I get to have a little bit of a laugh, , I'm not ever gonna say anything to them, but, , just a little bit of a, [00:45:00] just a little bit, but then I got to keep moving on about my business.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I ain't got time to be looking at them motherfuckers. God is dealing with them and moving forward. Just a little smidgen is worth because see, I said earlier, God gives you strength and he's watching to see what you choose to do with it. And scripts like this talk about how when God gets done with your ass, he can snatch you, he can take away the things he's given you, you know, like your houses and your car.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You don't have to have anything, like it is subject to change. Don't think, don't let the devil trick you into thinking that because you are stable and you have things that you always have to, even if you have the things, God can smite your health and take it away, take your health away. Then you won't have the mind or the body to physically enjoy the thing.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So be very careful. The attitude with which you approach this life, how are you using your strength? What do you really trust in? And I hear people say things that like they they believe that they are [00:46:00] God. Okay, we have God within us, but we are not God. Okay, I fundamentally disagree with that because if, if you are a God or a goddess or whatever the fuck you want to be, how is there any more room for a growth?

De'Vannon Seráphino: And then how was there any room for you to be totally dependent on God or the divine as you understand that I understand we're co creators with God, but that does not make me God that makes God humble enough to want to deal with, with a human like me, even though I possess a lot of angelic qualities and I roll, you know, and walk with very strong angels and they're all strong and beautiful to me, you know, I'm, I would call myself an angel, an ascendant master, a celestial, but I am not God.

De'Vannon Seráphino: To me, there needs to be a division, okay, in between who's running shit and who isn't. And I don't, and, and I think some ego, more ego death is needed in people, [00:47:00] in my opinion, who feel like they are God. You know, why, why is not being like an angel or a celestial being enough? Why do you have to be God too?

De'Vannon Seráphino: You know, I don't. I don't like that. I don't agree with it. I have friends that are like that. I'm not judging them for it, but you know, I've told them like, I'm good with being an angel. Have you? I mean, I have seen in the spirit the way angels work. They're powerful. They're fast and they're strong. , it's fuck.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay. I'm good with that level of strength. Okay, I need to be God. , I'd rather lean and depend on God. That is my greatest power, is at the feet of Jesus, , you can't have anybody defeat you if you're really dependent on the Lord, but if you're dependent on yourself, then your foundation is not as stable as you think it is.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And, and by getting, getting back to Confederate bullshit. And [00:48:00] this is, this is a really big one because you see like groups of friends that are toxic, groups of families that are toxic and dumb and stupid and saying the most foolish things to one another and it's like nobody in the whole group has any goddamn common sense.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But somebody listening to this might be that black sheep in the group of friends or the family, or might want to break away from some lovers. Girl, you better go. Boy, you better flee. Do not stay with people of any kind of relationship dynamic for the sake of staying with people. You must search your own truth and follow your truth and make sure it is in line with righteousness.

De'Vannon Seráphino: When people do things, do sexual things,

De'Vannon Seráphino: On some type of level, like I said earlier, some people think anything that's not rape or molestation is okay. I was reminded. As I was contemplating this episode [00:49:00] when I was in fuck middle school at the substitute teacher, the fun substitute teacher who you like wished was like your teacher the whole time, but only showed up to grace you with her presence and then disappear.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And just, you just was like, fuck, I wish that was my teacher. I like all the time. He was so fucking cool. Was telling us how she walked downstairs in her apartment and was like this, I don't know, 20 person straight orgy happening at the pool.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And it's like nobody out of all 20 of those guys and gals thought maybe we should have this orgy in one of our houses, an apartment. Now we're going to go to this public pool in the middle of this apartment complex to do this orgy at 5, 6, 7 in the morning when people are getting up to go to work, maybe they wanted to be caught.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I have enough sense to know that sex addicts don't care for boundaries and parameters and they like to try to get [00:50:00] caught in the danger of barely getting away, which is a sick mind. It just fucking is. And but nobody said, Hey, maybe this isn't a bad, maybe this is a bad idea.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay. I cancelled my membership at the gym I was attending in New York. This is another thing I'll talk about more in my book, because this shit was so fucking unreal. Because I was in the steam room at this gym, in Midtown in Manhattan at like 8pm on a Friday. Okay, and this like gay orgy broke out, and I was like, Not today, Satan.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's not gonna happen like this. Okay, I'm not on Grindr, I'm not on Scruffjack, none of the apps. I don't know if this shit was cool. I, I don't, I think this might just happen all the time there because the staff didn't seem to be surprised I didn't go run snitch. Okay, I'm sitting there, had a great workout.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I like to, I like to go into [00:51:00] a sauna or steam room or something and And sweat more after I run on a treadmill or do floor aerobics. I like to keep that body heat up and take advantage of the detox because my body sweats a lot and holds a lot of water, but we release a lot of water. And so I need like another hour in a steam room or a sauna after a workout to really.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Complete my routine. So I'm sitting in this steam room at this gym, marinating honey, you know, getting my fucking life. And, and people are sitting there with their towels as you do. And this one guy comes in and stands in front of like the hot rocks and takes his towel completely off. And I'm like, Oh, okay, well, this one here, probably come into the gym a while.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And I guess he's really fucking comfortable with, then he hops, you know, walks right over to this other guy and starts sucking dick. And then the whole daisy chain dick sucking thing starts and it's like maybe seven guys in this steam room. I'm the only one clutching their pearls, going like, [00:52:00] WTF, what the fuck is happening right now?

De'Vannon Seráphino: I just came here to work out in the steam room. I'm not trying to have sex with strangers in a public family gym. Okay? And so I got up and left. Okay, I came back the next day because I don't like to let people's negativity and the stupid shit they do take me away from things that I enjoy. So I will try to find another way to come at it from a different angle before I throw the whole thing away if I can.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But it was the same bullshit the next day. And so that's what makes me feel like the staff knows. And, Look, I had overlooked the one or two little sex addicts running around in there, clearly with like a hard on under their towel. I was like, what is this little pathetic thing here? Boy needs to go work on himself.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Brown hair chasing dick in a gym, but you know. I say that with no judgment, it just is what it is. But but [00:53:00] then when this happened, and I understood, and this is not like a 24 hour gym. This was not like three in the morning at some gym. Not that that would be justified anyway, because there's places in New York, there's bathhouses, if people want to go have a gay orgy, they can go have a gay orgy.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That's what, that's what, that's what they do. But sex addicts, don't want to do things where it's supposed to happen. They want to do shit, sexual shit, where it's not supposed to happen. And that helps to feed their sick minds. And half of them boys are in the problem. They're cheating on their husbands and boyfriends.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Then go go home and shit, probably girlfriends and wives, too. I say gay orgy, but I don't fucking actually know everybody's. Truthful orientation. I didn't stay to meet motherfuckers and say hey and shit. I was peaced out like my name ain't Bennett I ain't in it. I don't want to be seen here. I don't wanna be around this energy I did not accept this energy.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I leave because if you if an orgy breaks out on you in a steam room And you stay there after a while and a very brief while [00:54:00] There's like a sort of implied consent That you sign on to now whether you're gonna be a voyeur or whatever the fuck But if somebody reaches out and touches you when you have a full understanding of what's happening, okay?

De'Vannon Seráphino: You you can read the tea leaves if you need to But again, nobody in there was like this isn't a fucking good idea. Maybe we should not do this , and like I, like I was saying, those people were in there probably cheating on their significant others, and I'm going to go home and say some shit like, Their partner's going to ask them, you know, Hey, how was your workout?

De'Vannon Seráphino: They're going to say great. You know, it was really intense, but they won't say that they had an orgy in the fucking steam room. That's how those sex addicts do. They kind of answer the question, but they leave out the pertinent details and kind of like laugh under their breath because they feel like they're getting away with something.

De'Vannon Seráphino: As the scripture was [00:55:00] saying, you know, here in Psalm 52, God sees everything, and God is not mocked, whatsoever we sow that will we reap, so do not let Lucifer trick you into thinking that you're going to get away with shit that you do, then do not let him trick you into surrounding yourself with people who corroborate you.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Things you should not be doing, okay, get over your addictions, get past them, get healed. There's plenty of plant medicine and medicines and rituals and retreats and psychiatric counseling to help you with whatever problem you have in this day and time with the advancement of technology for somebody to stay bound in whatever the fuck has them bound.

De'Vannon Seráphino: in my opinion is a conscious choice. There's shit that's free, there's shit you don't have to pay for, there's people who will sit with you through psychedelic things if you can't make it to Mexico for to be with a shaman. There are options if a person wants to be free. They used to sing [00:56:00] the song in church growing up that said, I don't have to be bound, you don't have to be bound, you don't want to be, you don't have to be, you don't have to be bound.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But people get comfortable With their addictions in that darkness, like I said, when you do get ready to get away from it, it's not just gonna let you go, you know, people who you're trying to stop sleeping with and doing drugs with, or murdering people with, or whatever they're gonna call you, they're gonna follow you, that energy is gonna chase you in some type of physically manifested way.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Of course, it'll come across your mind and everything like that, but, you've been in that, you're gonna have to fight to come out of it, but you have to, this sort of behavior here is fucking unacceptable. The problem I have with it is that it's This, this, that, that, that bad ideas, be it bisexual or other, are prevalent in groups of people.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And I'm like, where the fuck are the wise people in this group? I suppose, I don't blame wise people wanting to get the fuck away from people who do dumb shit. Yeah. I suppose that there's that [00:57:00] aspect too.

De'Vannon Seráphino: False family is the next thing that I, which is kind of like in line with this false group of this false confederate thinking. So people get hurt. Like I told you, I was hurt by the church. I went ran to the game. So be careful of getting involved in games, drug games, crime games, sex games. You know, there's groups of people that, that form a family around the sex they have with each other.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So Okay, let me just tell you, be it a loving relationship or friends or whatever, you cannot, sex is not a foundation, something supposed to be built on people. Do not let the devil trick you into thinking because sex feels good, you can build a life of any substance off of it with somebody you can't. Sex is supposed to be the result of honesty, respect, and mutual spirituality, [00:58:00] and all kinds of juicy, delicious things between people.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It can't be how you start some shit.

De'Vannon Seráphino: One of the shamans who I collaborated on the blog on my website with, there's a quote from Mexico that goes something like, If something starts with sex or because of sex, it will end because of sex, or something like that. It's not wise. It's just ain't wise to be careful because we are community based beings, so we will seek a tribe.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I didn't know this when I got kicked out of church. What I did was I tribe swapped. I went from the church over to the trap house. Okay. I wish I had stopped. I mean, I say I wish I had, I'm glad, I'm glad everything went the same way. A wiser choice would have been to stop somewhere in the middle of the church and the trap house and find a balanced group of people.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay, I could have gone. If I just insisted on staying in church, I could have found a Unitarian church, a unity church. I could have found a group of psychedelic spiritual people or something, anything [00:59:00] other than going to set up in a meth house. So, we're not saying anything, but you get my fucking point.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That's all I'm going to say on that. Be sure whatever sort of chosen family you have, whatever sort of tribe you have, that there's people in there who actually love you, who will tell you the truth, even if you don't want to hear it. And they're working on their own self improvement as well. You also have to tell them it's okay for them to check you, to challenge you, and they have to be open to that too.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay, and if you want to be something different or do something different that should be supported, I mean, you don't feel right exit and get familiar with the word excommunicado cut a bitch off if you need to maintain your peace and establish your boundaries. I want to talk about another 1 of Lucifer's devices, which I recently discovered, which is dance floor magic dance floor, which are so I was at a club in New York.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Not many nights. , past, , on [01:00:00] certain psychedelics and shit like that, which is like, like I've explained the way the music deals with you when you're on psychedelics is be very healing. Even if I'm on a dance floor, I will let tears fall from my eyes if the DJ plays a note that strikes me a certain way or lyrics that strike me a certain way and let my inner child have that touch, that he needs, even though I feel like he's all healed and better.

De'Vannon Seráphino: , or maybe he wants to have an emotional moment. I let him have that, you know,

De'Vannon Seráphino: and on this particular night, I felt like a fiddle in the DJ's hand and everything that this, this, this, this, this, this, this being was playing, it was like, I was just being moved one to the left, to the right and one way or the other by this DJ on the influence of this psychedelic. And so an individual at some point in the night, I saw him like bump into another individual for a moment.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It looked like they didn't know each other and I don't care. It's interesting about psychedelics. I care how high I get on them and I've been fucking high on psychedelics. It's always [01:01:00] like I always have like one foot on the ground still. I'm never completely gone. I still know what the fuck's happening.

De'Vannon Seráphino: If I need to run, I can run. If I need to fight, which I don't like to fight, but if it came down to it, like I'm not, it's not like that, you know, I'm still aware, even though I'm definitely in my experience. And so. I saw this, these two people bumping into each other, and then they started doing this, like, dance, and I immediately recognized it as co operative magic, because it wasn't just like a dance you would do to rave techno house music.

De'Vannon Seráphino: music. It was, it was too fluid. It flowed like a ritual magic and they were coordinated with each other, which is fine if that's what they want to do. But the problem I had was when one of them walked over to me and made physical contact with me. Okay. [01:02:00] I don't like people touching me. Like a person should not just walk up to Devan and Serafino and touch me.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It doesn't work that way. You start with, hi, my name is, and then we go from there, , you don't just like. Invite your body to be upon me like that. And so until this person came over and tried to cast like this spell or whatever, blowing his breath over, , over, , on me, over me, wherever the fuck and trying to touch me and shit a certain way.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And I just kind of like laughed. Because I could, I understood what they were trying to do and, and I'm, I was in a very sexual mood, but I'm not having sex right now. I'm going, I'm going to school later on in the year to learn sexual alchemy and shamanism. And I haven't had sex since I can't remember and I'm not going to change that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And so and when I do is going to hopefully be with my future husband, or if not, it'll be with some fucking highly vibrational spiritual person and [01:03:00] no fucking basic bitch off of an app. I'll Or some fool from a club who just thinks I'm going to go home with them. No. , but if I'm feeling sexual on my psychedelics, that's me in my experience.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I don't require a man for that. I'm happy by myself. This fool comes over there and does all that. And I just kind of like laugh and his little spell just kind of like deflected off of me because of my own practices is not going to work on me. But what I'm trying to get you to understand is for people who are not guarded and strengthened in the Lord, and they don't know who they are and their divinity shit like that can work on you, especially if you're the type who likes to go out.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Get high and go to the club as you should if you can control yourself and be balanced. It's fucking fun and and we ain't fucking with nobody. We just dance and go home to have a week of sleep. And so there was probably 8 in the morning before I get home, but, so be careful of [01:04:00] that this, don't let people just be careful when you let this come up and touch you and, , Breathe on you and shit like that and pay attention to how they move and shit like that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: What they I think were trying to do was trying to, I mean they were trying to like have some type of like sexual thing with me or whatever and I absolutely refused to do that. I withdrew my energy and did a couple of other things, , but to make it very damn clear, hell, No. , I came out to dance, not to meet a dude, I'm going fucking home by myself like I came by myself, and that's all that there is to it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I ain't saying go out and worry and shit like that, but, watch your drinks. Watch, you know, just watch it and just be careful whose energy you accept. Pay attention to how you feel if you get like creepy ass tingles or chills or different things like that. Don't be so foolish as to think everybody's your friend at a club.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Or that everybody has your best interests in mind. Or that there's people who, [01:05:00] who won't manipulate certain forces to try to get what they want. Because people who are heavy into witchcraft, And if there was no other confirmation that I needed, the DJ played a song that the lyrics were literally like, she's a witch.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And and these two people got very fucking excited when that came on. So I was like, okay, thank you God for that confirmation. But by then I was, as they were trying to dance closer to me, I pivoted away. , I kept rejecting their energy. I kept rejecting it. I kept rejecting it, but there are people who just feel like the only damn way for them to get people or their preferred way is by force by magical force, , they can't just come and be like, Hi, my name is such and such and risk rejection.

De'Vannon Seráphino: They're like, fuck it. I want this person. I'm just gonna go take them. The magical forest, that's it. Girl, bye. Unfortunately, though, it can work, so just be careful. Have fun, but pay attention to people's vibrations and don't let [01:06:00] nobody just handle you, , any kind of way like that. Let me shift gears here.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I just spend a lot of time talking about magic and sex, because those two things are so fucking prevalent in society. The, the sex is every damn where, but it's not being used in the best way that it can, I don't dare say it's not being used right. Okay. The right meaning with the right intentions for the other person in mind going to contribute more so than to get and to honor the divine through the sexual union.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And, and magic is just fucking everywhere. It just is, , damn near every city I traveled to in the world has magic shops. Tarot shots, , witchcraft, you can order shit online. It's everywhere. It's everywhere. And people do magic subconsciously anyway. And so, That's why I talk about sex and magic a lot, a lot, a lot.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Lately it's been coming up and I meet so many people who's [01:07:00] been victims of sex magic or some sort of shit and it's just like, fuck. Fucking hell, Harry. And so, anyway, don't argue over the blessings that God gives you, like houses, jobs, and cars. Have you ever seen people, God bless them with a house or whatever the fuck, want to fight over the lawn?

De'Vannon Seráphino: Bitching about how the neighbor's lawn looks? Okay, don't let the devil and homeowners associations are notoriously wicked for this to enforcing this snitch policy and trying to, correct shit that is petty as fuck. Okay, what we should do is be thankful that we have eyes to see grass at all.

De'Vannon Seráphino: To hear the wind blow, walk on our own two feet. Let us not use our strength, as we were talking about earlier, be sure that your might is right. To complain about the blessings God has given us. Let us be thankful [01:08:00] we have houses, we own lands, rather than complaining About what the person's doing next door girl Okay, I have seen some churchy ass church going people come damn near come to blows over lawn care Girl, don't we have better shit to worry about than how trim the grass is?

De'Vannon Seráphino: To the extent that it's you like reporting people to the city and shit. I mean, girl, girl, , let's so let's just get our perspective back and remember where we came from back when we didn't have a house and we didn't have lands and we didn't have this and didn't have that, , who gives a fuck.

De'Vannon Seráphino: If it's necessarily as pretty as it could be all the time, got more going right on that property still than what's going bad, but people who seek problems will find them. But those problems exist in their mind. So just be sure that you're not one of those people. When God gives you something, lay [01:09:00] it at his feet, your house, your children, your jobs, your money, your income, your ministry, your body.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Your sex life, every fucking thing belongs to God. And when you do that, you will have peace you've never known before with all things. But let's get rid of this strife. Like I said earlier, let there be no complaining in our streets. Don't complain about what you have. Don't complain about what you see somebody else doing.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Worry about you. Deal with you. The next point I want to talk about are the miracles of Egypt. Okay. So remember when God got ready to bring the children of Israel out of Egypt, we have the frogs, the locusts, I think the flies, the water being turned into blood, the death of the first born, the cattle, , all of that, the fire, the hell mixed with fire.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The interesting thing about that story is that the magicians, the witches, the warlocks in Egypt could also [01:10:00] say, turn a staff into a snake. Maybe you don't believe it literally happened. Quite frankly, it doesn't fucking matter. The point is of that story is that the devil tends to mimic God and he has a certain ability to copy certain shit.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And so Moses staff turned into a snake. He turned water into blood. So did Pharaoh's magicians. There came a point though. That Pharaoh's magicians could not keep up with the miracles of God, and they just couldn't, I think, like, make the gnats disappear, or the boils disappear and go away, because he smoked them with boils on their skin, too.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So my point is, be careful about who is providing power to people who do spiritual work on your behalf. I would do a separate show on low vibrational petty clairvoyance. It is a shame that some people are spiritually inclined, and they're using their gifts to channel Lucifer energy and demonic forces to try to destroy people.

De'Vannon Seráphino: They do unfortunately [01:11:00] succeed with that at times or to, to move people like out of their place and just be careful. So, if you're going to go online or go to somebody who was referred to you to do some sort of work on your behalf, because I guess you don't want to do the spiritual work yourself. Some people live with certain people and they can't I get that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But question them. Who are they getting their power for? Who do they pray to? I make it very clear. I pray to God, Yahweh, God of the Hebrews, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. I pray to no other beings. I don't pray to angels. I work alongside angels. They're my fellow servants. As the angels say in the scripture, worship God.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I don't worship angels. I don't worship ancestors. I don't worship anyone except God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. What I'm trying to get you to understand is before you go and hire people, before you go get a tarot reading or whatever, know where these people are getting their power from, because Lucifer will feed you lies [01:12:00] through low vibrational clairvoyant people.

De'Vannon Seráphino: He will exploit your insecurities and shit through low vibrational people, clairvoyant, spiritually inclined people. And probably the worst thing that could happen is while you're sitting there with your energy open to a low vibrational spiritual person, that person can curse you and you don't know, especially if you're dumb enough to try to go get somebody hexed or try to cast spells against people.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay, if that person is low vibrational enough to do that for you, they'll curse you too. It's like being a drug dealer. If I'm hanging out with a hustler who. Who I could send to go kill somebody or rob somebody not saying I did that. I may or may not have seen these things happen though. That same hustler would turn around and kill the person who sent them to because they're a killer.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That's just what they do. And so don't be silly enough to think that this, this evil as which is your friend, they're not, they belong to and have to work for the devil that then people make all kinds of [01:13:00] packs and deals and shit. And to, and their light is to a degree, their life really in their own when the devil demands payment of them for whatever they've sacrificed or done, they have to do it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay. , but that's their choice. They, they enter into like leagues and agreements with Lucifer. But just be careful as people. Who the fuck they're getting their power from and if you're okay with it, then you're okay with it. But there's a lot of deities that people pray to. There's a lot of different beings and shit out there when I do shamanic work in Mexico, I tell them we will not be calling upon Kali today or Buddha or, Ganesh or any damn body.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I ain't, I'm not throwing no tea or no shade at those beings. I don't know those beings. I don't fuck with them like that. , I talked to God. So I make it clear that for my ceremonies, this is who, and we're going to talk to most of them believe that. God, Ganesh, [01:14:00] Kali, as a different way of saying the same thing.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I've heard some people, not necessarily shamans, say that they don't believe Kali or say Ganesh are real beings, their energies, whatever. Everybody's got their own thing. What I'm trying to get you to understand is you need to be sure who is powering who the fuck you're talking to. And don't be so desperate for an answer or to work some kind of spell against somebody, which ain't gonna work, because there's a scripture that says, That an undeserved curse won't have its desired effect.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So if you're dealing with somebody who's close to God, who knows that scripture and believes it, Oh, whatever kind of spell you cast and it won't work. It can't because God has allowed everything to happen. But as the scripture says, no weapon formed against us shall prosper. Okay. People are going to gather together.

De'Vannon Seráphino: They're going to try to fight us, but they're going to fall because it was not of God in the first place. So just mind who you go into. I encourage you always to go to God for yourself and to learn. That's why when I teach [01:15:00] my candle magic, which I'll be doing another one of those again soon, I apologize for the delay on that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But this move to New York, , had your girl busy. But I got, I got to come and I will give you my goal is 10 candle lessons available. That will be available on my website. My goal is to teach you how to do a spiritual work for yourself. Okay. Yeah, there might be times you need a higher high magic assistance for the body is more capable than you, but the default, in my opinion, shouldn't be to go run to some other person.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You'll waste money that way. You're putting your soul in somebody's hand. You might not barely even fucking know. I mean, just be careful with that. The devil will attack you through these people. It's a very subtle thing. And if you're not sensitive, you don't even know what's happening. But once you open yourself up to somebody, And then you're open to them, just like when you have sex with somebody, you're open to them.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And spiritual workers might, you might, they might ask you, like, do I have permission to enter your energy? That's not a light question. You're getting, giving them [01:16:00]access to everything that you are.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Isaiah chapter 17 verses 12 through 14 says, Woe to the multitude of many peoples which make a noise like the noise of the seas, and to the rushing of nations that make a rushing like the rushing of mighty waters. The nations shall rush like the rushing of many waters, but God shall rebuke them, and they shall flee far off and shall be chased as the chaff of the mountains before the wind, and like a rolling thing before the whirlwind.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And behold at evening tide trouble and before the morning, he is not, this is the portion of them that spoil us. And a lot of them that rob us, this is echoing what I just told you. And I know it's repetitive, but I'm saying these script of God gave me because that's what I'm commanded to do. Some, some of y'all was so hard headed.

De'Vannon Seráphino: , you have to have things told to you about 50 million times before it'll sink in. And it just is what it is. And I just, I mean, this is what it [01:17:00] is. These people, it says, this destruction that this scripture is talking about in Isaiah 17. It's about people who had power to spoil people to rob people, take advantage of people to cheat on people to lie to people.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But the script is talking about the removing of these people either physically from this plane of existence or some type of destruction that renders them as though they were not. So, you gotta get close enough to God to learn discernment and judgment, okay? Even if you have to start trying to get to know God while you're yet entrapped in the vices that have had you bound for so long, okay?

De'Vannon Seráphino: I'm not gonna spend too much time on this, but God deals in subtleties. And like I said, Lucifer mimics God. Be careful who you're around. Get started reaching for God, even though you yet have problems. One [01:18:00] of Lucifer's devices is to make you think that you're not worthy to go to God, that you have to wait until you have it all perfect, or all together, or whatever, to get off the drugs, to stop being a whore, to stop, being a sex addict, to stop, fuck, even murdering people, or molesting children, or whatever the case may be.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You better pray when it comes into your mind to pray because you need the Lord to help you break out of that stronghold. So you don't have to have it all together. Start where you're at and go from there.

De'Vannon Seráphino: , and as I stated earlier, , Lucifer deals in extremes, , like the church is too fucking conservative, but the streets are too fucking loose. Why Lucifer likes to deal in extremes. It's because when we have emotional spikes, we are in a state of what what hypnotherapists call hypnosis or a state of hypersuggestibility, which means your ass is not thinking straight and that you are very [01:19:00] impressionable if your emotions are aroused, aroused up and stirred up.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Aroused was not the best word for that. Okay. Your intense feelings and emotions are very blinding, but we want to be not either too much nor too little. When I think about extremes, , I think about the way people use sex. Yes, I'm coming back to sex again. Be it all of these sexual positions.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Some people have you ever had sex with somebody? It seems like they were more interested in trying 50 million positions. I'm not talking about somebody you've known forever and ever bond with. , it's like they're more interested in the experience than they are in you. They want all these positions, or they want to do chem sex with all these substances, and I'm not saying that any of this is bad, but just be cautious.

De'Vannon Seráphino: of intensity rather than intimacy when it comes to sex because it can be a distracting thing. Sex is supposed to start off as a sweet, loving thing between however many people [01:20:00] and grow into all this extreme kink because you have to have that foundation because when we want to swing from the chandeliers and break out the leather, the whips and chains and all of that and the feather, the blah and the hot pokers and the nipple plants.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay, I'm here for all of that. But we have to have some sort of foundation, some sort of center to come back to. We can't be that wild all the fucking time. Again, this is the Sagittarius Scorpio here telling you, bring it back to center, , because you have to have a focal point of foundation. And like, like my fellow shaman said, if it starts with sex, it will end over sex.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You got to get your foundation right.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Because I want you to be careful. Because with sex magic, like with any kind of spell that's cast, usually the more intention you have, and the more intensely the spell is cast, the more potent it is, and the more effective. So if you're having sex with a sex warlock, witch, whatever, who's channeling Luciferian [01:21:00] energy, if the more intense They can do this through slow sex too, but there will still be a certain intensity even to the slow sex.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You cannot cast a spell ho hummed. You can't be like, blah, blah, blah. , if you have more intensity and fire and passion and gusto, just like in the movies with intention, that spell carries more fire to it. And so a sex witch will use intense sex to work magic against you while you're in the throes of passion and you don't know it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So be very careful about people who seem like they want to have hard, rough sex all the time, or getting all these positions all the time. , be careful with that. , just, that's all I can tell you. Just, just girl. So man, I look at the Trinity

De'Vannon Seráphino: as like, as like an example. Of like a masculine, [01:22:00] feminine, energetic balance and a type of polyamorous union, non sexual, between, God, Jesus Christ, , and the Holy Ghost is technically there are 3 and 1, 1 being the 3 different expressions, the 3 different personalities, the 3 different beings whose function is 1.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The way that, , and there's some people, there's even like some, some gay couples that I've met who, who say they don't have sex with each other, who they're just strictly with each other because they enjoy each other's company that fucking much. And there's other forms of intimacy that they pursue, probably all kinds of meditations and things.

De'Vannon Seráphino: There's a million different ways that we can actually be intimate with a person without it being sexual. What Lucifer does is just make people default to sex, like lickety split and skip over the, A wide, beautiful variety. There's so much beauty in life, but what the devil does is try to get you right back to that feeling you had.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And then he wants you to skip over all the good shit in [01:23:00] between. But, people who, this sort of balanced intimacy really testifies against those who over sexualize their relationships and, and really labor under the delusion that they can build any type of relationship off of sex. To me, that's called playing house child.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It ain't nothing real there. And, but if you read through the scripture, the way like God and Jesus Christ defend the Holy ghost, which in my opinion is the spirit, the dove of fire is like the feminine expression of God. I have a problem. , if people say like, God, is she, well, she is, he's also, he, I think that that's, to me, that's, that's point blank, , with the way the dove is.

De'Vannon Seráphino: There isn't a dove that's pictured as any kind of like masculine way and so, but , Jesus was saying in the scripture how you can be forgiven for anything murder. I'm not saying go murder people and then go run ask for forgiveness because the intention is all wrong. They're [01:24:00]cheating.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I'm not saying go cheat or do any of these things and then just think you can go run ask for forgiveness. It's not like that. You have to have a deep conviction in your heart to be forgiven of anything. It can't be presumptuously done. And so what Jesus was saying is that, that, that, that, that a human will be forgiven of any fucking thing.

De'Vannon Seráphino: He said you could talk shit about God, you can talk shit about the lamb, about Jesus himself, but they said anybody who blasphemes the Holy Ghost will not be forgiven. That is the only thing that you cannot be forgiven of. The way that God and Jesus, the masculine expression of the Trinity, are protective of the Holy Spirit.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's like touching to me on levels that I cannot explain. And I love that beautiful dynamic and that expression. Okay, they like, talk about us, don't talk about our girl though, we not having it. Okay? We not having this bullshit. [01:25:00] So, but echoing my own point, Lucifer has placed a web over the world, which causes people to forego true connection and deep fulfillment in exchange for fast.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Cheap experiences, be they sexual or other, okay, but instead of going in sex first or thrill first, we need to go in connection first. Like I was saying earlier, the devil tried to change the dynamic of his relationship with Jesus Christ by offering him the fool's gold in the form of riches and pleasure in this world.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So many people fall prey to. Okay, but connections are everything, but see, people become too afraid to to render the vulnerability required to experience true intimacy. And then they settle for just having sex because they don't want to really, truly risk everything emotional. This is a cheap version of how shit's supposed to be.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's cowardly and it's bitch assness to want to hop around naked and have sex with [01:26:00] like, check your emotions at the door. You want to have an experience but don't want to fully immerse yourself in it. This is what Christ defines as being lukewarm. You're not really hot, you're not really cold, you're not really in, you're not really out.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You wanna, you want snow but you want it like kind of lukewarm. , you don't, you want shit exactly how you want it but not how God intended for it to be. This is a problem. Be careful with fucking around with the devil like that. Daniel, chapter 8. In verse 25, and this will be the last thing I talk about here because I think I'm gonna divide this into, another another segment.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So I'll just close it off after this Daniel 8 and chapter 25 says, and through his policy. Also, he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand. He shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many. He shall also stand up against the prince of [01:27:00] princes, but he shall be broken without hand.

De'Vannon Seráphino: This is talking again about the Antichrist. What stands out to me in this scripture, here's how it says, and by peace shall destroy many.

De'Vannon Seráphino: One of the craftiest ways that Lucifer will infiltrate you, your camp, your camp being your own personal fortitude and everything, or your friends, family, lovers, and loved ones, is through peace. I think about how child molesters will groom families, go in there speaking peace and have a long game. Lucifer is a very long game.

De'Vannon Seráphino: He's not in a rush. He knows his time is short. He doesn't have forever, but he understands that it takes patience to break some people and to break into some situations and dynamics and he's willing to wait. And I think about like child molesters and different sort of predatory people people who meet you on apps and groom you for sex so they can cast spells on you or get into your house to [01:28:00] steal shit.

De'Vannon Seráphino: , there's all kinds of ways that people will come with a peaceful face, a peaceful look, peaceful words. But as the Bible says, believe them not because they have seven abominations in their heart. See, God is trying to get you to study people and to learn and give a fuck about the intentions of people and not whatever you're trying to do with people.

De'Vannon Seráphino: This is how people get themselves hurt. Not really giving a fuck about who people are, and just hanging out with people and shit. No, it matters who people are. You know who the fuck knows who, and you need to, we need to be studying people. And I'm just running off with people or trusting people, just letting people in because they ask or want to, but this talks about how the antichrist in time to come, won't come in waging war through flattery, through peace.

De'Vannon Seráphino: He's going to wiggle his way in and then reveal his true colors. But by then he will have, have destroyed shit. So the warning here is to be prayerful and to get close enough to God so that you can not be [01:29:00] deceived by somebody who comes to you speaking peace when really there is no peace. Okay, and that's where I'm going to close this one.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So I'm going to release these over two separate weeks. Again, this is Devan and Serafino, the host of the sex, drugs, and Jesus podcast. The website is sex, drugs, and Jesus. com on YouTube sex, drugs, and Jesus podcast. And the retail website is down under apparel. I will see you on the next episode. We continue talking about Lucifer's devices.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And be doing my part to be sure that you're no longer ignorant of his devices, but as you can see, we're coming a mile away and truly begin to enjoy a more fulfilled life. Thank you for tuning in this time. I will see you shortly.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Thank you all so much for joining us today and for taking some time to invest into yourself and into the lives of your loved ones, please visit us at sex drugs and jesus. com and check out our resource [01:30:00] page, our spiritual service offerings, my blog, my books, and other writings that God has partnered with me to create.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Find us on any social media platform, stay strong, my people, and just remember that everything is going to be all right. [01:31:00]

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