Sex, Drugs, and Jesus

Episode #152: Lucifer's Devices Part 2

De'Vannon Seráphino Episode 152

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This episode is the second contribution of information that will help you understand the mind of the devil, his tactics and modus operandi. Some deception is not as obvious as it seems. Pay attention. Learn to live wisely and with intent.

INCLUDED IN THIS EPISODE (But not limited to): 

·      American Horror Story comparison

·      Do you really want the thing you’re wishing for?

·      Be in command of your culture

·      What is your spiritual reputation?

·      My opinion on addiction to travel

·      The true power of high vibrational masculines

·      The devil is in the details

·      Liars shall not tarry in your sight

·      Beware of Lucifer’s tunnel vision tactic






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Lucifer’s Devices Part 2

De'Vannon Seráphino: [00:00:00] Hello all and welcome back to the sex drugs and needles podcast. This is the lucifer's devices Part two we were we will no longer be ignorant of his devices because God through me is teaching you about the mind of the devil and making you aware of the subtle art of Luciferian energy trickery and tactics.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Because we ain't got time to be being fooled. We're going to go on, live, have happy lives, and we're going to be smart about the way that we've been living. And we're going to change things for ourselves and allow God into our lives to change things for us. My name is Devan and Serafino. Sexdrugsandjesus.

De'Vannon Seráphino: com is the website. YouTube, sexdrugsandjesuspodcast, downunderapparel. com is our retail store. So again, this is part two. I was watching American Horror Story, Delicate, which just released like on FX or whatever, like within the last few weeks.[00:01:00]

De'Vannon Seráphino: And, you know, in this particular one, you got this girl basically being manipulated by the devil, which is revealed as the and Kim Kardashian's character. Okay. I like Kim Kardashian's acting in this. Okay. She gave me life. She gave me fucking life. And so I look forward to seeing more acting from her. I'm so happy to see that there's more to Kim Kardashian than doing sex tapes and doing reality TV.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I'm happy. I am so happy. I will go see her movie. I will buy it when it comes out on streaming. I am here to support her. I loved it because this was a smart show and I love the work that Ryan Murphy, , everybody did Brad. Oh, you're fortunate. , everyone does. Because this American Horror Story is basically echoing what I'm talking about here, , about the subtleties of devil energy, , devil influence, how it can appear friendly and cute and shit like that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And it isn't, , not everybody gets a happy ending like [00:02:00] our girl did in American Horror Story Delicate, so go and watch it. And then when you watch it, see how have I been like this in my life? How have I like done this? So some of the themes. That I wrote down from there, there's a girl in here, she's an actress trying to get like, I think an Oscar or Grammy and all that shit.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And this team around her is grooming her and making deals with her and she doesn't understand that she's agreeing to witchcraft and making deals with the devil and shit like that. And she's not aware of what's going on. She doesn't want to believe it. The girl didn't have any boundaries. That was the first thing that I wrote.

De'Vannon Seráphino: She didn't have any boundaries. She kept compromising, ignoring her better sense. She didn't listen to warnings from other people. Hmm. Okay. In this show, she got what she want. Then it didn't turn out to be what she wanted. Have you ever gone for something that you wanted so damn bad? And then you got it only to realize [00:03:00] it's not actually what you want, nor was it what you thought it would be.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And somehow you got tricked and deceived along the way. How did that happen? We must review times like this so we don't make those same mistakes again. Like I said, you might never be able to go back like Anna did, what's her name in the show. Be prayerful, listen to what God tells you, surround yourself with friends, family, with lovers who will challenge you.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Like I told you in the last episode, who won't turn a blind eye to your bullshit. But these can only be people who have done their shadow work or doing their shadow work, who have healed their inner child or working on their inner child. Anybody give away what they don't have? Parents, this is why you have to do your soul work.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Because your child will need your help with their shadow, and you can't help them with their shadow if you ain't done your shadow. You know, I mean, come on now.

De'Vannon Seráphino: First point, well, next point, , people in abusive relationships, who try to make people, [00:04:00] people in abusive relationships can be made to think that there's no better life for them. Same thing for children being abused, because , like, the mind is everything. You So Lucifer's trick here is the tunnel vision people that sometimes when we're in any sort of relationship dynamic, be it business, friends, lovers, family, whatever, we think that that's it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: There's no other option. This is the best we can do. But see, the devil is totally satisfied in keeping you oppressed under someone's thumb, having you say it 50 percent of whatever your capacity is or whatever your purpose is fulfillment is when God wants you at 100. So, As the saying goes, the enemy of best is good.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So, 75 percent might be good because if you're in a relationship with an abusive purpose person, it will limit your spiritual capacity because you have a soul tied to that person. You're accepting this person's energy. So if you're dating a narcissist or in a relationship [00:05:00] with a narcissist, it can fuck with your ministry, , it can fuck with your energy and your ability to function, either that or it's going to take more effort than what it should for you to get up and function at 100 percent on most days.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That's how it works. You might be able to push past it, but you shouldn't have to push past all of the evil coming from that bitch, , in order to get up and do what you need to do. So, Lucifer will work through abusive people to oppress people. And then, people will then compromise in their minds and do all these mental gymnastics and acrobatics and splits and death drops and Cirque du Soleil acts.

De'Vannon Seráphino: To try to justify keeping these relationships and really, , you should let them go. Okay. So be careful of Lucifer working through low vibration last people to keep you down. There is nobody in this life. You can't let go of except for God himself. Everybody else is literally able to be excommunicated.[00:06:00]

De'Vannon Seráphino: Even a child. I mean, you can only do so much. Now, I'm not saying a fucking two year old, but if you got a grown ass child out there in the world who just won't listen to you, at some point, you might just have to be like, fuck them. Okay? I mean, it's, I mean, at least give them space to just either get devoured by the devil or saved by God, but you can't kill yourself trying to save a child who won't listen.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And maybe you didn't teach them right. Okay, but you could start now. They can maybe maybe you didn't teach them right growing up and maybe you did and they didn't listen that matter. They still got fucking ears. They could hear you now. And you still got a mouth. You can talk now, or communicate in some way.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And if they hear you great, because anybody can change and if they won't, after a point, you got to put some boundaries in their book sometimes those boundaries, and that division is what ends up saving people. Is that when people stop trying to force salvation and saving and change on people just [00:07:00] fucking don't want it, , so don't so so be careful with that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Let me talk about sex again, , back to those apps. I need you to know that the devil will try to make you think that everybody is a hoe. I've heard people say, well, , everyone sleeps around or everybody does this at this age or everyone does drugs. Everybody. Does this or everybody?

De'Vannon Seráphino: No, everybody didn't do any damn thing. Your choices are yours and you will give an account for your choices and your choices alone. God is not going to ask you, why did Sally marry John? No, he's going to ask you, why did you do what you did? , when you stand before him, there is none of this Adam and Eve shit trying to say, well, the serpent made me do it, or this bitch made me do it, or the app made me do it, or Grindr made me do it, or the drugs made me do it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: No. There are plenty of people who I know who don't [00:08:00] drink, who don't who are not promiscuous. And there are people who I know who would not touch a dating or a sex app with a 100 foot pole. Okay, these are people who just, they just, not everybody's like that. So what I'm trying to get you to understand doesn't matter how popular some shit is.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Don't let the devil tell you that that's what has to be. That's because it's trending doesn't mean it's trending for you. You need to know who you are, why you are, and be authentic. And if dating apps and things like that, aren't your jam, then that's okay. Find another way to meet the people you're trying to meet.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Because you don't want to get caught up in some gatekeeper shit, where, where, where you think that there's only one way to access something, that's that gatekeeper energy and we can't fuck with that. So anytime somebody tries to tell you, I'm the only one who can do this, I've heard clairvoyant say this, petty ass, low vibrational clairvoyant say this shit before, , like, the only way that you can come up out of this [00:09:00] is if I do this magic for you, lies, scandals, and every manner of bullshit, be careful about that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: , In terms of. I just just know you got to do you. Okay. And, and, and, and be strong within your self because these, these, these other people can't defend you in the day of trouble. And if you're doing frivolous things with them, they wouldn't give a fuck about you in the day of trouble. Anyway, I was watching attack on Titan the other week, you know, what you know, catching up and everything I pulled away from all of that for a moment because I needed to.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Be sure my, I needed to check on some things energetically before I revisited attack on Titan. And so once everything was clear, you know, I watched it and I posted this on my tick tock channel and Armin Armin, one of the main characters from there, the blonde kid was quoting, [00:10:00] you said this quote who says, , those who can't abandon anything can't change anything.

De'Vannon Seráphino: , Attack on Titan is a very famous fucking anime and, , but the mind is everything. You got to draw that line in the sand, baby, and lunge forward with faith enough to believe that you will meet higher vibrational people and do not compromise. So that means, although, say you decide that apps aren't going to work for you anymore, okay, whatever kind of app it is, it's going to be awkward, you're going to feel strange, but if you decide that you're not going back, then you fucking don't go back.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It is hard. Yeah, or maybe just awkward and weird, to be out especially like when I was in Mexico to be the only person in the room not drinking, I, I leaned into that void and used it as a way to purge and cleanse me of whatever, of all the things I need to be purged and cleansed from. It's really easy to pick up a beer, a sort of Asa, , and drink like every damn body else.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It [00:11:00] takes more strength to stand there and say, I am Devannon, I don't drink. , I'll just fucking just be here, , and people were super cool about it, but, , but they should not have to be cool about it or not. It's really just that damn simple. I will do what the fuck I want. And that is the kind of strength I'm trying to get you to have.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So it does not matter if the whole fucking world is being a slut. If that's not you, then you don't do it. And that dream that I had when I was a child of myself running through the streets, it was like, it was clothing racks in the streets and people were shopping, but it was like stores. These represented the fashions of the world.

De'Vannon Seráphino: This dream was purely dark, black, static and black. To smoke kind of like a thick cloud, but it was on the ground and I was the only thing that was not dark like that running through this darkness. And there was a, like, this demon thing with a tail chasing me and, and the Lord was showing me [00:12:00] how the collective mind.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Set of this world can tend to low vibrational things that God does not approve of even though you look over here And you look over there and everybody's doing that shit. It doesn't fucking mean that God Consigns to it and that he approves it So you have got to know who you are and who God is in your relationship with him And it does not matter if you're the only person in the room going we shouldn't do this Then fucking you be the only person in the room Going, you shouldn't do this, because sometimes you might find yourself in situations where every fucking body around you is just stupid as shit, being very unwise, and just letting themselves just run loose with their sensuality and things like that, and you have to do better, okay?

De'Vannon Seráphino: We're being called to, like, a higher vibration, and you must rise to it, because God is, is not just going to leave you here, fucking over your life, fucking over your body, and acting like, You can't do no better than what you're doing. I mean, help is just too motherfucking at people's [00:13:00] fingertips these days.

De'Vannon Seráphino: , it'd be literally your phone. You can look up meditation videos for free, just something. , if you don't, , we're depending on where you're at, you can do something. And so

De'Vannon Seráphino: Lucifer will, will steal people's individuality through community. I keep saying this because community is one of those things that seems so innocent and people it's in our nature to want to belong. That's cool. God gave us that. He could have made us as Individual standalone beings, but he gave us this desire to want to connect.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Totally. Great. However, we must learn to be individuals within the cell within the hive without taking on a hive or herd mentality. And so what it looks like. So like culture, I hear this in the African American culture a lot, you know, they'll say I'm black. So I [00:14:00] do this or black people don't do this or this race.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Don't do that. I can't stand the other ring. I can't stand the racial divisions. It's very limiting and I don't care for the shit at all, but, you what you are as an individual. So, , a celestial being on some level before you're. Mexican or Grecian or Haitian or Australian, , humans get into this shit where they want to be a group, a Republican, a green party, a Democrat, an independent, a liberal, blah, blah, blah, blah.

De'Vannon Seráphino: , And then they go about the business of acting that way, , but be careful because Lucifer will steal your mind and your individuality because you're so hell bent on being part of a group to the extent that you wasn't to let who you are be defined by that group. It will seem innocent. It [00:15:00] will feel like you're doing the right thing and you will have people around you high fiving you and supporting you because they're saying the same shit.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Doing the same shit and going, Hey, we're all black. So we do this. I've tell you many times I've been the only one going I'm the van and, and I'm a child of God. And I'm a a highly celestial being before I am any color, , or anything like that. I will command the culture. Culture will not command me.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I'm trying to get you to pay attention. To be sure that something that seems and feels as innocent as belonging to a race or a group of people or some sort of party, political, religious, , whatever, people be like, I'm Christian. So I'm supposed to act this way. Well, no, you're supposed to walk in love and think for your fucking self and be sure that what you do balances out, , and that's what you're supposed to do.

De'Vannon Seráphino: If you [00:16:00] insist upon being a partisan collective, okay, fine, but be sure that you're you because you can't when it's time for you to give an account for the things you said, thought and done, you're not going to be able to say. I did this because I'm black or I did this because I'm a Republican or I did this because come from fucking Antarctica, whatever the hell, , you are going to give an account as an individual who had an independent mind who made choices based on their own motives.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You won't be able to hide behind the collective in the day of judgment. That's what I'm telling you. Okay. So be sure that the life you live is based on you, the conclusions you draw. And if that happens to coincide with a lot of other people, then okay. But I don't really hear that fact checking of the, people making sure of that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's like people take a sense of comfort and feeling [00:17:00] reinforced. By the like minded people around them. But what about if the people around you are wrong and nobody realizes that you're wrong or is willing to admit that you're wrong or so determined to be black or this or that, that they can't fucking be themselves and everybody's fucking up.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You have a reputation in the spirit world. And Hey, who are you apart from your culture and upbringing? Who have you decided you're going to be? Who do you fucking want to be? Not what people have told you. Now what television has told you that your family has told you, not what your friends, people supposed to be your friends have told you, who are you based on your own analysis of this life, this world, the world to come, the spirit world.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Who are you? You, you have a reputation before the divine. Who would God say you are? I'll take it a step further. Who do devils say you are [00:18:00] that's coming up in a different show, but there's scriptures that talk about how we have reputations, that's why the powerful people such as myself, I don't mean that arrogantly, but you got to know who the fuck you are, right?

De'Vannon Seráphino: Have a reputation amongst devils. And they fear the light that is within me and the power of God because of how close I am to God. Would a devil fear you if you walked in the room or would they be like, Hey, there's one of our buddies, they'll do anything we say. , would an angel respect you?

De'Vannon Seráphino: They'll help anybody God tells them to help. But do angels look at you and go, that, that person, that guy is on our team?

De'Vannon Seráphino: I'm way more concerned about my reputation with my ancestors. Of course, with the high Trinity with God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost is what they think prevails over any other being in any creation anywhere. , it [00:19:00] matters to me with the angels who I work alongside to fight the devil think it matters to me what they think about me.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It matters to me with my ancestors and the ascendant masters who have gone before all the way back. , it matters to me with them looking at this life I'm living. It matters to me what they think. I don't give a fuck about what a human thinks. And we all here trying to make it through this world.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I don't give a damn what person thinks about me, but people who have clear vision. , the people who've transitioned over in Angels see shit for what it really is. That's who I fucking want to know. What do y'all think of me? And I asked them, you can too, , so, so I'll just sum that up to say culture is cool and cute, but be careful because Lucifer will use that as a device to work against you. Okay, that'll feel good the whole time that he's snatching your individuality away from you fear. [00:20:00] Okay, pretty much everything on this list that I've mentioned so far tracks back to fear in some way people want to be a part of the community because they don't want to be isolated or left behind.

De'Vannon Seráphino: They want to fit in. So they go and have sex and do drugs. This is that's what everybody else is doing. Okay. , fear. Is everywhere. All right, but God has not given us a spirit of fear as a script. It tells us what a power and of love and of a sound mind when you have a sound mind, you know who you are, why you are.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Can't nobody shake you break you or make you do some shit. You don't really want to do or do some shit. That's not serving your highest good or that's good. That's better for your health. , when you have a sound mind, , you might be dealing with depression or mental health issues, but you name the things you're struggling with.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You have processes in place to work on it. You can, to me, that's still a sound mind. , if you're working on the inner child, it's sound if you're enough to me, if [00:21:00] you're headed in the right direction and at least fucking consciously trying, but, on the note of fear, I have known people who have such a fear of trying new shit. It's like they have a couple of things they found that they're good at. And they cease to expand because they are afraid of failing or afraid of being rejected. You do not get to make that choice about the way this world is run or the way this life goes.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Failure is nothing more than how you look at it. Okay, first of all, it's not, you're not supposed to do every goddamn thing, right? Correct is a better word. You're not supposed to do everything correct because you're not God. It's not possible. So part of, I think the reason why God allows us to fail for humility, because if we did every fucking thing perfect and right, then what the fuck, we would become arrogant, and then God would have to like, smite us, strike us down, that kind of [00:22:00] thing.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You don't want that. Lean into failures. Okay, I fucked this one up. What can I learn here? Should I do this again? Is this a redirection? And remember, any time you get rejected by someone or some entity or a group of people, it's not. You've simply been redirected. Have you ever, like, not been allowed to do something you wanted only to be thankful for it later?

De'Vannon Seráphino: You don't really truly know what you're asking for, unless you've been divinely shown what it is. You have an idea of how you think the experience is going to be. Okay? So, and you don't really know the people you have an idea of how you hope they are. Okay. But God knows those people thoroughly to the best possible way better than they know themselves.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And he knows the experience you're trying to have, whatever it is, be a sexual business or other, whatever, trip, travel, whatever. And he also knows, whether it's safe or whether you'll even like it. Some people go out and do experiences and they don't come back. I don't care, [00:23:00]whatever it might be, be it hiking in the woods or some shit, , you, maybe you couldn't go, something came up in your schedule, maybe they go out there and get hurt.

De'Vannon Seráphino: , it wasn't a bad thing for you to be rejected and not be able to go. So we got to stop being sad just cause shit don't go our way. Okay. And then we can acquiesce to this fear. Like Lucifer would try to drop you into or anger and you get pissed off with people. that don't want you around. I used to not like it when, , when I lived in Baton Rouge, , the queer community would reject me fucking a lot, , and I'm in, and at the time I didn't like it, but now with my clear understanding and seeing people in places for what they really are, I thank God in heaven for not letting me get close to people in Baton Rouge.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Like I, like I once thought I wanted to, I wouldn't touch them motherfucking people. With a 1, 000 foot, but I just, I wouldn't even touch a pole until I just done with fucking nothing to [00:24:00] do, with, with certain people, , from, from, from that city that I used to live in. Because, because God already knew what those people were about and knew that that would not be safe for me.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So, what I'm trying to get you to not do is waste time whining and bitching if doors don't open for you. Accept it as a blessing, because if God really wanted it to happen, it would have happened. And, and, and I'm, I'm just going to leave that there. But we must expand, okay, , find different things to do, we're meant to grow a plant, a tree, a bird, fucking everything changes.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Technically speaking, I mean, just strictly speaking, planets, the galaxies, the stars are always changing, , the moon, the sun, the planet, everything's always moving. That's why

De'Vannon Seráphino: the full moon and Sagittarius is coming up, , in my [00:25:00] sign, my son signed at the end of the month. It's not going to technically be the same full moon, which was in Scorpio, which is also in my charts, which was a couple of weeks ago. Not because the sign's different, but because that is not physically the same fucking moon up there.

De'Vannon Seráphino: , so each full moon is technically slightly different, or to whatever degree, because everything is always in a state of flux and change. This is the path of life. It's a universal law. Nobody can change this. You're only hurting yourself if you let Lucifer put you in a fear where you know how to, I don't know, make crochet sweaters.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Make candles and fucking play video games. And that's pretty much all you do because heaven forbid you try anything else. That's a lie. It's a trap and you get out of it because we always have to be changing, growing, expanding these people who, who like are self proclaimed creatures of habits. I just shake my head at them because I'm like, okay, that's a high state of self deceit.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Nobody is a creature of habit or, [00:26:00] or just should want to just shit to always be the same that which has been will not always be to quote the Witcher, we are supposed to fucking change. Now, not everybody is gonna be, like this Sagittarius Scorpio here. Who can do 15 fucking million different things at one time, and I've always got my fucking hands in a thousand different things.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That ain't the life for everybody. But, even if it's just a little, you need to always be finding that next thing to do. Whatever it is, learning a little something, a little new class on Duolingo, making candles. This is, this, this right here, This right here is the first candle that I made from scratch.

De'Vannon Seráphino: , I'm very proud of myself because I like going to candle making classes. The fuckers are expensive. That was like 40 to 70 a class. You leave with one crusty ass candle. So I went, the spirit gave me the wisdom to go to Amazon and Walmart. For 40, I get a whole candle making [00:27:00] kit. They make like 10 fucking candles.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And they come with the oils, the jars, the wicks, and all of that in it. It'll look just as good as the shit from the candle making classes that I've been to. I don't like being hustled. And so when I realize that somebody's price point is higher than I think what the experience merits, I'll find out how to do the shit myself.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And this here is something that's simple. Easy makes great date night. If my future boyfriend is out there watching do surprise me with a candle set one day, that'll be so clutch. And, and there , but whatever it is that works for you, like literally Google free shit to do simple arts and crafts.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Or whatever the hell interests you, ideas, get on Pinterest. It doesn't have to be hopping onto a Cherub to go fly off and save the world. Not everybody, don't look at, , people who are on YouTube and [00:28:00] like those of us who have these channels that are doing these, all this big shit. You need to be praying about what your part is.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Like it says in the Bible, some people, everyone's a part of the body. Some people are toes, some people are foot, some people are head. People are, are the chest. Some people are this, you have to find out what your party is and do that shit. Well, cause you're only going to be held accountable for what your gift set is.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay. If you don't have a million gifts, God's not going to require a million gifts worth of production from you. Okay. Your task is to find out what it is that you're here for. And don't let Lucifer trick you with fear of. Finding a few little things to do and acting like you can't expand if you're still alive.

De'Vannon Seráphino: God wants you to expand Now, I'm not saying run out and do everything all at once, but just have that in your mind, wonder what I might could do. And the timing is right. It might not be for you to try it new today, but maybe start doing the research kind of floated out there and see what's going on. You know, you might be a year before you start [00:29:00] the project, but you could be at least gathering information or whatever, or you might simply be walking.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Somewhere maybe you've never made a crown with daisy flowers or some shit before maybe you might just decide to do that Everything you do is energy and spirit little things That you might try sends a big message to the divine That you're trying i'm all for baby steps, baby. Okay Yeah, and i'm saying this not to toot my own horn but people I fucking hate comparing people to people or any kind of comparisons at all because each Entity of being exist of its own merits and will be judged individually.

De'Vannon Seráphino: What people be trying to like, they tell me things like, but how can you do all that you have so much going on and then they feel like they feel like intimidated by my existence and my drive and ambition. And then I have to remind them. Okay, that's just the devil trying to trick you. You need to be focused on you.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay. Okay. I'm doing all [00:30:00] these things because this is what God has told me to do. The only thing you need to ask is, what does God want me to do? If he ain't told you to do all that, then you don't do all that. Don't be worried about what I'm doing. You gotta be worried about what you're supposed to be doing.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So And then all of these things that I'm doing weren't built all at once. This has been like decades in the making, , this is built up over time, one thing was added, then another thing was added, , and now it's all maintained very delicately, , through the power of Christ and the Holy Ghost, , even Yahweh himself.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So and when you see anybody well advanced, don't get, don't let the devil make you feel inferior. That person probably didn't even say anything. You, the devil, will literally make people feel insecure just by looking at somebody who they perceive to be more successful or powerful than them. It is not for you to chase power or money.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It is for you to chase your purpose. My favorite quote from Supergirl was that when the media [00:31:00] queen was telling Supergirl, trying to give her some wisdom, she told Supergirl, you don't have to do everything and you don't have to do everything all at once. Okay, I never forgot that, even though I didn't finish the series because I had other shit to do in my life, but it was, it was clutch though.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I have seen the devil take people's time from them through like being like high or cut up and vice. It's like people will be like so high on drugs after years, they'll be like, fuck, what have I done with my life? Because if you sit around like say shooting up crystal meth on a consistent basis, literally a whole year can go by and you're like, what have I been doing?

De'Vannon Seráphino: be very, very vigilant and careful about how you spend time because Lucifer will try to eat up your time with pleasure, whatever it is, excessive,

De'Vannon Seráphino: excessive, whatever it is that you might be doing too much of. And innocent looking shit like I've mentioned [00:32:00] travel all the time because some people are I think addicted to travel, , there's a certain there's a definite endorphin release that comes from finding deals and searching for shit and traveling and booking and it's a ritual.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That is a ritual getting ready to go to the airport or you get on the train or the bus or whatever that is a ritual. Packing a meth or a crack pipe is a ritual. Getting ready to have sex is a ritual. The sex is a ritual. Smoking drugs is a ritual. Doing the tri Everything's fucking magic in a ritual in some way.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So be careful that you don't think that all vice and negativity has to be a needle hanging out of someone's arm or some robbing a bank. It could be cute shit like community. Taking trips and vacations, people can run from themselves in the most innocent looking things. So be very, very careful that the devil does not trick you into thinking because you're not strong out on some terrible, looking terrible on some drug that you're like good and you might not be good.[00:33:00]

De'Vannon Seráphino: If the devil can eat up your time and make you do all these things rather than really searching for God and your purpose, then he will have the victory over you. Because you were born to do more than to consume. You were born to serve the Earth in some way, and to serve God in some way. You gotta have your fun and all that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That's, you don't have nobody to tell you to enjoy yourself. I mean, usually, unless somebody's like super sad or some shit, but that's a whole other issue there. But people don't get up and eat and feed go make money. I might tell you to do that if you don't but you do need to be told to get serious about your spirituality to get over fear and And to get out in and do and to do things, I get on here and do these shows They're not the shortest podcast, but this is serious I just not an entertainment podcast because I'm dealing with lives and souls and eternity , with the work that I do with people on this show and off the show, this is like [00:34:00] soul work, life work.

De'Vannon Seráphino: This is not supposed to be quick and fun and frills. This is serious. I enjoy this immensely, but the changes that people need are like literally life and death. All right. Let me talk about masculines. And I think in the last show, I was so happy to see that so many, I'm starting to hear reports of men coming up out of toxic masculinity.

De'Vannon Seráphino: They're thinking for themselves. They're telling their home quote unquote homeboys to go fuck off because they're not going to be doing that dumb shit anymore. Talking about girls or queers when they walk by, , They're beginning to feel bad about the shit they used to do, and they're consciously changing those ways and learning to respect diversity, respect women, respect bottoms, or whoever it is that they find to, that they used to try to, prop their little fragile sense of self up on by stepping on other people in whatever way that they used to do [00:35:00] that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And they've actually learned how to love themselves for real, which now has enabled them to love and accept. all other people and it's really fucking beautiful to see this to hear men saying this yes i am rooting for you fellas get it together because i know you can and i look at you being everything god ever wanted you to be and you get the girl you have all the sex you want and you're doing it right this time yay Fucking, that's some ace shit right there.

De'Vannon Seráphino: What Lucifer will do to the toxic masculines, though, is trick them into thinking that the perceived power they have with their dick, okay? Is a more of a big deal than what it is, boys. You do not want to be, you might think you do, but you really don't want to be reduced to just your dick. You really want that to be all that people think of [00:36:00] you.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's a sad thing. When I've seen dudes like say back when I was in the game, who, who were known for either being what people, I guess most people would consider to be well endowed. Or able to provide intense sex. I've covered before where intense sex isn't what it's about. Big Dick's ain't what it's about.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's about connection and actually knowing who the fuck you're connecting within that way and honoring God in the process and yourself as well.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's like they've gone through all these years of all this reckless ass sex, letting people praise and worship them because of their penis. And now they're starting to see how wrong they were. And it's like this sadness comes over them. Because they're calculating all the shit, all the questionable ass sex they've had, and all the dumb shit that they've done, and how they've let their value be reduced to the way they can poke a hole.[00:37:00]

De'Vannon Seráphino: When really,

De'Vannon Seráphino: I mean, I'm sure you can feel just how I mean, I mean, how pathetic they feel in that moment and they need to go through those emotions, , but, and they're going to have to go through their karma to, , for, for all the, the, the, the people they've heard, , using their sex in that way, they're going to have to go through it. And they, and they have a,

De'Vannon Seráphino: a stringent type of acceptance of the fact that they will have to go through it because these boys who I've been in the room with, with this have come to terms with this and bad shit is starting to happen to them now that they have decided that they want to act right. But they're gonna have to go through it, and they don't, I haven't heard any really, but one complain about that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The other ones seem to be realistic and down to earth [00:38:00] enough to understand. You know, they cut up, slept with everyone, they get their hands on it and really give a fuck about them. Now they've gotten older and they want to actually be sincere, but now they're getting fucked over. That's the way it has to go.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Because God is not mocked, whatever a man sow or any human sow, that also will they reap. It has to happen, baby. It's the only way.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And it can be difficult for these men to move forward after they realize they've what they've done with their bodies. And they're like, fuck, you know, they want to be known for more than dick. You know, it's more to life than that. So be careful, boys. Do not let the devil trick you into thinking that that's all that you are.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You are a divine masculine being with the power to to make shit happen. , you ever see a bunch of people trying to like pick something up or trying to make some shit fit somewhere [00:39:00] and can't. And then some dude will come along and it's like he just. Did that shit so damn fast that some of us might have been there all fucking day, , trying to figure this shit out.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Masculine energy at a high vibration with done right is, is a fucking lifesaver. , he has counsel, he has wise advice. He's men pay attention. They have a natural sort of like survival instinct about them that I don't feel like is necessarily inherent to feminine energy because , men historically have watched the tribe kept shit safe.

De'Vannon Seráphino: This is fucking beautiful, , so when you're dealing with a high vibrational fucking man, it's a beautiful fucking listening pure like white or an energy. , he can save the people, help strangers, lay pipe, and do it high vibrationally, get the girl, and all of that, and, and love and respect himself, and respect other people, and not be weak.

De'Vannon Seráphino: This is why I, [00:40:00] I admire, like, say, Drake, and different people who function in a space where it's not okay for a man to show emotions, and Drake's like, fuck you, I'm gonna show emotions anyway. I don't know what the hell Drake do in his spare time, or if he running the hose, or whatever the fuck, but I do know that he stood up for himself, and he sang his songs, and did his music in an industry that threw shade at him for being so in touch with his feminine side.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay, but I respect him, for being himself. This is what every man must do. Learn to be himself. And what the devil is trying to do is low key emasculate you and take your nuts by trying to make your nuts equivalent to the old, the other dicks around you. When really each man is supposed to be a leader in his own right.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The last thing a dude needs to do is try to blend in with the herd and be like every other motherfucking dude. , we need you as leaders. You need to [00:41:00] stand out, be weird, be strange, be yourself, have your own unique point of view. This is a man. Okay? Not somebody who is gonna think like every other fucking dude.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Say the same shit every fucking dude says. Talk shit about a girl or about them when they walk by. There's nothing cute about that. You're making a fool of yourself by talking shit about other people. Angels hear you. Demons hear you. Lucifer is laughing at you. And God is laughing at you because he knows you're gonna have to pay back karma for the shit.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So just Have peace. Learn to love yourself. Deal with the childhood wounds that are clearly fueling this sort of chaotic masculinity. Get your validation from God and from your self love. Do not seek energy and validation from sex or from people. That is a source that will make you a vampire and you're gonna always need more the more you get.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Learn to get it from the everlasting source, which is God on high. And from within yourself, you can give yourself validation any fucking time you want. We talked about it in [00:42:00] the sex blog on my website to a degree. , masturbation is a high form of self love. Okay, it's not the remnants left over.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You suck if you have to masturbate and you couldn't get, like, laid. No, that's a lie. Spiritually speaking, masturbation is a great power when it's done right and with that kind of intention. Okay, so Masculines love yourself. You're more than penis. Penis is a beautiful thing. I hope I remember what the fuck to do with one the next time I Get get my hands on one.

De'Vannon Seráphino: God knows when that'll be and I'm not in any rush. That's not important right now It was important for me to get my shit together Which it is, , get my mind right and expand my And my mind is right now to expand my knowledge and education for this other training that I want to go take to learn sexual alchemy later in the year and in a whole redo, , when the whole sexual revirginization God has the power to do that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: If you have that kind of [00:43:00] faith, because, that's really an energetic thing giving, stopping being a virgin is really an energetic exchange, which we discuss on the blog around. So. You can get re virginized if you're willing to stop having sex for long enough and let porn go and all of that because your energy has to be totally purified of all things sexual to be, to be sexually re virginized and start over again.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You hear how bad shit has gotten? You can always fucking start over again. And don't let Lucifer make you think, I'm gonna repeat this again, to think that shit can't change. That some people become such creatures of habits that they, that you, you must become a master of detachment in this life. You have got to let anything and anyone go. That's not your, that's not God. And I would say yourself, but you have to, you have to come to a point that you understand that no matter what the fuck somebody is trying to do around you, it's not necessarily about you and don't take [00:44:00] shit personally.

De'Vannon Seráphino: This is how we detach within ourselves from ourselves in a way. So the neighbors cutting up next door, that's them. When you got haters, those of us, , with public platforms sending us hate mail and crazy shit on our social media, it's a reflection of them and has nothing to do with us. , and it's a proof of God is using us all about perspective, but everything is subject to change at any time.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Tomorrow is not promised to you by the end of the day. Anything could change. I've seen I'm reminding of a teacher in middle school who had an aneurysm. Beautiful fucking woman, beautiful jet black, shiny ass hair, light, pretty mixed lady, this teacher was fine. Every, every, every boy and girl in the school knew it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: She had a headache that morning, she was dead that night because she had an aneurysm. I'm not saying that's gonna happen, I certainly hope it doesn't, but my point to you is You don't fucking know. So stop letting the devil make you think you have [00:45:00] forever, because people die at every age. I'm not saying walk around in fear like, fuck, am I going to die today?

De'Vannon Seráphino: But live life in such a way that you're happy, and that you respect people, and that you care about what God wants. All right?

De'Vannon Seráphino: I've talked about

De'Vannon Seráphino: money, hubris, and sex enough, just be careful how you make money. Be sure the energy is right. Don't steal, don't lie, don't rob, don't overwork your employees, because the devil will sit there and tell you the ends justify the means when they don't. This is why, as a massage therapist, I only have ever charged like maybe 50 to 60 for like an hour, hour and a half, because If I worked for somebody else, they ain't gonna pay me no more than 15, 20 an hour.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I'm not about to get greedy working for myself and act like I'm about to charge somebody 100 an hour for a massage. [00:46:00] Could I? Yes. Am I good enough to do that? Abso fucking lutely. But that is the healing of God working through my hands. Not the hands themselves. So this is how people could get tricked by Lucifer and the thinking that they must demand a certain rate, or they won't perform the service.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I believe we possess our gifts to help the world and we should make it affordable. We should make something, but we don't need to make every damn thing. Shamans who do plant medicine understand that if the intention isn't right, If the medicine isn't served with the right intention, or if it's too monetized, then the plant medicine won't work like it's supposed to.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So this is why I don't go in the United States to do plant medicine, because it's too fucking expensive and it's too monetized, because they're really about the fucking money. I ain't saying everybody in Mexico and South America is perfect, but The intention matters, be it a plate of food [00:47:00] being served to you or plant medicine or massage or whatever.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The intention has to be right. People who own these businesses can get tricked by the devil into thinking that it's more about the money than it is about providing the healing, being a conduit for the healing for the person. This is a warning to business owners and people who make money off of people.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Do not become oppressive in your pricing and be sure that your intentions are always to help the person more than it is to pad your pockets. Isaiah chapter 18 verses 5 through 6 says. For the harvest, when the bud is perfect and the sour grape is ripening in the flower, he shall both cut off the sprigs with pruning hooks and take away and cut down the branches.

De'Vannon Seráphino: They shall be left together unto the fowls of the mountains, and to the beasts of the earth, and the fowls shall summer upon them, and all the beasts of the earth shall winter upon them. This here [00:48:00] is me reminding you that if you fuck around With Luciferian energy and you cannot clock the different wiles and subtleties of the devil, you're going to end up losing and having shit taken from you in some way, and it doesn't matter how long you've been stable.

De'Vannon Seráphino: What God can do, chooses to do sometimes is let people have shit. just to make their karma that much worse when he takes it from them. So like cheaters who, who, who labor under a severe delusion that they can lie and cheat and then go run off and have a happy life with somebody

De'Vannon Seráphino: don't work that way. Because the only one who can give you happiness in anything is God and God doesn't want to take it from you as well. What they're going to get is caught up in somebody who's going to probably be worse than them in some type of way. And you cannot look at a couple from the outside [00:49:00] And know whether or not somebody's receiving their karma and all of this, I strictly disagree with anybody who believes that some people will get their karma in the next life.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I don't believe in past lives or next lives. I have not been shown anything like that from the Lord. So therefore, I don't have any reason to think other than this is it. And what I have seen and experienced is that people who do shit, Get their shit back to them in this life. My point to you is that you can't not look at them and see, because people who are getting their asses kicked by karma, justice, judgment, ain't usually gonna wave a flag and tell you.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You know, most of those people gonna try to act like shit's legit when they know fucking well it's not legit. But that fake ass way that they have is a part of the reason why they're in the predicament that they're in now or predicaments that some people have multitudinal Multiplicity of karma hitting them simultaneously depending on what the fuck they did and the attitude they had about it, too [00:50:00] but them people What God will do is like let them get close to say to have you what they think is supposed to be a good and healthy relationship It'll snatch it from them. He'll let them get the taste of that shit in their mouth. They didn't take it. Can't nobody get God. I mean, can anybody get what you know?

De'Vannon Seráphino: Can't nobody get God. Can't nobody get your enemies, somebody who's hurt you like God can. All right. This scripture here is, is, is, is It's like Lucifer will have people thinking because their physical shit looks good their life is right. It's not true It's because you have a house and a car and your kids look healthy and you can get all the sex you can get your Grubby little horny hands on that don't mean that God approves of what you're doing it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You got to be before the Lord checking God, forgive me of my sins. What did I do wrong? Help me to do better. just because it look good. I mean, it is good. So this scripture here is warning you to not [00:51:00] judge your internal state and how the divine sees you, like what your reputation, what God is based on the things you have in this life or what you can consume because as they would tell us growing up, God can blow on your blesses and take them from you in an instant.

De'Vannon Seráphino: All right,

De'Vannon Seráphino: the mighty man shall cry there bitterly, there's a scripture that says that, I'm not sure if it's in the Isaiah thing, forgive me, I didn't exactly write it down, but it talks about people being mighty and crying, okay, see this is someone who was able to establish a reputation for being strong. But really, they were weak in

De'Vannon Seráphino: the book of Revelation, when the letters from john the revelator go out to the churches, it talks about how people have a reputation of being strong, but they're weak and how some people look physically weak based on their poverty, but spiritually, they're strong and what the only thing that matters is what [00:52:00] God says about you.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay, I said earlier how, how, how Satan or the Satan, if you want to be technical about it. It's technically Satan in the title, not a name, mimics God because the devil really doesn't come up with shit. He does not really have the power to create. He can take what's there and fuck with it, though, for filth.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That's why, In the Genesis story, whether you believe it's actual or not, you can get the point when God told Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit for in the day that they eat it, they shall surely die and Lucifer told them they shall not surely die. You only change one word. This goes back to that narcissistic energy, that sex addict energy, like I was talking about in the last show, where people go out and have their sex orgies or whatever at the gym and go back and tell their partner, Oh, they just had a good workout.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It was really hot. Or intense or [00:53:00] whatever, , like little shit, the details were left out, but those little details, if you would call them little change, the whole fucking meaning that is another way that Luciferian energy is personified. So be very careful when you're dealing with people who don't tell the whole truth.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Anything that is 99. 999999. 999 percent truth is a fucking lie. And I'm going to dismiss people immediately, because if they lie on one thing, they'll lie on anything. You cannot have people who lie around you. Because in the scripture, God says that a liar will not tarry in his sight. You understand, that is the only thing that the Lord just won't fucking tolerate.

De'Vannon Seráphino: He won't forgive people who blaspheme the Holy Ghost, but he also will not tolerate a liar. He will work with a murderer, a rapist, a child molester. Yes, people need to not judge people who do these things because at the end of the day, they are broken and they're [00:54:00] hurt. I was molested as a child. I ain't mad at the dude.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I mean, if anything, when I found out the shit, I was more mad at the adults around who let this shit happen. , the fox comes in and gobbles up the fucking hens. Is it really the I mean, the fox is gonna be foxes, where was the fucking protection around the hens? Okay, but I'm not mad at no damn body anymore, I don't have time for bitterness.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But

De'Vannon Seráphino: A liar. The Lord said a liar shall not tarry in my sight. If it's not good enough for God, it's not good enough for me. I do not suffer fucking liars at all. And you better not either, okay? Just don't. Because they're making a choice to tell you shit that's not true. Okay, there's billions of people in this world who will find you someone who will tell the truth.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Period. Master detachment, but so be careful and learn to listen to the shit that people says and [00:55:00] because it doesn't have to be a big overt lie to fuck you up, some of the worst ones is subtle shit that slip right by your consciousness, but it had you known that little detail that you would not have made the decision that you made, but be careful about the way the devil mocks, I mean, mimics things and tries to make shit look true and pure.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Yeah. Even though it isn't when you feel with the Holy Ghost. Now, that's one benefit. Of being filled and filled with the Holy Ghost and baptized with the Holy Ghost. I don't think that that is necessary to like get into heaven or to have salvation. I can't justify that through scripture, but having the Holy Ghost is power.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The Holy Ghost speaks the truth. The Holy Ghost causes you to see people in places and things for what they really fucking are. And Jesus didn't let his disciples go out and minister and do their ministry until they got filled with the Holy Ghost. I intend to do a show on talking about the Holy Ghost, water baptism, and fire baptism.

De'Vannon Seráphino: In a [00:56:00] non church way, , in the future, and to maybe write about that on the website as well, over at sexjawsandjesus. com. There's a script that talks about how people have pleasure in them that do such things, , that's, that's a, that's a throwback again to that herd mentality. Be careful. I don't mind being repetitive, , because it's really a test of you.

De'Vannon Seráphino: If you have somebody who's wise and telling you good shit, We keep saying it over and over again, and you're getting impatient with us, that tells you a lot about you because what you don't want is for us to get tired of talking and to disappear. So when you have somebody wise in your presence and then they're ghosted away from you, it leaves it, it will leave a cavernous void inside of your soul and and a hole in, in a hole that you didn't know could exist.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So I know I say things several times. It's difficult for me to fully convey the urgency of the [00:57:00] matter. Okay, like, the things I see in dream space, like, in the spirit, like, how this, how this stuff looks, it's very, very, like, serious. Okay. And so I'll say it a bunch of times. I'm not going to get in trouble with God.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I'm going to say what I'm supposed to say. So, be careful you surround yourself with don't surround yourself with people who do the same shit you do have mixture have variety have a contrasting opinions and perspectives. That's why I hang out with people who worship other deities. I don't worship their deities. I don't try to get them to worship God.

De'Vannon Seráphino: They try to get me to worship them, but I learned what I can and I focus on what we have in common. , I don't, I'm not over sexualized. I don't sleep around. I don't go on apps. So I don't, I don't have a profile on a damn thing. And , some of my friends do, I don't judge them. I don't, when they come to me with their dramatic stories, they don't [00:58:00] come to me venting.

De'Vannon Seráphino: If they come to me like, For advice or some shit like that, I will hear them. This is something God made me do, because I have, I was very like, fuck this, I'm not dealing with people who aren't fucking grinders. I don't want that janky ass energy around me. I had a whole like pout fest, , before the Lord, because I didn't want to deal with it, because I can see the danger, , of energetically of doom scrolling and flicking all those profiles and all that energy transferring to the phone.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But I don't. Oh, fuck it. God wants me to do this. I'll do it. , I'll, so I have friends who do all that shit and I'm all like, girl, okay, girl, let's go to brunch and have me a non alcoholic mimosa while you have yours and we'll talk. Okay. , it is what it is. Fuck it. I thank God for, for giving me a more flexible point of view with dealing with people.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I know I can be very fucking rigid. That's a part of, like, the shadow side of [00:59:00] Sagittarius, though. We're, strong philosopher, very lifelong learners that can teach, , spiritual things. I love learning spiritual things. I can get very, like, fucking militant about it, though, and if that's the worst thing about me, oh, the fuck, well, okay?

De'Vannon Seráphino: But nevertheless, always gotta come into balance, though, and be neither too much nor too little, so I thank God and His timing for causing me to be a way more flexible with, At least on some level, socializing with certain people, because with everything that happened, the trauma and shit of, of, I can call it like the distant, distant enough past now, I entered into a space of being highly fucking protective, , of my energy, , and shit, but.

De'Vannon Seráphino: , we all good now, , your boy got the victory, , and the Lord gave that to me. Hallelujah and glory in the highest. Thank you for bringing me out of that darkness. My God. So, but, but there's a more easy going [01:00:00] way. And I really, really want to thank the Lord for that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Another trick of Lucifer. It's for him to let you think that, that not only is your life approved of by God because you have physical and material things and sensual and sexual pleasures, but that the things that you do won't come back. I told you those masculines who did their dirt, most of them had enough sense to understand why bad shit was happening to them, but every now and then I come across a person who can't, who don't get it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: When I was in the hospital with COVID, , in New York, , and I was rooming with that guy who got HIV. He who was a hoe who was cheating on people and shit. It just couldn't, if he was literally saying, crying through tears, going, why me? And I didn't say shit. I'm like, he's gonna have to come with this revelation on his own.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Don't let the devil trick you into thinking that you can hurt people, walk over people, tell your lies, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. [01:01:00] Steal whatever the fuck it is that you do, be it energy stealing or stealing something physical, and it's not going to come back to you. This is I'm not gonna go, but see the good comes back to don't let the devil make you think that the good shit you did won't come back to you either.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Those of us who are out there doing the right fucking thing. It is not up for you. However, my fellow white worker, my good people are people who are doing good things to decide when it happens. The bad people don't get the pick when their karma comes back. The good people are the people who do good things.

De'Vannon Seráphino: If you don't want to call bad people, bad people, what the fuck ever. We don't get to decide when our time of blessing comes. We must be humble before the divine and let the Lord pick. He knows best. We might think we want shit now, but it's up to him. Just be thankful. You have all that good shit in store for you and keep doing more good shit.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But that's also a delusion because sometimes people lose hope and they're like, I had all this good shit and all this bad shit keeps happening to me. It's bad, but perspective, [01:02:00]everything happens for us, not to us. What is the silver lining? My light worker, what is it? Tell me, find it. It's always there.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And, so don't let the devil make you think that you won't get either good or bad karma. Everyone will be repaid according to their ways. All of us, period. So,

De'Vannon Seráphino: my mind goes back. I talked about in the other episode, I talked about like the sex origins at the damn gym. And I want to bring this back up to show how Lucifer can make people not see just how much variety and options are there. So there's one particular sex addict at the gym who always would be there running around with his boner with his towel on trying to find people to sleep with.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So I just like ignored. I was like, okay, well this is a part of life. I've learned to accept that there's just certain types of darknesses that will just be, [01:03:00] doesn't have to affect me. Pivot around it, move on. This dude followed me. I look at him, I intentionally try not to look at him, I talk to him, I come out of the locker room to use the massage guns, which I have since bought my own because, yeah.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But all this space to sit down in this gym because nobody else was using the couches and chairs, this fool sits next to me, dangling the massaging gun in his hand and not even using it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So, at this point I can pretty much be mad at this child. If that were to happen again, I would probably sit down and be like, okay, let's talk spirit here because, okay, I see what's happening and where I was then the, what I needed to do was get away from that energy because that creepy as energy was trying to [01:04:00] follow me.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And other weird shit like that was trying to follow me. The command then was to get away from now. I would turn to that darkness and see how I could minister. It's about knowing what to do at the right time. But this poor soul was just sitting there dangling the massage gun. It's like he, it's like he was so sad.

De'Vannon Seráphino: , he was in this gym trying to sleep with people he don't know, but at the same time, very sad and unhappy. The darkness in him felt the light in me, which I refused to give any of my energy, and so he just, just sat there like a child, , waiting for me to say something or initiate something, just kind of looking at the floor and just dangling the gun around.

De'Vannon Seráphino: In a city like New York City, where we have so many Speed Dating, Gay Speed Dating, Straight Speed Dating, I've seen Bisexual Speed Dating, I've seen Hippie Speed Dating, I've seen Lesbian Speed Dating. Weekly. You can go somewhere and do a round robin with like 20 30 different guys or whatever. However many show up that night.[01:05:00]

De'Vannon Seráphino: You can hire matchmaking services and all kinds of shit. There's queer people everywhere. There's damn near no need for a gay bar in New York because the queer scene is gar fucking gantuan. In New York City. Holy. Fuck's sake, Batman. Shit, there's a lot of fucking gay people in New York. Goddamn. But, so why is this dude in this gym reducing himself, letting Lucifer reduce him to sex addictive, narcissistic behavior, when really what he wants is to love himself and to have a meaningful connection?

De'Vannon Seráphino: Why does he think the only thing he can do is suck dick in the locker room and have sex in the steam room or the shower?

De'Vannon Seráphino: He was meant to be. For better. What Lucifer will do is use lust at the feelings of sensual physical sensation [01:06:00] to tie you to a pole, to a chain, into a prison and cause you to not be able to see the beauty and the variety that is around you. All kinds of ways. There's all kinds of reasons and pain and inner child work and pain and trauma is probably fueling that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But what he is under is the oppression of the hand of Lucifer, who is keeping him in this stuck state. Of thinking the best thing he's not going for him is to get up and go find somebody to sleep with at the gym It's no different if it's at the gym if it's on grinder It was on an app or whatever all of it is anything other than a happy healthy whole well connected relationship with yourself With the divine with god Okay, and with your lover or lovers Okay [01:07:00] So be careful how?

De'Vannon Seráphino: The devil will tunnel vision you and think it's a not being able to see what's literally like right there in front of you. There's a million of everything in New York City. There's a million weed shops. There's a million fucking store. Whatever it is offered is offered every damn where there is a lot of variety and a lot of options.

De'Vannon Seráphino: This is the power of the devil. For somebody to be in New York and think that the best they can do is to reduce themselves to cheap sex in a public gym, okay? This is why I do this work. Because we gonna come up out of this. We got to do better. Okay? We were meant for better. Period. Period. Okay?

De'Vannon Seráphino: But I heard the word say, if you resist the devil, then he will flee. You have got to tell the devil no. When I was trying to [01:08:00] stop using drugs, the Evangelist Nelson would always tell me to talk back to the devil. Tell him you don't want it and you don't need it. You know, speaking specifically about crystal meth and crack, you know, what I was really strung out on, you know, but that urge would hit me back then.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And I was lonely and I knew that if I did drugs and I could find some guy to hang out with and all of this and shit, you know, but it was all just using and abusing and lies and, you know, it was a need to connect, but I was going about it through destructive vices and shit. And so. And she would tell me, talk back to the devil, you know, rebuke him, tell him to get out.

De'Vannon Seráphino: , you got to, you say you got to get loud with that thing. And so, , if you don't believe that there's a negative force that's trying to hurt you, then what the fuck are you going to talk to? So I'm trying to get you to understand that there are negative forces. that exists in this universe or whatever you want to put a name on it that don't want you to succeed.[01:09:00]

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay, that wants to keep you thinking that this crazy ass strange sex you're having is a good idea that wants to keep you deceived, child. So, but if you resist the devil, he will flee because the devil is not going to waste time because he does not have infinite time. Once he sees this shit won't work with you, yeah, he's gonna try to pull you back into it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That's why that, , that all of those creepy ass fucking energies and people was trying to follow me around New York. I would be waiting to get on a subway or whatever, past say like a crackhead after I stopped. Walked several fucking feet, , down well the fuck away from them and I turn around and the motherfucker is right here on my ass.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I was like, oh fuck you, the hell? , like how the fuck did they? So literally the moment I walked past them they must have turned and was right on my heels and I didn't realize. And I turned around and said, what the? Oh. You, know, and I had to keep doing that time after time after I was [01:10:00] granted the deliverance to get away from all of that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It was like the devil got angry and mad and insulted that after so much time that I would dare stop smoking crack and shooting up meth and doing all of that shit. And I did stop. The Lord was ready for me to stop. And I had been asking God to take it from me and he did. And, but the devil didn't want to accept it because the devil is just as much of a creature of habit as he tries to make people be, to limit them.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That, and the devil gets used to you being in bondage and when you get free, he doesn't want to let you go. And, but those people couldn't do nothing but follow me, be fucking weird. And I said, said nothing. I kept fucking walking. Okay. Alright. And no matter what crazy shit they said, I act like they didn't fucking exist.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And eventually, it stopped. Because the devil is going to send those dark workers somewhere where he feels like they're going to be productive because it's not going to work here. Okay. But after being tied up in those things for years, a few months of true [01:11:00] sobriety, people don't want to, the devil doesn't want to actually believe that that's true.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So he's going to try you. So when you decide to get away from these things, expect it to show up. But you must resist the devil continually and eventually he will get, will flee and the voice of Satan in your ears will get weaker and weaker and weaker because you're not feeding it anymore, you see. So we're talking about getting disentangled from negativity that had, that has had us bound.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Alright? And those of you I'm telling you, I really wish people would talk handily like this with their friends. People see these sigils that I have on my arm, okay, and these magic markings and things like that. And I don't know if it's that or what, but people come up to me and tell me all kinds of things about their sex life and this, and I can tell that they're not able to have these conversations with their, their friends and families and lovers.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And I'm all like, I, I entertain them. I certainly fucking help them and do everything [01:12:00] that God has empowered me to do. But at the same time, I'm all like, who the fuck are these people who are around you that you're not comfortable with to discuss everything with? You know, what the hell? What the fuck? So but oh, well, whatever.

De'Vannon Seráphino: We'll have our part to play. Before I turn my attention to criminal informants, I just want to remind you that Lucifer is old. He knows humans like the back of his hands, left, right, inside, out, up, and down. He knows you on a deeper level than a psychiatrist does. Like he understands you. This is why, that's why the devil can be very crafty and coming up with devices and people and places and things to trick you because he knows you better than what you think.

De'Vannon Seráphino: If you think you have not been studied and watched by dark forces, you're kidding yourself. You've also been studied and watched by the Lord, too. It all depends on what direction you decide to take. God is not going to force you to follow [01:13:00] him. , just be aware because you're dealing. With a power that's greater than you, so the only way for you to overcome a power greater than you is to join with a power that's greater than the power that's trying to fight you, which is God, the divine.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay, so criminal informants. Oh, you silly little rabbits. I would like to. And tell you that you need to focus on yourself and not let Lucifer trick you into thinking that you're going to get ahead by being a hypocrite and trying to entrap people and police officers to, , but trying to entrap people by doing the same shit that your informants are doing.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Or that some of the police officers are doing to that. Every cop is bad. I think most of them are just fucking fine. There was a time that I considered being a police officer myself. I ended up, , getting into drugs instead. But, , that's just the way that shit went, the [01:14:00] year that I was applying to be a police officer with the Houston police department.

De'Vannon Seráphino: They lowered the salary by 20 grand. This is like, over 10 years ago. But, like, from, like, 50, 000, like, 29, 000, I was like, girl, bye. The city council voted on that. I'm very into public service. After I got out of the military, I considered, like, LAPD, LA Fire Department. , because I really, really love public service.

De'Vannon Seráphino: , I do. That's why I volunteer so much. I volunteer, like, five different places in New York City right now. I love public service. I don't have a problem with police. I have peace. There's peace between me and police officers. But like everything, you have those bad apples.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Jesus is adamantly against hypocrisy. I don't care where you go. People just don't fucking like a hypocrite. Okay, the concept of a confidential informant is to go in and pretend to be some shit that you're not in order to try to get somebody thrown in jail for doing the [01:15:00] same shit that you do. Be it selling drugs, using drugs, prostitution, what the fuck ever.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's like you have to become, , Either the thing you're trying to get someone arrested for or pretend that you're not who you are to get somebody arrested. And I just don't understand how you can take something so evil and deceiving with this whole ends justifies the mean foolery and actually think you're doing right.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I think the whole concept of this is summed up with the story of Judas. I think about Daniel and the Hebrew boys and how people watched them and tried to report to people of authority what they were doing. And Judas, the people who tried to report Daniel, , and the Hebrew boys, got one thing in common, their asses all ended up dead.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And so, for not minding their own fucking business, And trying to work on themselves and having their noses in somebody else's yard. Okay? [01:16:00] God is concerned about why you're doing what you're doing. It is not your fucking business to be watching other people trying to get people in trouble. Okay? It ain't.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You are storing up so much destruction for yourself in the future by doing this. And it will come back upon you. All right. So don't let the devil give you this false sense of power over people because people feel like they're powerful over people if they're watching them and then reporting it to authorities and the cops will sit there and play into your fucking weak ass ego and make you think you're special.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But if you get murdered, but for being an informant, and that does happen, they will just. Scooch your body over to get the next sucker. You're not important to police. Okay. Those police are not important to you. You, you all have a very twisted and dark symbiotic relationship that I think is just evil at its core.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And both of you are being tricked by the devil. [01:17:00] And the Lord wants us to show mercy to, to, to give people chances not to trap people and to bring them down. And, we got to help people, , when they're going through shit, not send informants in that trick them and betray them. And shit like that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: How is that righteous, , and so now I'm not getting on to, if people are planning to murder, , my experiences with drugs, , so if somebody wants to buy themselves a gram of cocaine and fucking do it. They should be able to. I know it's against the law in most places, but if, if you got a lie to do to stop somebody from doing something to their own body, I think that's too fucking far.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Cause now you're trying to tell somebody to have what, better habits? Who the fuck are we? Who the fuck are you? Cause sometimes those informants will literally be rewarded with drugs to catch somebody else using drugs. It's like, [01:18:00] okay, girl. Bye. The people who snitched on me back in the day when I got arrested, , over Houston, , it's like he snitched, he got me in trouble, but then his ass got caught up in some shit too.

De'Vannon Seráphino: There's no loyalty. Even in between, , the cops and the informants, , you, they're, you're only as useful to them as you're useful to them. If you're not, then you're not, , why let the devil trick you this way? Why, , how can you come up out of this? How can you do better if you've done some shit that you don't want and you got caught and you don't actually want to go to jail for it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You need to just cut a probation deal with a D. A. or some shit, but don't go and try to take somebody else down. Because you don't want to go down for doing whatever the fuck you did. , that's not, it's not smart. It's not spiritually smart. And it does not speak well to your [01:19:00]eternity storing up that sort of.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Bad juju, bad energy for you in the afterlife and even in this life, because I need you, I need y'all to understand that

De'Vannon Seráphino: God has the power to levy your karma upon you in this life and in the afterlife. , think if you die that, that's another thing, just so you might see somebody die and you don't think they got their karma. I don't mean that. God could take somebody's spirit and fucking force their asses. to like watch certain things that makes them cringe and wriggle even in their spirit form.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Remember God is the God of this life and the spirit world because God has power over both the body and the soul and there are just heavy consequences that can be levied on people. After they transition that I'm not going to get into with you, [01:20:00] what I'm telling you, as the Bible says, our works do follow us into the next life.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Be careful how you live in this existence because you're not going to always be here. When you die, you're coming back as a spirit. You're not coming back as no physical form. Okay? Then just say, Even if reincarnation were true, you should be fucking living like it's not, because, because why the fuck wouldn't you?

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's too presumptuous to just think you can just keep fucking over life and just keep getting reincarnated. Doesn't that just sound a little bit too fucking good to be true? Okay. You're coming back when you die as a spirit bitch, and if you fucked up in this life, you will have a fucked up afterlife.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And so, and it would be permanent, you can't change it. And so you better live this life like you got, like, like you, like you care about your afterlife.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I told you earlier to be careful about how you make money in the, in, [01:21:00]in shit. It's, it's either, I think it was Joshua Joshua chapter 7, how the children of Israel was conquering lands and prospering. God was expanding them and God told them not to take of a curse things from a certain nation. And they did, and it caused them to fall before their enemies.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Now, I don't know these things were accursed because some witchcraft was on them, or this was a pagan length. And what, but it was some shit that God didn't want them to have and they, and they didn't care because it made them, it was made out of gold or whatever. And those people ended up being like burned, killed and stoned and burned.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I think him and his whole family, because it matters how you make money. Don't resort to some foul ass witchery or turning people in. Cause if the devil is tricking you, you going to have a certain false sense of happiness for a while, but it's going to turn to gravel in your mouth. And maggots and all kinds of creepy, nasty shit.

De'Vannon Seráphino: [01:22:00] Woo. It's the best analogy that I can give you is gonna like rot. It's not going to be sustainable joy, and it's going to be worse because you had a taste for what you want, and then we won't be allowed to keep it. So don't be careful about karma with people you hang out with. Question your friends. Know who's into witchcraft and who's not.

De'Vannon Seráphino: If your friends are promiscuous, be questioning them about their spiritual practices. Do they have spiritual hygiene? Don't just be like, oh, well, my buddy's a slut or a man whore. I'm not judging him. So we'll still hang out. Ask him, who the fuck is he hanging out with? What is he doing? Because if he gets the right shit attached to him spiritually, that shit can hop off on you.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You know, we don't exist in vacuums, so therefore when we accept somebody's energy, be it friends, lovers, business, whatever, we accept the portion of the spirits dealing with them. That's why their mood can affect your mood, what they tell you can affect you. [01:23:00] We are interconnected on a spiritual micro level, whether we want to be or not.

De'Vannon Seráphino: This is something that I have brought up to God before, like, Fuck, I don't want to be connected to certain people. In this world in any way, but nevertheless, there are just certain ties that bind us together, and it's just fucking the way it is. But it's stronger if you actively and consciously accept somebody.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I question my friends. I'm all like, girl, what's your sex life like? I ain't here to judge, but I need to know that you ain't doing no bullshit that's gonna get me hemmed up, because I'm not the one. So I straight up, I asked my friends, who, who, who are you when I'm not around you? How's that spiritual life going?

De'Vannon Seráphino: I can see you making money, blah, blah, blah. I know that, but what's really going on. That's the type of check ins I do. Now I could also ask God to reveal to me that he will, but I like to give people a chance to And not everybody has that ability before [01:24:00] God, , but I like to give people a chance to tell me the fucking truth and I'm not saying I'd cut them off.

De'Vannon Seráphino: We probably have a conversation, but, you know, only also only surround myself with people who are into consciousness, expansion and open mindedness, even some people who have a few questionable habits as long as there's some part of them. That's like, but I'd like to do better. I can work with that. I can work with that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: , and I don't preach at people. I, , I used to, I know I used to be like preachy, but, , fuck it. I, , I have growing to do to, , I'm more like wisdom available and I just let people have their experiences, but I monitor it to be sure that it's not going to negatively impact me because I'm about boundaries like a motherfucker.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay. Period. And you should be too

De'Vannon Seráphino: almost done here. Parents. Stop raising your children emotionally. Okay. And I want you to start raising them logically and [01:25:00] spiritually, because the trick of the devil is for him to let you think that because you gave your child an iPad, electronics, food, clothing, and shelter, and education, like you've done the job, no, you didn't go far enough.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You asked to actually raise the. The child, which has to do with guiding and directing. So if I have a garden, I can't just plant the seed into the ground and it creates this child, that's a plant. And I give it dirt and food and shelter cover from the sun or the snow or the wind or the rain or whatever, and think that's enough.

De'Vannon Seráphino: No, I have to take and prune those vines, cut them, guide them, go out there, talk to those plants, impart my spirit onto them, I have to fuse with those plants, I'm those plants parent. , for as long as I live and or that plant lives. When we're dealing with humans, , you stay bonded with people even after they die.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I'm not sure it quite [01:26:00] works that way with plants. But, understand that it's more than giving your children shit. And the don't let, so don't let the devil trick you into thinking that you have done sufficient parenting by just providing physical things and not providing your Children you, , your Children want your authenticity.

De'Vannon Seráphino: They want to hear about what you've been through, how you overcame. They want to see you go through struggles. They want to hear about your struggles. All right. They want to hear about your shadow work. They want to hear about how you was a hoe back then, before you met whoever and you changed your ways, , growing up parents always tried to make it look like they had everything together.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I said, damn ass fucking bullshit lie. It's just not true. I was on, I was in the building that I live in. All right. It's a woman, , got on the elevator with her child, didn't address any of the, anybody in the fucking elevator. And I was just talking to this child [01:27:00] about this new iPad or whatever the fuck this expensive shit that she's buying for this child and blah, blah, fucking blah.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And then we get down to like the second floor, because I live up on a very high floor. And so we get down to this, as does this fucking woman, and we get down to like floor two. And somebody gets on there to go down to the lobby, and then they get off because we're going down even further. To do some, , cause there's like other layers to this building.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And this stupid bitch, I probably shouldn't talk like that. Cause she's a child of God and she has a growing to do. She's where's she's where she's at on her journey. I get it. But God damn it. Sometimes just stupid fucking bitch, , turns to us. They haven't greeted us and said hi or nothing. The first thing she wants to tell us is some shade at this person who got on the elevator at floor two.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Talking about, oh my gosh, why didn't she walk? It's only like, [01:28:00] one floor up. And I told this woman, on one of the rare occasions that I would actually address a stupid fucking cunt like this. And I said, girl, you don't know her life. , maybe her legs can't take walking down the one flight of stairs or whatever.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Maybe she's having a bad fucking day. You don't fucking know, nor is it your goddamn business. Why she chose to take the elevator from floor two to basically one. All right. This woman could have chosen mercy. She could have chosen to mind her own fucking business. Okay. Just like the nosy neighbors I warned y'all about, , I've warned the nosy neighbors in the fucking informants mind your own fucking business.

De'Vannon Seráphino: , But this woman has this view that if it doesn't make sense to her, then it should not make sense to anyone else at all very narcissistic [01:29:00] energy coming from this woman. And when I said this, that's the other sensible people in the elevator kind of nodded and there's a dumbass narcissistic bitch.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Did what what any narcissist has done when I've been in a position where I felt like I needed to challenge them was just quietly not in silence because they know what I'm saying is the fucking truth. There's no way that they can argue against it with their stupid asses, but and they're not around their little support network that they've groomed to corrupt to support their narcissism.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And I can do nothing about this dumb ass woman. My concern was about the child. And I was sitting here thinking, okay, this narcissistic cunt is raising somebody who's going to grow up and be a narcissist. Because children will act like their parents and absorb shit from you, as they say, more is caught than taught.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The, what she's demonstrating, this detachment from empathy, not [01:30:00]caring about what this lady who wanted to go from floor 2 to 1 on the elevator could be going through, choosing to launch right in with negativity and judgment right out the gate. Is what she's teaching her child, teaching her child to value money and physical things and not people.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay. So you see, she's providing shit for this child, but she's not raising the child. I saw this same stupid hoe the other day, getting on elevator. Okay. With both of her daughters that take them, , up to the, to the fucking, to, to, to the, the, I would just call it the recreation center and our ability.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And and their kids were like cutting up and acting a fucking fool in this elevator and I'm just like Giving her the side damn eye. And see what's going to happen is her kids are going to grow up [01:31:00] and be total fucking assholes without a divine intervention. And this stupid bitch is going to be sitting there clutching her pearls.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Going, oh my gosh, how did this happen? I don't even know. And,

De'Vannon Seráphino: Upcoming parents. And people who are parents, no let me talk to upcoming parents, get prepared now. Don't wait until your child is already here to do your shadow work. Hey Felicity. Speaking of children, here's my daughter. Felicity. Felicity. Hey girl. , sometimes we just gotta oh my god. Take a, fuck, a cat break.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Laughter. to hang out with our Children. So, so, [01:32:00] don't wait until your Children are here and how Serafino my family line that I started when I changed my name. We have myself Davina Serafino Felicity Serafino and Felix Serafino. I will go and buy me a child when I turn 50. That's the plan probably able to order one on Amazon by then I'll be there for it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: They better make the adoption process easy because these Children need homes. I already have established the Serafino family core values. We have written principles that help to guide us because when we write shit down, it's a visual, it just does shit for like neuro linguistic programming and shit like that to help, to help people have a guide and direction.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That's why businesses and corporations fraternities, sororities have like written core values, guiding principles and shit. Cause it fucking makes a difference in the tone that is said. [01:33:00] You can do this with families, with groups of friends, with any fucking group of people who claim to be on the same page.

De'Vannon Seráphino: What the fuck do you stand for? What are your principles? How Serafino's principles are things like telling the truth, giving a damn about other people. I wrote it more sophisticatedly than that, but it's not in front of me right now. So not only do we have a family coat of arms, we have family core values, core principles.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Now, can my kid still grow up and be a fucking dick? That's his choice, but it won't be because he wasn't given every fucking opportunity. Damn sure it won't be because I'm not transparent as fuck, okay? So my point is, write out your values, make a plan, have that type of faith. Already be praying for your child, even if you don't know when you're gonna have them.

De'Vannon Seráphino: If you think you will have children or adopt, pray for them now, even though you don't know who the fuck they're gonna be. Yeah, you can [01:34:00] do that. Even now, I'd be like, Lord bless my child, make him wise, help me to be a wise parent, you might not have a child for 10 years, who cares, it is a very serious thing to raise a soul, it's not, they're not some cute cat, that you can just like, pet, I mean that child is gonna get up and go out there and do great things, or they could become the next fucking Jeffrey Dahmer and snack on people, you don't fucking know, you hope for the best, you But your job is to do everything you can to prepare and if they do well, well, and if they do bad, at least you can lay your head down and rest knowing you gave them every possible opportunity, but the best opportunity you can give your children is to be transparent with them, tell them the truth about who the fuck you really are.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And that will activate something in them that will make them want to do better when they see you telling the truth. Alright? And , don't give a damn if your child is over 18, you are still their parent. Period. And and if you got young kids, they'll start telling the truth [01:35:00] now and stop giving them every damn thing that they asked for.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I don't want to see any more spoiled ass children on the elevator or no damn narcissistic parents judging people for daring to walk. I mean, for daring to take an elevator rather than walk because they think that they should. So, how can I conclude this? How should we conclude this Miss Felicity Cleopatra de Catalino de Serafino? Get close enough to God so that you can hear the voice of Jesus. Like the Lord said, there are many spirits and there are many voices, but the Lord said, my sheep hear my voice and they know my voice.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And another they won't follow. As sure as you try to follow the light, the devil will come with all kinds of alluring voices that damn near seem like the light and they're not. But when you know the Lord, and especially if you're filled with the Holy Ghost, you're not going to be deceived. You don't know the truth.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You can't, nobody's going to be able to take your crown. Whatever the devil tells you do opposite. Cause the devil is never going to tell you anything to [01:36:00] help you. As the devil comes not, but to steal and to kill and to destroy. And the devil is a liar and the truth is not in him. So anything that he tells you to do, do opposite, that don't care how pretty it is, how pretty they may be, how good it might make you feel if you detect that janky ass, low vibrational energy, that you're going to have to get to a point where you can study, judge things by the way it feels, the vibration, that shit could look just like a cat.

De'Vannon Seráphino: They walk up to something and shit might look right, might, might seem right. And they may. I ain't fuckin with it. You know, I run the hell off. You know, cats don't just run up and engage with shit based on how it look. They take time to feel the shit out. Give it a little snip. What the fuck is going on here?

De'Vannon Seráphino: We don't have time for the bullshit. , can we be smarter than a cat? And so if you're in a bad relationship, make your exit plan to leave. I understand some are [01:37:00] harder to get away from. So if you've got finances and shit tied up, my advice is not to tie your finances up with people so that if you need to make an exit, it's easier to peace out.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Leave that job. I don't care how much they're paying you. If you hate it, it's draining your life force and your energy. You'll pay all that money back. They're paying you later in bitterness and sorrow and possibly poor physical health. Leave. Don't do the mental gymnastics to stay in situations, whatever it might be.

De'Vannon Seráphino: If you know damn well in your soul, you ain't feeling it. No matter what it once was, if it ain't that no mo, it's time to go. Now, this is not all of Lucifer's tricks and deceptions and forms of them by no means at all, but this is pretty much how he thinks and functions. He's not really an overly impressive being, but he can spin a good, he could spin a good, he could spin an effective lie.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That's why in the Bible, it talks about in the end when Lucifer's form will be revealed that the nations will [01:38:00] look at him and be like, is this the one who put us through all this trouble and deceived us? The Lucifer. , like deceiving people just ain't that much to them, , not really, but he can use his words to fuck up a lot of shit, but he really ain't that much to him.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And so live your life in such a way where you're intently seeking your soul's purpose, your relationship with the divine. I got enough sense to know that everybody's gonna follow God, but , you got to talk about what you believe in my friends worship the universe or whatever they do and I'm fine with everybody's doing what they do.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So, but sort it out, find something be serious about your spirituality and start wherever you can start, even if you got to start while you're getting the throws of vice and addiction. Or yet in that terrible toxic relationship and live your life in such a way that when you depart this plane of existence, you will not be ashamed before the most [01:39:00] high.

De'Vannon Seráphino: All right, handle your issues now, discover your life's purpose, have fun in this life, get married, make babies, have fun, travel, dance, have positive, high vibrational, divine worshiping sex with one person or multiple honoring them and honoring God. And, do what the fuck you were said here to do. Don't let the devil trick you out of happiness in this life.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And really in the one to come. He's really trying to snatch your eternity from you. Because he knows he doesn't have nothing but damnation and destruction in front of him. And like all miserable bitches, , the devil wants people to be miserable with him. Don't let him do that to you. Be smart, be happy, be wise.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Honor yourself, honor God, honor fellow humans, let no man, to quote the Lord, let no man take your crown. My name is Devan Serafina, this girl, this is the lovely [01:40:00]Miss Felicity Cleopatra de Catalino de Serafina, my daughter, and whom I love dearly. And we will see you next time. Bye. Bye.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Thank you all so much for joining us today and for taking some time to invest into yourself and into the lives of your loved ones, please visit us at sex drugs and jesus. com and check out our resource page, our spiritual service offerings, my blog, my books, and other writings that God has partnered with me to create.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Find us on any social media platform, stay strong, my people, and just remember that everything is going to be all right.

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