Sex, Drugs, and Jesus

Episode #153: My Top 10 Ascension Playlist

De'Vannon Seráphino Episode 153

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A spiritual Ascension is a though process to circumnavigate. Mine has been a shocking path of what I can best describe as “beautiful destruction.” I feel the songs I have selected speak to heart of Ascension in some way. I hope you find comfort in these lyrics as I did. - De'Vannon Seráphino

Ascension Blog -

Yung Wylin’ – Good Energy Article

INCLUDED IN THIS EPISODE (But not limited to):

·      What is the purpose of your Ascension?

·      You CANNOT take certain people with you

·      EVERYTHING is gonna change

·      Shadow aspects of Ascension

·      Seeing things more clearly than you did before

·      Blair St. Clair - Drag Queen realness

·      Matchbox Twenty

·      Michael Bublé

·      Alanis Morrissette

·      Shawn Mendes

·      Yung Wylin’

·      The Greatest Showman





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Episode #153: My Top 10 Ascension Playlist


De'Vannon Seráphino: [00:00:00] Hello, my marvelous, wonderful people out there and welcome back to the sex drugs and Jesus podcast. I am your host, Devan and Serafino, and I'm here today to talk to you about spiritual ascension and particularly to announce that I finished my playlist, which is a blog at sexdrugsandjesus. com, which is our website.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I've been trying to work on this since last year, but everything always gets done when God is ready for it to get done and now it is done and it is live and I will put a link to that in the show notes. I love music, secular music. None of these are like spiritual or church songs or anything like that at all because God speaks to us through anything he can be at other people's lives.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Lessons, movie, music, movie, shows, and so I have 10 songs with one honorable mention. And I'm going to kind of go through why I think these songs speak [00:01:00] to Ascension in any type of way. The blog gets into way more detail, or at least a different kind of detail. And Sex, Drugs, and Jesus podcast is where we're at on YouTube.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So, Ascension, Kundalini rising, a spiritual awakening, whatever you want to call it. It's tough as fuck to go through, it's very rigorous, it's like being grated through a cheese grinder, but it's a necessary part of the human soul experience to become who you are, what you are, to do whatever it is that God sent you here to do.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's a rite of passage, if you will. It's how we become something other than than what we were before. Your mind will change, your body might change a whole lot of things about you could change when you go through an awakening child. It is something to go through. I want to talk about, I want to reference the scripture from the Hebrew Bible, [00:02:00] which is John chapter 20, it says, but Mary stood without at the Sepulchre weeping and as she wept, she stooped down and looked into the Sepulchre.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And seeing and see it's two angels in white setting the one at the head and the other at the feet where the body of Jesus had lame this right after the crucifixion Jesus at the tomb of Jesus and Mary's at the tomb of Jesus Lord help me and they say unto her woman why we bestow she say it's on to them because they have taken away my Lord and I know not where they have laid him and when she had thus said she turned herself back and saw Jesus standing and knew not that it was Jesus Jesus say it thought to her woman why we bestow.

De'Vannon Seráphino: thou whom seekest thou? She supposing him to be the gardener sayeth unto him, sir, if thou have borne him hence, tell me where thou has laid him and I will take him away. Oh, she, he, she, she thought they had stole the Lord. But Jesus said unto her, Mary turned herself [00:03:00]then and sayeth unto him, Rabboni. It's just to say master.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Jesus sayeth unto her, touch me not. For I am not yet ascended to my father, but go to my brethren and say unto them, I ascend unto my father and unto your father and to my God and unto your God.

De'Vannon Seráphino: One thing I love about ascension, the way I'm understanding it, is that we ascend not unto ourselves, we ascend for a purpose. Okay, Jesus is saying here he went down. He was betrayed by Judas and all the tea and shade thrown at him and haters and accusers and Jesus died. He went down, but he came back up when we ascend.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Oh, you, you, we certainly die. You experience ego death. All kinds of motherfucking death. It is a death bitch. I kid you not, but we come back to life and we come back as something other [00:04:00] than what we were before, but we did not come back. We were not given this ascension to just have it, , what Jesus is saying.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I send them to my father. The Lord has ascended us or the divine, however you want to, to choose. I say God, cause that's what I believe in, but fill in the blank with whatever you want. And so what was the point of the ascension? to go and serve the divine, to do our life's purpose, to do our soul's purpose.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Why the fuck did the divine box you put us here? It wouldn't sit around and do shit and get shit, consume shit. How are we supposed to contribute to the earth, to the ether, to the esoteric ram, to the cosmos during our time of existence? We need these ascensions to help to give us this type of power to de detach.

De'Vannon Seráphino: From the status quo to get us away from tribalistic thinking and to know to be able to always hear our voice in the midst of the crowd, no matter how loud that crowd might be [00:05:00] in ascension is about coming into your own mind, loving yourself, accepting yourself entirely. So Jesus ascended unto his father.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I ascend it onto the same God that Jesus, , the part of the Trinity, so when you ascend, who, who are you ascending who on to, for what purpose? For what means for what end, what is the purpose of the ascension? How was this valuable to somebody other than you?

De'Vannon Seráphino: I had a dream last year, , in the middle of last year in this dream. I think that, , this was the Lord showing me like, when this may be around when this happened in this dream, I was arguing with the individual who have you been following the show, the individual who I left last year, I was formerly in a 4 and a half year relationship with.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That, that was, , very abusive, narcissistic, cheating, dishonest, non [00:06:00]loyal individual, and the chaos and the stress of that relationship in this dream, I was fighting with him. , and of course, , he was, there was some other person there because, there was always some other boy, always some other person, always some other dude, with him.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And so even in the dream, there was always some other, there was somebody else there. I was fighting with him, but in this, in the middle of the argument, it's like I was, I guess it was the hand of God it's like I fell through or was pushed through a mirror, like an oval shaped mirror in this dream.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And what I understood was that it was the stress and the chaos of that relationship that Activated this ascension. Now, I don't know, when I say it like that, it makes it seem like it was something that was already there, [00:07:00] waiting to come out, maybe in the east where they call it Kundalini risings.

De'Vannon Seráphino: They, they look at that as a fiery serpent type energy that is unlocked from the base of the spine and then swivels its way around the spine up and out. That's 1 of the ways I've heard Kundalini, energy described. Which means like, it's like locked in there. One practitioner online, I can't remember her name, but she was saying how she was setting like in a seated cross leg position meditating and she felt like her lower back snap or pop and then she felt like that heat rise and then that began her awakening.

De'Vannon Seráphino: What I know. Is that this it was a meditation for her. I have heard intense problems can cause people to undergo awakenings and things like that in my case. That was the case. Now, this person I was in this relationship ended. [00:08:00] That is when I ended, well the power of God ended the narcissistic cycle that I was in that started with, do I dare call him dad?

De'Vannon Seráphino: I would just say the dude my mom married, I mean he is my dad or whatever. But might as well not be in denial about it. I don't claim him, I haven't, I haven't. Talk to him. I said I'm here in Baton Rouge. I had said that when I come down here, I was going to have a conversation with him and about like the past and everything and see if he could finally admit wrongs rather than trying to slough off blame.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But since I've been here, there's a different energy. Some a lot has changed within me. And, and it's like the spirit is just saying don't approach him. It's like God is saying don't go there. And so I didn't and I, because I'm saying that because I had said that I was going to have a conversation and the intention was to get back on this microphone and tell you what had happened.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But that is not happening because there's the, the, the [00:09:00] Lord is moving in that situation and it's not for me to engage with him right now. Nevertheless, my dad was a, was a cheating ass dick whore, dick slinging whore all over town. Every dude that I dated up until the last one was the same. And then I realized what the cycle was and then the Lord broke me out of that cycle in this dream.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I see myself being pushed through this mirror. The stress of either of the collective stress of that cycle culminated in on all the abuse and the fighting that I used to have with with with that X from that I ended last year, so I push through this mirror. I understand what caused this. This mirror.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It was like it was another dimension. No, this wasn't another world. It was this year was just is somewhere so far that I understood that the X none of his little boys or whatever. He called himself having, and or none of his [00:10:00] friends, family, fucking nobody could follow me through this mirror. This was a permanent separation and a permanent division.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You understand me? When you ascend, bitch, you, and we're going to get to this in this music. There is no such thing as trying to drag people with you from the past. You can't. It's literally impossible. Cool. Because if God bothers to grow you that way, He is not interested in you trying to hang around the fuckers you used to as an insult to the ascension itself.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You're going to have to learn to love God, the divine, as you choose to call them, more than you love people. Because you are here to serve the divine, the Lord, more than you are to serve people. Now that might sound ironic, since I'm all for humanitarianism and serving people, but I'm doing it as the Lord is telling me to do it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I'm not hanging on the relationships that are hindering me or hurting me because I just can't let them go [00:11:00] and all of that shit trying to be all empathetic. Empathy needs to have bounds. Okay, it's time to cut that. There's a time that comes to cut that shit off and to stop being empathetic and to cut people loose.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And so in this dream, this is how it went for me. I get pushed into this mirror as I'm in the middle of arguing with his ex. And I, and I enter into a an extended period of intense spiritual growth, synchronicity start. I started seeing all these numerological patterns, which I had seen before, but not like this every day, all throughout the day, everywhere I go.

De'Vannon Seráphino: If I look at a clock, a license plate, the television, if I'm, if I'm on my laptop, if I'm on my iPad. If, if, if, if I'm talking to somebody, there's always some sort of something matching up. I might think something, someone says it, it's it, it has been everywhere. It was not this way before, [00:12:00] not before last year, and it hasn't stopped.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Some people say it never stops. Some people say ascensions can last for like months or years. Stuff can have you feeling like you're going out of your mind, but you're not. And this is why I love being transparent about it. I love all the videos on YouTube and things like that where people are talking about just how batshit crazy you might think you are when you're going through this.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And you know I was in and out of the mental hospital, last year and shit, up until the beginning of this year. Some of it was, I mean, I guess some of it was the stress and some of it was the ascension. Ascension is stressful. It's not a thing that can be defined so perfectly. It, like all things, will look different for everybody, but this, above all things, above many things in this world I've encountered, is very strange.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I did not know that it could work this way, that such, such bad problems that God, I mean, of course God can do anything he wants, but to [00:13:00] think such positivity, such positive, Such positivity can come out of such negativity is miraculous to me. It's like mind blown hashtag WTF, but only in the best way.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And and I woke up from that dream and I messaged one the chief shaman that I knew in Mexico and exposed talking to her about what was going on. And and I was like, what the fuck is happening? And I had many, many conversations with this same shaman throughout last year and going like, what in the fuck is happening?

De'Vannon Seráphino: Because I didn't know what was happening with the band and was changing this echoes the dream that I had had the year before when I was in Dubai, before everything fell apart in that relationship. I was in where I saw my mother and that car fire consumed in flames. And this was a signal of a transformation.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I was getting ready to go through. That was that that that this [00:14:00] death that I was going to experience as an awakening. It has been just that uncomfortable. It has been that absolute and total in terms of the, the beautiful destruction that it caused that fire snatched down illusions that I once held.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It snatched down, vain and empty, shallow belief systems. It snatched down to anybody. It snatched down anybody else's influence or control over me. It snatched me out of that narcissistic cycle. It made me even more authentic than what I was before. It refined me. It purged me. It purified me. But in that, the same flames that burnt up all the bad shit, burnt me up too.

De'Vannon Seráphino: There was no way that I I could receive all these benefits and say the same. That's why I changed my last name from Hubert to Serafino because at some point I realized there ain't none to be no Devan and Hubert left. Nope. Nope. Nope. That's old business there. We need a new name. [00:15:00] I'm gonna do a separate show on my name change to Serafino and all of that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: There's plenty of examples in the Hebrew Bible and I would imagine other texts too about when people underwent name change. Changes. I'm thinking about Joseph. I'm thinking about Abraham. I'm thinking about Abraham, Isaac, Jacob different people who have changed names because their path change, their destiny changed.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I always encourage people. You don't like your name, fucking change it. This is your parents. The name of me, you have to keep it. You have so much power that you may not be thinking that you have. Surely you do. My dreams intensified my spiritual giftings. At my site, my clairvoyance, my third eye open exponentially, tremendously ever since this Ascension started, I started reading tarot cards.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I started reading for other people. It is like, so I was going through all this sadness [00:16:00] from the depression, from the breakup at the same time, freaking out with like joy from all the spiritual growth and the internal prosperity that I was experiencing. Which were happening at the same time. So yeah, I started doing a lot of fucking psychedelics and hanging out in Mexico a lot, trying to make sense out of what in the actual fuck was going on in my head.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So there are some shadow aspects of ascension and there are people who talk about this better than I can on YouTube, but I don't want you to be, I don't want you to get it twisted to think that besides just the uncomfortable parts of ascension. Is the only bad part or bad part of the only part that might have like a shadow aspect to it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I have to deal with hubris because there was a point in my ascension because I'm so like spiritually talented. I don't mean that arrogantly, but you got to know who you are. I'm really gifted [00:17:00] spiritually. I am. I'm spatially challenged, so I can't tell you like what a foot or an inch or a mile or three feet or a hundred feet is never have been able to do that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I can't do everything and I'm fine with that. That is, that is just something that's something I can do, but I can motherfucking kick ass spiritually period. And so, but I ascended even beyond whatever my previous skill set was. And there was a point that I really realized. That this is true. And I was like, you know what, like, I'm one of the strong ones I'm very far advanced spiritually than other people.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And I had to fucking struggle, with, with like, being like, hearing myself say certain things. If you go back and listen to that show from last year, you could probably hear this. Like sort of arrogance coming up out of me as I'm beginning to realize I'm spiritually like smarter than other motherfucking people, which is something I needed to know.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But same time, [00:18:00] I could not judge people or exclude people. And I had to learn how to deal with people, even though I'm like, why are people so fucking stupid or why do why are they keep doing that? That's hurting them. Why do they keep, because I'm. Because when you ascend, you see shit like other people can't.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You see shit really fucking clear and you see the energetic connections and consequences and circumstances and it all makes sense to you. Then for me, I was like, I wasn't getting it. So, but that's all been tamed and calmed down now. Thank God. But dealing with arrogance popping up is something that can happen during an ascension.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Isolation is necessary. No more going to the club. I wasn't out there like that. I was in my house. Calling on the Lord, I wasn't dating, I wasn't trying to have sex, I wasn't, uh uh. There comes a time when you need to pause shit to figure out what's going on with yourself. You're gonna have to isolate.[00:19:00]

De'Vannon Seráphino: That's not the cute part. That don't mean you cut off everything and everybody. You, you know who your close people are. Right, and you reach out, but you go. I mean, I was very fucking uncomfortable around groups of people, even some people. I really wanted time to myself, detachment. I had to learn to let shit go.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Detaching, detachment, and I would do a separate show on detachment is a quintessential part of spiritual growth. You must learn to detach. Because everything in this world won't be here. The only thing that's eternal is you, like your soul. So we, the way I look at it is that we are stewards over everything that God has given us.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So if, so I have property in this city, property in this state, property in this country, And 100 million in the bank that doesn't belong to me. It belongs to the divine belongs to God. I am a steward over those things and the Lord will watch how I manage these things, how I do his people, but the only thing that will be left is God's judgment of how I [00:20:00] stewarded these things.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And this will determine my afterlife. These things won't be here anymore. All right. And so, but so it's like I think I own things. I manage things, but I also have to detach from those things to stop taking things personally, that everything's about me, what really helped me to detach was because the fact that I had to detach from that relationship and from that individual, from that person that I was in that relationship with, because it was difficult for me to do, because I mean, if I dedicate myself to somebody, if the dedication is like, It's like a, it's like a loyal cat, a cat like always come back around like a cat is a very like loyal spiritual being and but I had the logical sense in the clarity from God to understand that I had to let him go.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And it was the hardest thing that I've ever had to do in terms of [00:21:00]detachment. And, but once I got over that, bitch, I started cutting shit off left and motherfucking right, there was nothing, there wasn't nothing that I couldn't detach from like my homeboy. Shit. Sam, Sam Smith said I'm too good at goodbyes.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I got him too good at goodbyes. But before that I cringed at goodbyes. No, I'm not girl. Bye. I, in fact, I keep my sword out since this ascension. I don't fight. I don't have to fight because the Lord has won all my battles for me and for us because I work with God and co create with God and I live and serve and depend on him glory be to God.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But just in case I need to cut a bitch off I keep my sword, which is wrapped in fire and lightning to let die what needs to die and to sever that which needs to be severed. Boundaries. Even if you don't want to fully [00:22:00] cut somebody off, your boundaries don't have to become concrete.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You need, you will, you will, once you receive an ascension, you're gonna want to protect that motherfucker better than Smeagol trying to protect that goddamn ring. You're gonna be like, uh uh, my precious, fuck that, y'all ain't, uh uh, y'all motherfuckers ain't fucking this up. I went through too much. Too much to get it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You're gonna feel like Tina Turner at the end of What Love Got to Do With It. She's like, I gave up all that other shit. Tina Turner detached. From everything she, all the money and all the physical things that her and Ike Turner made together, she let that go to keep what was valuable, which was her name, her honor, her value, what truly had value.

De'Vannon Seráphino: She said I give all that other shit up, but not my name, your honor. She had to keep that. She wasn't about to let that shit go. And, and it's, it's the part of it, them boundaries don't have to be there. You're going to have to check people. And if they try to cross those boundaries and take your sword out and cut them off.

De'Vannon Seráphino: [00:23:00] Excommunicado became my favorite word of last year. Excommunicate.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And then, overall, you need to give yourself time to learn your new self. Discover who you are. Take yourself on dates. Get into more masturbation and things like that. And get away from having sex with people. Because when you are ascending, to include, getting off of fucking apps and shit like that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Because If you're truly going through an ascension, you're gonna be so fucking sensitive, it's like a sponge, and like, shit would just You just feel vibrations and energies and just pick up on shit you have never picked up on before. You do not need to do yourself the disservice of swiping through apps, be it Grindr, Tenderscruff, whoever, because every image is an energy, is an energetic signature, and you're just gonna like fuck yourself up by doing that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But you're mastering detachment if you're ascending, so you're gonna actually see it. See [00:24:00] how low vibrational apps are. You're probably going to remove yourself from them because that's for people who are still in the matrix. Like people don't, people who have ascended don't, I don't fuck with apps. Like I have not yet talked to somebody who's ascended, who's actually on an app.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That's not, that's what, that's what people at a lower vibration. And so, but sex and all of that, you need to take time, masturbate, get to know yourself, know who you are, learn your new body. My body has physically changed. It's not, it's not even the same body that it was before. Everything has changed. If I would have been trying to like, date somebody, be with somebody, or be sexually active, I could not have paid attention to the changes that were going on with me for trying to pay attention to what's going on with them.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You must get away. Isolate. Spend a lot of fucking time with yourself. Take trips by yourself. Of course you're not by yourself because you're always with God, right? We're never really alone. We got our [00:25:00] ancestors, angels, all these people around us. But these basic ass low vibrational humans, they can fuck up your growth?

De'Vannon Seráphino: Uh uh. Put that shit, cut them off, or at the very least put shit on pause until you have a chance to reassess shit. Because as sure as you're ascending, shit is not the same. It won't look the same. Food don't, food tastes better. The sky is prettier. I mean, everything is different. It really makes all the trouble that I went through before look like nothing.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I say that now. Rewind, rewind back to videos. Bitch was going through. Last year, but she's not anymore. Okay? Shit is cute. Shit is real cute on my end. Right? Shit is real cute. And so, it was, it was worth it. It was so fucking worth it. And that's how it is when you walk with God. He can accelerate your time.

De'Vannon Seráphino: He can give you time back. He can do all kinds of things. While the fools out there are letting Lucifer siphon their time away from them while they mindlessly waste [00:26:00] time On blank pleasure that does not profit them, but it slowly kills them over time and they don't they don't seem to know it anyway, first song is Song number 10, which is by a group called information society This is, this is a group.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I'm quote Wikipedia here. It's an American band from Minneapolis, St. Paul, Minnesota, initially active from 1982 to 1997. I think their first hit was the song called what's on your mind. This song. Here's some of the lyrics says, because I'm walking away from walking away from things in my own past. I'm walking away from, walking away from things that move too fast, things that just won't last.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Throughout this song, these guys are talking about how this guy was fighting with this person and all of this and that. And it's like, he's had enough of this bitch. And [00:27:00] he was like, okay. be gone and the course is keep saying because I'm walking away from walking away from and that's what stuck out to me because a huge part of ascension for me was walking away from that which does not serve that which wasn't helping that which was never going to change that which I can only change me I can't change nobody else.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You got to walk away. You got to walk away and you have to learn to be okay, but walking away. He said things that move too fast. When you ascend, you can see the true speeds of things and what's too much. I'm very extreme, Sagittarius, Scorpio, I live for extremes. But there are some things that I view now differently and even I go, that's too much.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I'm like, that's too much. I wasn't like that before. I wasn't interested in anything being too much. It's like an ascension speeds you up, but also [00:28:00] calms you down at the same time. It's very interesting, things that move too fast. Once you ascend, you're not going to be satisfied with being around a vibration or a frequency that does not complement yours.

De'Vannon Seráphino: If it doesn't you're gonna get all like cringy and uncomfortable and just have like reactions and shit, and you're just not gonna This is a spirit protecting you because you know really no people until you really really know a motherfucker You don't really know a motherfucker People have all kinds of thoughts running through their head those thoughts change their Vibrations you pick up on those vibrations whether they're trying to hurt you with those thoughts or not Don't matter if they're if you're standing next to an imbalanced person after you've ascended you're going to know it And you're going to not like it And you're not judging them, but as an ascendant, as an ascended individual, your relationships will change.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You're only going to want to be around high vibrational people. And you will walk away from, walk away [00:29:00] from things that, that don't serve you. Number nine. Oh my God, number nine, Alanis Morissette, Forgiven. Yeah, I, I, I was born in 1982, 90s baby. It, it is what it is, Forgiven. This is from the Jagged Little Pill album that came out in 1995.

De'Vannon Seráphino: We'll remember that beautiful, beautiful, album, the cover with Alanis face, the cool tones, the, those greens, the turquoise on the right and the red on the left. Mwah. Talking about listening to a record on repeat. You all know how good Jagged Little Pill was. This was before Alanis went to India and found peace and shit.

De'Vannon Seráphino: We love that she ascended and found peace, but there's, there was something about the anger in this, in this album for Jagged Little Pill that just had everybody like, fuck yeah. So you ought to [00:30:00] know. So in this song, she says we all had our reasons to be there. We all had a thing or two to learn. She's talking specifically about her Catholic experience.

De'Vannon Seráphino: We all needed something to cling to. So we did. Before we ascend, And people who have not yet ascended will cling to anything, anything, any advice, anyone, anything except for God in any kind of meaningful, truthful, deep way, they'll cling to anything except for shit that will actually help them. They'll cling to what society tells them to, they'll cling to what the church tells them.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But once you ascend, you can see this, you can see it for what it is. Alanis continues, we all had delusions in our head, we all had our minds made up for us. We had to believe in something, so we did. When you ascend, it's like Neo and the Matrix getting pulled out of that motherfuckin fish tank or [00:31:00] whatever the fuck kind of primordial goo fluid shit they had them people in.

De'Vannon Seráphino: No more illusions. No more going with the flow for the flow's sake. Shit has to make sense. You start to get concerned about who it is, why it is. Where do these people come from, what do they want? Who are they really? What do they do in their spare time? What's their pro life like? You get very fucking, picky about who you let around you, what you believe.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I'm not interested in anybody making your mind up for you, alright? I'm not saying drop everything and go live on the side of a mountain, but fuck it. If you wanna drop everything and go live on the side of a mountain, then fucking go drop everything and live on the fucking side of a mountain. If that's what you have to do.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And that's what God is really leading you to do.

De'Vannon Seráphino: This [00:32:00] song here is talking about identifying ways in which you thought you were thinking for yourself in the past and really you weren't. Sometimes we think we are but really that's still subconscious tapes. Okay, you see this a lot. I mean in a lot of fucking places in church. Masculine groups of friends, circles, probably feminine groups of friends, circles anywhere.

De'Vannon Seráphino: There's like some sort of societal pressure. Why are you doing what you're doing? Can you get answer once you ascend and you will be able to answer who you are and why you are and why you're doing what you're doing and be able to render a reason for every person you allow in your life and be able to state their value unequivocally and vouch for it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Nobody's there just to help you fill a void or to have an experience with. Everybody is there for a fucking purpose. Otherwise, they're not gonna be there.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Numero ocho, Back to Good, by the beautiful boys in the band Matchbox 20. Back to Good is a song by American rock [00:33:00] band Matchbox 20, released as the fifth single from their 1996 debut album, Yourself or Someone Like You. It was released in September of 1998, quoting Wikipedia. And in this video, it was, it was like a lots of commotion.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's interesting enough, it opened with this little girl depicting an angel at the beginning. It's a lot of busyness. It's like people maybe at a club, a lot of shirtless guys and things like that. Drag queen esque looking individuals, a lot of androgyny going on. And beautiful things like that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But the thing about it is nobody's really happy, okay? Everybody in this video was in a constant state of motion, constant state of flux. And by the, by the end of it, we're seeing these monochrome blue code tones come up that are really echoing the hollowness that this song is trying to convey.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Hollowness, hollowness in spite of [00:34:00] incessant activity. Alright.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And you would think that because at the end of this video, these people have been out all night and have done all these things and they look pissed. Like they don't look satiated. They don't look satisfied. They don't look content. For all their efforts, they still want more. They're still not pleased. And so some of the lyrics say, and everybody here knows everybody here is thinking about somebody else.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Because everyone here hates everyone here for doing just like they do. And it's best if we all keep this quiet instead. Well,

De'Vannon Seráphino: everyone here is wondering what it's like to be with somebody else. This here is talking about like a restless mind. Everybody's mind is not where they're at. So they're dating this person, but they want to sleep with that person. They're in a relationship with this person, [00:35:00] but they really wish they were in a relationship with another person.

De'Vannon Seráphino: They're in their house, but they wish they were in, on some fucking island some damn where. They're not here, and in the scripture it warns it's about having a mind that's alienated. From people. It's not a good thing when you have like a group of people here, who was coming to my mind is in the previous song, the first song that guy was talking about, some of the lyrics say you got what you wanted, but you can't help, but to think of me.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Yeah. Almost sounds like he was talking about a narcissistic female. It's interesting what God does because when people are with cheaters, It's like, but when the cheater is with us, the faithful person that cheater likes to think about other people, when the faithful person leaves the cheater, [00:36:00] then a part of God's curse upon them is to smite them in such a way that they're never going to get over the person who left them because God controls everything.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You do whatever he wants. And so, and it is common. I hear it all the time. It's like, it's just like textbook. It's just like textbook. So their curse and their karma is since when they were with a faithful person, they want to have their minds alienated from that person to be on other motherfucking people.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Now that they're no longer with the faithful person, their mind is alienated from whoever they call themselves being with, and now their mind is on the person that was faithful to them the whole time. So no matter what way they try to slice it, since they wanted to be in a state Of being in one place, but wishing they were somewhere else.

De'Vannon Seráphino: God makes it so they have to stay that way. Are you talking about a tortured form of living? Okay? Or perhaps in the afterlife, just because somebody [00:37:00] dies doesn't mean they escape karma. Because God can take a spirit and make their ass look at shit that makes them fucking cringe and pine away in agony.

De'Vannon Seráphino: People don't like to talk about that side of God, but we got sides to us. We're not all nice, fluffy fucking titty bears. We get pissed. We get angry. We are nothing but small microcosms of God. He has the full brunt of any emotion or any emotional spectrum that he is the full embodiment of it all. We work to fully acknowledge and sense and feel emotion.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That's already God. So, so we can get angry and do this and do that. God can too. He's benevolent. He's nice, but he's, he has that other side to him too. It is not for us to be worried about it. He gonna do what he want to do. And when God's judgment falls on people, all you say is you a worthy Lord because you have judged thus.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And then you move the fuck on. It just reminded me that, but in this [00:38:00]song it's talking about nobody's happy but what they have. But also what Rob Thomas and the boys in Matchbox 20. is saying is that there's no way to fix it either. At some point, this, this song is talking about this shit is so fucked.

De'Vannon Seráphino: This shit is so damn bad. There's nothing we can do with it. This won't change. That's why in the dream that I had while I was arguing with, with, with the ex, there was, there was nothing that was going to fix the situation because I can't change nobody else. And God was just like, well, then move on. I'm going to move you on from it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And that's, and that's it. So when you ascend, and this is why I keep harping on the fact that you have got to just turn people loose. There is some, be it your family, chosen family, blood family, parents. Friends, co workers, fuckin cats, pets, dogs, parrots, whatever the fuck you have. You got some low vibrational ass animal.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Whatever. Some shit just won't ever go back to good. [00:39:00] And that is why I put that song here. Some shit just is not ever going to go back to good. Once you ascend, you ain't got time to be worrying about trying to fix shit that won't be fixed. You got a whole destiny and soul's purpose and calling and things and shit that you need to be going on, trotting on down the road and getting to.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Remember darlings, my precious people, there's like 9 billion people in the world. Do you know how easy it is to replace a motherfucker? We don't want to, but if we have to, we do. God has not left us without options. In this aspect, I will use the word options. You know how I feel because I'm using it positively.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And it's regrettable if we must move on, but it's not like we're strapped. It's not like there's nobody else to love us or nobody else to be family to us or nobody else to guide us in a parental role or nobody else that we can share love to we got [00:40:00] everything we need in this earth. What Lucifer would do is try to make you think that all you have are those people.

De'Vannon Seráphino: No, you don't. Brother, mother, father, sister are action words. People have to act like it if they don't, but then they get fired. They no longer fit the bill. That's all there is to it. It's not automatic and there is nobody you have to have. Because who really is your father, mother, sister, brother, friend, childless people who love you and accept you unconditionally, not necessarily the family you were born into their scripture you can go and look it up.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I can't remember what it is, but Jesus is ministry and it was a packed house. And then Mary and I think one of his brothers came. Saying, and then the people told him, Hey, your family here, your, your mom and your brother or whatever here. And he said, he was like, who is my mother and brother whoever follows these commandments Jesus was talking about chosen family right there, family, who you actually have shit in common with.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And if that is no longer the people you grew up with, no [00:41:00] longer the people who, who used to be your tribe. Then so be it, because you don't have the same mind anymore once you ascend. And if those people are not on the same mind, you will fall out of agreement with them. And two, as the scriptures say, cannot walk together unless they be agreed.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And once you fall out of agreement, which shit is going to fall off of you? So stop trying to force shit to work when there is no getting back to good.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Number seven is our girl Ariana Grande coming in with the no tears left to cry. Quoting Wikipedia, it was released on April 20th in 2018 by Republic Records as the lead single from her fourth studio album, Sweetener. Steve Rodin stated this, About lower that lowercase tendencies. This I noticed that the, the song title Renault tears left to cry were an all lowercase.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And I think she chose to do that with every song on this album. [00:42:00] So I did a little digging into why Steve Roden in his, like a music industry professional where he was. He died last year. God rest his soul. Hallelujah. Jesus. But Steve wrote and stated this about the lowercase tendencies, which he began to develop in his later works.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It bears a certain sense of quiet and humility. It doesn't demand attention. It must be discovered. It is the opposite of capital letters, loud things which draw attention to themselves. Some artists have chosen all caps, some lower caps, some don't really give a fuck. I just thought I'd throw that little Lagniappe in there.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Lagniappe is a word that down here in Creole Cajun land. That just means like random. It just means like random. And so, so no tears left to cry. I put this song in here to remind you that even though you're ascending, you will have plenty of fucking tears to cry. It's not, and it is not shade to Ariana because there's some things that I'm talking about in her lyrics too, but, [00:43:00] I want it. to just ascend and skip off into the sunlight with my new name, my new life and everything and just not cry anymore. I was like, okay, I see where I messed up. I've let everyone go, and I'm just ready to fucking be happy. It didn't go that way. There was still, like, emotions and trauma and shit that had to come out.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Yeah, I would still find myself crying, or being in ceremonies, or under psychedelics, and still, still tears, so, I'm just letting you know, your sentence is gonna be messy, and you might be crying for longer than what you think. There is a culture that believes that those emotional tears are called tears of the way.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The path to enlightenment, the path to ascension, the path to inner child healing, fill in the blank, the path to clarity, the tears of the way. So let those tears fall, let them out, be purged. Okay? Be purged. And just let it, let it go. [00:44:00] Just, just let it go.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I love how in this video for no tears left to cry Ariana, she's like walking upside down, the whole orientation of it is not usual. That is exactly what a, what a spiritual ascension looks like. Your point of view is going to flip. It's not, it's going to be like you're in another dimension because you are.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And how you view things is going to be contrary to the way most people view things. And then here she's walking on what to us looks like the ceiling, but perhaps in her world, that ceiling is actually the floor. So when you ascend, you will have a very unique point of view that will not look like other people's.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And that's totally fine. That's kind of the point.

De'Vannon Seráphino: She says, right now I'm in a state of mind. I want to be in like all the time. Once you settle into your ascension, you feel how fucking awesome it is. You don't want to be that way. [00:45:00] Like, all the damn time, and the tears you won't have left the cries over some shit that didn't work where there was no getting back to good.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You're not gonna sit around crying over relationships that didn't last, that moved too fast, uh uh. For a moment, sure, you're gonna need to go to counseling, do your psychedelics, see a hypnotherapist, do some neurolinguistic programming, biofeedback. Yoga something. I mean, to cut off a parent, a sibling, a lover, a relative.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So if somebody was close to you should, if it should put you through something emotionally, if some person actually meant something to you. But you ain't gonna cry over forever, . No, you won't. I mean it, I mean, I didn't, I couldn't see an end to the fucking tears, but I ain't crying no more. The day came where it left.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But it's like, it's like faded slowly over time, who knows what your deliverance will look like, but what I will guarantee you, if you're willing to let shit go, God will take it from you and you will get delivered.

De'Vannon Seráphino: She [00:46:00] goes on. Oh, I just want you to come with me. We're on another mentality. Of course you're on another mentality, because you've ascended. She says, we're way too fly to partake in all this hate we out here vibing, baby. Yes. An ascension is the sort of thing that makes you truly fucking happy. You might think you happy and you can, and some of y'all are.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But there's a yet a higher level of happiness available to you. I thought I was living life before. Not like this. This is so much fucking better than, than the life I had before everything went up in flames. I wouldn't change a fucking thing. But I'm saying that now. But in this song, Ariana and her boo that she talking about are making a conscious choice to not partake in the foolishness of the world.

De'Vannon Seráphino: When you ascend, you will come above the negative popular voice, the [00:47:00] controlling voice, the low vibrational voice, whatever it is. You're not going to be throwing shade at people, talking about people, running mess about people, cheating on people, sleeping around, having your body out there like that. You're not going to be for the streets.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Like in any type of way, shape, form, or fashion, be it by the use of your mouth, mind, energy, you will understand the true value of things. You view people as an eternal soul and not just as a sack of flesh to have experiences with, which is so shallow, so nimble brained, and so basic.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Number six is the lovely and talented Miss Blaire St. Clair, the drag queen from season 10 of RuPaul's Drag Race. Some of her quotes from that season were, I do declare, don't burn yourself, Tyra. Which you would usually say, I think that Dusty Ray, And, and shit like, she was like, shit, like she gets mistaken for like a 12 year old, which I agree with because every [00:48:00] time every year I get younger, I'm going to be 13 this year, deal with it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I love the fact that in this video, Blair St. Claire does like a an airline thing. She's flying kind of serving me some Britney Spears, toxic vibes, but not quite, but kind of, and they're all like, thank you for flying Blair St. Air and everything. And it's so like, it's so cheeky. It's so campy. I so fucking love it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But the depth of this song cannot be overstated. Her lyrics. It's not like you knew me. I live in the world and the screen got too good at painting, at painting the dream. You're talking about not living your truth, not living authentically. There are people who, say, marry people for 20 years, have children, and be like I never really loved that person.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Not, they used to love them, and then fell out of love with them, or whatever the fuck that happens. They just never did. See, some people can put themselves into a state of, [00:49:00] Mental regression or repression. Yeah, repression, where they lie to themselves to the extent that they can do this shit for like decades at a time.

De'Vannon Seráphino: People's truth to get repressed to them by society. Don't be gay. Don't be trans don't be black. Don't be just don't be and then we can settle into that and then begin to believe the lies. And then we begin to think how other people want us to think until we ascend.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And we get on this plane with Blair St. Clair, and we take the fuck off, and we look down at those basic bitches we left behind, and we just don't look back. We love you basic bitches, but you are basic, and so it is what it is. So, she says, I'm gonna turn the tide, I'm gonna live my life the way I want, the way I want [00:50:00] to, no matter what they say, I'll do it all my way.

De'Vannon Seráphino: This song fucking hits. The way I want to, the way I want to. This is Blair St. Clair understanding, fuck. I wasn't living for myself like I thought I was, but not anymore. I rebuke you, Satan. And from this motherfuckin day forth. I'm going to do what the fuck I want. Now, once you ascend, as I stated earlier, you ascend unto the divine.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So you will co create with the divine. You want to do what the divine is telling you to do, but your thoughts will be yours. You're yet consciously choosing the divine. It won't be what some human told you to do. You're going to dismiss all that. God is going to take away all that fear out of you lurking around in your subconscious, pulling on you and causing you to make decisions that you might not be aware of.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Blair Sinclair goes on to say. I've come undone, but now I've pulled myself together [00:51:00] and I'm breaking free to fly because it's now or never. He says, sometimes you got to let it fall down to build it back up again. Sometimes you got to go a little crazy to find your way back home. My God, an ascension is a coming undone.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Like in my dream, it was the fire. There is no you after. And ascension, you will get the whole point is this, you're not the same. Okay. Sometimes you gotta let it fall down. You just have to, you will look crazy to people, people are not going to understand what the fuck you're talking about, why you're doing all these things, why are you making these changes?

De'Vannon Seráphino: Why are you changing your name? Why are you packing up all your shit and moving to New York? Why are you doing this? Why are you getting ready to go? I came through like a fucking whirlwind. And just flipped every fucking thing upside down and all the way around, my [00:52:00] mom was like, I was explaining to her what the fuck what she was like, okay, as long as you know why, and you praying and you understand, go with it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I know it made no motherfucking sense to her at all. Okay. It's okay if you look crazy. The only person, opinion who matters is the Lord. What he thinks is not an opinion, it's fact. And it's actually the only solid motherfucking truth. Who gives a damn what the fuck somebody thinks? You're gonna have to stand strong in your ascension because there will be voices trying to talk you out of it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Possibly voice trying to talk you out of it, and you gotta know, you gotta know why you're doing what you're doing, what you've been through, what's brought you to this point, if you feel the divine working with you, God working with you that way, go fucking ahead and go that type of crazy, cause crazy means you're starting to not act like everybody else.[00:53:00]

De'Vannon Seráphino: That's that that's what really people are saying. How dare you get free of this thing that has us bound and we can't break free to that's really what they're saying. They're trying to crawfish your ass and pull you back down into the damn crawfish bucket. All right.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Number five is that beautiful delicious boy, man. Shawn Mendes. In My Blood, the Wikipedia tells us In My Blood is a song recorded by Canadian singer Shawn Mendes, written by Gioffre Bertone. Scott Harris is producer. It was released by Island Records on March 22nd, 2018 as the lead single from Mendes self titled third studio album.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It was nominated for Song of the Year at the 61st Annual Grammy Awards and won Single of the Year At the Juno Awards in 2019. In My Blood also won Choice Pop Song at the Teen Choice Awards. [00:54:00] Girl, what can I say about this song? First of all, shout out to Sean for having the balls, okay, in the nutsack to sing this song.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And I believe he was talking specifically about his personal anxiety in this song and struggles with like his mental health issues. For a man, in this day and time, to be transparent about psychiatric issues. Chow, he's invited to the cookout, he gets this boy gets mad fucking props And credits for for being like a fucking man and actually owning his shit and being vulnerable and transparent.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And I think he's fucking sexy for doing that. So that is a sexy man. Not because I mean, he's pretty to look at. But he said that he did that. He said, well, the man wouldn't that gets him all kinds of respect and credit in my book.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The title itself in my blood, so [00:55:00] many times through all the tragedy of last year, even through the ascension itself, there was times I was like, fuck, I don't know if I can handle this. And this song he talks about the walls caving in, the medicine is strong enough. What can I numb this with?

De'Vannon Seráphino: None of that's going to work. You can't drug your way out of an ascension. I mean, the psychedelics I did help me to understand what was happening. I didn't turn to that to Try to numb it. I didn't turn to try to numb, numb the pain of all the, all the severing of relationships I did either. I turned to it to try to help enlighten me, to try to help me come to grips with it or to process it better.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But there is no, the only way out of an ascension is through. You can't go around it. You can't go above it. You can't go under it. But sometimes I've questioned, I've heard that some people go seeking certain masters and people and potions and solutions to activate an ascension intentionally. And I, and I think to myself, as beautiful as the results [00:56:00] are, why the fuck would somebody in their right ever loving mind go and seek this type of metamorphosis because they just feel like it's time for it to happen or because they just want to force it to happen?

De'Vannon Seráphino: Girl, is it when you start something like that? I guess I don't even know if it can be started because you want it to start. I think I've heard people saying it, but then that's what people say. People do tend to embellish. When you started, it's not like you can, like, flip a switch and turn it off.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You're just in there. You're out there. You're in the thick of it. And like I said, some practitioners say they don't end. I'm not saying go out there and find somebody to force you into an ascension. This is about when it happens naturally, or if it comes upon you, or if you're growing with God or the divine.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And then it happens and this is to help you identify through. I'm not saying go out there and go hunt you down and [00:57:00] ascension you. There's a lot of spiritual growth that can happen. A lot of changes and deliverances that could help you out of. Any situation you're in that does not have to be a full on spiritual ascension or an awakening or kundalini rising, whatever you want to call it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But Sean says it isn't in my blood, no matter how much I thought about giving up, quitting, felt like I was dying, and in many ways I did.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I would listen to this song and remind myself, if there's nothing about Davana, that's a quitter. From being in the military, crawling under barbed wires, going through all the shit that I did in the Air Force. I To being homeless, now twice. To growing up in an abusive fucking household. Physical, verbal, energetic, emotional, in every fucking type of fucking way.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Sexually abusive. There's no quitting. It's too late for that. And this song very beautifully and very powerfully and potently helped me to remember that giving up is not in my blood. That's not what we do here. [00:58:00] I wasn't I'm not cut from that cloth, and the very angels around me would not let me give up either and so I say that but when when somebody's in the thick of it You need music like this to help you remember that you just gotta fucking push Keep going and if there is light and it does get better But there were so many fucking dark days that I just could not find fucking light Which might sound, I don't know how the fuck it sounds, because yet I still had to get on this microphone, because this is a part of my call calling.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And try to teach and preach the light to other people during the time where I couldn't find it for myself and so I had to I mean, it was there, but my, I was blocked from it because I was going through everything, but we do what we must and we get up and we press forward because quitting is not in our blood.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Go through your ascension. It is worth it on the other side. Number four [00:59:00] is a song called good energy by that, by that, by that pretty young thing, young Weiland. Okay. We'll read an excerpt from Hype Magazine. So the Hype Magazine. com says, In the initial months of 2024, Young Wyland's impactful song, Good Energy, has emerged as a global sensation, marking the rise of this independent artist.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Known for the uplifting anthem, I Don't Need No Negativity, Young Wyland has garnered attention from fans and celebrities alike. I will please. The link to this article on Young Wyland in the show notes. So the lyrics here, all I need is good energy. I don't need no negativity around me. And it's got that island that island rhythm.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's got that rhythm. High Frequency, I'm talking high as G O D, and I'm gonna read the Spanish part too from my, from my, from my Spanish [01:00:00] peeps, and basically says the same thing. Yo no quiero mala vibra cerca de mi, puesto pa mi, gracias los cantazos aprendí. I mean need I say more when you were saying that only the best energies will do you gonna start shopping for energies quote unquote shopping picking energies like you shopping for Prada Louis Vuitton Gucci Givenchy you gonna be like only the best will do This is young while and saying straight up only good energy, even in this song, he lists out certain numerical frequencies, which apparently he researched to define the frequencies.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Because when we say frequencies, there are certain practitioners that can hook machines up to you and actually present to you a numerical frequency for like, and you can think happy thoughts, it'll register one number if you think about some pissed off shit. The number lowers. So the term frequency, as spiritual as it is, has a physical [01:01:00] manifestation and actual frequencies.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That's why certain music can be played at certain frequencies, binaural beats. You see the people on YouTube with those singing bowls or whatever the fuck they're playing at. This hurts, that hurts, that shit's been studied and certain frequencies are said to have a certain result. People carry those same frequencies, so if you got a low vibrational person around you, no matter how pretty you think they are, no matter how sexy, no matter what y'all might do, if their energy ain't right, that shit's gonna drop your ass down to hell where they're at.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And so, once you understand this, and you have a super high vibration, No, ma'am we not doing no more that low vibration. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Not today, Satan. And not tomorrow either. You got us fucked up. We're not doing that shit. That is what this dude is talking about in this song. He says, light up the sage, smelling like hickory, trying to heal scars.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I got different type of injuries, [01:02:00] holistic medicine, different type of remedies. Human, but I'm feeling like a different type of entity. And I tell you when you ascend, it's like, you're going to be human, but not really. Yeah. You here, but a greater part of you feels like you on the other side or with God or with the divine.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's like, it's like you're human yet more spiritually aware, like, like your connection with the cosmos and with the angels. I mean, at least this is my experience. I don't know what it's like inside other people's heads, but. Fuck, it's got to be somewhere. I mean, I've heard that much most people experience an increased connection with nature, with the divine, with the cosmos, an increased understanding of things, an increased sensitivity to energies.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That's why with people who I know who have ascended, like, we don't do shit like watch solar eclipses. We don't Because we have all kinds of like beliefs that we understand about that. We [01:03:00] don't blow out candles on birthday cakes and things like that. I ain't saying it's the devil if you do that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But we don't, we have this thing about handling light a certain way. I would do a show, another show on birthdays and I'll get into birthday cakes and things like that. But, shout out to young while, and I look forward to hearing more fucking happy as a beat songs like this. And in this blog, I have the links to all the fucking videos and everything, and you can see it. So song number three is another song called walking away. I don't mind that walking away is twice in this playlist, two different songs, because.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That's really what ascension is all about. You're walking away from people in the past from yourself in the past who used to be some, some of us have walked away from cities. We walked away from everything. Okay, and that's totally fine. You got to walk away baby. Now, Craig walking away from Wikipedia.

De'Vannon Seráphino: [01:04:00] Craig walking away is a song by English singer Craig David. It was written by David and Mark Hill and releases the third single from his debut studio album born to do it in 2000. On 20 November 2000, it reached number three in the United Kingdom and number one in New Zealand, where it was the most successful song of 2001, according to the Recording Industry Association of New Zealand.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Girl, this is another pretty motherfucker here, I'm not gonna lie. He's serving us some, some of that good black hair, kinda like that yellow bone. We're okay, okay. Somebody get a man my number, but then the lyrics say I'm walking away from the troubles in my life. I'm walking away. Oh, to find a better day. I love him.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Don't throw this on. He's talking about basic as people. You have to leave behind. He says he finally realized some people don't want to compromise. Like matchbox 20 said, there's no getting back [01:05:00] to good. Many people unfortunately throw their energy and strength away trying to try to stay with people that really don't like them, be it friends, family, others.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Even children can emancipate themselves from parents. Okay, sometimes some of them need to, depending on what the fuck the parents are doing to those kids. Thank God for that way out. If some shit's not working, y'all, this ain't working. Who was that, Lauryn Hill?

De'Vannon Seráphino: Somebody fucking said, This ain't working. This is crazy. Come on, y'all. What I love about Craig is like, he's walking away consciously. Not just walking away, but for a purpose. He said, I'm walking away from the troubles in my life. I'm walking away, oh, to find a better day. The decision that you're making during your ascension, besides to ascend onto God physically in this plane, is to [01:06:00] help you.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You're making a decision for your highest self, for your highest good, not for other motherfuckers. This ascension is all about you. And the more that you can serve your highest good and improve, then actually the better. You can show up to God. To the relationships in your life for the people who you choose to keep.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So this means you become a better lover, a better parent, a better sibling, a better coworker, a better yoga instructor, a better mindfulness teacher, a better supervisor, better project manager, a better actor, a better sound guy, whatever the case may be a better author, a better singer. Everything about you enhances and changes and you get better.

De'Vannon Seráphino: This is all about moving forward. So what Craig is saying, I'm walking away, but it's to find a better day. All right, there's a blessing and a benefit here. All this stress will not have been for naught. Number two. [01:07:00] It's come alive from the greatest showman, the greatest showman, original motion picture soundtrack.

De'Vannon Seráphino: This here came out in 2017. It was released by Atlantic records. This is the greatest showman. Fabulous soundtrack. I was here for Zendaya, Zendaya. I was here for Zac Efron. I was here for Hugh Jackman. I was here for all the peoples. It was beautiful. It was sexual. It was non binary. It was entertaining, it was moving, it made me angry, it made me cry, it gave me the full spectrum of emotions.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And I listened to this motherfuckin song, this soundtrack, several times last year. The lyrics, they come alive because you're, because you're, let me read it says, because you're just a dead man walking, thinking that's your only option, but you can flip the switch and brighten up your darkest day. Sun is up and the color's blinding.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Take a world and redefine [01:08:00] it. Leave behind your narrow mind, you'll never be the same. Does that not sound like what I've been telling you this whole hour? I've been talking. They continue, come alive, come alive, go and light your light, let it burn so bright, reaching up to the sky and it's open wide, you're electrified.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Oh yeah, you gonna have a more electrified energy when you ascend. You see, in the world becomes a fantasy, the lyrics continue, and you're more than you could ever be, because you're dreaming with your eyes wide open. And you know you can't go back again to the world that you were living in, because you're dreaming with your eyes wide open.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So, come alive. There are some days since I've ascended that I do feel like I'm dreaming while I'm yet awake. I ain't saying shit looks foggy, but it's like, it's kind of like How can it be this good? Now that I'm questioning how it can be this good, but it's like, fuck, it's really this good. And especially after all the, all the chaos and the turmoil that it took to get here, [01:09:00] come alive.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That is the whole point of ascending, to truly come alive. Because until you ascend, at least for me, like I said earlier, I thought I was living, and I guess on many levels I was, but this is like a much truer and pure form of life than what I had before I ascended. It's so much sweeter. It's so much more powerful.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's so much more potent. It's so much more yummy and juicy and delicious. It is like, man, it's like I'm squeezing the sweet nectar out of every fucking aspect of life. In ways that I never have done before. It's genuine. It's true. And it's in line with the divine. It is something just special about it this time around.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's not the same. Completely different. And The Greatest Showman I mean, really the whole movie, this, a lot of parts of the soundtrack, but this song is about that. [01:10:00]Forgetting who you used to be. Like it says in the Hebrew Bible one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and pressing toward those things which are ahead.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Number one is Feeling Good, as done by Michael Bublé. Now, let me read this from Wikipedia. Feeling Good, also known as Feelin Good, is a song written by English composers Anthony Newley and Leslie Brucuse for the musical The Roar Of the grease paint, the smell of the crowd. It was first performed on stage in 1964 by Cy grant on the, on the UK tour, Nina Simone recorded feeling good for her 1965 album.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I put a spell on you. Yes. The song has also been covered by Sammy Davis, Jr. And of course, Michael Blue Bay and many other people.

De'Vannon Seráphino: At some point [01:11:00] last year after the breakup. And when my ascension has started, child. One day I woke up with this song on my mind, the Michael Bublé's version. I couldn't get it off my mind, so I put it on as I showered. I'mma tell you.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's so like fucking a propes. Okay, totally a propes. He's saying, birds flying high, you know how I feel. That's that connection to nature I was telling you you get when you ascend if you didn't have it before probably I would hope that would happen for you. At least it was for me. The strengthening of the connection sun in the sky.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You know how I feel breeze drifting on by. You know how I feel this dude is chilling, not to mention looking damn good in this suit and these cars in this video. Okay. When you ascend, you gonna feel, if not look, like about a million fucking bucks, bitch. I'm sorry, I don't care how drugged down in the fucking dirt and mud, stilettos broke, wig torn, [01:12:00] nails popping off, mascara running.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Funky and functified you were. When God gets you back together, you're gonna be like this Michael Bublé. Okay, who look like he got, can do every fucking thing in this video. This dude look like he is fucking winning for life. This is how I feel now. This is how I would wake up. I would wake up with this song on my mind.

De'Vannon Seráphino: He continues, Oh, freedom is mine. Once you ascend, you're truly free from system relevance, from thinking you need to be like other people. When you ascend, you are your fucking authentic self bitch, period. Full stop, bang, gavel, close the court, nothing left to be discussed. He talks to hear about dragonflies and butterflies, which in many cultures are symbols of transformation.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Reminded of a time I was setting at my house in Louisiana. [01:13:00] working at my dining room table and a swarm of dragonflies. Only once this happened in my life. I mean, a swarm of, I don't know how many thousands or millions of dragonflies came and did like this cyclonic type dance in a circle over the lake.

De'Vannon Seráphino: In the backyard and my backyard and, the way the sun danced off of their wings, this was like years ago, but nevertheless, the Lord always knows what we're going to need for we need it. The way the sun danced off their wings is this many, many, many, I don't know, millions of dragonflies just danced around each other in a, in a, in a cyclone.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It was just like. The most beautiful thing that wherever cyclones go, they don't leave anything the same and just so many dragonflies, so many dragonflies. I took a video of it, but it's just, it doesn't do it. [01:14:00] Anything that remotely looks like any stream of justice, the video just doesn't capture it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But I thought it was cool that he talks about dragonflies and butterflies in this song. Birds too. Feathers are a huge symbol of power, especially in shamanic circles. I felt more drawn to wearing feathers. That's why you see all these feather earrings, the shaman's feathers, feathers, feathers, feathers, like everywhere.

De'Vannon Seráphino: There's a legend of like the eagle and the condor down there in Mexico is beautiful. It's a new dawn. It's a new day. It's a new life for me. And he starts this song saying birds in the sky, you know how I feel. By the end of it, he's, he changes it. And he, he says, I know how I feel.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay. When he says, Oh, freedom is mine. And I know how I feel. So he went from giving a fuck about how, to what he knows, and this is him embodying [01:15:00] himself for his whole self. This is his ascension, this is his awakening, this is his, or at least whoever wrote this song. This is this is a coming into that knowledge.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Oh yeah, I am who I am, I know who I am, I know why I am, I know what I'm sitting here to do and I'm fucking doing it. This is power, this is strength, this is unshakable, this can't be broken. All right, wasn't shit bothering him. He's a breeze drifting on by. Once you a sin, you ain't gonna worry about shit.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Your enemies will sit there and talk about you. Oh, well. Oh, fuck well. Anyway. Maybe we can try to throw shade. Hmm, who cares? It won't matter. Like, you've ascended now. You've outgrown them. If it's anything like how mine was, like how in that dream I referenced at the beginning of this, how when I was pushed through that mirror, not that my enemies ever had any power over me in the first damn place because I'm with the Lord, they can't.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's like there's a permanent gulf [01:16:00] between us. Now that I don't, I'm talking about people from a former life. I mean, there's new enemies, new devils to deal with now, but One thing we know, those bitches from the past are not gonna be no problems anymore. Not that they ever were. They're more like, just kind of like annoying fucking flies and shit.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But, I mean, that's just a part of life. You're never gonna get rid of the pestilence. But the pestilence doesn't have to have any quantifiable effect on you either. But nevertheless, you don't even have to worry about none of that, because your enemies can't follow you where you're going. They're basic.

De'Vannon Seráphino: They won't ascend, or at least at the point of your ascension, they won't have. And so, then they're gonna have to deal with all their nasty karma and all of that too, which ain't none of your business. Breeze driftin on by. Talkin about the sky, just how beautiful fuckin life is. I told you earlier, like, once I began to ascend after I, after I ended that relationship, the food did taste better.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's like cooking [01:17:00] got better. Fucking flowers smelt better. When you under heavy negative energy, that shit can affect you. Like in every type of damn way when you accept low vibrational people, low vibrational frequencies in whatever form they might come. You understand what I'm telling you? Like literally the amount of color that is able to pierce your fucking retinas that come into your eyes.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I hear levels and depths of music. I've been listening to some of these same songs for fucking decades. And it's like I'm hearing words and layers to it and not because I changed the listening device. I changed and I could hear more like more fucking sound is getting into my ear more light into my eyes.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Ever since I cut all those low vibrational negative people off and got closer to God and accepted this ascension child. Like, literally, what this man is saying and the people who wrote this song is saying, fucking everything is better. [01:18:00] Like, literally. No exaggeration.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That sums up the top ten. But I wanted to give an honorable mention out To Princess Nokia who wrote Harley Quinn.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay, we gonna get a tad bit ratchet, just a tad bit.

De'Vannon Seráphino: This came from her album, Everything Sucks, which I believe came out in 2020. I believe that the multitudinous fuck yous in this song sum it up quite nicely. And I quote Miss Harley Quinn here, fuck your mama and daddy, fuck your sibling too, your siblings too, fuck your auntie and uncle. And fuck your cousins and crew, fuck your ugly ass baby,[01:19:00]

De'Vannon Seráphino: fuck these bitches that's hating,

De'Vannon Seráphino: fuck these stupid ass trolls who don't want to see me famous. I suppose I could just drop the mic and tell y'all goodbye. I mean, that's what

De'Vannon Seráphino: she talks about in this song. I mean, some of the opening lyrics, he says, Welcome to the circus. I'm causing a disturbance. I'm twisted in the head and I'm a little bit annoying. I'm gross. I'm sick. I'm too legit to quit. Got bitches showing tits and boys moshing in the pit. I'm gonna tell you, you're gonna need to take on a little bit of this Harley Quinn attitude and not give two shits, one fuck or a good goddamn about what somebody thinks about your ascension, your growth, your path to enlightenment.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Or whatever it is that you feel like you need to do. Your family doesn't own you. They cannot [01:20:00] control you. Your friends neither. Your lovers. Everybody should be in your life as you want them there. And you should be in anybody else's life as they want you there. Period. And anybody has a free right to walk away from, from people who are abusing them or hating on them or not good for them.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And so, Welcome to the circus, I'm causing a disturbance.

De'Vannon Seráphino: There is some sort of connection in between you. A person's it's like when I ascended and I don't know why this is there are a lot of mysteries in the spirit realm. I am a very knowledgeable person but that doesn't mean I know it all.

De'Vannon Seráphino: My departure from people it's like it caused a storm in in some of them because I was shown this in [01:21:00] my dreams. And I don't know if this was some sort of karma, gosh, I mean, obviously it was of God, but it's like when my energy, which I actively withdrew from people in a very conscious way, when my energy was withdrawn from people, and I pulled it away and I reinforced that by not engaging in conversation with people in any way, electronic, verbal, whatever.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And I would see certain people in my dreams, the hell they were catching and going through, for no other reason other than that, Devanin has departed from them. And behold, not me, but the Spirit of God that is upon me, because I'm like, who am I? Any kind of positive influence or effect of whatever presence was the Lord, it wasn't me.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The people better not be as concerned about us leaving them and better be concerned about if they piss God off and don't live right about his presence departing from [01:22:00]them. So, that, that, that, that, that's when you really fuck. And so, so when she says that she's causing a disturbance, I believe it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Standing in your power, God's power mixed with his power.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Is something that would just fuck with people because people are insecure. They don't stand in their power. So if you're free, they don't like it because they're not free. You turn, you leaving a whole bunch of like say a narcissistic family behind like I did fucks with them because they know they're not right.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So. And then or whatever, like it's your ascending, it's like a slap in the face that you weren't trying to necessarily do, but it is what it is, because if everybody had similar circumstances around you and similar variables, you made it out, they broke asses are still, I mean, spiritually broke asses are still back yonder ways, it makes it pretty [01:23:00] strikingly clear that it's a choice.

De'Vannon Seráphino: to play the victims they caught in the past and not fuck around, not fucking be serious about God and play with God, for one of us to make it out. And leave the others behind makes them feel like shit and they should like it's very well warranted because they could have been up here with us, but they chose to fuck around with bullshit.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And, and the last thing Miss Quinn says, I don't give no fucks. Matter of fact, not to I'm disrespectful, offensive, and I've got nothing to prove. Well, she's right. She did her own sweet little way. Miss Harley Quinn. Has summed up the attitude. I think this is the right Ascension attitude. I did what I did. I went through what I went through.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And fuck you if you don't care for it. Ta ta now.[01:24:00]

De'Vannon Seráphino: The only one you have to prove anything to is God. For he is the only one who holds the keys of life and death. When the books are open, the names in the Lamb's Book of Life, Judgment, all of that, all that power belongs to God, pappy, not your lover, not your children, not no damn body. That's why you heard me say I literally do not care what a human thinks about me.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I am only concerned about my reputation in the spiritual realm. I accept constructive criticism, feedback from people. If I'm fucking up, yeah, my people who are close to me come and tell me. Or people who are have a higher knowledge than me, of course, I listen to people, but that is not the same as, that is not the same as like letting what they think, like control how I think about myself or change my life. I'll take what they have to say, consider it, take it to God, [01:25:00] mesh it around, see what I come back with. I won't change it because they said change it. It's got to line up with the life, with the spirit that I feel within me.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Nevertheless. This concludes the list. Thank you for taking time to invest in yourself by listening to my top 10 plus one honorable mention Ascension playlist. I'm thankful that the Lord selected this day in time for it to come out. Enjoy your Ascension, be faithful to yourself and to the Lord through it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And, and I, and I look forward to seeing how all of you are going to all of you ascending people are going to help. The world, because that is the point we ascend onto God. And we ascend for ourselves to, to find a better day, right? Me comment on the blog. Let me know what your favorite song is or on the YouTube channel or whatever.

De'Vannon Seráphino: If you feel like it, I understand when I dropped these shows, people, God enters in the people, starts dealing with people and is not necessarily most pressing [01:26:00] thing to comment on stuff. I get it. I'm thankful for the conversation that I am able to have. But the most important thing is that you go through changes.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And that you heal and that you get better. And that you ascend if it is time for you to do that. That forest supersedes commenting on anything. But if you fuckin feel like it, let a bitch know which one of these songs you like. Or if you got some ascension music or whatever. Anyway, child, I'm gonna put some chicken in the oven and do me some Tae bo.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So I can lose a couple more pounds before I, head touerto Vallarta pride next week. Nom nom nom.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Thank you all so much for joining us today and for taking some time to invest into yourself and into the lives of your loved ones, please visit us at sex drugs and jesus. com and check out our resource page, our spiritual service offerings, my blog, my books, and other writings that God has partnered with me to create.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Find us on any social media platform, stay strong, my [01:27:00] people, and just remember that everything is going to be all right. 

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