Sex, Drugs, and Jesus

Episode #156: My Bufo Alvarius (5-MeO-DMT) Experience

De'Vannon Seráphino Episode 156

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Let’s talk about toads! This show will go into detail about the very spiritual and highly intimate experience I had doing Bufo Alvarius on a pristine mountain side with a Shaman in Guadalajara, Mexico.

Bufo Alvarius – Wikipedia

INCLUDED IN THIS EPISODE (But not limited to):

 ·      An explanation of what Bufo is.

·      A walk through of how my ceremony went.

·      Toad safety considerations.

·      5-MeO-DMT and other secretion ingredients. 

·      Astrological implications.

·      Meth pipe reassociation. 

·      Intentions infused into the ritual.

·      A special closeness to God through Bufo.




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Episode #156: My Bufo Alvarius (5-MeO-DMT) Experience


De'Vannon Seráphino: [00:00:00] Hello, my wonderful children out there and welcome back to the sex, drugs, and Jesus podcast. I am your host, Stefanis Serafino, coming to you still in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. I've been down here for well over a week. I came here for Port of Ayr to pride and has been nothing short of magical and colorful and sensational and at the same time humbling Eye opening and also quite grounding.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The main festivities have ended. We headed back to New York shortly But I needed some time to calm the fuck down To get all my energies together and my mind together before I head back to the States Today, I'm going to be talking to you about the experience that I had doing the Bufo Alvarez toad, journey with a shaman when I was in Guadalajara, like, maybe like a month or so ago.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The website is sexdrugsandjesus. [00:01:00] com. Also, our lingerie website is downunderapparel. com. I went to Mexico. To, to do this, and I'm going to read a couple of snippets from Wikipedia to kind of explain what Bufo avarious is. It's a, it's a toad, which is a little bit different than the frog and, and I'll just kind of get into that experience is very popular in the psychedelic community.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's also probably some people say is the most powerful of all the psychedelics and a lot of people want to try it. I want to, I wanted the blessed and fortunate ones who have been able to try it. And so I wanted to talk about it. So when it comes to to frog secretions and poisons and such. There are two that I know of one is called combo.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The other one is called booth. Oh, and just the kind of a clarify kind of the difference between the two. I'm going to read [00:02:00] like a text that I got from the particular shaman that I worked with when I was in Guadalajara. So he's saying that the substances in combo, it is obtained from a frog that lives in the Amazon, and it does not have psychoactive effects.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It acts more at the level of the body's health. In the case of the Bufo, it is obtained not from a frog, but from a toad that lives in the desert, and this does have psychoactive effects. With a combo, I think they burn little holes in the skin, and then put the poison in, and that way it's a type of poison.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's a type of experience that may have you like vomiting. It's, it's like the heal the body. Like, it's more like in the physicality of things with a buffo. This poison is smoked out of what we might consider to be like a meth pipe here in the United States. I have to say I wasn't expecting that shit, but [00:03:00] when you smoke it, it , it turns into a vapor.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And it is super fucking like psychoactive and I'll explain more of that in just a second here. So a little bit of the history on this beautiful green little toad. And I will put the link to this particular Wikipedia article in the showy notes. So the Bufo Alvarez. Toad is located in the southwest of the United States, particularly southeastern California, southern Arizona and northeast of New Mexico, especially in the catchment areas of the lower Colorado River and the Gila River.

De'Vannon Seráphino: In Mexico, it is located in the northwest of the country, Sonora, and northwest of Sinaloa. Its natural habitat ranges from arid lowlands and arid meadows to oak, sycamore, and walnut forests in the mountain canyons. [00:04:00] I know these frogs like to, like, kind of like awaken or come alive when the weather starts to get wet and they go about the business of mating and all the, all the, you know, all of that good fun action.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So they, they, they, they, they, so they go find water wherever they can be at pools or rivers or streams, you know, whatever they can, wherever they can find that's moist when they wake up and I guess kind of like come out of the ground, there's secretion. Like other species of the Bufanidae family, the sonoran desert toad secretes bufotoxins from the parotid glands located behind the eyes, on the neck, and other parts of the skin.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It is a milky white secretion whose function is to protect the species from predators. There is some talk about, using the frogs too much and, and you [00:05:00] will find that in the article or different articles if you research it. To my knowledge And in my research, no, no toes were harmed in the process of the of the frog secretions for my ceremony.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The way the shaman that I worked with explained it to me, they take like a mirror and press it. Against the frog to make the secretions come out and then those secretions, those milky white secretions harden and then that's what they scrape off. So there's no reason for the, you know, for the frog to die.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I suppose there could be some people that. Especially in the United States, they just go grab the frogs, get the poison, and just, I guess, leave the frogs for dead, or don't return them to their natural habitat. I don't believe that any shamans that I work with would do that, because there's no point, you know, you just go get the frog, get the little juice from the guy, like, thanks buddy, and let's go about his [00:06:00] way.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's not like you need a whole motherfucking lot of it. It's just a little touch or two that can take a person through a ceremony. You don't need a lot. There's no need to keep the frog or anything like that. So I think it just depends on who's doing it. Because I don't, I don't, I don't think my shamans are doing anything to hurt the frogs.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Active ingredients in the secretion of the toad. A study published in the Journal of Analytical Toxicology And at 2021 that analyzed the tryptamine components in the secretion, determine the presence of the following compounds. Five. M-E-O-D-M-T five M-E-O-N-M-T five MEO. Tryptamine. Five MEO. Trip to fo.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Fuck. That's a lot of five eos. Then there's five Methin, docetic acid, five [00:07:00] HON, methyl tryptamine, Bufo, bine, DMT, and Trytophan. The largest component was the five M-E-O-D-M-N-T. I'm gonna tell you. Me and this particular shaman, we actually went like an hour outside of Guadalajara. I say Guadalajara, but we're in a completely different city.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And we did go up on the side of a beautiful fucking mountain that was like, it had like white stone in it, and the trees were like very, like, high, like, like human. So the roots were coming down and you can see like exposed roots because the rivers run through this mountain at certain times of the year.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And when it's a dry river bed, you can still see exposed roots. So it was very fucking pretty and very fucking beautiful and overlooking all these valleys and such. Absolutely gorgeous. [00:08:00] I did this intentionally underneath. The full pink moon, which was in Scorpio not too long ago, because I'm a Scorpio Ascendant, and I like to do shamanic journeyings under full moons in particular.

De'Vannon Seráphino: When I did my name change last year, it was under a full moon. This was under full moon as well. I also did this shortly after the Jupiter Uranus conjunction. Since I'm, since I'm a Sagittarius Sun, I was having a lot of influence because of what was going on with Jupiter at the time. And so I put the Jupiter effect together with this pink full moon and Scorpio and went and puffed on this Bufo.

De'Vannon Seráphino: This is Bufo Toad, Bufo Toad Poison Bitch, and got my absolute life. 

De'Vannon Seráphino: When he broke out that meth pipe, at first I like, froze [00:09:00] for a second. I was like, fuck it, I don't do meth anymore. I was like, god damn, I hope this doesn't like, I hope this doesn't like, trigger me or some shit. Because it was like the meth pipe, the fucking torch lighter. The frog poison, the toad poison, once it dries, it hardens and so it's broken into like crystals and it looks like fucking crystal meth in the damn dope baggie.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So he had the The meth looking toad poison, the meth pipe, and a torch lighter reminds me of a setup I used to once have, but in that instant, I was able to draw in my power of the alchemist and I said, you know what? I'm going to reframe my association with this particular pipe. It would no longer be a meth pipe.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It would be a buffo pipe, and, and I won't, so when I walk into a smoke shop to get my fucking weed or whatever, I'm not going to look at the meth pipes anymore and be triggered. And the bufo was way stronger than the meth, and [00:10:00] so it was fairly easy to do, going into it with that mindset. So I quickly pushed whatever fear I had aside of smoking out of a meth pipe, which is something I said I'd never do again, and realized that the pipe doesn't have to just be exclusively used for meth.

De'Vannon Seráphino: How did we do it? It was We buried incense as like an I believe he did it as like Maybe an offering to the spirits or whatever the case may be. I don't, I mean, that's something that just happened. I don't necessarily agree or disagree with it. I just kind of like, went with the flow. I don't offer anything except, but to the high Trinity, , to God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost, whom I serve, but, , he is the leader.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So I just. Let it be and accepted it as a, as a, as a good gesture and was done with it. But that is what happened. And I [00:11:00] think we buried like copal incense and maybe some other things he had mixed into it, into the earth in which we left there and it's still there to this day. Then we also burned an incense as well, which we had burning and he mixed together a special spray that he sprayed all around me and himself.

De'Vannon Seráphino: We took a moment to say prayers and such. The way this buffo works, you put your buffo shards into the pipe, into the bowl, and you light it, and it melts just the same way meth would do, and it emits a white fume that looks exactly like fucking meth to me. I was just like, wow. But it acts so quick.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You count down, he told me to count down 10 seconds, like 10, 9, 8, to 1. By the time I hit number 1, girl,

De'Vannon Seráphino: and it was not no whole lot of shards in there. It didn't take nothing but like a pinch or [00:12:00] 2. A pinch or 2 will do. Bitch, a pinch or two will do. You not want to overdo nothing like this.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And, and everything changed in an instant. So on other psychedelics, whatever I'm looking at or focusing on is what will seem to sway or move or get wavy, whether it's a cool ass mural or a picture or a painting or a palm tree, or I don't know, the ocean or the grass, , I have to be like, focus on something in order for it to change.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But with Bufo, Whatever was in my field of vision changed. The sky started just rotating colors. The shaman just like disappeared for a moment until all of the color variations. I didn't even see him. And it, and it was, everything was just like changing colors. I was laying on the ground because you're, there is no getting up and walking or anything like that, my dear.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I can walk on LSD and [00:13:00] shrooms or whatever the case may be, but Bufo, you got to lay your ass down and completely surrender to whatever it is that the spirit has for you in that moment. This is not something. To take to like the party with or to play with or to go out and have a kiki with this is it is super deep and it's super sacred.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It is. This is a spiritual thing. Just to the nth degree is not to be trifled with in any way there isn't any like. Fighting it. You got to like really be able to surrender and let yourself go. Everything in my field of vision just completely fucking started changing colors. I was looking at the leaves on the trees since I was on the ground and it's like the leaves were like kind of like curling and folding.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It looked like they went through [00:14:00] all four seasons. Several times as I was laying there watching them while the sleeves are moving and changing colors, the sky behind them, or is also moving and changing colors. I saw a butterfly up there that looked like it was going. It was, it is like it was in a part of the, the sky, but the same time it wasn't.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The shaman kind of came back into my field of vision because he reached. He reached out to me to check on me and see how, to see how I was doing. And I could see like his face, the shape of it, but still everything behind him was just like rotating colors. 

De'Vannon Seráphino: Now I was only in this I think for like two minutes. Personally, I did not want to, I didn't feel the need that I needed to have to take so much that I would feel like I was gone for like years or like, I've heard of that. Like some people feel like they've been gone for a really long time, [00:15:00] but the Bufo high, as it was explained to me by the shaman is only supposed to last maybe like 10 minutes.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Like if somebody did a 10 or 15 minute Bufo trip, it would be considered like extravagant. Like, it would be like, wow, isn't this ain't the sort of thing you're going to be at all all day and all night either. It's not for that. I mean, it was for me. It was about 2 minutes of like, intensity. Then I begin to calm down within 30 minutes to 45 minutes later.

De'Vannon Seráphino: We were having tacos around the corner. Okay, it's not, it's like it's quick, it's intense, but it's so fucking deep. I went into it with an intention of being closer to the divine, my inner child is healed, emotions and things from the past, I don't have those problems anymore, so I wasn't going into it with like a need to fix something or anything like that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I'm trying to get [00:16:00] as close to God as I possibly can in this plane of existence. And I thought, well, let me smoke some toad and see what happens, you know? And

De'Vannon Seráphino: as I looked at the sky, and I was looking through the leaves, and while they were still changing colors and doing all the things, and I'm hearing flies and stuff pass by me, like, in slow motion and shit. And it was just kind of like They're like buzzing ever so slowly, like I could make out, I think, like their wings flapping and shit.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It was, it was, it was like moving really slow, yet moving, yet moving really fast the same damn time.

De'Vannon Seráphino: In an instant though, I felt like the mind of God and my mind became one. When I did the ayahuasca like a month before this, I felt like me and God were like forehead to [00:17:00] forehead. And like his eyes were directly on me this time. I felt like we were thinking the same. Okay. It felt like I understood everything that God understands.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And in an instant, I felt like all knowledge. All right. This is the sort of thing. That I seek after I began laughing hysterically as the shamans asking me if I'm okay, I totally was okay, but I just began laughing at every fucking thing because this knowledge that I was getting from God, I understood that everything that is determined shall be 

De'Vannon Seráphino: Everything that is going to happen has already happened, and that there really technically isn't like a past or a future specifically. The only thing that we ever really have is the moment that we live in. We say this in esoteric and high spiritual circles all the time. And I believe it, but under this Bufo, it's like I really [00:18:00] accepted it as a fact.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And I not only accepted it as a fact, but I could feel it. feel it through every fiber of my existence, every atom, every part of me, the spiritual, mental, emotionally, and I got it. And I started laughing at the absurdity of stress. I laughed at the absurdity of freaking out over anything. I laughed at the absurdity of a worry because everything is already Predetermined.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And in that moment, I understood that I understood every fucking thing. And that's, and that's what I just kept telling the show. I'm like, I get it. Like, no, like I literally get everything. Like I understood God's plan. Like I just understood it all. And so I laughed at, at just like the craziness of, of, of life and how it can get and be, because there's no need for all of that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That was there marinating in this very One in one experience with Jehovah, the great [00:19:00] I am the high Trinity, the high God before whom I serve and bow. I felt like God looked down from heaven and saw me and the shaman and approved of what we were doing. I felt the Holy Ghost. Come through. It was a breeze of wind, but I, but I, I told the shaman, I'm like, the spirit just got here and I've raised my right hand up to feel this more potently in the field is spirited and this in the way that the spirit entered into the, that, that mountainside with us.

De'Vannon Seráphino: reminded me of how it would feel back in the Pentecostal church in the days when I used to go to church. And although I don't care for church, it's not like God never stopped by and worked miracles or poured out his spirit. He did. There's not enough truth there for me to fuck with church, but it's not like God never did nothing there, but I got enough sense to know when the Holy Ghost is around.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And, and, and, And I felt the Holy Ghost come up on the side of [00:20:00] that mountain and I looked at that shaman and I said, I feel the spirit here and I asked him, I was like, do you feel that? He was like, he was telling me, you know, I feel something

De'Vannon Seráphino: and, because he was, you know, in his emotions and everything like that too. He wasn't on any of the Bufo, but it's such, it's such an intense spiritual experience that the practitioner, especially a shaman who's going to be super sensitive is going to be pulled into that with whoever is there lying on the ground, even though they're not doing any of it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And, you know, he was, you know, emotional as well, even though he was completely sober. And I, and I was like, I just I was like, this feels like church and I tell him like, this is pure church. There's no lights. There's no fog machines on stage. There's no record deals. There's no suits. There's no, there's no classes.

De'Vannon Seráphino: [00:21:00] This is just. Two souls and human flesh with their creator on the side of a mountain. And this, and I said this feels like pure and true religion. Like what it was meant to be. This is honest. There's no one here but us and God. I said this is real. I was like, whatever church is supposed to be, this is it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And not that I would ever step foot in a church again, but I damn sure wouldn't, I mean, especially now that I've experienced in this, I'm like, this was like a true encounter with the most high in the midst of a buffo, buffo, fucking smoking, fucking toad poison on the side of a mountain.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I, I really, really think that that's what God wants. It's like isolated alone time with people, whatever that looks like. It doesn't have to be smoking toad poison on the side of a mountain. Cause God knows that it ain't for everybody. [00:22:00] You got to do this sort of thing. If you're called to it, if you really feel like the spirit is leading you to it, you don't just hop off and go, I think I'm going to smoke some buffo today.

De'Vannon Seráphino: No, you got to pray fast, meditate. Be sure that this is what the divine wants you to do.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And I will just never forget. How the purest form of church that that felt like it was like me, the shaman, God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost, and it felt so fulfilling. It's like there was nothing that needed to be desired. It's like all questions were answered. All problems were solved. It was a complete.

De'Vannon Seráphino: you know, warm, warm embrace from God. And it was, and it was such pure holiness, such pure holiness, such pure truth. It was just such clarity, just clear [00:23:00] truth. There's no evil that could come on the side of that mountain. There was no harm, no threat, no lies, no deception. There was nothing there. But the truth, okay,

De'Vannon Seráphino: in this, the spirit was just rolling through there like, kind of like waves. It was, it was, and I had felt things like that before, you know, when the spirit would move me in different ways in church and not in church. Usually the Holy Ghost deals with me outside of church. Be I in bed sleep or walking around somewhere.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The spirit has always dealt with me more outside of church that he ever did inside of church. And I used to think that something was wrong with me because I wasn't, , catching, catching the Holy Ghost or whatever inside church. And really what God was trying to do was honor me in our relationship by getting me alone.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Because it's like, if you're dating someone or married to someone. Your most high quality and most intimate times are always going to be when you're alone with your [00:24:00]significant other. , or others is not going to be when you're out dating in public, it's always when you're by yourself. So for whatever church is or is supposed to be your most qualitative time is going to be when you are alone with God.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And that must be what you look forward to the most. So this is a great honor and a great respect that God paid me by wanting to deal with me in isolation, and I pay him that in return. I didn't ask for any type of healing going into this, but I did feel like I received, like, an upgrade. I had already been going through my ascension and everything like that, as 

De'Vannon Seráphino: something happened within this ceremony and I felt elevated again. It's like I felt a realignment and like if there was anything within me that even might've been off by the slightest bit, I felt like the Holy Ghost wretched, wretched inside of me and [00:25:00] straightened whatever was out of balance out. Okay.

De'Vannon Seráphino: In particularly, I felt in my hands and I've got like the tribal bands that I wear, I don't usually wear them on both hands and I really felt like I wanted to wear them both on that day and it felt like that I received a new giftings within my hands and I'm sure I'll be able to heal people even more with them one day.

De'Vannon Seráphino: With these psychedelic ceremonies, when you open yourself up to positive spiritual forces, you can receive spiritual gifts. Sometimes you will know what they are. Sometimes it's going to take time for them to manifest. So it's like seeds being planted in you, and as you continue your walk with the divine, then you learn what God wants you to do.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Like, I'll have dreams after a ceremony, and it'll be revealed to me what the new gift is, or I might walk into it naturally. , in things like that, because when you set your [00:26:00]intention to do a ceremony, from the moment you truly set your intention, the, the belief is that the divine already begins to work with you, even if it's months before the ceremony, once you actually get serious and, , you're going to go so that the, so God's already dealing with you before the ceremony, during the ceremony and after that's why it could take sometimes years for the full benefits to be reaped from going into a ceremony of whatever time that it is.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's really psychedelics are really a beautiful thing. The healing is very complete with the experience that I've had with them. That's why I'm a strong advocate for psychedelics.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And this, this feeling in my hands reminded me when, when I was a child, back in the days when the pastors would come around and bring communion to the, to the old church people who weren't, who may not have been able to go to church on communion Sunday, they come around and bring the, the little grape juice and the little wafers to the, to the old people at their house.

De'Vannon Seráphino: [00:27:00] And, and the pastor, Evangelist Nelson, her husband came and brought my grandmother. Her wafers and her fuckin communion juice that I took my nosy ass to. And they're behind the preacher. I don't know. I couldn't have been more the elementary school or some shit. Maybe like the third grade, , and I went there being nosy know what the fuck communion was.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And, and I was like, I want some of what she happened. I'll have what granny's having. put some in my cup. So I was just in there just being a curious kid. I ate that wafer and the preacher kind of looked at me like, okay, I guess we doing this. And and I ate that wafer and that was all cool. But when I drank that little cup of grape juice, I felt the spirit, it like, he like, shot through my legs like [00:28:00] like a type of like electricity or something like that and it was a such that I, that I buckled back and I had to like catch myself from like falling against the bed, you know in my grandmother's room.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I don't even know, I think I might have told my grandmother this later but it was, it caught me so So fucking off guard, , I'm in there just playing around like, Oh, I'm about to drink this juice and I, and I, and I get a touch. And I said, what, I was like, what is going on for three days after that?

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's like. It's like my, my, from my waist down was like a Jedi. It's like when they do force run or something along those lines, it's like I was moving faster. I was more agile. My legs had gotten loosed from something or somehow, and it's like, it was like an energy boost or an upgrade to the way my, my legs operate.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I don't know what it was. Maybe the Lord's driven me to run this race in this [00:29:00] life. I have no, I, I, I, but what I do know is that how my hands felt after this booth or experience reminded me quite similarly of how my legs felt on that day back in the, what was that the eighties or early nineties when I, when I had that experience drinking that communion, it really is quite similar

De'Vannon Seráphino: on the, on the flight. What was I, I was in the airport shit in Oklahoma. I was in Oklahoma city and they have a veterans. Welcome center there like a lounge or any veteran active duty military retired. Anybody can go in and get food, watch TV, marinate in all of that. I really love it when people respect veterans because they, they actually act like they understand that without the military, there would be no United States.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And so I throw much shade at every business establishment that does not have some sort of [00:30:00] veterans appreciation somewhere. I throw shade at you continually. And But I had gotten into a space where I was like bitter towards the military and VE and even the VA, because the military fucked, fucked me over, the va, fucked me over and I would still go to the VA and not be like just consciously begrudging, but not fully accepting either.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The fact that I was once in the military and that's something to yet be proud of, even though the military is flawed as a motherfucker and the VA has killed so many veterans, however. After this Bufo experience while I was in Oklahoma City's airport. Going back home to New York. I, I, for the first time, and I think since I was in the military and I got out in 2006, I was like, you know what, I'm a veteran and I'm okay with that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Not all of the military was bad. Not all of the VA is bad. I'm going to focus on what was positive and [00:31:00] what is positive. And what I have in common with the VA and yet still to this day with the military and, and be all right with that. There's no sense in being angry, harboring bitterness and resentment and begrudgement and all of those things.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Just let it go. And after this buffo, I was able to just let that go. Cause you see the Lord wants us to lay aside every weight. Okay. In the sin as the scripture goes, which does so easily beset us. Every weight, whatever's bugging us, whatever's bothering us, the Lord really wishes for us to be freed of those loads.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And this was one that I got freed of, I believe, through this Bufo experience. I think God reached through this toad poison and untied something. And I was not praying to be released from this. I just had settled into this, to this bitterness towards the VA and the military. But after this, I was just like relaxed with it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I came back to New York and went to the Bronx VA and the different VAs handling business. And, And I wasn't like pissed off at [00:32:00] like, or the things that veterans say, like, I don't repeat military jargon, even though I'm not in the military anymore. Many veterans do. They still talk like they're in the military.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You know what? Fine, if that's what they wanna do. It doesn't rub my nerves the wrong way. The like it will do the wrong way. The like it the wrong way like it used to. I'm so fucking chill about it now and it has continued. So when I'm at the VA now, I'm just marinating shit. Just don't bother me about the VA or the military anymore.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I'm happy to have been a part of it. I think about it more clearly and more peaceably. And more amicably than I ever have before.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I don't think that I will need to touch this Bufo toad poison experience for probably, I'm feeling like another five or six years. That's just how strong it is. All right. I'm just going to leave that there. And if the spirit tells me to touch it sooner than I will, but it's going to [00:33:00] have to be. A calling from God on high to go and touch this another shaman that I know said when he did it, he, he was getting like, how would you say it like a reverb, like, like the ways would hit him again for like months and months and months after he did it is a very strong is very useful, but you must respect the power of what God has put into that cute little toad.

De'Vannon Seráphino: All right, this is all I wanted to say on this in case any of you were curious about the booth hotel experience. It's it if you, if you feel led to do it, I hope you find you a good practitioner. If you have any questions about it, of course, reach out to me. The website is sexdrugsandjesus. com. And I answer all the social media that we're on.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And thank you so much for supporting sex, drugs, and Jesus and [00:34:00]supporting God's work in this way. Again, coming to you from Puerto Vallarta pride, happy pride season, everyone. I will see you on the next show.

Speaker 2: Thank you all so much for joining us today and for taking some time to invest into yourself and into the lives of your loved ones, please visit us at sex drugs and jesus. com and check out our resource page, our spiritual service offerings, my blog, my books, and other writings that God has partnered with me to create.

Speaker 2: Find us on any social media platform, stay strong, my people, and just remember that everything is going to be all right. [00:35:00]

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