Sex, Drugs, and Jesus

Episode #158: The Multiple Meanings of Death, Spiritual Hygiene and Energetic Exposure, with Mike Oppenheim, Author + Host of the Coffin Talk Podcast

Mike Oppenheim Episode 158

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Mike Oppenheim is the host of the Coffin Talk podcast and we are here to discuss the multiple meanings of death which can be experienced in this life. We cover tarot, drugs, alcohol, eternity, the afterlife and well basically everything you might not expect.  


INCLUDED IN THIS EPISODE (But not limited to):

·      Thoughts on Atheism

·      Thoughts on Faith

·      Ego death

·      Zodiac

·      Past Lives

·      Reincarnation

·      Tarot

·      Karma

·      Exploration of Energetic Exposure

·      Drugs and Alcohol








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Episode #158: The Multiple Meanings of Death, Spiritual Hygiene and Energetic Exposure, with Mike Oppenheim, Author + Host of the Coffin Talk Podcast

Mike Oppenheim

De'Vannon Seráphino: [00:00:00] Mike Oppenheim is the host of the Cough and Talk podcast, and we are here today to discuss the multiple meanings of death, which can be experienced here in this life. We cover tarot, drugs, alcohol, eternity, the afterlife, and well, basically everything you might not expect. Take a listen at what we have to say. Can you speak about pet death? 

Mike Oppenheim: Yeah, I don't want to, but I will because only because it's still to this day.

Mike Oppenheim: The one thing I just can't, I can't wrap my head around. 

Mike Oppenheim: If you're atheist, that's fine, but you are as arrogant and condescending as the people that you think, because you're saying the same thing in reverse. 

De'Vannon Seráphino: Do you read tarot cards? 

Mike Oppenheim: Yeah, yeah, I do. 

Mike Oppenheim: Yeah, I started like five, six years ago and I had the exact experience that you're describing. And some people started [00:01:00] asking me to do their readings and I stopped because I did this one woman and she stormed out of my house and she was like really angry. And then two weeks later, she found me in the coffee shop where she'd met me.

Mike Oppenheim: And she was like, Deeply embarrassed. 

De'Vannon Seráphino: Thank you as always. I love you. Please enjoy this episode.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Hello, hello. Are you beautiful, wonderful, fabulous? Sexy motherfucking people out there. Welcome back to the sex drugs and Jesus podcast. I am your hostess with the absolute mostest. My name is Devan and Sarah Fino, and I'm coming to you at my homeboy, Mike Oppenheim. No relation to Oppenheimer, right? Okay, 

De'Vannon Seráphino:

De'Vannon Seráphino: just can't allow any triggers right now if we can't.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And 

De'Vannon Seráphino: this beautiful soul is the host of the Coffin Talk podcast. And this is a podcast which explores how our views on [00:02:00] death affect the way we live our life. So in today's show, we're going to be talking a lot about Death coming at it from some titillating and intricate angles. And Mike, how are you today?

Mike Oppenheim: I'm doing great. And thank you so much for having me on. It's pure pleasure, even if we're going to talk about death. 

De'Vannon Seráphino: Absolutely. And y'all, we've been trying to do this shows in like last year of everything happened in divine timing when it's supposed to. And so here we are. So my website is sex, drugs, and Jesus.

De'Vannon Seráphino: com on YouTube, sex, drugs, and Jesus podcast. Down Under Apparel is our retail website. Mike's website is mikeyop. substack. com. It will go in the show notes. He's on Facebook, Twitter, X, whatever the fuck you want to call it. Instagram, YouTube, all the things will be in the show notes. So, yo, Mike, he's written [00:03:00] six books, he writes music, he's like a book indexer, he's like me, he has about 15 million things that he does, got three babies, and a wife, and all the things.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Now, what I want to, what I want to know right off the damn bat is how do you maintain your individuality, like as a man, as a human soul, as a creative artist? How Raise kids, have a wife and not get yourself lost in all that. 

Mike Oppenheim: So, first of all, it's a good question and it's a question I've been asked a few times and it never occurred to me to even ask it because The one thing I've always had down is just time management.

Mike Oppenheim: It's just like since birth. I've just been good at it I didn't know it was a thing. I didn't know there's a term for it But as I went through the employment bullshit that we all go through, you know early 20s and stuff I started to realize because I would hear it a lot. You're good at time management, you know, blah blah blah.

Mike Oppenheim: [00:04:00] So I just The only other thing I could add to it as i've been meditating since I was a little kid And I meditate twice a day, but it's like that time, it kind of just like filters in like, I'm going to do this first. I'm going to do this second, you know? And then as far as the individuality goes, I think I have too much of that.

Mike Oppenheim: So I think having a family, like brings it back. That's my answer. 

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay, so you were already in your flow and you didn't go get a, a wife, a girl and kids to, to try to like run from yourself or anything. It was like an extension of the love you already had for yourself. 

Mike Oppenheim: Yeah. I mean, I like my earliest memories as a kid was wanting to have a kid.

Mike Oppenheim: Like it was weird. I remember like asking my mom for a birthday present for a little brother or sister. And then I always had visions of me like holding my kid's hand and one day with my first kid my son it happened I was like holding his [00:05:00] hand walking down the street and I just like it was this like real real real real moment in my life where I was like this is how the universe works like you do get what's coming and if you just what like I hate the way people talk about the subject but I know you feel me and I know we're like the same on it but like there's people who BS about this but if you're sincere and you're genuine and you're really like thinking about it it does come like that's the best way I could put it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I mean, you're talking to a very highly spiritual person here. Of course, I understand you when you say the universe. However, it's some of your and my research and , I did see like the word atheist, , come up in like your profile. I'm hearing you say universe. So tell the peoples.

De'Vannon Seráphino: What exactly do you believe? 

Mike Oppenheim: I am not at all an atheist, not even slightly. And I never have been one. I write about atheism a lot because I write about like metaphysics and I will just go ahead and say this. If you're atheist, that's [00:06:00] fine, but you are as arrogant and condescending as the people that you think, because you're saying the same thing in reverse.

Mike Oppenheim: You're just saying, I know the answers. So I say the universe and I say spiritual because they're the most, apolitical, affiliated, like non threatening terms, which is how I feel. I don't. Your Unique views do not threaten mine and they never will and I grew up in Berkeley, California And that's probably has a lot to do with my attitude.

Mike Oppenheim: I'm not i'm. Okay. You're okay. I'm i'll leave you alone You leave me alone. It's very different. Because I think there is like lines in the sand, you know morale morality wise but like Our beliefs in the universe and our beliefs in how things work is, is in my opinion, unique and it needs to be unique.

Mike Oppenheim: So I think like your belief system propels you or holds you back. And so my belief system is pretty simple. I'm definitely not important. I definitely feel important and I have to reconcile those two things. And that's to me, how you [00:07:00] find peace and balance in your life is like. You're very important, but you're also completely unimportant.

Mike Oppenheim: Like, four generations from now, no one will go to your grave. I forget the famous person who said that, but, . Unless you're Napoleon, Caesar, , and even those people, they will disappear too. There are probably people as famous as, like, Genghis Khan is probably the oldest famous name we know.

Mike Oppenheim: So unless you're like this rare exception, and even then, you're still not important. You will live and you will die. That's my belief. 

De'Vannon Seráphino: Let me take my notes here. You were saying something. Yeah. Yeah. And so how are you saying like, atheists know all the answers. I've never, thought of it that way.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's interesting how, how the mind can work, , the mental gymnastics that it requires for an atheist to examine religion and spirituality and [00:08:00] say. , there's not enough absolutes, or there aren't any at all, or whatever the case may be. I'm not fucking with it, but then to be absolute, or there absolutely nothing exists my, my, my same kind of like version of that is when people say they don't have faith or, , faith, , they don't want to believe in God or whatever the case may be, but people employ faith all the damn time where there is to believe in the universe.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Or to believe that the waiter at the restaurant is going to poison you, or that the bus driver is going to get you to your destination safely, or the Uber driver is going to get you, whatever the case may be. We believe, , in things that we haven't seen, and that haven't manifested every day around the fucking clock.

De'Vannon Seráphino: We, faith is in every damn body. The only difference is what you choose to put it in. So if you just don't want to fuck with God, and just say you don't want to fuck with God, but it's not so far fetched to believe that. An invisible force is guiding, directing things more so than it is to believe that your partner won't cheat [00:09:00] on you, or that your children are gonna grow up right, or tell you the truth, or go out and act right, or that your cats won't fuck up your curtains when you're gone.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Like, we believe all the damn time. So, So people, we have to examine where any, like, bitterness might be lurking, okay? Underneath why we might have a rage that might be fueling what we're trying to justify as atheism or unbelief. Because really, you're believing in something. Even if you're an atheist, you know, there's belief all around you and faith.

Mike Oppenheim: Really well said. I mean, I couldn't agree more. And you gave such good examples because Even like, this is something I've been tooling around with a lot recently. There's also a lot of belief in negativity. There's like belief that earth is getting worse, that there's going to be a civil war in America, that it's us versus them, that these green haired kids are ruining earth.

Mike Oppenheim: And these boomers are doing that. And there's just so much faith in negativity right now. And I think that's [00:10:00] having a dramatic effect. I think the consequences are clear. I, I have faith that it doesn't matter. It does like. That all these people are just trying to find their way, but like you said, but the best example you gave, because it's so fascinating, is like that faith that your partner won't cheat on you, and that faith that your children are just gonna like live, like, to have children requires so much faith that like, it won't break you, you know, because knock on wood, whatever, you know, things, but like, all three of my children are healthy, and like, the more I hear Older parents say that like I just want my kids to be healthy the more I get the wisdom in that like I don't care if they're good at sports or good at this or that like health is so Tragic when it's not there in youth, you know If you're like in your 50s and you've been chain smoking your whole life and your health goes wrong That's that's on you.

Mike Oppenheim: That's like, you know, a very different thing. It's still sad but But yeah, like what you said was really profound. I think I hope people really think about that 

De'Vannon Seráphino: Thank you. I appreciate it. And I also heard the ego [00:11:00] death when you were saying like you matter, but at the same time you don't that detachment there is spoken like, you know, like an ascended master, you know, that's some girl, you know, what you were also, you know, people who dabble in psychedelics have these sort of, yeah.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You know, you get it like we're here, but we're not time is the thing, but it's also an illusion. Death is coming, , for all of us. So we got to be ready against that day. Like you're saying it's sad when somebody is young and they, and they're sick. I tell people all the time. I've gone to a lot of funerals.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Most people who die are between like 20 and 40. , old people aren't the ones really checking out of here, , and when they do, they're like, fuck all you bitches. I'm out. It's not as tragic as you might think. And so, but when it's somebody young and it happens this way, I think for certain people, because of this [00:12:00] attitude that it can't, 

De'Vannon: you know, 

De'Vannon Seráphino: you think you're young and you have to have strength and you won't drop dead of a heart attack or you won't get hit by a car.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay. , fuck when I was in the military, I went to 2 funerals in 1 day because 2 guys that while I was in the Air Force with their private plane went down on the weekend and we were in class with them at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University. Come this it was only like 10 people in the class. It was a small like satellite class in Arizona two seats.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Empty. I like type of shit. You see in the movies. You come to class to see they died over the weekend and we go to funerals. We literally went from 1 grave to the next. And and I was like, and 1 of the 1 of the guys is like, maybe. I guess in his 30s with a wife, but the other one was this young ass. And I mean, Lord forgive me, but he was very sexy.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You know, 

De'Vannon: like, 

De'Vannon Seráphino: like a strapping young lad, , I felt [00:13:00] sorry for his fiance, who was crying at his closed casket funeral. I mean, how hard it is to find somebody That you can rely on that's that that would that in her opinion had a good soul and a good heart and that was that damn fine. Yeah. All that's gone.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I was like, girl, I feel you bitch. Yeah. But no matter how fine he was the six pack all of that gone. 

Mike Oppenheim: You know, 

De'Vannon Seráphino: so, 

Mike Oppenheim: and like, like the time. that you spend working on yourself or not. It's always like a gamble, , because like, if you're going to deprive yourself of a bunch of good meals, so you stay in shape, but you knew you were going to die like in a week or two, you'd be like, no, screw that.

Mike Oppenheim: I'll have a couple of pizza slices. , like there's, it's such a weird trade off. If you really had the prophetic knowledge of your own demise. , you could make a lot of different decisions. 

De'Vannon Seráphino: But the intention matters though. And as it says in the Hebrew Bible, our works do follow [00:14:00] us. How we live in this life creates our afterlife.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So we manifest all this shit in this life. I always recommend people to manifest spiritual enlightenment and spiritual growth rather than just physical shit all the time and relationships and children and pets. But how you live over all determines. So if you were fucked up in this life, you're in a fucked up afterlife.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I don't believe in reincarnation or past lives. I have not, in none of my clairvoyance have I been shown any of that by, by the Holy Ghost, by the Holy Spirit, , by God, by the divine. I haven't been shown that. That's another thing that people employ a lot of faith because I research like the history, like numerology, the zodiac.

De'Vannon Seráphino: past lives. All of it goes back to some either school of thought or school of people or somebody who claimed to intuit it, to divine it or whatever. Numerology is kind of more like scientific, but it's also very spiritual too. But all of it goes back to some [00:15:00] sort of belief that whoever it is that said it is telling the truth, you know?

De'Vannon: Yeah. 

De'Vannon Seráphino: So, so there goes more of that, that faith that people claim they don't have anymore. That people will quote the Zodiac in a New York City fucking minute. And so, I got off track there when I thought about that, but 

Mike Oppenheim: Well, no you brought up something interesting too, which is, I've had clairvoyant moments where I dismissed it, because my faith didn't include clairvoyance.

Mike Oppenheim: So, like, when I was younger, I had these, like, real I knew what was gonna happen, and I just kept my mouth shut. I also didn't think it was gonna ha Like, I told myself, like, you're wrong, that's that's crazy. Nothing like, , don't get on that plane, it's gonna crash. But, like, still, real, real things, like A feeling about a classmate, a feeling about someone, and then, like, something really bad happens to them and stuff.

Mike Oppenheim: And it's just, like, interesting, because your own faith will cut off. And, if you have too much faith in your clairvoyance, and then people start feeding your ego, you might start having just regular thoughts and calling them clairvoyant, you know? 

De'Vannon Seráphino: Do you [00:16:00] read tarot cards? 

Mike Oppenheim: Yeah, yeah, I do. 

De'Vannon Seráphino: Yeah, that just in case anyone doesn't know, I read them too.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I started last year when my ascension started. A Kundalini rising, whatever you want to call it just playing around with tarot cards, getting a book and studying the basics and just flipping them around helps to open up your site. I don't really have time to get into why that is, but just know that it does.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Drawings carry significance. Those cards are like tattoos on paper. Tattoos act as. Portals and spirits pay attention to drawings, writings, and markings like they do fire light incense. Certain things have a way of transcending in between both worlds and and drawings and tattoos and writings are one of those things and tarot cards work in that way.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So touching them, even that, not even doing readings for other people, just [00:17:00] doing them for yourself, studying the meanings of it, like your dreams will change your lucid dreaming will. will change, like it'll be strengthened. It, it, it'll affect you in different ways. And so if you have any kind of clairvoyant inclination, get you a tarot deck, boo, and start fucking with it and see what happens.

Mike Oppenheim: Yeah, I started like five, six years ago and I had the exact experience that you're describing. And some people started asking me to do their readings and I stopped because I did this one woman and she stormed out of my house and she was like really angry. And then two weeks later, she found me in the coffee shop where she'd met me.

Mike Oppenheim: And she was like, Deeply embarrassed. And she's like, everything you said was too real and too, like it hit home too much and I just didn't want to deal with it. So I called you a liar and I left and I was like, all right, but that was the last one I did for a stranger. You know, I would do one for a friend.

Mike Oppenheim: That's very different. But and I wasn't charging money. I was just being, you know, nice. 

De'Vannon Seráphino: Yeah. I mean, the high clairvoyant who raised me, who was a gifted in all spiritual areas, there's nothing she [00:18:00] couldn't do. Had people run out on her. I only read for people who I know as well, because. I don't I channel all of my divine power from the Trinity.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay. I don't fuck with other deities and things like that. And so if I, I mean, I might read for somebody else, but they have to be clear on where the power is coming from. And that's something that I tell people, if you go run to tarot readers, or do these spiritual people trying to get the work done for you, or voodoo or witchcraft, ask them where they're getting their power from don't just go sit in front of any damn body.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Because if you ask them to help you get a job, but they're going to go. Sacrifice a fucking cat to make that happen. And just because you don't ask them that doesn't mean you're not responsible for it because you hired them. And when you hire them, you cosign, you know, take on the karmic consequences of whatever their practitioner [00:19:00] does on your behalf.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So. 

Mike Oppenheim: You just reminded me of something I read about, and I don't have a strong opinion, so I'm really nakedly asking you, like, what do you think about that idea of, like, the karma of your country? Like, if you live in America, and you're born in America, And you're here as an American, how much of that weighs on you?

Mike Oppenheim: You know what I mean? 

De'Vannon Seráphino: It don't, because if you're from some country that everything's about intention, if you came here from hell and death, trying to find a better life, be you an Irish immigrant, a Mexican immigrant, whatever the fucking case may be Polish, whatever Italian, you know, that's, Not the same as being a slave master who went down to Africa and forced people to come up here.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Don't fuck with one person in place. , I don't believe in collective karma. Now, because everybody has to stand before the Lord for themselves. The only time that somebody's karma [00:20:00] that I know of can get crissy crossy, Is if people be casting spells with people and they don't, I think they're not really properly accounting for the people who they're casting spells with because doing cooperative magic is a form of intimacy.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Having sex with people will also get you caught up in other people's karma because when you do things like sex or cooperative magic, you become like a Siamese twin in that moment. You are. You're, you're individual over here, but you're also criss crossed and hashtagged and cross stitched together. And when you're like that, I don't care what the sex is, be it kissing, making out, a pole in a hole, whatever, you have a lot of transference going on between you and that person on spiritual, mental, and emotional levels that you can't control.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It is done. And this is a spiritual law, which no one can change. So cooperative magic, which is intimate and sex are the two ways that I know of that people can fuck around and get [00:21:00] somebody to catch somebody else's karma. 

Mike Oppenheim: I am so with you on that. It's like unreal how much I agree with what you just said.

Mike Oppenheim: I, I, I don't think it's wise or unwise to like be super monogamous to be like, Afraid of intimacy to like have less partners or more partner. Like I don't judge or think about any of that, but I do think everyone should just think about that every time they do. And I agree completely that it's a lot of people think, Oh, well, if I didn't have sex with him or her, it doesn't count.

Mike Oppenheim: No. That like even your lips lock in is a huge, huge, I, I I've never heard anyone describe it the way you did. I am so on board with what you just said. I got huge goosebumps when you were saying that. 

De'Vannon Seráphino: Hallelujah, tabernacle and praise myself. Myself and two shamans that I know created a blog on the sexdrugsandjesus.

De'Vannon Seráphino: com website, which is a sex blog which answers 24 questions about sex, dating apps, promiscuity, from the angle [00:22:00] of karma and energetic consequence. And, because I've dealt with a lot of sex magic and witchcraft and stuff being from Louisiana, down here, , where we're voodoo and stuff is more prevalent.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That was everywhere. But, , people are like demonically witchcrafty down here. with the evil asses, but, and that's why we did that, , to to enlighten people and let them know that it doesn't matter any sort of, it's all about the intent. Opening yourself up to someone sexually making out, playing footsie, you're accepting them, inviting people into your home.

De'Vannon Seráphino: , I don't know if that's like gonna fuck with your karma, but if they have some sort of entities following them around. Or some shit. It's just like in the movies where sometimes a vampire can't come in unless you invite them in. When you say you, I accept you in my house, you accept whatever bullshit or good things might be going on with that [00:23:00] person.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So we must be careful who we accept as friends, who we let in our house, whose house we go into. Nothing's done in a vacuum. There's spiritual traces every fucking where. And that's what we were talking about earlier, like how the decisions we make in this life follow you into the afterlife, , and I love how that came full circle.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Yeah, 

Mike Oppenheim: yeah, definitely. 

De'Vannon Seráphino: So, so the podcast theme, , is about, like, death and, I love that theme where it says Coffin Talk explores how our views on death affect the way we live our life. Some people act like they're not gonna fucking die. And they sleep and they sleep with everybody. They can get their hands on and take all these necessary risks.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I don't judge polyamory because the Bible is very polyamorous. I view the Trinity is an example of positively energetic polyamory with the spirit being the feminine. Aspect. I love the way God and Jesus [00:24:00] Christ are protective of the Holy Ghost, , which is the only sin you can't be forgiven of, which is the blaspheme in the Holy Ghost.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That's like them saying talk about us, but don't talk about our girl, , and I absolutely love that. But, , it doesn't take away the, fucking problems that can come along with it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: If people have a. Too much of a fear of death. Like if you grew up in church and they told you the end was going to come and Jesus could come back at any moment. That's not healthy, but acting like the day is not going to come isn't healthy either. So we've got to be balanced, , in between it will come and you live your life.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Even if you have the gift of prophecy, and , you're going to die in 7 days, you don't go eat, eat, eat, and , you're going to have to give an account sooner than later. So, the wise thing is not to go gorge yourself on every unhealthy habit because you only got 7 days, which is what they show you in the movies.

De'Vannon Seráphino: [00:25:00] Boy, I got cancer, so I'm gonna break bad and go start cooking and shooting people and do whatever. No, bitch, if you know your time is short, then you better fucking act right. Do whatever you can, . Yeah, I think 

Mike Oppenheim: that's well said. I think, before I hosted the show, one of the more tragic events that it was similar to what you were talking about, which is a very close friend from childhood got liver cancer, fought it.

Mike Oppenheim: I would spend a lot of time with him as he died. Just for three to four years, I would fly and see him a lot. And it was just, it was like heartbreaking because it was like that old song, like only the good die young. Like he was just like out of, Our whole trio, our whole group, not trio he was like the best guy.

Mike Oppenheim: He was like the, he brought people together. He was like jovial. He didn't judge. Like he, he taught me so much of how to live. And so when he died, It really affected me because I thought a lot about what you just said which is the way you live your life matters so much and you affect so many [00:26:00] other people.

Mike Oppenheim: So I, I still, he passed away in 2017 or 2018 and I, I still think about him positively like almost every day of my life, probably every day and I try to like dedicate a part of my energy to like continuing what he taught me because I'm a pretty anti social person and he was very social and so I try to remember that like, Just because I don't love being social doesn't mean I don't have a lot to give to other people.

Mike Oppenheim: I'm, I'm a positive person. I'm, , I like talking. I love listening to people, which is actually, I guess, not that common, .

De'Vannon Seráphino: Depends on the circle people run in, , if people feel like they're getting listened to and heard on a regular basis.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So maybe, maybe not. The granted people tend to take each other for through their frivolous. Dealing with each other makes me think that you're probably right because you're not really hearing people and really seeing [00:27:00] people if you're too busy trying to have an experience with people, , whatever that might be be addressed on the movies.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So many relationships are consumerism based. , what can we go do together as opposed to how can we appreciate and value each other as an eternal soul together? 

De'Vannon: Yeah, yeah. 

De'Vannon Seráphino: In order to do that, you have to hear, and then the person has to be speaking vulnerable truth as well. 

Mike Oppenheim: Yeah. You have me thinking about so many, like, things I don't normally think about with just the profound energy exchange.

Mike Oppenheim: Like, I was, I was at a comedy show last Friday, and like, every time I go to a comedy show, I have dreams that night about the comedian, but not like, He or she and I are like hanging out. I just more like it's like they've come into my life And I have like a psychic connection to there and it's interesting because it's like that's must be a huge risk on their end Not mine, you know, like what we're talking about Like they're the ones touring around the country opening their [00:28:00] soul to like all these people at once I wonder if there's anything to that, you know 

De'Vannon Seráphino: Any of us who have any type of public platform, whether it's online or in person, open ourselves up to energies.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That doesn't mean they're all malevolent, but we all have like a certain spiritual and energetic integumentary system, which in the world of massage therapy, that medical science is like saying your fucking skin, the integumentary. , we're just arguing about it or fucking scan hell. Yeah. I don't know if it's a threat because even if it's somebody walking out the door without a public platform, you walk by somebody energies can hop on you.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You're not necessarily accepting it, but we, we are protect protected and shield it. I feel like the connection with you and them is happening because of your gift, , and your ability. He. And maybe you're there more [00:29:00] open and really soaking it in more than other people are. And, but if that comedian has any sense, they'll be burning their candles and spraying their incense and dismissing that energy, , it's just like a doctor or a psychiatrist or a massage therapist.

De'Vannon Seráphino: At the end of the day, if you're, after you're done dealing with people, you need to do a ritual, go hug a tree, stand on the ground, yoga, or something to dismiss other people's energy. Because people are coming to the show to feel good. They do feel good. They left all their weight there on the comedian. If they have any, there's nothing wrong with that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That's a part of what we do, handling demons. We just got to know how to take those demons and cast them off,, back to hell from whence they came and such. And so it's not a bad thing. They just have to have a good what we call spiritual hygiene. And that's on the comedian or whatever it is on stage to have that, that, that knowledge and insight to do that.

Mike Oppenheim: How do you feel I mean, the, the name of your show, Sex Drugs the [00:30:00]drugs part is what I'm trying to ask about. As you were talking about all this, like, I am not wary about a lot of drug use and people's energy, but the one where I am is alcohol. I feel like when I drink, I lower my perception of what's dangerous energy and what's not, and then sometimes I find it like almost too late.

Mike Oppenheim: I'm like, oh, this person is a vampire, and they are like, you know, just doing their thing, and I have let my guard down. And so I'm just curious because Like culturally, we call it alcohol and drugs. You know, it's like the weirdest thing ever. So I'm asking you kind of two questions at once. How do you feel about all drugs, including alcohol?

Mike Oppenheim: And then, do you feel like alcohol is not a drug? Do you think it is a drug? 

De'Vannon Seráphino: I had a dream when I was in the Bronx Department of Veterans Affairs Mental Health Hospital in January. I was in there for like depression, suicidal ideation and drug use and things like that. And this dream, an angel was [00:31:00] telling me how now that I've ascended and I achieved a massive spiritual growth after the breakup last year, when we go through catastrophic things, sometimes it can push us into a period of, of intense spiritual growth.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That's just the way it happened. This is what God commanded. I was shocked to know that this is that this was even possible. And in this dream, this angel was explaining to me how the evil energies that I fight and battle through my books, I write through this podcast, this is, this is not an entertainment podcast.

De'Vannon Seráphino: We're dealing with eternity here, souls, lives. And so they, they got stronger. So it's like Lucifer said, stronger level demons to fight me. And When I would drink, they would play on my emotions because alcohol is a depressant. It can excavate a Satan can use. The Satan can use alcohol [00:32:00] to make shit that you are sad about seem worse than what it is.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Even medically, scientifically speaking, alcohol is known to be like a downer. It just is. People laugh and giggle and shit, but internally and emotionally, it's actually taking you down and energetically down. So what you're saying is right. I'm giving you this angelic description because I have it available to give you.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And so that's why I stopped drinking. From after I had that dream, I, God took away from me alcohol, the use of crack, crystal meth and cocaine, all four at once. And I haven't had a craving for them since that day back in January. And so what happens is when, when, when a person drinks, their inhibitions are lowered spiritually.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You're, you're not quite as in contact with the divine as you usually are. And my high clairvoyant warned me against this when I was younger. She told me, if you drink, you're going to go to reach for that power. , [00:33:00] from God is not going to be there, , God would help me and things when I was high or drunk, but the connection wasn't quite the same.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And so what I saw, because God is still there. I don't care if I was high on meth. If I felt the spirit come in the room to get me out of a dangerous situation. I still felt that, but that was God reaching out to me. That wasn't me reaching out to him. And so, because our relationship with God is a two way street, but when we do certain substances, it can hinder that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So that's what you're experiencing. And so so when it says angel was showing me this, that was happening because some nights I would have, and I was not like I was my classification of an alcoholic. I don't get like, I never liked, I didn't like to get drunk. I didn't like the feelings. I was only having maybe two to four drinks.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And on some nights I would just go back to my room and not do anything too wild. And then some nights I would feel the need to go smoke crack all night. And there was no reasoning as to why on one day it would be [00:34:00] different. And until I had this dream and I saw that it was a negative spiritual force that was manipulating me behind the scenes, but I was only susceptible.

De'Vannon Seráphino: If I had something to drink. 

Mike Oppenheim: Wow. Yeah, that, that adds up with my thing. , we have like a pretty similar. life trajectory. I kind of alluded to this, but I talked pretty openly about it. But in 2017, my ex wife went on a vacation with my son and abducted him. And it was just like, , the universe, but I am a stronger, better human.

Mike Oppenheim: All my friends are better off because I'm a better friend now, , like everything from that incident has become amazing in my life. So it's very interesting to hear all these parallels. And I remember at the pit of it, like, you know, I didn't even want to drink. Like nothing even seemed like it was going to take me out, you know?

Mike Oppenheim: And it was a very similar experience. And it, it, it's weird. Like, yeah, like I'm never going to say like, I'm sober forever. I don't talk about things in maximums. I'm a lot like you I'm [00:35:00] fluid, but I do know when I have streaks and when I have like wisdom, definitely all of this stuff is not helping it, you know?

Mike Oppenheim: So that was, that was really interesting. Thanks for sharing that. I appreciate it. 

De'Vannon Seráphino: Oh, Abso fucking lutely, I was listening to

De'Vannon Seráphino: episode number 158, alright, from, from, from your show, from the Coffee Talk Podcast. This was when this was a man named Colin Finch. He was a funeral celebrant. Oh, 

De'Vannon: yeah. 

De'Vannon Seráphino: I had never heard of a funeral celebrant before here in the South, , well, people die like it is a celebration. It's sad, but at the same time, , there's like upbeat church music being played.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I've heard of themed funerals, Mardi Gras funerals, , and things like that. This individual was, came across as maybe like a stand up comedian. [00:36:00] Of sorts, , at the funeral. So I really wanted people to know that that's an option from listening to the show, he was talking about how, since people really don't want to be at the funeral and that are really fucked up mood, , any little things somebody can say to lighten the mood is most welcome funeral celebrants.

De'Vannon Seráphino: What? Can you speak about the juxtaposition between, in case somebody's listening and going, funerals are way too serious to laugh, what are the benefits, beyond what I'm saying, of having a comedian at your funeral? 

Mike Oppenheim: Yeah, well, and I think the most spiritual person in my life, the woman who has shaped and cultivated and helped me hone and harness all my spirituality what she always said sticks now, which is every time someone dies over here, someone's clapping on the other side, because they're getting them back.

Mike Oppenheim: So you gotta see, like what you talked about earlier, this duality. So we're actually, IM permanently here and we're [00:37:00] permanently there. So I think if you have a grasp on that, you can already start to like sense where a funeral celebrant would be going, which is that, we honor the life. I'm not a funeral celebrant, just in case someone's listening and they are misunderstanding me.

Mike Oppenheim: But what Colin was introducing to me and what I agree with is that. You should be celebrating the life of someone when they die. Like no matter what, if they're important to you, you should be celebrating it. You shouldn't be at their funeral if you don't like them. That's crazy. What, I don't know why you, you would do that, but you're supposed to celebrate the life of someone that touched you and admired you.

Mike Oppenheim: And so it's not a time to cry because also this is, this is going to rub people the wrong way, but it's very selfish, our reaction to death. You're so you're selfishly sad because you lost someone. It's not the other way around. Like when you said about these older people, just being like, Fuck off, y'all.

Mike Oppenheim: I'm out of here. That's totally how it is. Like, I, I do not want to die. I'm not in a hurry to die. I have three children. I have a wife. I have so many people I love, but oh my God, I can't wait to see what I'm already from and where I go back to because I know [00:38:00] that this feels off, , like this meat suit feels off.

Mike Oppenheim: This gravity feels off. Like, why can I fly my dreams? Why are my dreams like still me, but I'm just like so much more powerful. Yeah. , it's just, it's crazy, so I think to directly answer your question, a funeral celebrant would just bring levity to a situation where some people are having trouble getting that, and since he doesn't know the person, he can, like, come in and interview people ahead of time and get to know, like, family members, and then he has an idea of what is and isn't appropriate.

Mike Oppenheim: One other small thing I'll add to it, he is in the UK. And based on my experience of traveling to the UK a lot for a job I used to have they have a much better sense of humor than we do. I'm not saying they're funnier than us, but their sense of humor, their like sense of what is funny and what is not is way.

Mike Oppenheim: And actually I'll give you a huge credit. My favorite state in the United States have been all 50 Louisiana, new Orleans, definitely my favorite city. It's like, it's one of the only places in America where a sense of humor is pervasive and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is another one. There's a [00:39:00] few spots in America where.

Mike Oppenheim: The culture has a strong sense of humor, and I love that, so. 

De'Vannon Seráphino: And ironically enough, we have coffins above the ground down here because the sea level is too low sea level. So oftentimes you'll see especially in New Orleans, they just slap the tomb on top of the ground and be done with it. So 


De'Vannon Seráphino: lot of vampire movies get filmed down in New Orleans for that reason.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I think this whole concept of a funeral funeral celebrant is on par with what Jesus Christ said when he said to mourn when somebody is born and to rejoice when they die.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Personally, I, I understand the physical loss when someone dies and being sad over that. And the Hebrew Bible, God would give the children of Israel 30 days to mourn when like a leader died. The other part of me is glad because I get to add people [00:40:00] to my spirit team on the 

De'Vannon: other side. Yeah, yeah. 

De'Vannon Seráphino: They can help me, , with this fight that I'm in against the darkness in this life.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And then I also know that the more people who I have a strong connection with who are in the Lord and doing positive, energetic things, the more of them die, then when I transition, they're all going to be there. So, but I also agree is very selfish because when people cry, these funerals is usually because of what this person can't do for them anymore or the void they're leaving calling in your episode said that people go to funerals for themselves more so than they do for dead person.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And I ain't really saying that as a judgment, just own up to it, but when you go into the funeral for you, , you're not, , that person was suffering with some bullshit, at least physically their sufferings over. If they led a fucked up life, they will have a tortured afterlife. And that's just all that there is to it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That's also not a problem because you didn't [00:41:00] make their decisions for them. Deal with, , I mean, that's something they have to deal with because they made their choices in this life.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Episode 159 with Ed Martin, the pet cemetery, I think the oldest pet cemetery in the country, and was talking about losing a pet, and like having to form a new schedule, and how, how like, I mean the sadness, the depression that goes along with that. Can you speak about pet death? 

Mike Oppenheim: Yeah, I don't want to, but I will because only because it's still to this day.

Mike Oppenheim: The one thing I just can't, I can't wrap my head around. I heard a great joke and it was. The reason that people love pets and they don't love their children is because pets die right before they would become an annoying teenager. And I, I think if you think about it, like your pet is your like most loyal friend ever, but they do like, generally speaking, [00:42:00] pass by 13, 14, 15.

Mike Oppenheim: I'm talking about cats and dogs, not if you have a, a parrot or a sea turtle, congratulations, they're going to outlive you. But the typical American pet situation is you get this thing, it's hard at first, and then it becomes like the love of your life and then you take care of it. And you cry and you don't want it to pass.

Mike Oppenheim: And then it does. And then it's just like, it leaves you barren because they don't do anything wrong. Like, unlike all these other people who die and have flaws, like you can't look at an animal and ever see a flaw in it. Same with a Rom Dost. He's always talking about, like, you look at trees and you're like, look at that beautiful tree with it's hunched over and it's big knots everywhere.

Mike Oppenheim: You look at like a person whose back is out and they're overweight. And you're like, look at that ugly person who can't handle themselves. , it's like this. Weird thing where we just like we love animals have three legs, Like we love all of our pets And so I think the hardest thing I've had to do was put two dogs down I didn't put a third one down my parents did it because I was younger and so that hit [00:43:00] really bad But it wasn't the same and it's man, you know when I think about euthanasia and like dr Kevorkian and like all this stuff.

Mike Oppenheim: It's really something something about like Uh physical pain versus like dying and then, but losing a pet is just hard because you sense at the end, I sense that they don't want to leave you, but they're ready to go. It's like this really sad feeling every time for me where like, I can just tell that they're like, I don't want to let you down.

Mike Oppenheim: This really sucks. Like, you know, like, so it's just tragic. I mean, I'm not going to start crying because I have like a good, Ability not to right now, but it is the saddest like children dying is less sad to me than pets dying And I know that's gonna horrify people But I just it's so sad. I went to a real quick.

Mike Oppenheim: This is a funny anecdote I went to a writing school for two years and my professor had one rule. She said you cannot kill a pet Or an animal in your story. I will not read it. I will throw it across the room. [00:44:00] She's like, it's not fair. You're allowed to do it. I understand that it's a part of fiction and literature, but I cannot take it.

Mike Oppenheim: And I just remember laughing, like that was so weird at the time, but now it makes a lot more sense to me. 

De'Vannon Seráphino: Just remember, I believe that pets will be with us in the afterlife too. You know, they have just as much psychic ability, souls, emotions, and the, and a breadth of emotion is just like people do. When all of this comes from God, or just like many versions of Him, I see no reason, , why animals, because God has got a variety, and He likes a lot of just different things, and so I don't think it's just going to be humans, and then divine celestial beings.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I think pets will be there too. I don't see any reason why they wouldn't be, so I have every drop of faith that we'll see them again. 

Mike Oppenheim: And I have that faith, but I I still, it's just so hard in the moment, , I would like, cause I did [00:45:00] hospice care for years and I was really good at it. Like I have a great ability to like, Bring a peaceful calm feeling to people as they're dying.

Mike Oppenheim: I don't let it affect me because I like you I see it as just the natural order and I see animals as the natural order I'm not saying I don't but I don't know if having pets is natural. Maybe that's where it's off for me. Is that You know, i'm a big animal rights activist, even though I believe everyone can do whatever they want.

Mike Oppenheim: I think It just matters to me. And so sometimes I actually question whether future future people will look at us and judge us. Not that I care how future people judge me, just in case anyone's, I don't like that the future will judge you thing, because so what, I'm not supposed to be caring about people judging me, but I do wonder if society is going to evolve to a point where like, cause , we're, we're definitely trending towards no more factory farms and that'll be no brainer in like 75 years, probably at the rate we're going, but pets is going to be interesting.

Mike Oppenheim: Will they ban pets? Do you think?

Mike Oppenheim: And I hope they [00:46:00] don't, by the way. 

De'Vannon Seráphino: No, I'm more hung up on, pets are never going anywhere. I mean, before pets would be banned, the cats would get together and cast a spell and stop that shit. You know, cooperative pet magic with all I don't know, 70 billion of them running around the planet. They wouldn't let that happen.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Cats would detect this shit and be like, oh, hell no. I'm hung up. We're not having it. And so, no, fuck. It was something that you damnit what was it that you said? 

Mike Oppenheim: Well, I have something to ask you based on what you just said. What, how do you feel about Egypt and the worshiping of cats?

De'Vannon Seráphino: Egypt? 

Mike Oppenheim: I mean, they were like all in, 

De'Vannon Seráphino: like I viewed them like as the enemies of the children of Israel because they were so at war with them. Not to mention all the slavery for, what is that, 480 years or 60 [00:47:00]years. But, worship, well 

Mike Oppenheim: that, I think that's a different Egypt. I think there's two Egypts. We're talking about the latter, the later one.

Mike Oppenheim: There's an earlier, earlier one that we don't know anything about. 

De'Vannon Seráphino: Anyway, sorry. I mean, it's a problem. A cat is like any other deity, any deity that is not the high trinity is a deity that exalts itself against God because there is no, God does not hold space for any of the deity.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I don't care if it's Kali, Ganesh, Buddha, Muhammed. I don't throw shade at them. My friends worship all of these beings. I mean, if they feel like they want to worship a cat, they worship a cat. I mean, you know, when you go into like the 12 step groups, you can make a god out of anything. A flower, a fish in a pond.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So, I know that cats are super spiritual. In my dreams, I saw my cats. battling dark [00:48:00] forces and things like that. I know they have gifts. Now they're not a worshipable, worshipable for that. They, I will work with them. I don't worship angels. I don't pray. I don't think everything that has like an exalted spiritual capability needs to be placed on a pedestal, , so I don't worship angels.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I work with them. I only worship God. And so I would disagree with the Egyptians. , if that's what you're asking me, let's work with the cat. But not make an idol out of them, but they were a polytheistic society. So they, they, any, they'll just worship any, anything because that's what they do. 

Mike Oppenheim: Yeah.

Mike Oppenheim: No, yeah, I think I was more asking just because you're knowledgeable and you have an affinity for cats and I'm not I always liked cats and I wasn't, we didn't have cats or dogs growing up and then we got a dog. So I just kind of became a dog person, but I always liked cats. But I feel very differently about the two as like spiritual [00:49:00] beings.

Mike Oppenheim: Like I feel like dogs are loyal and protective and cats are protective, but like a different, it's not like disloyal, but there's like, and I'm saying this as a, A positive for both like what they bring to the table. So I was curious more if like egypt was like on to something if you thought but I your answer told me Yeah 

De'Vannon Seráphino: dogs represent more masculine energy cats.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay lemon and where there's a male or female cat It doesn't matter. It's like in the queer community Yeah Free male whether he's a top bottom versatile Possesses more of a feminine aesthetic and energy about him than a straight dude. And so, female energy is more magical energy. Period. You know, I know I've known couples.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's like the woman is always stronger spiritually. It's like Supergirl is more strong than Superman. There's something about that, but the men carry the physical protective force and the [00:50:00] women carry the spiritual protective force. And so a cat will fight the things that a dog can't see. However, a cat does not have the strength to fight things that a dog can physically.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And so this is the divine given us. Physically manifested spirit animals as guardians. Cats guard us spiritually. Dogs guard us physically. 

Mike Oppenheim: Makes total sense. I like that. 

De'Vannon Seráphino: And so,

De'Vannon Seráphino: One last question before I get over into the dad jokes. We talked about like regular death. I want to talk I want to get your opinion on how you feel about go back to like your first child because everything that happens is in this life is a death rebirth transformation. God described it as seed time harvest, , we plant the seed, the seed dies, the plant grows.

De'Vannon Seráphino: [00:51:00] It does its thing, goes through its whole germination process, produces other seeds, the plant dies, the cycle continues. People who, you know, people who are more like universe will look at it as the universe expands and contracts, everything's moving, so do we. And so we live through cycles in the tarot.

De'Vannon Seráphino: We go from the fool to the will of fortune, , and so the cycle continues. And so somebody has a kid, that's a type of death. When you lose a job, that's a death. When your kid leaves the house to go to school or the military, whatever, that's a type of death. When you had your first child, can you speak to the emotions that came along with understanding?

De'Vannon Seráphino: That your life as you knew it was not going to be the same because there could be positive and negatives that come along with that. It's not all rosy because you do have to die as who you are to become a parent because you weren't a parent before. Now you are now. Talk to me about the death of having a child.

De'Vannon Seráphino: [00:52:00] How beautiful this death is and how terrifying as well. 

Mike Oppenheim: Yeah. None of it personally is terrifying, nor was it ever. And all of it was beautiful. And I think for my first wife, it would be the exact opposite. It was all terrible and terrifying. And my second wife, it was all positive. I think, so I'm, I'm making sure to say that I think it's a unique reaction that you'll have with your own child.

Mike Oppenheim: And yes, I think adoption counts. And yes, I think like any addition to your home, that is a physical human that you are a guardian for. That's the most crucial part. It's life changing because there's a part of you that is selfish and it should be. Okay. And there's a part of you that is selfish, and it should be, but you don't like it.

Mike Oppenheim: And these two things seem like one, but when you have a kid, it chops it in half, and half of it just goes away forever. Like, you just don't care about this certain selfish thing, because now you're selfish about your kid surviving, and about being the dutiful guardian that you [00:53:00]promised to be to them. So, it was sacred and special and unique, and every time I've had a kid, it gets stronger, like that, that growth, so, I think it's a very apt analogy, metaphor that you gave of dying, and so the part of me that died, was the part of me that was desperate. that matters to do. So not like desperate for attention, not desperate for love, not desperate for a career, but desperate for like a sense of this.

Mike Oppenheim: That thing I'm doing is important that that search for me ended with having Children. That search for me is unique, though. I don't I'm not gonna promise other people that that would happen to them, nor that that they're even searching for that. But, Like I said, there's a part of me that's still selfish and I still like that.

Mike Oppenheim: That's like me. That's, you know, goes back to your very first question, identity. Like my individuality. I, I still have that. I still have like Mike Oppenheim, the filmmaker, song musician, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. [00:54:00] But like, that stuff doesn't give me purpose the way I thought it would and it never was going to.

Mike Oppenheim: So now it still gives me purpose. But like this other great channel for my love goes out. And I think if people don't have children, I think they just do it with other people. So I don't think it matters. I, I, I mean, some people who like say like, Oh, sometimes I wish I'd had kids or, you know, I just blah, blah, blah.

Mike Oppenheim: If I went back and did the, and I, I, I really. I hate when parents tell people they should have kids and I hate when people talk about it like it's everyone's prerogative because I don't think it is. I think that there's a lot of father and motherless children out there who need love from normal people and they need it.

Mike Oppenheim: And you know, you only have so much time. So like, now that I have. I'm busy with my three kids. I have much less time for my friends, you know, and I used to be there for my friends and it's such an important way for me. So, so yeah, for me, it killed an unhealthy part of my own selfishness, which I [00:55:00] am calling unhealthy.

De'Vannon Seráphino: When Madonna had Lourdes, her first daughter, before the Ray of Light album came out, the song on that album, Nothing Really Matters, As when really the whole album kind of dealt with like her transformation and the child, one line from that song she said when I was very young, nothing really mattered to me, but making myself happy.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I was the only one. Now that I am grown, everything's changed. I'll never be the same because of you talking about Loris. 

Mike Oppenheim: Wow. I like that. That's very, I like that a lot. 

De'Vannon Seráphino: And so this kid, so having a child is like it whips people through a, an emotional and psychological transformation. So I don't know if it's smarter to begin that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That's the, I think parents should be in some type of counseling, hypnotherapy, doing psychedelics [00:56:00] with a therapist or some shit to help them as parents. I think the kid needs to be in psych, psychiatric shit and the parent too. Period. And I don't know if it is wiser to start when you know the kid's on the way or before you go adopt them, or once you, once the kid arrives, you can.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I'm not gonna be in real time with your reactions, but parents, you need psychiatric counseling. I don't give a shit how good of a parent you think you are. It could be some shit that you're missing that an objective third eye can help you catch. Okay? Before it's too late. Cause, you know, just, you just need that fucking objective third eye.

Mike Oppenheim: Yeah. It's crazy. This shit you'll find yourself modeling for your kids. You don't think you're doing it, but then one day they say or do something and you're like Oh shit. That's a hundred percent me. You saw me do that. And now you think that's how you're supposed to handle this situation. It's my fault.

Mike Oppenheim: And I wish I'd seen a therapist, like, I wish I did that, you know? So I agree. Yeah.[00:57:00]

De'Vannon Seráphino: Period. And you can fucking go to therapy on a Zoom call. You don't have to leave the house anymore. There's literally no excuse for somebody staying, like, unevolved in this day and time. It is there for you. Okay. Dad joke number one.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Why can't a leopard hide?

Mike Oppenheim: It's always spotted. 

De'Vannon Seráphino: Bingo!

De'Vannon Seráphino: Were you sneaking around in my notes before we got on the show? 

Mike Oppenheim: I was like, I'm so proud and so ashamed that I figured that out. 

De'Vannon Seráphino: This, people, is how you will be when you are in touch with your inner child and your inner child Yo, no matter how grown you get, don't ever grow up. Peter Pan was on to fucking something.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You asked me, I might run around here in some green fucking tights tonight. Fuck it. Number two, why are [00:58:00] spiders so smart?

Mike Oppenheim: By design? I don't know. 

De'Vannon Seráphino: Oh, they wish, because they can find everything on the web. 

Mike Oppenheim: Oh! I was like, it's gonna be web or silk or something, or like, What do you even call it? What's that thing called that they make webs out of? 

De'Vannon Seráphino: I think, I think Caterpillar spins, technically we call it. Okay. 

Mike Oppenheim: Yeah. That's what it is.

Mike Oppenheim: Yeah. It's not silk. So nevermind. Yeah. All right. 

De'Vannon Seráphino: Hedgehog number three, what kind of music do the planets listen to? Don't overthink it.

Mike Oppenheim: Oh, No, I thought I would. Oh, Big Bang. Big Bang music. [00:59:00]

De'Vannon Seráphino: You know what? I'll accept that because, you know, dad jokes not like they only have one answer. I want to give you this one too. So you have two for three. The answer from, and these, Are from fatherly. com, which is the website I got these from. And if anyone's interested, but according to fatherly.

De'Vannon Seráphino: com plan is listened to neptunes,

Mike Oppenheim: much better, much better. 

De'Vannon Seráphino: So the website is Mikey op that's M I K E Y O double P dot sub stack. com, Facebook X, Instagram, YouTube. Any last words, Mike? Go ahead and close us out if you like. Thank you for coming on the show. 

Mike Oppenheim: We've had a hundred and seventy five guests and counting on Coffin Talk. Your host, Devanin, is one of the five most memorable people I've met and interviewed.

Mike Oppenheim: And the reason for that came through on today's podcast, which is you are full of two things [01:00:00] that the world needs. Love, but way, way, way equally important, honesty. It's time for us to step up, people. Stop being quiet. Stop being polite. Stop sitting and knowing that you should say something when you shouldn't.

Mike Oppenheim: And I'm not talking about. Being annoying. I'm not talking about like getting in someone's face and Karening. I'm talking about just doing what's right and letting people know that you know what's right. The time is now. Pick up the slack like the band is doing. 

De'Vannon Seráphino: Yeah, fuck you, Karen. Go back to the pits of hell.

De'Vannon Seráphino: from when you came. We don't want you here. We rebuke you. We bind you, Satan. Thank you, man. I look forward to releasing this. You have yourself a fantastic rest of your evening. 

Mike Oppenheim: Thank you so much.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Thank you all so much for joining us today and for taking some time to invest into yourself and into the lives of your loved ones, please visit us at sex drugs and jesus. com and check out our resource page, our spiritual service [01:01:00] offerings, my blog, my books, and other writings that God has partnered with me to create.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Find us on any social media platform, stay strong, my people, and just remember that everything is going to be all right. 

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