Sex, Drugs, and Jesus

Episode #159: "Monergy" (Money + Energy), Source & Finding Value in Stillness, with Robert M. Fisher, Author + Attorney

Robert M. Fisher Episode 159

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My first book “Monergy-Experience the Ultimate Energy of Money,” was made book of the month by the Corcoran Real Estate Group. In this era of greed, iphone/ social media addiction, and volatile world events, it remains fresh and perhaps even more relevant.

The media would like you to believe there is one economy: don’t be fooled.  There are eight billion economies in the world because everyone’s financial trajectory is different.  The energy principles in Monergy guide you to your ideal reality and not just financially.

Monergy gives you the tools for overall wellness- your mission, should you decide to accept, is to see, feel, and live the experience.

INCLUDED IN THIS EPISODE (But not limited to):

·      Money from an energetic perspective

·      Overcoming fear

·      Finding value in stillness

·      Putting money in its place

·      Stop comparing yourself – PERIODT

·      New York Nuances 




Monergy Book:







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Episode #159: "Monergy" (Money + Energy), Source & Finding Value in Stillness, with Robert M. Fisher, Author + Attorney

De'Vannon Seráphino: [00:00:00] Monergy experience 

De'Vannon Seráphino: The ultimate energy of money. This is the title of a book that I found to be quite insightful and it was written by my good friend Robert M. Fisher. This book talks about money from an energetic angle and the moment I found it I knew I wanted to read it and bring Robert on my show.

De'Vannon Seráphino: This is some of what Robert had to say. What do you think about the way that people refer to people, you know, he's worth 100 million dollars, or he's worth 30, 000. What do you think? 

Robert M. Fisher: I think it's kind of sad when people do that personally, because I think that has nothing to do with their self worth That, that's a product of what people are calling late capitalism, and, it's part of the voyeuristic atmosphere that we're living in. where some people feel the compulsion to divulge everything about their life and be so called transparent.[00:01:00]

Robert M. Fisher: And that's one of the indicia that people use to describe themselves or to talk about other people. 

Robert M. Fisher: Well, I think you raised a really valid point. There are so many examples now in our society, of people. Who have an external type of success that you could see whether they're driving a Lamborghini or they live in a penthouse somewhere, but they're miserable people.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Please listen to this show and discover ways to improve both your money and your energy.

De'Vannon Seráphino: hello, all of my beautiful and delicious souls out there and welcome back to the sex, drugs, and Jesus podcast. My name is Devan and Sarah Fino.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I am your host. And so grateful to be here with you yet again. Today's guest. This is a beautiful, beautiful man. His name is Robert M. Fisher. He is the author of a book called Monergy. Yes, you heard me right. Monergy. M O N E R G Y. Why experience the ultimate energy of money [00:02:00] besides being an author. Rob hosts his own show, which is the Monergy Life Show.

De'Vannon Seráphino: He is an award winning Toastmasters international speaker. He's been an attorney, a real estate developer, and on this show, we're going to get into Rob's book Monergy and speak about money from an energetic perspective. This could, this could unlock a lot of things for you. and remove roadblocks that may be fucking up your finances in ways that you may not be aware of.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Rob, how are you today? I have never been better, 

Robert M. Fisher: Devon. How about you? 

De'Vannon Seráphino: I'm feeling rather delicious.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I am feeling rather delicious if I do say so myself, if I do say so myself. So, so your book, A Monergy, I'm going to read a small quote from the Front of it. It says like my first book, monarchy experience. The ultimate energy of [00:03:00] money was, was, was, was, was, was made by, was made book of the month by the core current real estate group.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And you say in this era of greed, iPhone, social media, addiction, volatile world events, it remains fresh and perhaps even more relevant when you wrote this book, what did you feel like your contribution to society was going to be?

Robert M. Fisher: Well, that's a bit of a loaded question because when you create something and put it out there, you never really know what the effect is going to be.

Robert M. Fisher: I just know that, and I'd like to just correct you on one basic premise here. In a sense, the book wrote itself through me, and I'll explain to you and listeners what I mean by that. Principles in the book were literally downloaded to me. Over a course of maybe six months or a year, the [00:04:00] experiences that reflect those.

Robert M. Fisher: Principles are mine for sure, but the principles themselves would literally gifted to me and and what and usually in the middle of the night, I had to keep a pen and a pad next to my bed and because these things will come in the middle of the night. I'd wake up. Okay. Here's a chapter converting negative energy to money.

Robert M. Fisher: That's one of the chapters in the book. I better write it down. I may forget it when I wake up. That's the kind of experience this was. Literally, I was the conduit for a lot of the information that's in the book. So on an ego basis, on a personal basis, I'm not taking credit for the principles. They were literally gifted to me and, and and it was pretty clear that I had to put them out into the world and illustrate them through my own life experiences, which is what I did.

Robert M. Fisher: And if I was to be extremely frank with you and the [00:05:00] listeners, I have felt that a lot of the things I talk about are a little ahead of the time that most people. are at. I had a lot of people when talking about the book when I was writing it, I would talk about some of the principles and people were very skeptical.

Robert M. Fisher: They especially somebody is not into energy and doesn't realize how everything is so connected. So it was really important for me to try and illustrate these principles. In a very simple way. I don't think the book is really hard to read. I think it's very accessible to people. It's funny at times. And I think you're right in saying it's a bit of a memoir.

Robert M. Fisher: And it is my life up to this point. But circling back to your question, and I know I've been a little bit circumspect about answering it. You can never predict how people are going to react. I still think that a lot of the principles in the book that [00:06:00] I talk about are beyond what most people can have experienced right now, but they're about to experience.

Robert M. Fisher: I think the time is really, really propitious, excellent, perfect. For these principles to make positive impact in people's lives if they play around with them. And that's the key. You have to play around with the principles that I talk about and see how they work with you, see how they work for you, see how they resonate.

Robert M. Fisher: That's the key with anything. And I don't expect everything in this book to resonate with everybody because nothing ever does. But I think the people that are meant to get this information will get the information and hopefully they'll use 

De'Vannon Seráphino: it. Did that answer 

Robert M. Fisher: the question? It 

De'Vannon Seráphino: does. You know, you spoke your truth and I totally appreciate that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Now, when you say it was downloaded to you from[00:07:00]

Robert M. Fisher: Well, from what I like to call the source, which is a body of energy. Metaphorically speaking, I believe it exists. In other words, I think that all the information that was ever created in the world still exists on some level. It's just a question of tapping into it. So if you want to call it source energy, the universe, this is information the universe gave to me.

Robert M. Fisher: I called source in a lot of ways. And it was really up to me to put it into a form that was palatable for people to read. 

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay. Yeah, I just like to be, I always like people to be clear because those terms, those very new agey terms like downloaded and things like that are used a lot in esoteric circles.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I use a lot on YouTube and a lot online. I, I don't think I ever hear anybody too much specify [00:08:00] like who the downloads are coming from and, and, and I do a lot of teaching, , in, in spiritual circles and things like that. And one thing I'm always clear on is. When we're dealing with anybody's beliefs, practices, although they're varied, which is, I mean, it is what it is.

De'Vannon Seráphino: We always want to be clear on who, , we praying to some deity, , or this or a statue or a cat or a dog or whatever the case may be. I don't give a damn one way or the other, but I just liked it. I just, I'm always curious. , it's very fascinating to me and interesting, the different, the different sources of the different beings that people.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You know, look up to and so that's why so that's why I asked that and so I'm hearing what you say what you believe that the information in the book might be beyond what most people have experienced because a lot of the concepts in their tap into like what somebody with a more of an awakened mind.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Might [00:09:00] be aware of, , this book gets into paying attention to inner energetic signatures with people in your day to day life in your circle, , when one part of the book you speak about absolutely everybody who comes in and out of your life. Everyday matters, and it affects everything you caution people not to be sleep at the will about that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And and I, and I jive with that, , completely, , entirely it'll be interesting to see how you tie all of this into finances for us. So, before we get too much further, do you want to tell us about your services? The website will go in the show notes. Which and the link to the book and all of that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But do you want to tell us about the consulting or anything like that? 

Robert M. Fisher: Sure. Thanks. Well, the best way to really get the details on that is to go to my website, monarchylife. com and I'm consulting individuals to help them really create their [00:10:00]ideal reality, and that includes financial, spiritual, emotional, and how it all intersects and relates to one another.

Robert M. Fisher: Also for groups and forward thinking institutions. I'm available to create a wellness program for them and their employees in a way that really hasn't been done before, bringing, you know, all my experience, all the things that I've gone through and my knowledge. To create something that I think will make everybody just a lot more happier and productive and and really start to understand how things are so connected and then again, it's my my my availability to do keynote speakers speaking rather and address groups of people and at retreats as well.

Robert M. Fisher: I'm available for that. So I kind of span the gamut. And I really enjoy working with people and getting them [00:11:00] to see how much they could tap into their own power because that's what it's really about. It's really about teaching people how to empower themselves and through a combination of all the things that I've gone through various texts that I have access to and that we discuss and dissect.

Robert M. Fisher: Various exercises, various meditations. It creates a whole custom made package for the individual and also for the group. 

De'Vannon Seráphino: Do you have, do you have like a before and after example of a client that you worked with? 

Robert M. Fisher: Well, absolutely. And, and I, and I must say that when I work with somebody, one of the first things that I do is to recommend that they start reading certain books.

Robert M. Fisher: And I'm not talking about my book. Of course, they're welcome to read that. But I'm talking about some other books that I [00:12:00] found to be unbelievably helpful in tapping into my own power as an individual. And it's really amazing when somebody starts to realize that there's a whole new perspective on looking at the same situations that they've been going through.

Robert M. Fisher: Day by day by day. And when I see them opening up their perspective and realizing, Hey, you know, I don't have to react to the situation in a in a in a programmed way. I have a choice in every situation. And here are my choices that I'm now aware of. It's the moment to moment difference in their life. That is so satisfying to me.

Robert M. Fisher: When people really understand how expansive their power is in every life situation and in every moment of their life situations, it that [00:13:00] thrills me when I see somebody beginning to act. like that differently, less reactive, less emotional, more calm in situations that used to drive them crazy. Because I think that's something that we could all benefit by the direction and going that way.

Robert M. Fisher: Because we're living in a time where people are so reactive emotionally and, and the way they react is very often like Pavlov's dog. They react in a totally predictable way. So a lot of what I help people do is to get themselves out from under a matrix that they've been exposed to. When I say the matrix, the movie The Matrix could be an example of what I'm talking about.

Robert M. Fisher: But what I mean when I say the matrix is a combination of their education, their conditioning, their parents, their expectations that has pretty much driven their behavior their whole [00:14:00] life. And when you could actually get out from under that and make conscious choices about what you're going to do from this point on, that's freedom.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I'm moving. I can see why you're a keynote speaker. There's some soul in what you're saying, in every word even. Another, another excerpt, if I could get my Bugs Bunny voice on here, another excerpt from this book. It says that this book demonstrates that despite outward appearances, energy controls not just making and spending money wisely, but the means for a peaceful, happy, and fulfilled life.

De'Vannon Seráphino: A life where you don't have to sell your soul to achieve your dreams. Learning how to access that energy is what this book is all about. So y'all, my beautiful listeners and watchers out there, This ain't your typical, like, money bug. Like, this bug is not filled with, like, say, like, [00:15:00]equations or, like, get rich quick sort of, sort of things of that nature, which was very, like, refreshing to find when I, when I, when I dug through it, names do come up.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You know, I did see Donald Trump's name. I did see some high powered attorney names. Rob was in New York City. He and I both live in New York City. That's how I met him. And you know, so it was, it was very like cute and fun to see New York so much, you know, since I live there now, unless you know, but this is, this is not like your typical book.

De'Vannon Seráphino: about money. And sometimes what we need is a new angle, a new, a new take on something in order to achieve success. The line in this, in this, in this intro here, where we're talking about like selling your soul to achieve your dreams. I think about, and I want your opinion on this, how cookie cutter, Whatever success is supposed to look like in making money means my broker who helped me find my place there in New York [00:16:00] was telling me how she really doesn't like to deal with, like, say, corporate people who make a lot of money and even some international leaders who come into town because, they bore her, you know, they, they all kind of look the same.

De'Vannon Seráphino: They are. They work like this. They do this. They eat here. They shop here. They work out here. There's not that much variance. It's And then when, and if you talk to them individually, as I have, as she have, it's like, a lot of times they're not even really happy. And so what are your thoughts on the way people stay in the matrix and become system relevant, achieve what looks like success, but then they don't have any soul in it, and they're not happy?

Robert M. Fisher: Well, I think you raised a really valid point. There are so many examples now in our society, and probably have always been in the last 30, 40 years of people. Yeah. Who have an external type of success that you could see whether they're driving a [00:17:00] Lamborghini or they live in a penthouse somewhere, but they're miserable people.

Robert M. Fisher: And not only are they miserable individually, but they treat other people in a miserable fashion. And I think it's, it's really important to note that whether or not you're so called successful. And by the way, are you familiar with Tom Wolfe, the right, the famous writer who coined the expression. The bitch goddess of success, which is a very American way of looking at its success.

Robert M. Fisher: And if you compare, let's say the American attitude towards success, Versus, let's say, an attitude that's typical in France, where one might hypothesize that they don't live to work, they work to live. It's the polar opposite in a place like the United States, where, you know, the pressure that most people feel is always to be doing something, always to be busy, even if they're busy with things that go nowhere.[00:18:00]

Robert M. Fisher: There's a pressure, there's a subtle pressure that. Just being still is not worthwhile and your value is correlated with how busy you are, what you're working on. I'm not saying that that what I just described is prevalent in every part of the United States, but let's just say The media reinforces these values.

Robert M. Fisher: And in the large metropolitan areas of the United States, these values are pretty dominant. Of course, there are people that don't subscribe to those values. But, you know, so it's a very difficult situation for people to achieve things financially, monetarily in the United States. And not get sucked into the whole idea that they never have enough and always need to have more

Robert M. Fisher: because it's almost as if there's something wrong [00:19:00] with you. If you don't want more than what you have. This is like a very subtle part of the energy that's propagated out there. And I think that's what trips people up. They don't understand that on a certain level, whatever they've achieved, Financially materially is temporary because at some point in their existence.

Robert M. Fisher: They have to let go of that stuff. So when you look at the big picture and you realize, okay, the time that you're in this body in, in, in this place has an expiration date, how much time do you want to spend? On acquiring more and more things that ultimately have to be let go of visit. There's a balance that that that you have to come into in which you realize that maybe at this point, it's [00:20:00]not worth doing certain things if you're going to encounter a lot of resistance.

Robert M. Fisher: If you have to do things to people to get these things that are going to make you feel uncomfortable. So what it all comes down to, in my opinion. is energy. Energy is the thing that you have to be very, very mindful of. And I'm talking about your own energy, how you feel in the moment, in whatever endeavor you're going through.

Robert M. Fisher: If you think it's worthwhile for you to pursue it, then do it. But if you're getting some kind of feedback from other people or from yourself, that it, that maybe this isn't exactly the direction you should go in. I think you should follow that instinct, but, you know, I'm trying to answer a very, very difficult question.

Robert M. Fisher: And one thing I will say about myself, and I don't like to, like, pat myself on the shoulder, but for whatever reason, [00:21:00] I intuitively understand this balance of things versus effort and when something is worthwhile and when it's not. It doesn't mean that the path is necessarily easier for me than somebody else, but I have a very intuitive sense of balance about when things are worth pursuing.

Robert M. Fisher: And when I say worth pursuing, I'm talking about on every level.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I'm here. What what I want to know is, let's walk somebody through what this might look like, because you know, most of us are not born into these enlightened and ascended states, you know, like, you know, like, like, like, like we are today. So, like, so in your book, y'all, so in this book, it goes over, like, how Rob was, like, a young attorney [00:22:00] and things like that, and kind of new to his spirituality.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So he, Rob was talking about sourcing all of this and that in the book at this point, you know, you were, like, I think, meditating. For 15 minutes at the top of the day, 15 minutes at the bottom of the day, and either clearing your mind of everything or focusing on what you wanted to manifest that seems to be like, kind of like where you were at that point, but you were still successful in dealing with, you know, high figure lawsuits and he was dealing with, like, real estate law and maybe, like, maybe a state law, things like that from what I gather.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So my question to you is, At what point did you personally realize since you were already dealing with a lot of money and things when you were very, very young and that you're still very young? As far as I'm fucking concerned. And at what point did you decide, okay, I'm dealing with very high powered people in New York.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I'm dealing with heavy amounts of money, real estate. But I, but I need to get more spiritual with it. Like, what [00:23:00] was, what was the awakening moment for you? What, you know, when, when did you go from Rob, the not so spiritual to Rob calling on source, you know, 

Robert M. Fisher: yeah, that's an interesting question. I would have to say that I think throughout my whole life.

Robert M. Fisher: I had an inclination to try to do things a different way. And from my own point of view, a better way, a way that would require less effort and get a better result. That was always in my mind. What could I do to save time to not to have to go through unnecessary effort, unnecessary motion. So for me, I think that was the seed of my spiritual development.

Robert M. Fisher: And then As I mentioned in the first chapter of my book, which is called The Power of Energy, when I was right out of law school, I was thrown into a a will contest with perhaps the most powerful attorney in New York City at the time. And he was almost three times my age [00:24:00] at that time. And I, what I learned from that experience and dealing with him and, and the court, the local court called the surrogate court that handles wills and estates in New York City.

Robert M. Fisher: Just opened my mind to energy because although I wasn't clear about the energy principles that were being shown to me I felt that I was being treated in such a negative way by these high powered attorneys Because they thought I would be so in awe of them that they they thought I would be so afraid of them because of their reputation and as it turned out I had just learned how to meditate when that case went to court and And I sat in court, waiting for the case to be called and for people that don't know this, yours is not the only case.

Robert M. Fisher: It's on the court's docket. There are plenty of others. So it was a way to about an hour and a half to two hours. [00:25:00] And I literally sat in the courtroom by myself with my hands on my, my my knees and I meditated. And I did not move for an hour and a half. And apparently that's so unnerved this ultra powerful attorney that when he got up to speak.

Robert M. Fisher: He was talking gibberish and I and and it dawned on me and that and I never even had to say a word in that argument because after he got up and couldn't even talk coherently and we're talking about probably the number one attorney in New York City at the time in that field, the judge basically said, well, all attorneys approach the bench and she looked at me and previous to that moment.

Robert M. Fisher: She was treating me very negatively too because I was like 22 years old, 23 at the most. And, you know, [00:26:00] she didn't know me. I wasn't part of the club that went to this particular courthouse. But at that moment, she looked at me and she said, how much money do you want? And that was the end of that case. And that attorney, he, he really didn't know what happened.

Robert M. Fisher: And as a matter of fact, I wasn't sure what happened, except for the fact that I felt that I did not give into his supposed superiority. I didn't buy into the fear. And it was my first experience. in standing up to people where they're projecting this image and this reputation. And it's just designed to control and make people afraid.

Robert M. Fisher: And I've had other experiences in my life. And in fact, I'm going through something right at this moment in a real estate project. Where I'm dealing with the bureaucratic agency, and I've had to actually use some of these same ideas and [00:27:00] principles to get them to treat my situation fairly. So, you're always going to encounter people who are going to try and control you, to make you afraid, and I learned at that early age, Inadvertently, because all I did was follow something I had just learned, which was the art of meditation.

Robert M. Fisher: I just sat there, literally doing nothing, and as a result, the case was won. I didn't even have to say a word. So that was an epiphany for me. And eventually I realized that the negative energy that this high powered attorney was projecting onto me Bounce back at him about 100 times more powerful than what he did because I didn't accept it.

Robert M. Fisher: It didn't affect me. And that was a principle that I talk about in my book. I have a whole chapter on that. But that's where the, the [00:28:00] source was for me to understand that because I experienced that and I will never forget that experience. Imagine when you're that young and you're bringing down somebody who's considered, you know, the number one powerful attorney in their life, but they're emitting such negative energy and most people succumb to it and they're intimidated by it for whatever reason I wasn't.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Well, I'm thankful that you were able to go forth in that kind of strength. The warning there is for people who do rise to some sort of prominence and power Is to not forget that power belongs to God, you know, it does not, it flows through us, but isn't it is ours to steward and to manage. And so a heavy dose of humility always goes a long way because when can't nothing else make somebody fall in this life, ego and hubris, [00:29:00] you know, can, can undo anybody, you know, the, the divine does not respond well to arrogance.

Robert M. Fisher: But yet, but yet what's interesting is on an external level, if somebody's looking at it from afar, they might be intimidated by this projection of power and control until you understand what's really underneath it. And, and that you don't, you have a choice. You don't have to respond to it in the way that it's being projected onto you.

Robert M. Fisher: And literally, it just happened for me naturally. But what I saw from that is that a lot of people in our society, the so called powerful people, really, a lot of these people that I've met and known personally are the most insecure people I could even imagine. And they're trying to control and exert their power just because.

Robert M. Fisher: of their insecurity. We see that playing out on the public [00:30:00] stage right now. Without getting specific that people who think they're uber powerful, and they have all this control over other people. It's, it's really a sham. It's really a mask for it's trying to mask how insecure and really, in a lot of cases, how much they hated themselves.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And then there's that. Yeah, I caution people, you know, money isn't everything, you know, we must be careful how we make it. And really, we should be chasing our life's purpose, our soul's purpose, our destiny's purpose. Money can certainly help with that, but is not. everything that glitters isn't gold. I 

Robert M. Fisher: mean, you know, and I, and I think, you know, it's, it's, it's hard to reconcile since we live in a society in which, especially because of social media and people are glued to that.

Robert M. Fisher: And they're so into [00:31:00] voyeuristically watching other people's lives. And because people often post things on vacation, great meals and things like that. It has really affected people's sensibilities and their consciousness, where they're really impacted by those images. And it really takes a lot to understand and put into, like, the right place in terms of importance.

Robert M. Fisher: Like, why are you attaching such importance to what other people are doing? And one of the things that I, really strongly urge anyone that works with me is to never compare themselves to anybody. I believe that everybody is in their own reality. Everybody is on their own trajectory. And it would be a waste of your precious life energy to compare yourself to anybody.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Can you say, can you speak to that from the perspective [00:32:00] of masculinity? Because most males and God, they seem like they go through a phase of being highly concerned about like what the other guy is doing. And a lot of men that I've been around, Compare compare compare compare compare. This is an expression of toxic masculinity, low vibrational masculinity.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You don't seem to be affected by that. Do you have any advice to to men out there to besides putting the damn phone down and stop doom scrolling? 

Robert M. Fisher: Well, you know, that's a, it's a bit of a loaded question, but I will try to answer as best as I could. I think that it's part of our culture, particularly for people to be males, particularly to be in competition with one another from sports, from school and things like that.

Robert M. Fisher: It's, you know, people talk about the mentors that they've had. [00:33:00] Personally, I prefer to learn from everybody rather than one person, because I found that when I, when I was really looking up to certain people as a potential mentor. And I'm talking about when I was just out of school, they really disappointed me tremendously when I actually got to know them as real people.

Robert M. Fisher: And I find that you can learn what you need to learn from every encounter that you have in your life. You can learn something important. You know, I'm really not here to like tell people what they should or shouldn't do or whether they should compare themselves to other people. But I am saying that if somebody works with me, I suggest they stop comparing themselves to other people.

Robert M. Fisher: And you know, it's, it's interesting. I've had occasion because in, in the self help field, a lot of the people that run the institutions where they have [00:34:00] programs and where they have workshops are women in the self help field. And I've had a different issue. In dealing with the women who are in their power, you know, it seems as though it's a non denominator, non denominational and a non gender thing that power does strange things to people, you know, and I would say as a rule, men are less passive aggressive than women can be in business, but that's just my impression.

Robert M. Fisher: You know, I, I have encountered a lot of passive aggressive behavior from women who are so called in charge of things, but you know, I don't think we're ever going to change the competition that males feel with each other on a certain level, but as individuals, as we rise in consciousness, we don't have to make that kind of [00:35:00] competition a part of our individual lives.

Robert M. Fisher: Love it. 

De'Vannon Seráphino: So I wanted to read a couple of the chapter titles because I have a thing about, like chapter titles, the names of books, and so on and so forth, because it's all very well thought out. It's intentional, especially after having written my own, like, two books. It's a lot of fucking work. To come up with like a cover, the title and all of that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And so some of them are prosperity, consciousness, leave your comfort zone, practice generosity, instant karma and money, your energy sphere of influence. I wanted to read these to drive the point home. Of how, like, how this book is very, it's like spiritually inclined towards, like, with a monetary focus and it's very, very unique in that way.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's like a, it's like a new age money [00:36:00] thinking kind of, kind of book. And it was so like, it's such like a different book. And that's why, and that's why I wanted to, to bring this, bring this on the show and highlight it. You have spoken about converting negative energy to money, which is another one of the chapters in there.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And you gave us the example about how, when you were the young attorney, you did this, though it kind of like, you know, you felt like it was like something you Kind of, like, tapped into almost unknowingly since you were so new. Is there any, like, thing that practically somebody can do, to help them in their energy, today?

De'Vannon Seráphino: Like, if they need help in terms of turning their finances around. That's a simple thing that they could do. 

Robert M. Fisher: Well, you know, I, I believe in [00:37:00] a sort of a multiple tier approach to things, but for a few things, I think if somebody is not meditating and they should really start meditation and there's all kinds of meditation the kind that I favor right now, I know you spoke about the kind I talked about in my book, 15 minutes in the morning, 15 minutes at night.

Robert M. Fisher: I do a variation of that now because I was taking kundalini yoga for a number of years and and kundalini yoga is not such a very well known form of yoga, but it's mostly sitting in certain positions and focusing on breathing, but they also have some incredibly powerful meditations and I would recommend.

Robert M. Fisher: To the listeners of your show, it's a meditation called the Sat Kriya. S A T and then Kriya, K R I Y A. You could look on YouTube for how to do it, and you could start out just doing it for three minutes in the [00:38:00] morning. So they in Kundalini Yoga, they suggest you do it for 3 minutes, 11, 15, 21, or 31 minutes, depending on the effect you want to do it.

Robert M. Fisher: So, that's something that anybody could start doing, and it's a very simple thing to do, and it's, and it's considered to be the most powerful meditation in Kundalini Yoga, and that's saying a lot. Because Kundalini Yoga is extremely empowering. At one point, it was only available to the highest caste in India.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Oh, sign me up then. Sounds hot. I'll have two please. One of the quotes from your book, you say, the energy you apply toward making money affects every other area of your life. Can you break that down? Hmm.

Robert M. Fisher: Well, you know, here again, it's based on my experience and observation that I wrote [00:39:00] that because so many people chase after money and the way in which they do it so negatively impacts the people that they come into contact with, and then they never get a chance to enjoy it if they ever actually get their hands on it.

Robert M. Fisher: So it's a very, you know, money is an energy and really money is a byproduct of doing the right thing in the moment. That's really all that it is. It's a currency. And you know, when people talk about, the thing that really gets me to laughing now is, you know, it used to be like 10 or 20 years ago, people were impressed by people who are millionaires and now it's billionaires.

Robert M. Fisher: Being a millionaire is not good enough. Now you have to be a billionaire. But when you think about it, when you pull back and actually think about what does that actually mean to have that, how does that actually impact [00:40:00] your moment to moment existence on a daily basis? And I'm not talking about whether or not you could have a cashmere sweater or 10 cashmere sweaters because that really doesn't impact your life that much.

Robert M. Fisher: But what I'm saying is. When you realize what money can do and what money can't do, you can really relax because the really important things in life are, are new or money neutral. That's what I like to say. They're really neutral to that fact. And I think if more people realize that they wouldn't be in awe of all these celebrities and people that they see on social media, because a lot of those people have barren, empty lives, unfortunately, but people are so impressed with the external manifestations of money.

Robert M. Fisher: And I, and I don't live Like, you know, up on a hill in in the mountains, you know, I live in New York City and I live in [00:41:00] Miami, too. And so I'm surrounded by a lot of that kind of energy to that's designed to impress me designed to make me feel. Oh, look at that person. They have this. They have that. It doesn't affect me that way, you know, because I know.

Robert M. Fisher: that on a certain level, we're all one. And that goes into a whole other spiritual concept, the concept of oneness. So, you know, all these things that people are so impressed by are on a certain level and illusion. Yeah, they exist in the material sense, but on another level, they are all an illusion as well.

Robert M. Fisher: And once you see the duality, of what people very often think is a one dimensional thing, which is not. And in fact, I'm sure, you know, from quantum physics that everything that we think is so solid is composed of moving particles. Nothing is as solid as the, [00:42:00] and that's the ultimate illusion. See, we're, we're beginning to understand that everything is in flux.

Robert M. Fisher: So the whole idea that one should be so enamored on on any illusion that's created. Is being debunked just from that point of view as well.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Interesting. So what's your, so your clients, are they typically people who have money, want to make money? I mean, everybody has a certain drive for it from like someone in college. So in high school could be hustling, you know, an older person. So are the concepts that you're. Communicating, you know, you know, that are being communicated through you, geared towards person with a certain financial situation already or not.

Robert M. Fisher: No, not really. Everybody's in a different place. And I really tailor [00:43:00] my assistants to the place they're, they're doing. I would say the one common ground of all the clients is they're looking for a balance that they don't currently have. They're out of balance in one way or another. And one thing that I really, for some reason, I'm really good at determining where the imbalances and helping people to just tweak it so that they feel like things are more in an equilibrium in their life.

Robert M. Fisher: Because you know, the universe is all about balance. Nature is all about balance. And I don't know if if you've noticed this, but I've noticed it with people that I've known my whole life. I can tell when they're out of balance and something is going to happen. Sometimes it's considered a so called tragedy, but it really is designed to put them into balance.

Robert M. Fisher: Because they're out of balance and the universe [00:44:00] craves balance. So that's the common denominator. People want to be more balanced. And as a result, they have a better chance of being at peace with themselves and with the outside world as well.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Peace it is. Peace it is. I want to get your opinion on, so, so people use the term like net worth to describe people. I personally don't care for it. I feel like it's, you know, assessing somebody's value. I know technically they mean how much money they have, but the terminology, the verbage, you know, how much power words carry.

De'Vannon Seráphino: on a subconscious level, on a soul level, on an energetic level. What do you think about the way that people refer to people, you know, he's worth 100 million dollars, or he's worth 30, 000. What do you think? 

Robert M. Fisher: I think it's [00:45:00] kind of sad when people do that personally, because I think that has nothing to do with their self worth at all.

Robert M. Fisher: That, that's a product of our, of what, of what people are calling late capitalism, that people are kind of interested in and, you know, it's, it's part of the voyeuristic atmosphere that we're living in. where some people feel the compulsion to divulge everything about their life and be so called transparent.

Robert M. Fisher: And that's one of the indicia that people use to describe themselves or to talk about other people. Oh, that guy has 100 million. Automatically, when you do that, you are revering that that person, you're putting them up on a pedestal and I don't know if you remember the part of my book, but I think it's in the second chapter.

Robert M. Fisher: I talk about why it's really dangerous to revere anybody. For the amount of money that they have [00:46:00] on an energetic level. That's a really dangerous thing to do and should be avoided. 

De'Vannon Seráphino: Not to mention, shallow and superficial. There's all kinds of like, bad stuff going on there and dangerous stuff. I want to know,

De'Vannon Seráphino: and you know, I hear people say thing every time that I fly somewhere from in an airport or whatever, there's always some conversation that I end up overhearing where they're talking about somebody with this money or that be it somebody in the news or a friend or whatever. But they never ever talk about how great this person is or what a beautiful soul they have.

De'Vannon Seráphino: They talk about this guy made 500 million or 50 million or 50, 000 or that you see with this celebrity.

De'Vannon Seráphino: In your book, you describe this sort of thing as like invasive. For you, it's even much to the point of, like you said, like if somebody's on an elevator and they get on their phone. So, I don't know that I'd go quite that [00:47:00] far with it, you know, but I totally get like, your, your meaning and your point. And it's a part of that,

De'Vannon Seráphino: that system relevance that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that thinking that's pre programmed into people because, you know, if you turn on the television, they're talking about. A person based on their monetary value. I look at it as like, we're stewards of everything. Like you said, all of this is temporary.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I had, I might have 2 or 3 condos or houses, but they really mind. Do they belong to God? You know, I really look at it. Like, I manage what I have. So, y'all when I have 300Million dollars in the bank. I don't want you to say Devan and Serafino is worth 300Million. I want you to say Devan and Serafino. Is a manager of 300 million.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You see the difference? 

Robert M. Fisher: You know, I like that attitude and I actually feel the same way. You know, I, I feel like the things that I have, [00:48:00] I I'm just the steward of, you know, and I try and take care of them as best they can, because, you know, for me, you know, I, I don't want your listeners to get the wrong idea that I'm living like mother Teresa, because I'm not, I really believe.

Robert M. Fisher: It. In enjoying all of the great things that are available to me in life. It's just that I try to be very appreciative of those things. And I try to not always be wanting more and more and more and understand that my piece, my, my value, my self worth is really not associated with what kind of car I drive or anything like that.

Robert M. Fisher: You know, and I think that's the thing. Once you, once you could have a little bit of that detachment concerning things, money, it, it gives you a tremendous amount of freedom and it ends up that you end up attracting more [00:49:00] wealth to you when you're more detached about it. 

De'Vannon Seráphino: I'm going to do it. A show in the future about detachment.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That was one thing that I was able to master during my spiritual ascension, which started last year. It's really fucking beautiful. And it's also really fucking necessary. And I know, I know, and I'm going to give Rob a little bit more credit out of all the people who I've met since I've been in New York, you are the only person who's ever like invited me, you know, over to like where you live.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay, I hope you don't mind me saying that. If not, I can always edit it out. But just to like, hang out or whatever. So, the reason why that stands out, and I want to get your opinion on this, because you know how New York is, the first city that I have been to in this world, where when you meet somebody invariably, and I do not do this intentionally, They want to know where you live.[00:50:00]

De'Vannon Seráphino: It is not acceptable to just be like, I'm in the Bronx, Staten Island, Queens, Long Island, Brooklyn, or Manhattan. It's like people want to press, , where within the boroughs, , are you in Monthaven in the Bronx? Are you in the village, in the East Village, Lower East Side, West Village, Lower East Side?

De'Vannon Seráphino: Are you know, are you in the LIC in Queens, , where, , where are you in, you know, where in Brooklyn when I lived in the Bronx when I should get my shit together, then it's like I was judged. Okay, now that I'm on the Upper East Side. It's like, I'm still judged. I went from them thinking that I was broke and in the Bronx to now so rich in Manhattan that I'm turning my nose up.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's like, what the fuck?

De'Vannon Seráphino: What do you think about that? New ones in New York, which to me, it's like people are pulling this whole net worth shit, where they're trying to size people up by their, the, the, [00:51:00] the section of the bureau that they live in. I need some advice on that. Cause that shit really pisses me off. 

Robert M. Fisher: Yeah, I think people everywhere are curious about where you live and what you're worth, so to speak.

Robert M. Fisher: If you look at it from the financial and material aspect, not just in New York, but I think New York City is just more competitive about it. And you know, and that's what you've experienced here. You know, I often get when people come to when I invite people to my house. The question that I usually get is, well, do you rent it or do you own it?

Robert M. Fisher: Oh, hell no. How fucking dare they? How rude. 

De'Vannon Seráphino: Yeah, I get that 

Robert M. Fisher: all

De'Vannon Seráphino: the 

Robert M. Fisher: time. 

De'Vannon Seráphino: I would stop and, well, let me, let me not say you do what you want to with your people, but Yeah. Yes, that is uncivilized. 

Robert M. Fisher: Yeah, well, you know, people are [00:52:00] naturally curious and, you know, the way people are inclined today, where so many people just open up every aspect of their life for their viewing.

Robert M. Fisher: Look at all the reality shows where, where people attract doing all kinds of things. So, you know, the predilection of people now is This so called transparency, which doesn't leave really any privacy for anybody, if you embrace that totally, it's like you don't have really much of a life that's really even yours, no matter how much you might be compensated for your trouble.

Robert M. Fisher: So here again, it's a value system and everyone has to figure out how they want to, you know, manage that. 

De'Vannon Seráphino: I think it is. I agree with you're saying too. To to pry into your business like that, because it's just like how, how countless of people has asked me what bureau I live in. They, it's [00:53:00] to no end. Like, they're not trying to say, Hey, and come over for this party, or I'm going to bring you a housewarming gift.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's like, they just want to know for, for fuck's sake. And that is the part, like, what fucking difference does it matter if you're renting or owning? They're not about to help you pay for any of it in there. Oh, that's true. So, and to me, it's, it's, it feels like control. It's like, it's like a certain amount of power is being given away.

De'Vannon Seráphino: If I'm willing to tell a bitch that I just met, , we're in Manhattan. I know I just said it on the show, but I do have a platform. So it's a little bit fucking different. Oh, well, but , face to face, , why should I it's like I'm giving like, it feels like power. It's like a power play.

De'Vannon Seráphino: , I don't give a damn where somebody lives. I don't give a fuck. I mean, unless I'm going over there for a kiki or some shit is completely fucking irrelevant information. That's cool. My determination is to not answer this damn question when people ask me it in New York, I will tell them I live in Manhattan is not good enough and go fuck themselves.

Robert M. Fisher: Well, [00:54:00] I can give you a suggestion on how to respond to these people. 

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay, thank you. 

Robert M. Fisher: You know. And, and it'll really get keep them wondering, like, and I use this technique whenever someone asks me a question I think is inappropriate and I don't want to answer. So I thought of this a couple of years ago. I don't always think of it in the moment to do, but I'll share it with you and the listeners.

Robert M. Fisher: So if somebody asks you a question that you feel is inappropriate, what I do when I remember is to say, can I get back to you on that?

Robert M. Fisher: And it completely throws them off. 

De'Vannon Seráphino: That'd be really funny. Cause they'll be like, how the fuck don't you know where you live at? Whatever. I can say whatever I want. Nobody can control me.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay. That just about sums up what I wanted to, to, to ask you, do you have, before I ask you [00:55:00] these, these dad jokes, we'll switch over and that, do you have any like advice you want to give anything you want to say about yourself? Any final words? Well, 

Robert M. Fisher: what do I say? You know, it's funny because I would say to anybody, just be yourself.

Robert M. Fisher: Don't try to, don't try to be a copy of anybody you like, or even admire. Trust your gut feeling, do what feels right to you and try to be as little controlled by external forces as possible. 

De'Vannon Seráphino: Period. And that's the T, be yourself. I love it. So dad joke. Number one, these, these jokes are coming from fatherly.

De'Vannon Seráphino: com mainly. The first one is why should, why shouldn't you iron a four leaf clover?

Robert M. Fisher: I don't know why. 

De'Vannon Seráphino: You shouldn't press your luck.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That's good. [00:56:00] And okay. That took number two. Why was the robot so tired after his road trip? I don't know. He had a hard drive. All right. And then the final one. Why did the computer have no money left?

Robert M. Fisher: Why, 

De'Vannon Seráphino: because someone cleaned out its cash.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That's a pretty good. Thank you. Thank you. You know, you know, every year I get a little bit younger and I keep that inner child alive and well, and I love to be all silly and stuff. And and I think, thank you for showing your sense of humor. Y'all the website is. Monergylife. com, M O N E R G Y L I F E.

De'Vannon Seráphino: com. His show is blog, talkradio. com, slash Monergylife. The book is on [00:57:00] Amazon and a million other places, too. Like, if you Google Monergy, it comes up, like, everywhere. But I will put the Amazon link in the show notes. Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Tiki Toki. Bravo. Thank you so much. Thank you for coming to us from New York right now as I'm down here in Baton Rouge and for giving me that New York energy.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I look forward to returning back up there on Saturday. Well, thank you so much for having 

Robert M. Fisher: me on the show and try and bring 

De'Vannon Seráphino: some crawfish with you when you come up. Oh, you don't want these. I had some the other day and got food poisoning. Really? It has not been easy down here. This season has been a ratchet.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Get crawfish this season. Y'all do not go and get them. I'm thankful for the inches because I can fit into that dress that I lost after that food poisoning. But I felt like a zombie for a minute. Don't get the crawfish. Okay, I will 

Robert M. Fisher: remember that. And I was thinking of going to my favorite place in New York to have it too.

De'Vannon Seráphino: [00:58:00] Well, they could have shipped them up there from somewhere else, but because they like have crawfish in other places in Louisiana, there was like fresh crawfishing in Seattle when I was there, so it's not just a Louisiana thing. Right, 

Robert M. Fisher: right. Well, good to know. I'm glad you recovered from your food poisoning, and

De'Vannon Seráphino: I hope to see you when you're back in New York.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Indeed, baby. I will see you then. Thank you so much for coming on the show. 

Robert M. Fisher: Thank you so much for having me. Have a great evening, okay? 

De'Vannon Seráphino: You too. 

Robert M. Fisher: Bye.


De'Vannon Seráphino: Thank you all so much for joining us today and for taking some time to invest into yourself and into the lives of your loved ones, please visit us at sex drugs and jesus. com and check out our resource page, our spiritual service offerings, my blog, my books, and other writings that God has partnered with me to create.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Find us on any social media platform, stay strong, my people, and just remember [00:59:00] that everything is going to be all right. 

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