Sex, Drugs, and Jesus

THROWBACK: Episode #112: The Danger Of The Herd Mentality, Learning To Think For Yourself & Why Rejection Is An Open Door

De'Vannon Seráphino

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Good day to you all!!! I am taking a break from recording new episodes for a few weeks. In the meantime I shall bestow upon you whichever past episodes the Spirit gives me to give to you. Let us listen. Let us learn. Let us grow.


Hello from Tokyo!!! In this episode I am challenging you to break free of old thought patterns, actions and belief systems that do not serve your highest good, reduce you and will ultimately lead you to unfortunate circumstances. The herd mentality and the company you keep could be a death sentence mentally, emotionally, spiritually and/or physically. – and many other ways.  

INCLUDED IN THIS EPISODE (But not limited to):

·      Getting Set Free From Secret Prisons

·      The Dangers Of Not Thinking For Yourself

·      Conditioning – Acknowledge It

·      Oppression Will Follow You

·      Astrology – Planets In Retrograde 

·      Inner Child Healing

·      Benefits Of Isolation

·      Rejection Is An Open Door

·      A Different Kind Of Wedding Night

·      Joshua + Caleb & The Children Of Israel

·      Lot & Sodom & Gomorrah

·      Bye Bye Blood Family!!! 






·      Survivors of Narcissistic Abuse & Codependency Support Groups (Virtual) -

·      COSA – 12 Step Recovery For Victims Of Compulsive Sexual Behavior -

·      A Recommended Reading To Help Heal From Narcissism -

·      Sex Addicts Anonymous: HTTPS://WWW.SAA.ORG





·      OverviewBible (Jeffrey Kranz)

·      Hillsong: A Megachurch Exposed (Documentary)

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Episode #112: The Danger Of The Herd Mentality, Learning To Think For Yourself & Why Rejection Is An Open Door

De'Vannon: [00:00:00] Hello, hello, all my beautiful children out there. And welcome back to the Sex, Drugs, and Jesus podcast. My name is Devan, and I'm your... Post and I'm coming to you all the way from Tokyo, Japan, with a message of uniqueness and individuality today. The website is sexdrugsandjesus. com. We have a growing YouTube channel.

De'Vannon: Also check out my lingerie line over at downunderapparel. com and get your life, baby. Yes. So I'm going to be talking to y'all today about trying to break free out of prisons that you might not know that you're in. And which has to do with breaking away from like this herd mentality, you know, this hamster wheel bullshit and basically learn to think for yourself.

De'Vannon: So many times we fall into this trap of trying to go along with the crowd and do what everyone else is doing because we want to fit in. We don't want to feel rejected, but baby, you are already awesome and excellent and wonderful because God made you that way. Be careful [00:01:00]who you go and give your energy and attention to trying to be like them.

De'Vannon: I've made that mistake before because you are awesome because you exist, not because of what you do, not because if people accept you just because you are, once you realize this, you will totally break free. So, before I get into this, I'm going to read Psalm 101 in the, in the TLB, the Living Bible version.

De'Vannon: It says, I will sing about your love and kindness and your justice. Lord, I will sing your praises. I will try to walk a blameless path, but now I need your help, especially in my own home, where I long to act as I should. Help me to refuse the low and vulgar things. Help me to abhor all crooked deals of every kind, to have no part in them.

De'Vannon: I will reject all selfishness and stay away from every evil. I will not tolerate anyone who secretly slanders his neighbors. I will not permit conceit and pride. [00:02:00] I will make the godly of the land my heroes and invite them to my home. Only those who are truly good shall be my servants, but I will not allow those who deceive and lie to stay in my house.

De'Vannon: My daily task would be to ferret out criminals and free the city of God from their grip. So in this psalm here, there is a comparison between the sort of people you're supposed to have in your life and not, which means the sort of people you're going to be going along with and taking influence from.

De'Vannon: Not only is this herd mentality and doing what everyone else is doing because it's popular or because you want to fit in dangerous, it's, it, it's. You know, because you're because you're sacrificing your uniqueness to do it is also dangerous because you either got good and righteous people who are beholden to the truth, or you got people who don't mind telling a lie and you got to be careful who you let get close to you.

De'Vannon: Especially during this, during, during this time, [00:03:00] really any time where there's something super sensitive about this time that we're living in right now, the word house or home, I believe is referenced three times in this scripture, your house, your apartment, your home, your condo, whatever it is that you live is a special place in the drug game.

De'Vannon: You know, when I was a drug dealer, you know, we always would have this saying, you don't shit where you eat, which means you. You conduct your affairs in such a way that it's not going to make the cops be able to kick your door in and come and get you. Yeah, I did that because I didn't have any sense and I let enemies get close to me and they were able to snatch me down because I let jealous people come close to me.

De'Vannon: And that's how I lost everything before. God gave you that home. Okay. It's supposed to be a blessed space and you're supposed to be very particular about who you let in there. Now, if you've been using your home for all kinds of questionable ass activities, you know what the hell you're doing in there, [00:04:00] whatever it might be, you need to stop.

De'Vannon: You know, God gave you that space. When's the last time you, you use your home as a space of prayer or meditation, you know, running holes through it, having all kinds of sex, doing all kinds of, you know, advice, whatever it is, over drinking, doing too much drugs, even if you're working from home and overworking.

De'Vannon: yourself. That's still something that's out of balance. Too much of anything is not going to work. And anything done with the wrong intention simply will not do. Because it strictly talks about, you know, somebody secretly slandering their neighbor. So even if you're sitting there thinking evil against somebody, God is counseling you away from that.

De'Vannon: Because God is judging you. Analyzing you by your thoughts, as well as the words you speak, as well as what you actually end up doing, or failing to do. It's not a hard life to live, you just have to tell the truth, and have positive [00:05:00] intentions, be community minded, and think about other people before yourself.

De'Vannon: Might be hard to do if you're used to being selfish, but everything is subject to change, if you want it to. Those homes that you have, pray more in them, burn your incense and do things to cleanse your space because you want to learn to live a life of righteousness, stop doing a scandalous and questionable things in there, whatever it is, because the Lord has his eyes on you and he's going to judge you openly for whatever it is that you've done in the dark, honor the space that is your home.

De'Vannon: You're supposed to be able to have peace in your house. If you can't go out into this wicked world, yeah. And find peace and peace anywhere else. You always got to be able to come in your house. But if you bring people into your house, you don't know. They bring their bad energy in there, them terrible spirits.

De'Vannon: And then that fucks up the peace in your house. If you go over to their house and you have not analyzed the people and you hanging out with them at their house and they got all kind of bad spirits in there where you bringing that [00:06:00] bullshit back to your house. There's too much a lack of peace too much suicide, anxiety, depression, all these different mental health issues, but baby, you got to start analyzing the company that you keep and where you let your energy go.

De'Vannon: Two, because all of that is fucking up your existence. It's not really a question mark. If you sit down and think about it, so many civilizations have fallen. And so many times throughout the Bible, the Christian Bible, the Hebrew Bible, whatever you want to call it the whole nation of Israel fail because they went and entangled themselves with people who they really didn't know, picked up their ways and shit, trying to follow along with everything.

De'Vannon: That's not God. And they ended up fucking all their shit up because of people. You know, y'all hear me say this frequently now, I'm not going to ruin my life over no damn motherfucking stupid ass people, I did that before, I'm not going to do it again, and I'm trying to get you, whoever will listen to me to avoid that same trap, let me say it again, [00:07:00] you can have perfectly free.

De'Vannon: Good money, good, good house and every damn thing, but if you're too trusting, and if you do not analyze the motherfuckers trying to get close to you, you're going to let those people get in and tear you down. They will lie to you. No, they'll sleep with you. People sleep with people for any damn reason.

De'Vannon: They will hate you and plot your murder and sleep with you. The way people use sex is they, it's just, they've devalued it and taken it down to nothing. It just doesn't mean anything. Fake relationships. And everything, all of it. Be careful who you call yourself, calling boyfriend, girlfriend, or other. You can't be dating nobody for like a month or two and suddenly they are girlfriend, boyfriend, husband.

De'Vannon: Those titles have to be earned. Just like friend, best friend, mother. Dad, sister, brother, whatever. It's not just a fucking title. If, you have to actually do the things that become those titles, and then those titles get conferred and bestowed upon you. But y'all give those titles away too quick to people who are [00:08:00] not deserving of them.

De'Vannon: And if you do that shit too quick, you can let an enemy get into your house. Some people like to live wild and free loose lives with no boundaries just doing whatever and whoever and however, but the thing about not having boundaries is if you don't have boundaries as you want to just be wild and shit boundaries protect you if you remove your boundaries.

De'Vannon: Honey, you also removed your protection to boundaries. You know, you can't have it both ways. You can't be protected and be somebody who don't want to have boundaries and restraint. It don't go that way. The same boundaries that keep you from acting a fool and doing whatever the hell you want without thinking about it is the same thing that keeps bullshit ass energies and people away from you.

De'Vannon: If you sit down and think about your life and really meditate on it, you can have the things you want. Get close to God and do it in a strategic, prayerful way that honors God, puts people first, and you're also happy. But if you're wild and without restraint, [00:09:00] the Bible actually says it's a curse upon you.

De'Vannon: You're not living a blessed life. The Lord says when the Lord despises somebody, he just lets them follow the lust of their hearts. That means when the lords get tired of you and your fucking stupid ass ways, he just will give you over to your reprobate mind to go out and do all the things you want to do without thinking about it and just let you tear yourself down.

De'Vannon: The devil has tricked you all into thinking that consuming things make you feel good, and that's a quality of life. It is not, but we're going to talk about that. The scripture here of Psalms 101 from the Living Bible sets the foundation for what I'm going to talk about. When you hang out with people, any sort of people, be they friends, lovers, business partners, whatever, there is always an energy transfer.

De'Vannon: Why? Because you have chosen to allow that person into your space. These are spiritual laws that humans cannot change. I don't give a damn how much you think of yourself, there is some shit you don't have power over. Karma, spiritual laws, you can [00:10:00] call it maybe a universal law if you want to go down that road, but what God then said, can't no man change, period, period.

De'Vannon: It is unchangeable. And when you get into the spirit realm, you damn sure cannot change those things. You can change, you know, shit here physically, but spiritually, you can't, you can't change those dynamics. It's done. What you can do is study it and learn to understand it. And, and stop looking at life so surface level, you know, as this is, we don't, we're not surface level people.

De'Vannon: We're multi layered. And the longer you go not understanding just how beautiful and deep and rich God made you, you don't fully understand yourself. Therefore, you don't do not accept yourself. And therefore, you go about the business of drawing your value from the people around you, which is a very dangerous trap to fall into.

De'Vannon: When you hang out with people and you take on their ways, that's what we get what's called conditioning. Romantic relationships, friendships, families, all of these things, you get conditioned. I had to break away [00:11:00] from conditioning from the church, from the military. Talk about some motherfucking conditioning.

De'Vannon: Jesus. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Christ of heaven, take the will, Lord, have fucking mercy, the military condition the fuck out of me, you know, they said it when I got to boot camp, basic military training, like we're going to break you down and take away your identity so we can make you who you, who we want you to be.

De'Vannon: Not a good idea for a 17 year old to go to the military like that, but oh well, I did what I did. My blood family. I do not agree philosophically with pretty much anything with my blood family. I've had to get rid of fake ass friends past romantic relationships that that were oppressive. You know, all of this conditioning took time and prayer, but first I had to realize that I had been conditioned.

De'Vannon: My challenge to you is to sit down and think about who and what may have conditioned you and you don't know. In other [00:12:00] words, whose values are you really living? Are they yours? Are they somebody else's? The military and the church were like, these are our core values and principles. This is now what you believe.

De'Vannon: And I sat there and went, yeah, okay. And I didn't question anything. You know, I'm not, I'm counseling you not to do that. I'm counseling you to question what you believe, why you believe, who you believe. Have these people even earned this sort of trust from you? You know, you, you know, these people who you want to be close to, let them in to your inner ranks and shit like that.

De'Vannon: What have they done to prove that they're qualified to lead you in life? Or was it because they're pretty? Was it because you think that they have good sex? Was it because they can sell you good drugs? Was it because they had a convincing enough tone of voice? What, what really is the buy in and then how long did you qualify this person before you begin to take advice from them and give a damn what they think about you, [00:13:00] you know, who the fuck are these people really be careful.

De'Vannon: I made this fucking mistake when I was homeless, and I stopped being homeless and I moved to Baton Rouge, I didn't know who the fuck I was, you know, trying to build myself up like that I know and I just. Anybody who just looked at me for more than two seconds didn't tell me to get away from them. I just assumed that they knew how to live a life better than me.

De'Vannon: Wherever I met them, be it at a bar, be it on some dating app or whatever the case may be, I didn't know who the fuck I was. I was fumbling and stumbling trying to find out who is Devanin. And I took on other people's personalities, I took on their perspectives, their value systems, because I did not have a value system of my own.

De'Vannon: It was still being formed and I made a litany of mistakes. And I thought about this yesterday, you know, as I was walking around Tokyo, I was like, you know what? I was seeking acceptance from those damn people. I wanted to be accepted. I thought about the way my [00:14:00] dad used to just, you know, hit me and just reject me as a kid.

De'Vannon: And I was like, you know what? I wanted acceptance. I never have just looked myself in the mirror and be like, you know, Devan, and you wanted to be accepted by people. It's like, you know what I did. But then I also thought about it and said, you know, these people were never worthy. Of me to go following up behind them like a little puppy dog, you know, looking their boots and heels.

De'Vannon: They did nothing to prove their loyalty. And then they abused me and things and I still went back. These things, my children are not so to be. We're going to have to pick ourselves up on the inside and build ourselves up and stand up for our dignity. If not, people will take it from you. And that's where you get this herd mentality shit from just following along with the crowd.

De'Vannon: Everybody's on their cell phones, everywhere you go. I'm trying to get you to think opposite of what the norm is, because that is how you break free, and you have true freedom, true joy, true happiness. How many of you are actually [00:15:00] truly, fully fucking happy, not because of what you do, not because of things you have accomplished?

De'Vannon: But just sitting still alone in your home, happy, 100% fulfilled, you don't need any fucking body oils, you don't need to be dating anyone, you don't need to be sleeping with anyone, you don't give a damn what people at the job think, or nothing like that, you know who the fuck you are and you're happy just because you exist.

De'Vannon: How many of you know that sort of happiness? If you don't, I, I encourage you to keep listening. Even if you do keep listening anyway and share this shit with, with some miserable ass person, you know, the misery of this world annoys me because it doesn't have to exist. There's so many outlets that we have.

De'Vannon: Once you break free of this, oppress, these oppressive situations, an interesting thing that happens, it's like that a shit follows you. 'cause you, it's like you're, it's like I was outta the military, but then I kept thinking like in certain militaristic terms and shit [00:16:00] like that, certain acronyms. Shit, and some people I know have been out of the military as long as I have, what's it been, when did I get out there, 2006?

De'Vannon: So shit, somewhere around 20 years of some bullshit, or over 20 years, fuck it, you know. You know, I've never been the strongest when it comes to math, but lord help me. You know, still saying military terms like hoorah, and attention, and parade rest, and shit, I'm all like, girl. That's been decades ago, but see, that's how that conditioning and shit goes.

De'Vannon: You have to turn to that conditioning, acknowledge that it's there. This is how you get in like shadow work and dealing with your dark side, whatever bad habits you're trying to get rid of or some shit in your life you don't want. The first thing is acknowledging that it exists. Then you can do something with it.

De'Vannon: No fear. You gotta let that fear go. But once you decide that you're trying to get away from it, it's like the shit creeps back up on you.

De'Vannon: With these planets and retrograde right now, I'm not gonna get too [00:17:00] deep into astrology. We're in a time. Right now we're old habits and like old energies. Possibly old people are trying to like, lurk back up. Usually for nefarious reasons. It's like, it's like God is testing people to see how they gonna act this time around.

De'Vannon: Be very fucking careful who you let back in, bitch. Okay, those old habits try to creep back up too. Maybe you stopped smoking cigarettes a long time ago. All of a sudden, you're starting to get a taste for that shit again. You're like, where the fuck did this come from? Girl, I ain't thought about this shit in a long time.

De'Vannon: He that has an ear, let him hear. Pay attention to what the spirit is saying to you. It's going to be a struggle breaking that conditioning, but this is preferable than remaining in the oppressive situation that caused you to be conditioned in the first place. Loneliness is an [00:18:00] illusion. It's a, it's a perspective.

De'Vannon: It's benefits to being alone. God can get you alone, deal with you, talk to you, help you. I've been, my inner child has been healing and this is a new experience. I spoke about this dream I had a long time ago in a previous episode where I went into this house. And it's like I was talking to like my five or six year old version of myself and this house is on fire and I was trying to get him to come out of this house and he wouldn't move.

De'Vannon: And he was just sitting there like Indian style on the floor and I kept telling my younger self, my older self is telling my younger self, you know, it's not your fault. It's not your fault. Consciously, I've never thought. Anything that I happened in my childhood was my fault. I never thought, wow, this is my fault.

De'Vannon: You know, my parents almost got divorced or my dad cheated or my dad hits me and I don't know what the fuck I did wrong. You know, he yells at me all the time. You know, I know I never thought consciously. This is my fault. But some [00:19:00] part of me somewhere must have internalized that this is my fault, because otherwise I wouldn't have been telling this to myself in the dream.

De'Vannon: Couldn't get this kid, couldn't get me to leave this fucking house. I'm glad the bitch was burning down, because quite frankly, whether or not we ran out of the motherfucker or not, the motherfucker was being disintegrated, and therefore the problems are being torn down with it, hallelujah, thank you, Jesus.

De'Vannon: I don't have time to be being bound and oppressed, this will not do!

De'Vannon: It's like it's a type of... It's interesting to explain, but like when this inner, inner child starts to get healed, it's like the most beautiful memories start to come back and I'm just going to leave it like that for now. If you want to know more about that, message me personally, because that's a whole episode in and of itself.

De'Vannon: But the, but the thing I know, the thing I know for damn sure is that had I not taken time to myself after everything that has transpired in recent, in recent history, [00:20:00] recent months. Thank you. I don't know. I don't think that I would be getting this because I had to be alone, quote unquote, alone in my own energy in the spirit of the Lord's energy for God to do this sort of deep work.

De'Vannon: I set my ass down and I got still so God could work on me. I did not go, you know, I did not go get into a relationship with anybody. I'm not sleeping with anybody. I because I need to get everyone's fucking energy away from me so that I can get whole to not repeat those same fucking mistakes again.

De'Vannon: In this space, this void, those of us in esoteric circles call it purposeful isolation. Purposeful isolation is not, oh my god, I'm so alone. It's like, oh, you motherfuckers get the fuck away from me so that I can get healed. I'll be back with you in a few months or a few years or whatever the fuck, but I ain't right and I gotta fucking get right.

De'Vannon: Okay, I don't mean you don't have friends that you might hang out with or talk to, but all that intimacy, [00:21:00] there's, there's two, there's two great energy exchange when you have sex with people, or if you're dating people in relationships, like romantic is too close. Like you, like I had to get away from everybody who's going to be that close to me so that God could work on me.

De'Vannon: I don't know if I specifically asked God to heal my inner child, but the interesting thing about God is when you bother to give a fuck enough to pray to him, he gives you things. The Bible says it like this, before you call, I've already answered, speaking about God. He gives you things you don't know you need just because you're caring to make him a priority.

De'Vannon: What did you do today when you wake up? Did you say, when you woke up, did you say, Lord, would you have me do today? When you plan your days, weeks, months, years, you go, God, I want you in this. I'm going to take the time to invite you into my plans. What is your will? Or do you wake up every day and go, what the fuck do I feel like doing today?[00:22:00]

De'Vannon: Those two different intentions make a huge difference. The sort of life you live and the way you feel as you go about. When's the last time you said, Lord, I'm gonna put your priorities first, and now you gotta hang out enough with him to learn what those are. You gotta read the Bible. Some of y'all are just starting to walk with God, and you're various decades old.

De'Vannon: Totally fine, but you must learn to, to do like what Yoda told, fuck, Anakin's stupid fucking ass, so he fucked everything up. You must learn to let go of that which you fear to lose. Those relationships. Sleeping with people, dating people, certain friends, certain jobs, certain habits. You might need to separate some time between you and your kids for a moment.

De'Vannon: Depends on the situation. Y'all relationships swing heavily in our lives because people carry different energies, hidden intentions. And shit like that, you have got to be careful who you let get close to you, the healing that I'm experiencing now would not have happened if I would [00:23:00] have left, you know, the relationship I had to get out of this year and go run into another one, you know, people do that all the time to go hide in these relationships rather than facing their shadow and healing.

De'Vannon: I've been very blessed and I'm trying to give you this advice. Take some time alone, you know, by yourself with your, with God and with, with, with, with, with spiritual work so that you can be healed.

De'Vannon: And the thing is, some of these people y'all are wanting to be around and you're just going along with this mentality and doing it because they're doing it. Understand, like I said, these people weren't qualified. They don't really know themselves. People put on a good front. They look real good. You know, they carry a lot of sex appeal.

De'Vannon: They know the right words to say. They got silver tongues, but a lot of those people come home and cry and shit. And a lot of those people are miserable and mean spirited and they hate where they are in life. But [00:24:00] when they, like, you could call it wearing a mask, but yeah. WF, okay, I guess it is wearing a mask, but these people just don't, they're not what they seem.

De'Vannon: And everybody wants to look confident and everything like that. Bullshit. That's just not the way the world is. I am super proud of myself and thankful to the Christ that when I broke down and went through all my shit this year, mascara running, like I said, diva down. It was what it was. I didn't try to act like it was that shit got broken, fucked up, and it was all out of place.

De'Vannon: So fucking be it then. Why? Because it's the goddamn truth. It is what it is, and like the Lord said, you will know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. So what is the opposite of that? If you fuck with lies, you will be imprisoned. And you will never know true happiness, and that's just the way it is.

De'Vannon: Once you do break out of oppression and you come to love yourself, I can guarantee you [00:25:00] this, you're not going to ever be oppressed again. And you will begin to clean house and get rid of other motherfucking people. Every person I ever dated in the past, people in my family and everything, pretty much all oppressive.

De'Vannon: Okay, now that I have found my true authentic voice you know, and unfortunately, you know, when people like People, people like myself are walking authentically and you, and you feel yourself getting angry at the things that we say, and just the fact that we exist because we are free and we're triggering you and we reflect something that you wish you had, but you don't have it.

De'Vannon: Check that anger. That's a part of your shadow. If you came into that anger, God is looking at that. Stop it. Learn how to work with that rage. If it's coming up, it's because it's still there and you need to deal with it. Baby, don't get mad at authentic people for being authentic. Learn what we're telling you so that you can get happy like we are.

De'Vannon: It's, pick up your [00:26:00] phone, look up some YouTube videos, spiritual videos, knowledge that's at your fingertips. Stop using the resources you have for bullshit and things that do not profit. And or does this make you feel good for the moment? Stop that. You're wasting your energy and God is watching you disrespect your body.

De'Vannon: Besides your home being something God gave you, God gave you your body, too. You use those two legs of yours to go run to evil and things that do not profit you. The Lord is watching that. The Lord has the power, as the old folks used to tell me growing up in church, to blow on your blessings and take them from you.

De'Vannon: That house you have, you don't always have to have it. Take it from me. I used to be homeless before, bitch. Now you think I thought I'd ever end up like that? No. Anything is subject to change. The body you have, you don't always have to have it. There are people in wheelchairs, they've lost limbs. Be mindful how you use the body you have and the house you have.

De'Vannon: Always for evil, God may not let you keep it. You don't have to. Everything is subject to change. Everything might change. [00:27:00] Okay. Like Madonna said in the blink of an eye, everything can change. Say hello to your life. Now you're living.

De'Vannon: She said it was time. She said, this is it from now on. It's a brand new day. It was time to wake up from this dream. You could have a brand new good day or you could have a brand new bad day. Depending on what kind of heart you have and the things that you've been doing. If I was a motherfucking parent, I think I'd be pretty badass because there's no topic that I feel is too difficult to talk about.

De'Vannon: The Lord has blessed me to become very secure. And accept every aspect of myself, both good and bad. And I've gotten myself sorted out spiritually. Y'all need to do the same. I talk about a lot of hard topics on this podcast. That's why it's called Sex, Drugs, and Jesus. Taboo Topics in Troubled Time.

De'Vannon: There's gonna be more of that in this show. In my opinion. In my humble fucking opinion, people who have a hard [00:28:00] time talking about certain topics, they call them hard conversations. I'm all like, what the fuck is that? Because in my opinion, you talk about everything. Duh. But I guess some people are just uncomfortable about shit.

De'Vannon: I think it's because they're uncomfortable about something within themselves.

De'Vannon: I ain't got nothing that I'm questioning within me. No shadow side I haven't already confessed to. No bullshit that I'm struggling with that y'all already know about. You know, what the fuck are you uncomfortable about within yourself that makes you feel like a topic should be off the table or you cringe at talking about it?

De'Vannon: Once you become whole on the inside, you will be able to talk about anything because we live in a real world and we must talk about real things. Okay? But I'm always going to be that voice in the room saying the uncomfortable part out loud because that's where true growth lies, you know, doesn't grow. If someone's telling you fluffy flowery things that's not, you know, there's no use to us.[00:29:00]

De'Vannon: You'll never hear me say bullshit like A precursor, like I'm going to be completely honest right now, you know, okay, I get some people are uncomfortable with something that are going to go ahead and talk about it, but bitches, you have to announce honesty. I question you. You could have said, I hope I can say this to you or.

De'Vannon: I hope this doesn't offend you or some shit like that. If you feel like you have to, I hate it when people do that shit with me, bitch, just out with it, hit me with it. I didn't got all day. Let's just be done with it. Be out with it so we can handle whatever it cause delaying saying it ain't going to change the problem.

De'Vannon: So let's just fucking spit it out so we can deal with it. But when people have to precursor shit with like, Hey, I'm going to be completely honest right now. I'm going to be fully truthful. Okay, bitch, what the fuck you be doing the other times then? It might seem like a fleeting cliche kind of saying, but everybody chooses what they're going to say.

De'Vannon: We are all [00:30:00] our choices. The people we choose to hang around, the things we choose to do or not do, and the things we choose to say, things we choose to think, and let our minds, you know, run off with. If somebody's like, I'm going to be completely honest right now, girl, you might want to analyze that person, and you don't really just know people.

De'Vannon: People do all kinds of things, think all kinds of things. You don't really know people like that. And if you do, people change. You might not be able to clock that change in them. You know, be careful. I would expect people would be completely honest every time they open their mouth, but that's just not the way the world works.

De'Vannon: And I have accepted that. Pay attention to the things people be saying to you, because they could be telling you, well, they are telling you who they really are. And my next point is, I just want to

De'Vannon: get out of this habit. Of thinking that you're guaranteed to [00:31:00] get old. I've heard people say things like they're going to wait till they get old to get close to God or, you know, or they'll change that later. You know, no, I've been to many, many funerals, many, in the military and out, and most of them are people in between 20 and 40.

De'Vannon: It's not the old people sitting around worried about dying. They ready. Shit, it's the young people that get caught off guard when, when, when, when death comes to snatch them away. A lot, I think, I think a lot of that is this presumptuous attitude that people have, like it's guaranteed. No, it isn't. And this pact mentality with age ties into this decade expectation.

De'Vannon: I've heard people say things like they should be married by 30. They're only going to use their 20s to go to sleep with a lot of people. They'll get responsible later. I've heard people say they're not going to be happy once they turn 30. I knew somebody once who said they cried when they turned 30.

De'Vannon: Tears of sadness. Why? [00:32:00] Why? You know, where the hell did that come from? Nobody could ever answer me those questions. You know, why do you think you have to be a slut in your 20s? Why are you crying because you turned 30? Why do you think you can't have any fun after you turn 30? Why do you think you have to be married by 30 or 40?

De'Vannon: Why are you devaluing yourself because you don't have kids? That is all a form of going along with like a herd mentality. And or not checking the reason why you think what you think. It's very herdy. If you sit there and watch all that social media and television and look at all these people living these certain lives, maybe they fucking are a lot of miserable people after 30 on TV or in your life, or maybe you met them, but that doesn't mean that has to be you.

De'Vannon: So what I'm trying to do is get you to be you, your own unique individual. Go ahead, be weird. Be fuckin unique, be awkward, be odd. I love that shit. Miss me with the cool guy, girl, whatever, who can always fit in [00:33:00] and get in everywhere they go. You see, in the holy scriptures, it talks about being accepted with man versus being rejected with God.

De'Vannon: I must say that again, being accepted with man is actually being rejected with God in a lot of situations. Don't run around here trying to seek the approval of people. Get on your knees and pray and seek the approval of Christ, the one who has power both over the body and the soul. Be careful about that.

De'Vannon: You know, just, just, just start living seriously now, you can, the two are not mutually exclusive, you can have a serious, deep existence and have a lot of fun, have your sexual partners, be close to God, get married, have your kids, be polyamorous, whatever the fuck you want to do, but you gotta put God first.

De'Vannon: You know, David and Solomon, you know, from the Bible had plenty of wives. They were very sexual people. But David said this, he prefers Jerusalem above his chief joy. He didn't fuck around with worshiping [00:34:00] God, giving his offerings and sacrifice, praising God, writing all the Psalms. He made time for everything, but he put God first.

De'Vannon: And he put the holiness of heaven above all things. It wasn't, let me go do all I want to do and then see what time I have left for God left. It wasn't like that. So y'all got to get y'all priorities, re, re reevaluated and repolarized. 'cause you can't, you can, you literally could be doing all the things you want and still, and still be living righteously, but you gonna have to, you're gonna have to put in some legwork and think about the life that you living.

De'Vannon: Why do people go along with the heart? I think I referenced earlier, you know, you, you don't want to be rejected. You want to fit in, but this is the easy route. But who said loneliness has to be, or being by yourself has to be bad? That's another like sneaky herd mentality thing that Lucifer, Oh, y'all know I like to talk about the devil because he's real.

De'Vannon: I need you to know, you know, you know, a sentient [00:35:00] being is, you know, we're actively working against you. It's not just negative energy floating around randomly. The shit is targeted and it's focused much like a military campaign would be. But who in the hell said being alone has to be bad? Some people's greatest inspirations have come when they were by themselves.

De'Vannon: If you're around people all the time, you know, you'll never be able to hear yourself think. You won't be able to hear God. I'm going to give you a different perspective here. What if rejection is really an open door? Yeah, they closed the door in your face. Well, did you really need to be there? Did you really fucking know the people any damn way?

De'Vannon: Or did you just convince yourself that you were missing out on a good time? I used to feel left out when people would close doors in my face. When I was homeless, I was so damn tragic. You know, I remember this one night, I don't know, probably like 11 people were going to this one apartment to smoke crack and probably have sex or whatever.

De'Vannon: They let everybody come in that place but me, but me, you know, [00:36:00] that made me feel like I wasn't good enough, like there was something wrong with me, and I, and I can look back and see now that I wanted those people's approval and I felt terrible, and that echoes back to my childhood when I did not get approval from, from my dad.

De'Vannon: Okay, but who the hell knows what really would have happened if I'd have walked through that door. Maybe I wouldn't have walked out of that door. You never really fucking know. So let's look at everything as, as they say in esoteric or spiritual circles, you know, life doesn't happen to us. It happens for us.

De'Vannon: If we choose to find a positive perspective, we can have that. Oh, but heaven help us. And if, and woe is going to be onto us if we cave into darkness and negativity. It doesn't have to be. Having said that, childhood wounds, like I tell you the Lord is currently healing me of are no excuse to be hurting people.

De'Vannon: I'm gonna say it again. Childhood wounds are no excuse to still be out there hurting people. Or in [00:37:00] there hurting people, wherever the hell you be hurting people, there's no excuse for the bullshit that y'all be doing. Where I am now, I could give a fuck less about the approval of anybody. You know, as, as, as as the Lord said, we're already accepted in the beloved, and I'm more concerned with spiritual matters.

De'Vannon: Yes, I'm still human, you know, but I can toe the line between both worlds. Even if you're not, like, highly spiritual, the point is, You have approval within yourself from God already given you're trying to seek approval from a human and going along with this herd mentality is giving power to people. You let them have power over you.

De'Vannon: Do you really want to be controlled by people who don't really have a. A lot of anything invested in you haven't proven that they'll go the distance with you. Do you really want their foot on your neck like that? That's where it is. If you're seeking approval from people, if they reject you, you feel bad about yourself.

De'Vannon: They told, you know, okay, there's like billions of people in this world, first of [00:38:00]all, and then secondly, it shouldn't matter what any of the billions of people say, you got to tell yourself that you're approved and hear that God is telling you that you're approved. And every angel would agree with me. Now, they don't have to approve all the things that you do, but you as a human, you as an individual, yes, you were approved.

De'Vannon: And if people reject you, oh, the fuck, well, their loss or simply just wasn't meant to be. Maybe God just did not want you to be with those people. Period. And God doesn't have to explain shit to you. Period. There's all kinds of ways you can look at rejection. I'm trying to give you some counter some counter perspectives here because it leans too much to sadness.

De'Vannon: Okay. Matthew chapter 10, verse 28 tells us to feel like I referenced this earlier to fear, fear, not them who can kill the body, but not able to kill the soul, but rather fear him who is able to To fear him that is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. [00:39:00] The only opinion that matters is God's. And as long as God be for you, nobody can be against you.

De'Vannon: Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world. So, let us draw our attention away so much from the people. Yes, we will always need friends and lovers when it makes sense to have them. When we, when we got everything sorted out. If you know that you have Unresolved wounds and issues, and there's one thing to know that they're there and you're seriously working on them, but there are people who just know they have shit and they're not really trying to do anything with it, and you go get your ass into some sort of romantic relationship situation, it is another form of lying and manipulation, because you're not, you're bringing problems to the table that is not that other person's problem, the responsible and right thing for you to do is to go sort out your shit, Identify your problems, get a game plan, and then go start dating if that's what you feel like you must do.[00:40:00]

De'Vannon: But people feel like a relationship is supposed to heal them, make them feel better. No, you're supposed to get into a loving relationship to enhance that other person, not defeat your own selfish self interest. And I see this a lot, you know, in the couples that I observe when I go out. I've been watching this.

De'Vannon: You know, for years, but it's just now really starting to click to me why people divorce so much, why they break up so much because they weren't whole when they went into the relationship. A relationship is not going to give you happiness. If you don't already have happiness within you, you cannot be a broken person going to it, because really subconsciously what you're doing is trying to hide your pain in that person, whether you're thinking, oh, I'm going to go hide my pain in that person or it's something that's working subliminally, and you're not consciously aware of it.

De'Vannon: That's what you're doing and it's a form of falsehood because you're not going into this relationship with a true heart and the Lord will count you as a liar because you're not telling the [00:41:00] truth, the whole truth, which is the only thing that is going to get you forward in this life. As I've said before, 99.

De'Vannon: 9999999% lie. 99. 9999999% truth is still a fucking lie. It's either the whole truth. Or it's a fucking lie. And that's, and that's the way it goes. Another one of those things that humans cannot change when it's convenient. Let's talk about some, some, some counter, some counterculture, you know, some counter herd mentality things here.

De'Vannon: I was thinking about Savage Garden, you know, and one of their songs that, you know, Darren Hayes was talking about how wedding bliss negates the need to be undressed. Now you would think, Hey, we're getting married. So we should have sex tonight. Some weddings I've catered, you know, one of the one of them, the girl was like, we already handled that this morning.

De'Vannon: So the tradition, the herd mentality is telling you it's a wedding day. So the people, the people getting [00:42:00] married should have sex with Darren with Savage Garden is saying wedding bliss negates the need to be undressed. But he's saying he's going to do it differently. Just the sheer bliss of the, of the blessed union that just happened in the spirituality of it all is giving him enough of a high and a spiritual type of a climax that he doesn't need to go with the cattle fold and do what everybody would do, yawn and clearly have sex.

De'Vannon: Think about it. Wedding bliss negates the need to be undressed. How fucking beautiful is that? He's saying we could bone, but instead, baby, let's do something different and just value each other as divine beings. Do what we want to do, not what everyone else has done just because it should be done. Break free bitch.

De'Vannon: Break free. Madonna said, creation comes when you learn to say no. I quote the fuck outta Madonna because a lot of people have slept on really on the deep things that that woman has said. You know, you might wanna go [00:43:00] back and listen to some of her albums. She, she, she was spitting a real motherfucking awakening shit throughout.

De'Vannon: all of her songs. I give props to that bitch. Without end. Done. Period. Now in that quote, creation comes when you learn to say no. There's an emphasis on learning because you will stumble before you find your balance when you're looking for a new life. Why? Because you're walking on muscles you haven't tried before.

De'Vannon: You already know how to do the shit you've been doing. Going down a path of clarity, spiritual enlightenment, growth. Truth. True truth. It's something you haven't done. So clearly you're gonna fuck up and make mistakes and shit. The challenge is, when you make those mistakes, how quickly will you get back in the center of the road and pick yourself up, not judge yourself, not demean yourself, not come down on yourself.

De'Vannon: Keep moving forward. Perfection is no expectation. Nobody ever should have levied on anybody and God never asked you to be perfect. That's another fucking thing humans have done to each other. Perfection is not required. I am not [00:44:00] expecting anybody to be perfect, but I am expecting you to be nice to yourself and always tell the truth and you were able to get the victory.

De'Vannon: I think about Caleb and Joshua from the Bible and this is like one of the most divine examples of the dangers of the herd mentality and going along with things that people do. When the children of Israel had come out of Egypt and they were trying to get into the promised land, they sent Caleb and Joshua and the other people to go spy out the land.

De'Vannon: Only Caleb and Joshua came back with a good report. Everybody else looked at the same shit Caleb and Joshua did and they came back. And said, oh lord, we can't do it, woe is us, all the reasons why it's gonna go bad, blah, blah, blah, wah, wah, wah. Caleb and Joshua, much like myself, were the voice, were the unpopular voice in the room, going, oh, fuck that noise, we're gonna keep a positive attitude and do this shit anyway.

De'Vannon: Long story short, all those whiny ass people didn't make [00:45:00] it in to the promised land Caleb and Joshua did be, you know, be careful about going along with the masses too many times in history, a whole lot of people got together, high five each other and pat each other on the back and said, yeah, this is what we're going to do.

De'Vannon: This is what we're going to do. There's only a couple of people there going, no, we shouldn't do that. And the masses went ran out there and got their asses killed. Okay, just because it's popular, bitch, don't mean it's right. You learn to evaluate shit for yourself. Caleb and Joshua said, as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

De'Vannon: The rest of the children of Israel is fucking around with idols and shit and trying to have sex with other nations. Sex is also called so many civilizations to fucking fall that shit will get you into trouble. Be careful. Who y'all running around sleeping with? I think about Lot and Sodom and Gomorrah.

De'Vannon: Not concerned about if it was gay, straight, whatever. The point is, the Lord couldn't find ten damn people with, with some good fucking sense in Sodom and Gomorrah to save the city. I don't give a [00:46:00] damn what they were or weren't doing. Point is, it was only What was it, maybe like eight people in Locke's house?

De'Vannon: Everybody else in the whole city were on the same page, doing the same thing, sleeping around, whatever the fuck, turning up, but mainly their main problem was that they were, they were not community minded in the sense that they were rude as fuck and willing to hurt people. That, that, that to me is the greatest sin of Sodom and Gomorrah.

De'Vannon: They just didn't give a damn about being truthful and good people. You know, and of course, hold on a second, it's just fucking terrible the way people use that. And the point is, here we have again the whole city got fucking destroyed and the few remnants of the people who were contrary to the prevailing mindset are the only ones who got delivered.

De'Vannon: But you can't do what Lost Wife did, get out of there and turn around because she got turned to a pillar of salt because she looked back. Once you get out of oppression, I'm not saying God's gonna literally turn you to a pillar of salt, but you will become a salty bitch. [00:47:00] If you don't, if you fucking get away from that shit and you go back, because then your oppression is going to be worse than the first, because then you have it in your head.

De'Vannon: That you had got out of that shit and you went back any damn way. Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it. That is especially important while all of these planets are in a retrograde. I'm ready for them to turn back around. Early am though. Venus, we miss you. Come back. So, Lord Jesus, I love me. This is why I don't mind being the voice in the room that's unpopular because I'm the one that actually wants to see you improve.

De'Vannon: I actually want to see you do well. It is a part of my life's calling to enhance people. For those of you who want to get into the astrological side of it, yes, I'm a Sagittarius, and I have the thighs to prove it, baby, yes. That's where Sagittarians hold their strength in their body. But, you know, we're the philosophers, we're [00:48:00] the wise people, we're the old souls, we're the teachers.

De'Vannon: You know, you get close to me, I'm going to see to it that you be enhanced. It is my life's fucking mission. I want to see everybody blow up, grow up, be their best self. I'm not trying to take nothing from you. But I have a mandate on my life to preach this truth and I don't give a damn what everybody else is saying.

De'Vannon: That's why I tell you, fuck a grinder. Fuck make up sex when you break up. Fuck overworking. Fuck putting your damn children on a pedestal. You know, fuck all those sex apps, actually. You know, you know, fuck, fuck fast food. I don't give a damn. Fuck Chick fil A, especially with their gay hating asses.

De'Vannon: And you know, I don't give a damn if it's popular. What's popular with God is not, I mean, what's popular with man may not be popular with God. You know, fuck all that. Fuck all of that. You know, be your weird, unique self and own that shit. Okay, that's how you fucking get respect from people. Because people will sit there and get you to [00:49:00] do shit that you didn't really want to do, and then be laughing at you and shit.

De'Vannon: They'll be clowning your ass low key because you were weak and you allowed yourself to be broken. Look, I've been the one being laughed at for being that way before. I've been on all of these ledges. Before y'all can't hide yourself from me. I see it because I've been there before, but I also know this freedom that I have right now.

De'Vannon: It's like a breath of fresh life and air. And I wish this upon you, but you cannot have it. If you're going to continue to hold on to your old ways, you're going to serve one master or the other, either God or the devil. You will not do both period. Think about this. When people get ready, they, most people work like Monday through Friday, whatever, when the weekends come around, there's this sort of collective energy that seems to fall on the city where everybody wants to wild out, because it's Friday night and it's Saturday and shit, and it's this wild ass energy.

De'Vannon: Where the hell is this coming from? Each day carries a certain sort of like soul to it. It would be like, it feels like being like [00:50:00] Thursday, like it feels like Sunday for some reason, you know, sometimes each day has like a different energy to it. You know, it's Friday, you have this routine that you do, or because it's Friday, you're going to do this.

De'Vannon: Just because it's Friday don't mean you need to go get drunk. Just because it's Friday don't mean you need to go be a hoe. Just because it's Friday doesn't mean you need to do anything, except for what the fuck you want to do. Don't ever do anything because of standard traditions. What if Friday comes around and you decide that you're going to stay in and meditate?

De'Vannon: If you're the sort of person who stays in every Friday, what if Friday comes around and you decide that you are going to go out? You know, what is the opposite of what you're accustomed to doing of what you're accustomed to doing isn't really serving your highest good like you think it has been, but that conglomerate energy that comes on the city on the weekend, you know, that that makes people want to go out.

De'Vannon: Usually makes people want to fucking act unlike they do normally during the week. This makes us spend way too [00:51:00] fucking much money down at the bar trying to get approval from people who ain't never going to give it because they never liked to ask no way because they also don't like themselves to begin with.

De'Vannon: That's how I used to do it, you know, Friday, bitch, let's go to the club and turn up. I'm like, until I was like, fuck, I've been doing this for how long now? What do I have to show with it? Oh, don't get me wrong now. I still go out and cuts a rug. Yeah. So the bitch can dance, but I don't do it, you know, because it's Friday anymore.

De'Vannon: You know, I do it because I truly genuinely feel like it. So I'm checking my intentions. And sometimes those intentions work subliminally under the surface and you don't really know. Why you're going out. Oh, you know, don't do anything out of loneliness, fear, isolation, none of those negative low vibrations.

De'Vannon: Because it's not going to end good. You know, going out to the bar to meet somebody because you're lonely, some shit I used to do all the fucking time. Child, I did nothing but throw my money away. I may as well have lit it on fire.

De'Vannon: You know what? The same fucking thing goes for holidays. [00:52:00] You know, it's a holiday, 4th of July, Independence Day, Memorial Day, everyone wants to go barbecue and get drunk. I can't tell you the last time I've ever heard anyone say a prayer or say thank you to the veterans or the people who served and make half of these holidays possible.

De'Vannon: They don't do that, but they'll go like get fucked up and shit. Okay, just because of the holiday don't mean you have to get fucked up. You know, you can do whatever the hell you want to do, but so much of that is just like trained in the people's mentalities. A lot of it is stress relief because people hate their fucking lives and it's a break, break away from their mundane ass continual misery.

De'Vannon: That's another issue that needs to be addressed. Shake up the system. Shake up whatever it is you fucking need to shake up, okay, in order to establish a new existence. Because anything that's not making you truly fucking happy, and I mean deeply happy, when no one else is around, get rid of it. Shit's got to go.

De'Vannon: We don't have, we don't have forever on this earth. [00:53:00] So I want you to again, sit down, start thinking about what ways might you have been conditioned by other people, systems, social media, media, your family, your friends, you know, maybe you didn't know, why are you here? What is your point of existence? Why do you think what you think?

De'Vannon: Why are you doing the things that you do? Are you reaching for some old sensation? That really isn't, didn't serve you to begin with. You have like some sort of twisted positive association with something that really isn't positive. Okay. This is the, that's just the best way I'm going to say that right now because, because I'm challenging you all to think for yourself.

De'Vannon: And some of these people y'all have let get into your camp, like I said, they're really like your enemies because you let them in too quick. You did not screen these people. Some of y'all have gotten yourselves [00:54:00] caught up with people who are like I'm going to say it like this, you, I'm just going to keep going down this path, but when you, when you let enemies get into your in close to you, watch, watch, watch, watch, they will do things like encourage you to fall to your vices.

De'Vannon: Like I'm telling you, stop having so much sex, stop drinking so damn much, stop being a serial dater and take a long pause in between relationships and really examine yourself and don't enter into one until you're fully ready. I'm telling you, don't overwork yourself. I'm telling you to knock your kids down off of those pedestals and some of your fucking pets too.

De'Vannon: I'm telling y'all to rearrange your whole fucking existence so you can finally live your truth. A truth that's aligned with God, not everybody doing what the hell they want to do. I'm not one of those people that's like, you have your truth and I have mine. No, there is a fucking standard. Okay. A, a rubric by which, [00:55:00] you know, we all gotta like, align ourselves.

De'Vannon: There's some shit that just ain't right. Murderers might tell you, killing people is their truth. No, , some shit just should not be fucking done, period. So our, our truth must be aligned to God. But if somebody is your enemy, they might be there just telling you, go ahead and have that next drink. Go ahead and take another hit, or whatever.

De'Vannon: Dope. Girl, you know what? You only slept with two dudes this week, go get you another one. You know, the easiest way to destroy somebody is to coax them into doing it themselves. Nobody is a true friend to you or a true ally if they're not helping you to restrain yourself and to keep yourself in check. I do not subscribe to this.

De'Vannon: Oh, well, if that works for you, whatever you want to do, know that I don't want people close to me that's going to tell me that. I want people to be like, D, you fucking up. What the hell was you doing? That's what I want to hear. I don't want somebody just coddling me and just letting me run loose and do whatever.

De'Vannon: That is not [00:56:00] love. That is a weakness. And somebody who's afraid to confront their friends and or don't love them enough to give a damn to do it. How y'all might intentionally go out there and surround yourself with people who you know won't challenge you. That's you creating your own destruction.

De'Vannon: But what you need, I'm gonna say that again, that's you creating your own destruction because you intentionally went and got people who are just as weak and shallow as you. And so y'all are just weak and shallow together. Okay, I can't do nothing with y'all. But That's what the Bible called itching ears, people who, who go somewhere in certain places just to have their own wicked agenda, evil self serving selfish agenda reinforced.

De'Vannon: And I'm just going to leave that at that, but be careful because people will sit there and smile in your face, get you to be weakened by vice. Whatever that vice is, and then laugh at you, bruh. I'm telling you, I'm trying to expose this shit because people are getting just dirtier and dirtier. [00:57:00]Some of y'all, like I just said, have friends that are enemies.

De'Vannon: Some of y'all are literally sleeping with the enemy. I've been there before, that shit ain't worth a damn. Some of y'all got enemies in your families and shit. Okay? There's that saying, the blood is thicker than water, I recently found out, and research this for yourself and decide whether or not you want to believe it, but when I was in New York, I was talking to this dude from Egypt, you know, who grew up, you know, you know, in the, you know, in the spiritual cultures of the Middle East, and you know, and he set me straight on, on this, and he says the, the actual saying, the actual fucking saying, is that the blood of the covenant, It's thicker than the water of the womb.

De'Vannon: The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. So what the fuck is this saying? That means that your chosen family outweighs the family that you were born into. Your chosen family is a [00:58:00] choice. Your blood family was like a good starting point. Families got this, their version of herd mentality is this.

De'Vannon: They'll say shit like, no matter how much we fight, we always make up, because we're blood. Bitch, I extend my middle finger to all of you, because what that is, eh, let me extend both. This is what I think about blood family and this bondage that they try to keep people in. That very statement, no matter how much we fight, we always make up because we're blood is bullshit.

De'Vannon: What they're saying is no matter how much we abuse each other, we're going to always get back together. How about we stop fucking fighting and needing to make up? Okay, well how about we drop this bullshit ass herd mentality that fighting must be a part of relationships? May they friends, family, romantic, or other?

De'Vannon: No. Everything is a fucking choice. Choosing to fight is what you have chosen to do and choosing to convince yourself that fighting and chaotic energy must be a [00:59:00] part of the human existence is what you have done, but that's a goddamn lie. You do not have to fight. You do not have to have chaos. Unless you have elected to tell yourself that it's true.

De'Vannon: In which case, that will be your reality. But what I'm trying to offer you is a way out. So even if it is your blood family and them bitches ain't acting right, tell them to go fuck off somewhere and get you some chosen family. I get no man is an island is the same goes and we're going to need to relate with people.

De'Vannon: So go get you some people who act like they got some fucking sense. And if that's not your blood family, well, you have a middle finger that you can extend, you know, most of you do. If not, you can find some kind of way to say fuck off and fuck you in some other way. But it's time for us to dismiss bullshit from people on every goddamn level because it simply will not do.

De'Vannon: It simply will not do. People are real, real afraid to walk away from blood family. [01:00:00] I determined early on that I was not going to let my blood family hang or pull me down. Not that I necessarily saw them trying to do it, but I saw it in other families and I was like, oh, damn. I determined two things as I get, I'm just going to say one.

De'Vannon: I'm just going to stick on this for right now. So just to just to just be careful with blood family and don't be afraid. I give you permission to disconnect and detach and cut away from your blood family. If they are not serving your highest good and they don't respect you, they take you for granted and they feel like no matter what they say or do, you always have to be there.

De'Vannon: I give you permission to detach yourself from them. Anchor pull the anchor up in your own ship and sell to new seas. Because you deserve better than anybody who takes you for granted and treats you like you have to be there no matter what they say and fucking do. Girl, bye. Bye. We're not having none of that fucking noise.[01:01:00]

De'Vannon: But why the fuck do we stay here and deal with this abuse from people? Loneliness, desperation, which I said before, are never good intentions to spring forth from and act. And this shit can be deeply subconscious. That's why you gotta get alone so you can learn yourself and hear the deepest parts of yourself.

De'Vannon: Be careful. Enemies can be very close to you. And the Lord, you know, made this, you know, in the Bible made this analogy about, you know, be careful when you sit down with a ruler who's made a whole feast and everything for you. He said, believe not his words. There are seven abominations in his heart. So, so if somebody will set up a whole feast and do all these actions in things, okay, all these actions and shit.

De'Vannon: The Lord is saying even though they did all that, they did all the good things you think somebody would want to do, do not trust them. Still evaluate them because there could still be seven abominations in their heart. We cannot assume that somebody is for us [01:02:00] because they've been kind to us in the past or because they're being kind to us now.

De'Vannon: We have to be praying and having our spiritual eyes open to really read people for what they really are. And some of y'all this whole, well, they were nice to me before, and so you're afraid to let them go because something they good, good, good. They did for you 5, 10 years ago. We got to judge people on what's going on now.

De'Vannon: Now, not way back then. We thank you for that. Yes, but they cannot hold that over your head. They did that good thing and they should have done it just from a benevolent space, not to come back and be like, Hey, look what I did for you before. But even if they're not saying that, don't sit there and convince yourself and make yourself feel guilty.

De'Vannon: Oh, they helped me out. I can't leave them. Bitch, yes, you can , you absolutely fucking can because that person could have changed if they're, if anybody's making you feel uncomfortable in any fucking way, it's time to go. Because the counter version of that is being around somebody who does not make you feel [01:03:00] uncomfortable.

De'Vannon: See how easy that is? Always be thinking like, I'm in this situation, what would this look like if it was totally reversed? What would it look like if the tables were completely flipped? How could this be being done a different way? That is how you break conditioning, break out of the herd mentality when you begin to understand that there are different perspectives, Neo.

De'Vannon: We gotta pull your ass out of the fucking matrix, okay? It's, it's, it can be, it could be being done differently. Yeah, it's gonna feel awkward for a while, but you'll adjust to it just like being in a new time zone or a cat coming into a new house is only awkward for a little bit, but it's that awkwardness is nothing compared to the pain that you're currently living in.

De'Vannon: That shit won't do. That shit won't do. We gotta do something different. We need a better life. And I speak a better life for those of you who gather the balls to get up and go for it. It's not just gonna drop on you out of the heavens. You have to like, try it. Why? Because everybody gets up and does what they really want to do.

De'Vannon: People, the Bible says, people feet run to do [01:04:00] evil. You're gonna run to go find someone to sleep with, run to go find someone to date, run to go make money, run to go have kids, run to go take a trip, run to go do whatever. But you're gonna have to get up and seek after righteousness and peace too and not be casual about it.

De'Vannon: You're gonna have to really make it a priority to get this sort of life I'm talking about. Again, be sure your friends challenge your thinking, be sure your romantic partners do the same, your family, whoever it is, if they're not challenging you, checking what you're doing, checking in on you spiritually, you know, in all ways, and if they see some bullshit that you're doing, just nodding their head and going, okay, we'll do you, uh uh, do better.

De'Vannon: Do better. That is not love. The society has gotten too damn loose and free to say people are still fucking unhappy, miserable, anxiety, depression, blah, blah, blah. It's time for something different, goddammit. Period.

De'Vannon: Do y'all ever think about how the fuck you [01:05:00] define happiness? I can tell you what it's not. It is not this state of constant activity that has come upon this world. Lucifer is very, very crafty in this shit, and I'm not trying to give him no glory, but you gotta know your enemy. He is clever. He's put this world in a state.

De'Vannon: Of constant doing so much so that people don't hear God and they also cannot hear themselves, or you might say the universe within themselves. You have to be still to in order to pay that much of attention to you to yourself. So how does look so you get up and say, Oh, what am I going to do today, you constantly over one activity or another, you're going to brush your teeth.

De'Vannon: You might have sex with someone in the work and do some drugs and they're going to watch this television show and play this video game. Now you're going to do this. And now you're gonna do this, and now you might have sex again, now you're gonna masturbate maybe, then you're gonna fuckin go to sleep, and then you may have worked out sometime, and some of you spend way too much fuckin time in the gym working on your fuckin [01:06:00] bodies, which already look fuckin good enough.

De'Vannon: Some of y'all have made a god out of the gym, too, and your physical prowess. Don't take anything too damn far. But you see, in that sort of day, that person just went from one activity to another, to another, to another, to another. Happiness is not... This activity, this activity, this activity, this activity, happiness is supposed to be when you're alone by yourself and still making time every day for some quiet time to you.

De'Vannon: People try to hide their emotions in the busyness of raising children, incessant travel. Okay, all kinds of forms of entertainment and I'm gonna warn y'all again about fake relationships, not just bullshit ass sex that y'all be having totally corrupting the, the, this, the, the, the glorious way that sex is supposed to be used, but those, those relationships you get in that are a lie because your heart ain't right and your soul is not healed.

De'Vannon: And yet you're [01:07:00] clinging to somebody and just damaging that other person in the process. You will reap double damnation unto yourself because using a human as a form of distraction is not fucking good. I think that there is more mercy for people who have vices and we should overcome them all in its time as we work through them that just hurt them, you know, so if you're like a fucking porn addict or some shit, which is not good.

De'Vannon: Well, at least this is just you. Okay. If you're a workaholic shit, at least they got some production out of you, but you still didn't fucked up your, your. You're still out of balance, you fucked up your home life if you have a family, you know, but if you're like a, a sex addict or you're like one of those people who are addicted to relationships, you have to have another living human in order for you to fulfill your vice and fantasy and shit.

De'Vannon: What will be onto you because you didn't took somebody else down with you a double fuck you for that you wrong for that shit. Period. [01:08:00] Plain and damn. Plain and damn. Because humans as rotten as they can be and people, you got some rotten motherfuckers in this world. Every last one of us is still sacred beings, even though some people have completely abandoned their divinity and they just throw themselves out there like any old...

De'Vannon: Piece of trash to be used by the wind. Like Saul, one of the most prolific narcissists in the Bible. Shall I use the word prolific? One of the, one of the most narcissistic narcissists in the Bible, King Saul. David would not touch this man. He would not hurt him. Even when he had power to hurt him, he would not do it.

De'Vannon: Why? Because we are all God's children. He refused to touch him and lay a hand on him. And when somebody did, and Saul tried to kill David, he was jealous and insecure, blah, blah, blah, like every narcissist is. And so, it's rinse, wash, repeat, they all act the same. But David would not touch him. When somebody did touch him, David [01:09:00] commanded the person who killed Saul to be killed.

De'Vannon: Because people are special. And when you do things to hurt people, God is going to fucking judge and chastise and punish your ass for that. You will in no way get away with that. So stop doing things that hurt people. But you know, you're going to have to sit still long enough for your, like I said, to be quiet, but how many of you can really sit still long enough for your reality to catch up to you?

De'Vannon: Because really all of this incessant activity that y'all want to do every day. Is you running from yourself. One of my favorite yoga practices is yin yoga. You might do like, I don't know, five to seven poses for the whole hour. It's not, it's not like a yoga flow where you're constantly moving. You just get in a pose, and you hold that bitch for like five minutes.

De'Vannon: A lot of people don't like to do it because it's not constant motion. It is not uncommon for people to like, have emotional breakdowns and cry like emotional breakdown in a good way and cry and [01:10:00] shit because emotions and shit start to bubble up. You know, I love you and yoga. I ain't got nothing to run from.

De'Vannon: But, you know. Why the fuck are people so afraid to face themselves? How long can you run? Eventually your ass has to die. And then you don't have to face everything all at once. I encourage you to get your shit started out while you can. Let that fear go. It's fear is only a fucking illusion. You will find if you overcome your fear, face yourself, deal with your childhood wounds and all your daddy issues and whatever kind of fucking issues you have on the other side of that.

De'Vannon: Fucking lie that the devil has spawned to you. It's peace and happiness that I cannot find words to explain. Okay, just, I just can't. But true happiness is quiet calm, period. It is quiet calm. It is the process of seeking your life's purpose and then going about the business of fulfilling it. You [01:11:00] were not put on this earth to just serve yourself, date people, have sex, do whatever kind of, eat a whole lot of food, travel around, make you happy.

De'Vannon: It's not. That's not what it is. It's for you to make you happy. Sure, you have to do things to make you happy, but you were put here to serve the earth, to serve your community, to serve a higher, to serve your higher power. You know you deserve a higher power than yourself. But, you know, you you're not going to be able to do it until you find your own voice. You cannot be living off of somebody else's voice that you got to get quiet enough to see if that's really happening. We all want to be free. That's really what this boils down to. It's not just happiness, but freedom.

De'Vannon: Any type of lie you're living is not gonna get you freedom. Like I said before, you should know the truth and the truth should make you free. If you, if you're one who caters and plays with lies, you're going to be in bondage until you stop lying. Period. Done. [01:12:00] People in prison, I think about this sometimes I've been locked up a couple of times.

De'Vannon: Y'all know I'm about that life. You know, people in prison have more freedom. Yeah, I've been to jail. I did not go to like state prison like that. But but I talked to people who have been to all of those things and I know this, what I'm about to say to be a fact. Happiness is a state of mind. It's a state of being in peace and quiet.

De'Vannon: People in prison have more fucking happiness being locked up than people walking around out here on these streets. Why is this? This is what Solomon from the Bible would have called a vanity of vanities and a grievous evil to me. Okay,

De'Vannon: you know why people in jail are not a slave to options? There's only so much you can do, so they're not overrun by all the things that this world is hit with. So they don't really have time to get lost [01:13:00] in the fray of social media and going to work and trying to get on dates and then trying to get laid and trying to be fake and trying to manipulate and then trying to go buy this and trying to go do that and trying to go be everyone who they're not.

De'Vannon: They're not caught up in all of the confusion. People who are in jail are humbled because they understand that when you do bullshit, that eventually it catches up to you. And that is a fucking wake up call. It is a damn wake up call to the nth degree when them cops really come to get yo ass. Okay? You thought the day wouldn't come.

De'Vannon: Or, or some people who you done hurt. Retaliate on your ass and knock you upside the head or whatever kind of way, okay, when you, when people in jail understand, okay, the reality of your ways catching up to you. And this is sobering and very humble and it puts some shit on their brain so they, they take, they take time to stop to think they understand how easy it is to get into trouble and how [01:14:00] hard it is to get out of trouble.

De'Vannon: And then once you do get out of the trouble how long those effects tend to linger even after the trouble trouble a situation is long gone people in jail have a lot of time to sit down and do what I'm telling you to do be still and fucking think. Okay? I'm telling you voluntarily to be still and fucking think while you can.

De'Vannon: Okay? And because jail, you know, is real, and it's one of those things you don't think is real until they put them handcuffs on you and you get in there. I'm telling you, it can happen. I don't give a damn if you've never been. I don't give a damn if you've never been. Everything can change in a moment.

De'Vannon: And somebody, I'm just telling you, but you got people who are locked up who feel a greater sense of freedom than people on the streets because of their perspective. This Karma is a very, very strange thing in this earth. Yet, it is.

De'Vannon: If you [01:15:00] never stop to face your truth, you will continue the cycle of pain and unhappiness. Karma, karma is not only going to come back to you for the evil things that you've done, but also for your untrue and evil intentions. A large part of this herd mentality is to sit around and be petty. That those shaded people from a distance to talk shit about people behind their back to try to work against people.

De'Vannon: God is watching all of this shit, even if you wish evil upon somebody who in your heart is different. If you're wishing karma upon somebody. For the things they did to you, but it's not the same if you just don't like the bitch, for no apparent reason, or you don't like her success, you don't like her glow up, you don't like the way she talks, you don't like what she says, no bitch, she ain't done nothing to you, she done triggered your ass, and called out your darkness, but she ain't actually tried to hurt you, it's not the same, it's not the fucking same, most people [01:16:00] Are negative than positive, and it can be subtle.

De'Vannon: Most people run around comparing themselves to other people. I'm warning y'all against this herd mentality in every way. You will not be strong. You will not be able to stand strong unless you stand in your own voice. In your own truth. It is not as cool as you think it is to fit in with humans. Who are, especially those humans who are of a low vibration.

De'Vannon: Okay.

De'Vannon: It is not cool, as cool as you think it is, to hang out, you know, to be accepted by people about to bring this around. Be careful. Hanging out with people who carry evil energy with them is gonna get you taken down too. Because when the Lord starts to revisit these people's wicked ways upon them and you're around them, that shit's gonna affect you as well.

De'Vannon: How? Say you fucking around with people in gangs and they went and shot someone. Well, when that retaliation comes back around, bitch, your ass might get shot too. Not because of some shit you did, but because you were with a janky ass [01:17:00] person who went and did some dirt they shouldn't have, and now you're getting caught up with that shit.

De'Vannon: Insert your own particular situations there. Be mindful of the quality of the people that you're hanging around, and be questioning them about the shit they do when they're not with you. Really, really know your associates. Because you're gonna take on those people's ways, and that shit could get you killed, caught up in prison.

De'Vannon: You know, look, y'all, orange is not the new black, and many of y'all are not cut out for no fucking jail, okay? So, the Lord will judge you for your thoughts, for your actions, for the things you fail to do. Facing truth is an uncomfortable thing, but that discomfort is only temporary. That temporary discomfort is acceptable compared to a lifetime and an afterlife full of agony.

De'Vannon: Cause don't sit around and think you're gonna be a bitter, petty bitch all your days and then die and go hang out with Jesus. You will not. And if you think you're gonna come back in some reincarnation, okay, that's your choice. But if you fucking [01:18:00] wrong about that, then your ass is fucked. Well, well, that's probably not the best way to say that.

De'Vannon: You're not going to be fucking happy. Okay, which is the whole point. We want peace and happiness. If you're going to be bitter in life, you will have a bitter afterlife. If you live by the sword, you're going to die by the sword. There can be no other way. These are spiritual laws which cannot be changed.

De'Vannon: So. History is not going to remember those who took the easy road, at least not those for any good reason, you know, I mean, you will be remembered, but it's going to be remembered for whatever your legacy is. We remember Jesus Christ and the apostles for their work. Remember Judas Iscariot, Balaam, the different enemies of the children of Israel for throwing shade and being petty bitches.

De'Vannon: Well, they did not end well for any of the shady, petty bitches, okay? You know, but you will be respected when history remembers you if you stood up for yourself, found yourself, went forth in your truth, [01:19:00] and didn't back down for anyone, no matter how uncomfortable it is. We cannot think that we're going to live a life that is always comfortable and never uncomfortable.

De'Vannon: However long the discomfort may last. Okay, we cannot expect to never be disappointed. We cannot expect to never be rejected or have a door closed in our face. And when it happens, we need to be able to center ourselves and look at it and understand that it is a blessing and not a curse. If God really wants something to happen, it's going to happen.

De'Vannon: Maybe you should start acting, asking what is the benefit of this rejection? What is the benefit of going against the grain? What is the benefit of getting off this goddamn hamster wheel? I've mentioned a hamster wheel, for those of you who don't know, the hamster wheel analogy means people who are just running and running and running, constant motion, constant activity, same old bullshit, but they're not really getting anywhere.

De'Vannon: Progress is not measured by how much shit you can do, but actually how far you've come in life and your spiritual growth internally. A person can make a lot of money and [01:20:00] lack internal progress. As it says in the book of Revelation, there are some people who have money and things like that, but the Lord said they have reputation if they are alive, but they are dead and it does not matter if humans pat them on the back and go, good job.

De'Vannon: You make this much of the Lord looks at that person worth every many hundreds of thousands or millions and said, I don't like what's in their heart. They didn't miss the whole damn vote. They've missed the whole fucking point of existence. It's about what is in you, not what you can go and do. Not much how money you can make, not much, not how much money you can make, not how many people you can have around you.

De'Vannon: Not many lovers You can have. Reassess where the fuck you get your value from, who you're listening to and why you're listening to these people. Have you really been hearing God? I mean, really hearing him. Have you really been hearing you? I mean, really hearing

De'Vannon: you use your technology, your phone to look up different [01:21:00] perspectives. You look up teachers online. There's all kinds of knowledge and wisdom you can gain if you want it. Yes, that same phone you use for all your dirt. Go and use it for something good for fuck's sake for once in your life. Encourage your families and friends and lovers to challenge you, ask them to challenge you, see if they're down for that.

De'Vannon: And when you're having conversations with all of these people, bring it up in a different way. Sit down and have deep conversations. When you watch a movie or a show, since y'all like to sit in front of TVs and shit, talk about the life lesson. What is the spirit speaking to you through this? It's not just fucking...

De'Vannon: Entertainment. You know, the God be warning us about stuff. I was watching John Wick last night and you know, you know, fake ass people in the liars and shit like that are just different shows. I'm like, you know what these people have had. I've been watching movies and shows for years with you have [01:22:00] people lying in people's faces having double lies and never registered to me that people like that actually exist in real life.

De'Vannon: You know, I thought it was just a show and it's, it's just recently I'm like, Oh fuck, it's not just a show. It is entertainment, but it's also entertainment is inspired by real life. And so God is warning us about things to come in the way people are. And it wasn't until I experienced having people close to me that were as fake as hell that I, that I understood, fuck people like that actually exist.

De'Vannon: But I'd seen this in these movies and shows for years and I paid different attention. Maybe I could have avoided dealing with those people, but I'm telling you this now, when you watch movies and shows, pay attention to those life lessons and have conversations with your friends, families, lovers, and loved ones, and your children, especially, for fuck's sake, teach your children something about this world, you know, and And talk about it.

De'Vannon: If you find that they don't want to have these deep conversations, that is not your [01:23:00] tribe. Get away from anybody who does not want to be challenged and who does not want to go deep, because they want some surface level bullshit, and that is not what we're doing. That's not what we're doing. That's not what we're doing.

De'Vannon: Again, the websites are sexdrugsandjesus. com, downunderapparel. com, and our YouTube channel is up and running. I look forward to speaking to you all again, and I look forward to your continued challenging of yourselves into your continued growth and success. Again, my name is Devannon. I look forward to hearing you again.

De'Vannon: I love you and peace be with you.

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