Sex, Drugs, and Jesus

Episode #163: The 3 Stages of the Zodiac: Water Signs - Cancer. Pisces. Scorpio.

De'Vannon Seráphino Episode 163

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Today we focus on the three stages of evolution of our water signs of the Zodiac: Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer. Stay tuned for Tarot, planets, the houses of the Zodiac etc.!

INCLUDED IN THIS EPISODE (But not limited to):

·      Explanation of the Stages of the Water Signs

·      Which Stage of Evolution Are You In?

·      Body Parts Associated with Each Sign

·      Science and Religion Are Actually Friends

·      Take Some Serious Time To Yourself

·      No Such Thing As Revenge

·      Sex Magic Warnings













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Episode #163: The 3 Stages of the Zodiac: Water Signs - Cancer. Pisces. Scorpio.

De'Vannon Seráphino: [00:00:00] Hello, hello, hello, you lovely people, and welcome back to the Sex, Drugs, and Jesus podcast. My name is De'Vannon Seráphino. I'm your host, and we are continuing our lessons in divination. Today is we talk about water signs. The last episode I released was about the fire signs. We went over the three stages of Ares, Sagittarius and Leo, and talked about a couple of other things like why this, why Sagittarius the only sign with a weapon, why Sagittarius is the only half human, half animal sign.

De'Vannon Seráphino: In the very first episode, we went over things like. What a cardinal sign is, what a fixed sign is, what a mutable sign is, what deacons are, history of the zodiac, and things along that nature in the future. Expect episodes about the tarot, about the planetary planets and the planetary houses, and chakras, and whatever else the spirit gives me to teach to you.

De'Vannon Seráphino: [00:01:00] I'm trying to get y'all to grow in your spirituality, to think more intently about it, to take some time to yourself. That way you can show up better for yourself, for the divine, get prepared for your afterlife, which is a real thing. We're not gonna always be here and tomorrow is not promised. I'm not trying to scare you, but we got to be real about shit.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And make preparations, doing spiritual work, soul work, shadow work, getting alone with the divine. It's like having spiritual insurance in case something bad happens to you, your children, someone close to you, or you do depart this plane of existence unexpectedly. You know, it's happened, many of us have lost, well, many of us have known people, I don't consider death to be a lost, many of us have known people to have transitioned quickly and suddenly be at some sort of car accident or whatever the case might be.

De'Vannon Seráphino: We got to get our souls fit to stand before the Lord, okay? If you don't believe in the afterlife or in God, and you [00:02:00] believe in reincarnation, well, you still have to be fit to reincarnate as something you might care to be. Because if you don't do no soul work, I think, according to my research, even people who believe in reincarnation don't believe you're gonna have a good reincarnation if you leave a shitty life in this plane of existence, so.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Let us do more than just try to have experiences and consume. That's going to happen. Let us become more focused intention about our spirituality. The purpose of all of this teaching that I'm doing here is to, is to help you use what's accessible to you. You know, not everybody's going to pray to God or care about a deity or whatever, but a lot of people really, really, really get into astrology.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The tarot, it's something that people seem to accept and there's a lot of. Proven value to it. God is all over the tarot all over astrology all over, you know, the horoscope and the planetary alignments. I believe all of this has so much intersectionality with God. I think God created it all. I think he [00:03:00] commands it all.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I also don't think science and religion are mutually exclusive. I think there's all kinds of intersectionality. I think that you would see that too. If you really sit down and think about it. I don't take on this mindset of one side has to be right or wrong and if people would quit fighting and find like the common ground and then I think that you would see it too.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I personally don't see why God could not have spoken. That could have been the big bang and there you have it. The end because in the book of Genesis and the Hebrew Bible and the when it opens the world is already here. You know, there isn't anything in there about God created the world, you know, the spirit is already moving upon the waters of the earth in the first chapter of the Hebrew Bible in the first place.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So, to me, that justifies and explains the dinosaurs and the cavemen because the earth was already here when the book of Genesis opens. And therefore, I hold space [00:04:00] for, for evolution and all of that. And I don't, I don't see why God could not have been there from the beginning. I just don't see that. And so I reach for knowledge and wisdom and wherever I can find it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I'm not trying to make, you know, dividing lines or anything like that. I'm trying to see where the, where the intersectionality is that way. I can increase power, increase my wisdom and increase my strength that make any sense to throw away perfectly good value and knowledge from science or religion. You know, so let us let the anger go.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Let us let the defensiveness go. Let us let the need to be right go. And let us keep an open and flexible mind. And remember, God ain't done you nothing. The angels ain't done you nothing. If the church hurt you, that was them. Fuck them. We passed on from them. We shall never relive those experiences again.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But, you know, we gotta take God with us and leave the church behind. You know, you know, I don't fool with Christianity. I don't fool with any religion. I don't fool with nobody today. I'm church, but God, Jesus Christ and the Holy [00:05:00] Ghost. I'm thick with. Okay. I'm very close to them. True religion, in my opinion, is found out in the wilderness, like with John the Baptist and Enoch.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You know, people have, you know, beings that people know, you know, people have lived in this earth that people know about. And then go to like a church, go to the baptist and go to the damn church, you know, he was out in the wilderness eating what locusts and honey calling on the name of the Lord and was powerful.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Jesus really only went to church to debate with people he really didn't give a fuck about church people in his day and he wasn't even a Christian. So I, There was a need for the term Christian for a while back in the day to separate themselves from the Jews who were going to believe in Christ and the ones who weren't going to fuck with them.

De'Vannon Seráphino: We're past those days now, and it's not what it used to be. The term holds no value, but that doesn't give me a right to sit down and throw all knowledge of God away just because the church is fucking up. I also think there's authentic church experiences and psychedelics. I have felt the Holy Ghost and [00:06:00] psychedelics like intensely.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I think LSD ain't nothing but the Holy Ghost in a bottle personally, and I felt very church vibes when I've been in certain clubs where a lot of the kids are on psychedelics. God is where anybody is open to him. As they say, we're two or more touch and agree. And that doesn't have to be a physical touch.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It can be an energetic touch. A mental energy understanding sort of touch, just a directed focus on the Lord. God will honor that. And then the Hebrew scriptures talk about who so offers praise glorifies me. It doesn't matter how you do it. If you're clapping your hands, if you're dancing to soul house music, either sober on, on some sort of, you know, A drug that has you in a hyper state of consciousness.

De'Vannon Seráphino: God is in all that. He's cool with all of that. So there's a lot of flexible, fun ways that you can approach God, approach spirituality or whatever deity you want to believe in. But what I'm trying to get you to understand is you need to do something intentionally. You know, because we do everything intentionally.

De'Vannon Seráphino: We go [00:07:00] have sex, we find people to date, we travel, we work, we make money, we have kids. We hike, we do whatever the fuck, and we really plan. You have to plan for your spirituality. It's not just gonna fall on you magically out of the heavens. And what will testify against you in the day of judgment if you is that you could have you have time to do whatever the fuck you want, and people are very intent about doing whatever the fuck they want not going to be told otherwise.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And what I'm trying to get you to understand is you, you would do yourself a high service to work in spirituality while you're doing all the fuck you want to do, while you have a physical being. You know, I was talking to somebody the other day about taking time to their cells to like, detox and things like that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And they were like, well, I won't be having any time to do like a seven day, like herbal detox. And, you know, I'm like the warning I want to give you all out of that is to be careful when you're scheduling your life that you have time to yourself. I know you might have to go to work and be around people, but other than that, you should, you know, most people [00:08:00] are in fair amount of control.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You know, especially single people, you know, having time completely to yourself. I'm talking about if you never have seven damn days, just to yourself. And you're always out with people. You always are around people. You need to change that because how else are you going to hear God or hear from God or the spirit or the divine or the universe or whatever you want to call it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: If you always around people, you can't do that. You need to schedule time. Amen. To date God or the universe of the spirit, as you understand it, just like you would a person, just like you schedule time to bond with your child or with your pet. You gotta work in God too. All right. And, isolation is where God really speaks a lot of it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Thing, knowledge will come to you and it's like, it's like the spirit just slips it into your ears when you take the time to invite God into everything you do, and especially into your silence and your alone time. You must be intentional about this. My children's, [00:09:00] my people's. Yes, schedule time, take yourself like a week, go to work if you have to, but then come home and tell your home, home, homey, you'll see them next week and really marinate and silence and do this regularly.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So, in this episode of the website is sex, drugs and Jesus dot com down under apparel dot com is our lingerie website. And, youTube is Sex, Drugs, and Jesus Podcast. We're on TikTok. That's where I do most of the social media posting, but I do trickle some things over to Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, X.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Twitter, whatever the fuck you want to call it. And and so, yeah, so check us out. Sextrasandjesus. com has a lot of resources on there. The things to have to do with like mental health, suicide I'm getting ready to post a link on there about clubs and different queer, and in my opinion, rather[00:10:00]

De'Vannon Seráphino: deep and soulful sort of places here around New York. I was working on a list myself. And then I met, met this beautiful, beautiful man who already has like a website that, That has that on there, he's already built it up. And so I got, I got to take time to go through it, but I'll be talking about that and posting it to the sex, drug and Jesus website down at the bottom where the recommendations are.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So, but they were going to talk about water signs, the 3 stages of the water signs and some other interesting things about them as we go through it as stated in the introduction to this, the 3 stages govern. Give us knowledge about and govern how we go from our shadow self to our light self. Everybody goes from shadow to light through you know, to ascension, enlightenment, or at least some type of quantifiable spiritual growth.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Even, even the high clairvoyant who raised me had to go through cycles in [00:11:00] life before she really grew in, you know, peaked in her wisdom in her lifetime. Although by, you know, the end of her physical being, she had like every spiritual gift, you know, all kinds of sight, angel, handwriting and the spirit and different things like that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And I mean, things that you wouldn't believe. I've never known a more powerful psychic. And it is an honor to have been raised, to have had been raised by her, but we all got to start somewhere. Yeah. And, in her case, I think when she was seven, she was in a room by herself and it's like she saw suddenly all these people looking at her.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I guess these are spirits or whatever. And from that day forth, she started seeing. But me, when I was about five, I had a dream of a golden cross. Covered in jewels, all around, all on the bottom top side, the purest gold, the 24 karat, I don't know if it's sufficient to describe it, but gold, real gold, like natural gold, deep, soulful gold, and it's raw form, it [00:12:00] wasn't like a polished thing, it was a natural gold, covered in all these jewels, and this cross was spinning and spinning and spinning and spinning, and it came and stood before me, and that is the moment that the Lord marked me and called me to his service.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Because that cross, it was like it was pleading with me, having like a silent, internal, deep soul like conversation with me that echoed, you know, within me and within the cross and between us. And from that day forth, I started dreaming and growing in other gifts and things like that. This is all quite appropriate because water signs, you know, carry a lot of a psychic and emotional power to them, especially like in the tarot.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Who do we have like the page of cups, the queen of cups, you know, like the moon card different, you know, different cards like that carry a lot of like psychic energy to them. I'm going to read it. I'm going to place all the links to all these different [00:13:00] websites that I pulled pulled from in the show notes.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And cause I pulled from a lot of them. So I'll just be quoting things as I go along. So the water signs are cancer, Scarpio and Pisces. These embody the spirit of flow in each of their own distinct way. The rush of rivers, the murmur of tides, the churn of waves. These three dynamic signs are known for their emotions, artistry, sensitivity, and often psychic abilities.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Far from shallow, they bring depth and intensity to the Zodiac. What does the element of water represent in astrology? We all need water to survive. It is an essential component of life. Water can be used as a tool for cleansing and purification, but it can also create floods, delusions, and catastrophic devastation.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Lord have mercy. Likewise, there's a powerful association between the water element and the subconscious realm. They're both impenetrably deep, infinitely expansive, and [00:14:00] flow in a variety of ways. Water is emotion. The water signs tend to embody the multitudes of this soulful fluid element.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And I also wanna point out, like in the tarot, you have this, this suit of swords. The, the wands, pinnacles, and then the cups that the, the cups represent the water, but the water is in the cups. Like, like the actual thing in the suit of cups isn't the, the, the fucking cup. It's, it's the water inside the cups.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That's why it's very interesting to me, like when you get to the Six of Cups, you have like flowers sprouting out of it, like instead of water, which is a very beautiful card, very beautiful card, a lot of inner child healing with that card. So, we will start with cancer cancer. The dates for cancer are the June 21st to July 22nd, a [00:15:00] popular symbol for the sign of cancer is the crab element is water.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's modality or quality. Whatever you want to call it is a cardinal sign again, a definition of the cardinal of what cardinal sign is back in the 1st episode. Cancer's ruling house is the fourth house of family and home. A fourth house in astrology is a precise one, and it rules everything that is related with the individual's history and roots.

De'Vannon Seráphino: This includes everything related to the home, the family, Then the ancestors and all, all issues that are connected to one's locality and one's property and land and houses are communicated through this area of the natal chart

De'Vannon Seráphino: answers ruling planet is the moon cancerous tarot card is the chariot cancerous body part is the chest and breast. When I talk about the body parts from this very fun [00:16:00] website, I'm coming at it from like a sexual nature. The body parts. There are certain body parts that relate to certain signs, and if you study it, you can work with those body parts.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It was in, I guess, at least 1 of your primary signs or anywhere in your chart, depending on what sort of faith and intention you have and want to put into it. So, like, say, I'm a Sagittarius, my sun sign, I have big thighs, very powerful thighs. That's like, like, 1 of our main body parts. If I were to. Like, say, do a lot of squats, a lot of primal body movements and focus my intention on that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I can use that to raise my vibration and then take and transmute that creativity into whatever project or endeavor into meditation. They're getting closer to God or whatever into building myself up on the inside. But there's also sexual implications to it, too, because well, that's just how beautifully and intricately God put us together.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So the body part that relates to the sign of cancer is the chest and the breasts. I'm going to read this from the website. Eyes [00:17:00] up. Wait, eyes up here, cancer. You know, people sitting there staring at your boobs are like, my eyes are up here. I don't. I have, like, rather, I guess, pronounced nipples, which, you know, you can't see through this shirt, but when I have on a t shirt or something like that, men, women, and everything in between, to just be staring my my nipples down as I'm walking through the street, and you know what?

De'Vannon Seráphino: I'd be like, my eyes are right down here. You might as well look. Go ahead and get you an Eiffel. Fuck it. Why not? Why not? Go ahead and enjoy thyself. I am here for you. Yes.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Lord have mercy. I'm so fucking silly. This emotional loyal crustacean, cancer symbolized by the crab, is extremely sensitive and may be receptive to touch. Around their chest area, crabs love soft kisses and bites to their chest area, especially their nipples. [00:18:00] This fascination and lust for the breast areas due to their fertile and sensitive desires.

De'Vannon Seráphino: This water sign is also associated with femininity and the home

De'Vannon Seráphino: cancer, the feeler corresponding with the beginning of summer. Cancer is the 1st water sign of the Zodiac. Likewise, cancer represents the 1st time we're experiencing the rich complexities of our emotional inner world. New to the joy of being loved, along with the sting of rejection. Cancer protects its mushy, gushy interior with a hard, impenetrable shell.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So naturally, it takes a while for this sign, which is symbolized by the crab, to build trust and let its guard down. It's sensitive, hunty. But in due time, cancers reveal their sweet, delicate nature. Cancer is ruled by the moon, and like Mother Moon herself, tends to have a nurturing spirit. Cancers can be fierce and protective [00:19:00] of friends and lovers, and also the kind of helicopter parents who want to know where you are and what you're doing whenever you're out of sight.

De'Vannon Seráphino: This oscillation between safe coddling and vicious overbearing is another prime examples, example of cancer's crustacean origin. Tender on the inside, but always ready to pinch with his massive claws. Celebrity cancer sons include Princess Diana, Vin Diesel, Ariana Grande, Robin Williams, Courtney Love Baby, Frida Kahlo, Lana Del Rey, and Larry David.

De'Vannon Seráphino: We admire and resent these stars for echoing our own emotions, directly accessing feelings that society demands we stuff down without shame or artificiality. They make us nostalgic for our own emotional authenticity. Hmm. The three stages of cancer. The crab, also known as self protective. The hydra, also known as defensiveness.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And the peacock of all [00:20:00] things, unconditional love. That's a whole new being from a crab to a hydra to a peacock. Hydra is that, it's like a, that Greek mythological being and if you cut off one head, I think like two more sprout in its place. That's that's a lot. It's a lot. Talk about the crab. As you first begin to move through life, you operate like a crab.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The crab has a protective shell, which is how you live this first stage of life, as if everything potentially is there to crush you. Not believing in your own strength, you often feel like you get pulled and tossed around by the waves of life, yet not able to see the bigger picture. Just like the crab moves, you seldom move in a straight direction and instead meander back and forth through your life.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Lord have mercy. Thank you, Lord. While family and friends are always important to you, like the scavenging nature of this animal, you tend to accept less than what you deserve early on, just so you have something. [00:21:00] But this is also part of that difficult life lesson that leads you to the next phase.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I think coming out of a phase like that is really, really important to acknowledge if you have been the type of person to settle, to take whatever you can just because it's there. Compromising your principles and values, not having principles and values clearly defined. If you ever were that way, it's okay.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That's the point of growth. Just tell yourself the truth. I compromise. I let people walk all over me. I took the abuse and things like that that I didn't deserve. I didn't recognize that I was being abused, but now I can. Now I can see abuse for what it is. I'm not going to take that anymore, and I'm ready to evolve.

De'Vannon Seráphino: There is no shame if you have been weak. The shame or the foolishness would be to act like you never were, or not be willing to acknowledge that you ever were. Truth ain't nothing but strength. And like Christ said, you shall know the truth and the [00:22:00] truth shall make you free. And that's all that there is to it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Even if their truth is hurtful and painful and humbling, and doesn't make you look strong, acknowledging the truth is the only path forward. The Hydra, a mythical creature who multiplies the more it hurts, depicts a vengeful and overpowering nature this time can possess. Usually, This only comes out in matters of love and home, as this is the most sensitive spot for the crab.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Once you learn the unfortunate lesson of having accepted less than you deserve, which usually ends in betrayal, you often want to strike out and hurt others in the same way that they hurt you. Once you learn that this doesn't end with your happiness, you start to heal, you begin to realize that there is more to life than you had thought, and that there are also numerous opportunities for love and happiness as you press as your perspective widens and heals.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You become more hopeful and start to [00:23:00] come out of your proverbial shell.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I suppose on some level, it's better to clap back at a bitch than to just let them walk all over you. However, as we go through our stages of evolution, we begin to understand, and it doesn't matter what sign you're in, that fighting is not necessary. Establishing boundaries is necessary. It takes two people to fight.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So if somebody done you something dirty, it's their game. There isn't really any getting even, because you're trying to hurt them because they hurt you, they hurt you because they just didn't fucking respect you, or like you, or came from whatever deep darkness is within them, there really isn't any way to even it, to square the box, to get even, Steven.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Madonna has that song, I don't know what album it's on, but I know you can probably look YouTube, Revenge. She says there's no such thing as revenge. You will not give as good as you got. There is [00:24:00] no such thing as an eye for an eye,

De'Vannon Seráphino: you know, it's, it's just, you can't, you can't because when you, when you try to fight somebody and do what they did to you, you lower to that vibration is really what's happening is you're pulling or letting yourself get pulled down. It takes a lot of internal fortitude to have somebody hurt you in some way to forgive them and just walk the fuck away.

De'Vannon Seráphino: They karma will be theirs, and you would destroy them more anyway, inadvertently by just fucking walking away and doing what us Sagittarians do so fucking well is just forgetting you exist. Okay, it will deflate them. It'll leave them crestfallen. You ever, somebody ever try to argue with you and you just.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Walk away or just have no emotion. It's like they, there's no, there's nothing for that fire to grow on and they just kind of fucking can't do anything. That is how you take the rug right out from under somebody is by [00:25:00] doing literally nothing.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Don't you go cast magic against people? Don't you, don't you do these things? Cause you don't have to pay for whatever you do. Somebody done done you some bullshit. Thank God for letting you see it and for opening your eyes so you have the information you need to turn away. That is a beautiful thing in the Tower of, like, the Three of Swords, the Ten of Swords.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Yeah, it hurts to get poked and stabbed with swords, but at least you can see shit for what it really is now. And both of those cards usually have suns rising in the background or some type of illumination. You destroyed and defeated now, yes you are, but now you're also at the point where you can turn a corner and begin to heal and you may have a long fucking healing in front of you but heal, you will, but the getting even part is just, it's just not where it's at.

De'Vannon Seráphino: This is not where it's at.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Let God do that for you. [00:26:00] Some of people's worst karma that they can get is internal, and you might never know it. Because people like to come out and go on social media and their dating apps and everything and act like they've got it together. And them people could be crying and bitter as fuck in their homes when they're alone.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Because the Lord can step into somebody's mind and into their dreams. And do shit that your fist and you slashing their tires and you're trying to throw dark magic against them would never be able to do, but the Lord sees people exactly for what they really are, even when they're not willing to embrace and face their own truth, and the Lord knows how to really fuck somebody up.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay, but really what, in ways that we will never know, because I don't care how long you were married to somebody or dated them or having sex with them or their best friend, you don't know every damn thing about that person. You don't. I had a dream and the Lord was showing me like how when people's souls fused like a couple, I was only like [00:27:00] 75 percent and the other 25 percent of that person is never like say, Fused with the other person that they're in a relationship with, and it doesn't really matter if it's friends or family or whatever you and what that means is that no matter how close you get to somebody, even in a love romantic relationship, you will never have full access to 100 percent of that individual.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It is not God's design. This is how we maintain our individuality within close relationships, which means there's things about the people who have hurt you that you don't know. And to me, it's beautiful, because then you always get to keep discovering things about people, but if the fucker is evil, leave them to the Lord, because God gonna get into all 100 percent of them, into the parts that you don't have access to and have never known about, and destroy their fucking asses on your behalf.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay, leave people alone, take it, take the lesson, as we used to say when I was a drug dealer, when some bullshit would happen, just charge it to the game, just charge it to the motherfucking [00:28:00] game, and leave that shit alone, and move fucking forward. And if you are close with God, you probably, you don't have a dream about their karma, their destruction, and you don't hear about it or some shit like that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That is how, that is how it goes. Because there's scriptures that talk about how, how we will hear about the destruction of our enemies and people who did us wrong and did us dirty. The peacock, just like this magnificent bird, at this stage you command attention, baby, yes, not with, not with your words, but because when we've evolved into our higher self, which for you is that of a queen, my beautiful cancer, cancer people.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I guess that's how you would say that. Your own actions speak for themselves. A true embodiment of love, grace, and compassion. You now use your lessons in order to help those around you never experience the pain that you did. When you're really walking in your own power, you ain't gotta run your fucking mouth all the [00:29:00] time.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You're very aura. We'll speak for you because at this peacock state, you're doing what I was saying earlier and taking time to your fucking self and working on doing your spiritual workouts in private so that when you show up to your relationships and out in public and shit, you carry a force that will go before you.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Because when we are dealing with people and we're in their presence, we're taking in everything, the way they look, the way they smell or don't, the way their teeth look, the way their voice projects, just the words they choose to use, their choice of clothes, everything, the way we stride and glide and walk, the way we conduct, the way we look when we sit down, our choice of pose, this is all happening on a conscious and subconscious level.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And when you really have evolved and you've ascended and you've become this peacock, all a peacock gotta do is just stand there and look. Peacocky. It's not that even the peacock is trying to peacock. It's just the beauty is fucking natural. They literally woke up like this. [00:30:00]Your power will flow naturally, you're not trying.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And can't nobody at this point, you have very healthy fucking boundaries. As soon as somebody has a little flinchaling of bullshit, mm mm, you cut it off. Those people who hurt you before, probably you saw red flags and you ignored them. Every sign does this in the lower stages. We compromise with bullshit We never should have until we evolve and we love the fuck out of ourselves When you take isolation time intentional isolation time like I keep telling you to do you learn how to love yourself You get in your own energy and you pay close attention to yourself.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You know,

De'Vannon Seráphino: I was I was working out earlier tonight in my apartment. I chose this week not to go do any of the fitness classes at the gym and and I was, and it is a workout that I do like once a week anyway, but I noticed while I was doing it, like, my body's changed. It looked different, more athletic, more fit.

De'Vannon Seráphino: [00:31:00] And I noticed I had more agility. Okay, when I'm in a fitness class around a bunch of people, I got to focus on the instructor, got to pay attention, not bumping into the other people in class and all of this and that, which is all fine and beautiful. But when I was alone tonight doing that, you know, I was able to really pay attention to me and give God glory and be thankful for my ability to move in a more efficient and fluid way.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I don't know when I started doing it, but I was able to pay attention to that finite minutia tonight. You got to get by yourself to pay attention to how you've grown and be able to quantify growth and changes. I'm very, very big on quantifiable growth. That way we don't Get caught into this emotional lull of calling things inspiration without being able to quantify what you were inspired to do.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Or always being around healing and never been able to quantify what has been healed in you. [00:32:00] It hurts my soul to see people in the psychedelic community. I just started doing psychedelics like literally last year. I did LSD once in Mexico last year, ayahuasca once. And that was fucking it. This year I've gone full throttle with it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I'm a full on psychonaut. But most people in psychedelics, I'm so fucking new. I'm about to be physically on this earth 42 years, 42 years in December, though I'll be turning 12, as far as I'm fucking concerned, internally and in every sense of the word. But everybody else I know is doing psychedelics, they've been doing this shit for decades.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I'm new. Like, I just got to psychedelics like yesterday fucking day. But some of them have not grown. And I'll ask people who have been doing psychedelics and LSD, which is something that will, that can attach you, rewire your brain fucking fast. I asked them, quantify for me, like, how you've grown since you started psychedelics.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You know, what problems that you have then, because now they, nobody's ever been able to fucking answer [00:33:00] me. And but that's okay. That's why I'm here. The spirit is challenging them through me, just through that question. So they can have a think about what the fuck they've been doing with their time.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Cause it's very easy to get into a situation where you do things that make you feel good. But they're new thing, productive coming Friday. Even if you have sex with your partner, you need to be able to quantify how you're closer over time. How you've gotten to know them better, how you understand their body better, how you're transmuting this energy to worship the divine better, how you approach them better, like you, you, like you should be able to, to see the difference.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So let us not get caught up in good feelings, because that is the devil's playground, and he can really fuck you up by keeping you from growth and stinting your growth. If you settle for things that make you feel good, you train yourself to do this. If you do, or if you're, if you're the type to do things like hookups one night stands, if you, you do things like inject the drugs, [00:34:00]watch porn, things like that, that are like high rushes. A fucking emotion, but they don't really have a depth to them, but they feel really sensational in the flesh, but there's no, like, depth to them as you training your, your neuro pathways to just be settled with feelings and emotions.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And you got to be careful with that. And people in the psychedelic circle. Oh, I can't have like a deep conversation with, or they think they have depth to them and they don't, or they kind of do, but I can see that they really could have been further along, but they just keep getting high and feeling good and not actually doing the soul work.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It saddens me. We're going to work with these children. We're going to work with them. Congratulations, Cancer, on becoming the beautiful peacock that we always knew you would be. Scarpio. Scarpio is my rising sign. Your rising sign has everything to do with your first house. Not Scorpio [00:35:00] scar. Scorpio is my rising sign and my first house, Scorpio's, the eighth house, as I'll tell you here. So, your rising sign is your first house shit. . Scorpio's dates are October 23rd, two, November 21st. The popular symbol for, for Scorpio is the Scorpio, and the element is water. Its modality is fixed.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The ruling house, the eighth house in astrology, the eighth house is the house of the Zodiac sign of Scorpio and planet Pluto. It is viewed as the house of sex, taboos, death, resurrection, and other people's possessions. We can infer from these general fields that it also rules legacies, heritages, and wills.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Likewise, the eighth house is one of the entryways towards the spiritual world and is generally associated with the occult and magic. The eighth house can be considered one of the best instructors when it comes to teaching us about life and its meaning. It is the domain of transformative encounters. I am really looking forward to laying out the [00:36:00] lesson that I'm going to teach on these planetary houses.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It is fucking fascinating how much power and insight God has given us by studying the stars, these houses, Tarot cards, astrology, and the intersectionality of it all. Good God Almighty, we have everything at our fucking disposal to understand ourselves. Even if our parents, and the church, and school, whoever the fuck we thought was supposed to raise us, it don't fucking matter if they didn't do it right, or good enough, or efficiently enough, or however you feel, you got it anyway.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Like, it's right here in front of you, and you can only reach for it. Scorpio's ruling planet classically was Mars. Starting the 20th century, turn to Pluto. The tarot card associated with the sign of Scorpio is the Death card. And let us not be afraid of the death card. You die all the time. Really? How did Maya Angelou say every day?

De'Vannon Seráphino: I reinvent myself, [00:37:00] you know, cell fusions, mitosis and meiosis happening within our bodies and plants and shit around us all the time. You know, death is nothing more than a change and transformation and everything that you go through, every breakup, every job you leave. Every time you do anything like if you're dancing at a club when you leave the dance floor Then that is the death of that dancing session So to speak all this getting ready getting you ready to physically depart this plane of existence So really we die all the time and there's some shit you want to die toxic gas Relationships terrible jobs anything pulling on your energy We get to we need to get to a point where we look horrible forward to the next transition.

De'Vannon Seráphino: We enjoy where we're at. We enjoy the growth of something, but we value and celebrate death just like everything else. Jesus Christ said to actually mourn when somebody is born and to rejoice when they die. The Hebrew Bible says that better is the end of a thing than the beginning. So once we get higher in our spirituality, we stop these [00:38:00] emotional attachments and being all squishy about shit and letting shit go.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And we fucking boss up. Alright? We understand that we're not gonna always be here. Nothing is permanent to speak of. Our relationships, our emotions, like our spirit form, is permanent. Because when we die, we just come into a full manifestation of that. And our relationships carry over into the afterlife, too.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But it's very, very, very, very fucking important who we, whose energy we accept. The body part associated with the sign of Scorpio is the groin and genitals. Who knew? Who would have guessed, right? Hmm. So let me read from this website about this body part. You gotta hand it to Scorpio. They just cut right to the damn chase for this whole thing.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It may gravitate towards the groin and genital area. True to their reputation, Scorpios are extremely sexual beings. Since Scorpio already governs the sex organs, try adding erotic [00:39:00] dimensionality by experimenting with roleplay, bondage, or even the Kama Sutra. After all, this sensual water sign loves to get wet.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Pun very fucking much intended. Well, yeah, I have a high ass fucking sex drive and there's anything wrong with that. You know, our sexuality creates our creativity and sex is around us all the time. God created sex. I love, the, the power and the magic of sex. Sex is a high ritual. It's a high magic ritual is what it is.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's collaborative magic. And you do create things when you have sex with people. That is why. I don't do hookups. I don't do one night stands. I don't go on dating apps. I do not have sex with people. I don't know that I may have to marry everybody. I'm not above polyamory, but I even if I'm going to be poly is not so I could have a lot of fucking people.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's because I have so much love to give and I am able to and I'm emotionally and spiritually mature enough to balance the energies of more than one partner. [00:40:00] There isn't anybody in my life who I just have there for the purpose of sex. That is a low blow to the concept of sex. It is insulting to it. I don't give a damn how much people do it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It is unwise spiritually to expose yourself. to unknown energies like that. I took my underwear fetish and my love for for underwear and turned that into the business that is Down Under Apparel. My lingerie website downunderapparel. com started in a flea market. We hit our 10 year anniversary October the 4th of this year, 10 years ago in Denham Springs in the fucking country outside of Baton Rouge.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I opened that store. I had got out of jail. I had so many fucking felonies. I couldn't get hired anywhere. I was a janitor at the VA in a mental health program making minimum wage tax free, thank the Lord, but it was the only job I could have after I was done being homeless and I got HIV and I thought I was going to die and [00:41:00] lost my damn mind in the streets of Houston.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I started down under apparel 10 years ago transmuting my sexual energy and my, and my high sexual nature into a money making business. And that's, and that's it. And that's what you can do. Plants, animals. You know, you see love bugs having sex in the air and different fucking dragonflies plants are always growing in their cells are going to go and sell division and and so are ourselves sexual energy is around us all the time, but it is of quintessential importance that we come into control of our sexual nature and our sexual energy and we don't let it just fly the fuck off with us just because something's not rape doesn't mean that okay anything else goes.

De'Vannon Seráphino: No, you can have people doing sex consensually and really fucking themselves over in the way they're going about doing it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So I'm not going to get [00:42:00] on the soapbox on that because I talk about that a lot, many different episodes. What is this? This is going to be episode like 160, 163 or something like that. So we have plenty of it. You know what you can do is go to the sex drugs and Jesus. com website, myself and two other spiritual leaders collaborated on a blog that talks about the dangers of like sex magic and different things like that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: In case you don't believe me, there's other people who have some viewpoints on sex magic. It's real. Magic casting and spell casting is a part of this world and I need you to understand that. Witchcraft, voodoo, all of those things, you know, I was raised in Louisiana, around all of that, taught all of that, Growing up, witchcraft shit is cheap, you can get it from damn near, I mean, you can use it anywhere, from grass and trees outside, but going to like a magic shop, which they sell the shit online, because I would venture to guess, magic is probably like a multi billion, a zillion dollar [00:43:00] industry, it don't take a child, on a child's fucking allowance, you can afford witchcraft supplies, it's nothing but fucking herbs, oils, oils.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Potions, fucking sprays and shit like that. It ain't like it's costly. Voodoo and witchcraft supplies don't cost a whole fucking lot. You got some things, some like the cauldrons and different bigger things like that, that are going to be pricey, but you can do that same sort of stuff. And I'll pot on the stove if you, if you're witch enough.

De'Vannon Seráphino: If you don't magical enough, so I'm trying to get you to understand is there's a lot of people doing a lot of spellcasting around you and they don't come with crooked noses and pointy fucking hats. They look just like this with a button collar shirt, or just like with jeans and t shirt on. We in ceremony have like certain things that we wear certain garbs.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And things like that, that you might be affiliating in your head with magicians and shamans mystics and witches and stuff like that. [00:44:00] There's a time and a place for that. But our magic is just as strong with us when we're out in the street, not in those clothing as we are when we're in official ceremony.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And magic is so powerful that it subconsciously works. This is why you cannot be around people who don't have your very best intention in mind.

De'Vannon Seráphino: A one time evangelist knows in the high clairvoyant who raised me we're getting ready to take a church bus trip to fucking Florida or Mexico some damn where I am what it was just gonna be me going And then that was, I don't think, I was just going by myself. I didn't want my brother and my dad to go with me.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But she was on the phone in her office trying to get them to go. I didn't say anything, but when I realized that she was trying to get them to go, I just, really, this strong emotion came up in me, and I just really was like, fuck, I hope that they don't go. Since she was clairvoyant and very sensitive, she could read my mind and read my emotions and tell.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And she, she kind of pulled the phone away from her. [00:45:00] She was like, boy, go get on that bus. You know, because my, my very will and desire for them to not go with interfering with her trying to will them and get them into going. Okay. I didn't open my mouth. I didn't say a word, but just because I had that, that urge and that desire for them to not go, it was sending out a vibration that was having an impact on what she was trying to do.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So what I'm trying to get you to understand is just because somebody don't look at you and say I fucking hate you and I want you to die does not mean that they're just because they don't go and put a candle against you or voodoo doll against you doesn't mean that evil wishes cannot fuck with you.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That's why you have to be careful who you hop in fucking bed with, and you have to be careful who you let get close to you even if it's strictly platonic. You have to be questioning people about their faith, their beliefs, their practices, get into that shit. And when the spirit reveals to you, red flags.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Don't you fucking ignore it. There's billions [00:46:00] of people in this world. We should not be settling for no bullshit from no damn body. There's too goddamn many people to pick from. We, we must have physical attachments, but the most important attachment is still the Lord. Okay, when we're in isolation, that intentional isolation that I know you lovely children are gonna do, we can evaluate our relationships too, because we're just in our own energy and give it an honest think.

De'Vannon Seráphino: About this person really still bringing value. It's time to bring the ax out and chop this bitch off. You know, you really, really need time to do some re evaluating, especially those of us who live in fast ass cities like New York, Tokyo, Dubai. We gotta slow the fuck down. We can't always be getting to the next party, the next event, the next experience, the next, the next, the next, the next, the shit's gonna be there.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You got to be sure you're still going to be there and just like a NASCAR racing car has to get out of the race, get out of the loop of motion and go into the pit stop for a tune up in order to [00:47:00] again get ahead. Other than the race really in this life is against yourself. Sometimes you just gotta pull into the fucking pit stop, bitch.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay, let the other cars zoom on, and then when you're ready, re engage.

De'Vannon Seráphino: One thing about sex magic, I was thinking about this earlier tonight about I've, I've had like three or four men try to, cause some people in their head, View relationships and love through infatuation and obsession, you know, three or four men through witchcraft, try to like, own me and possess me and I've had to battle it and fight it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And I was thinking about the ways that evangelist Nelson, when, you know, when I was dealing with this, with these men, would give me counsel on things to do, like thing, different. different physical things to do to work to break the spells that they were casting on me. And I thought about it, like, I didn't have sex with any of them.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That's how, that's how powerful witchcraft is. [00:48:00] They'll call you on the phone, and they'll have like their candles burning, and different rituals they're doing, and they're gonna tell you that, and while they have you on the phone, they have a stronger connection to you, and that's how they strengthen it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: People will call you on the phone, and not say anything, and while you're sitting there going hello, hello, and this would be for sex magic, or whatever, to fuck or to destroy you, or to fuck with you, make your business close, fuck with your children, whatever, you know, they'll be casting that magic against you.

De'Vannon Seráphino: While you're sitting there on the phone. So if somebody call you and ain't saying shit, hang that bitch up. To that extent I'm thankful that we have more of a texting message y type of world because it cuts a lot of that shit out But it won't if you're accepting the energy of somebody who's working against you So you got to be careful with that But I thought about you know, how those people could step into my dreams and do like astral Things with me and send their spirit around me and be very broading and I never fucking had sex with them.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Not even fucking once. And there was 1, 2, 3, I even hate to try to count it. It's not like it was a lot, but the fact of the matter [00:49:00] is that it happened and I believe that that was at least in part so that I can get on this microphone and warn you about this. Because, you know, if I would have had sex with those people, probably would have fucked me up.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And so when I tell you, you need to stop hooking up with people you just met. And stop getting your ass in bed with people just like that. I'm telling you because magic and witchcraft is just going to grow as the knowledge of it spreads and it becomes more accessible. And people like to have power and control over everything but their damn selves.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And those men that were trying to do that to me do not comprehend love as an equal exchange. They understand it as a pet to have to oppress. And that's coming from a deep inferiority and security inside of them. Because they don't ever want. They didn't ever want me to ever have a possibility of leaving them.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Maybe they couldn't stand rejection. They want to take boys and fucking own [00:50:00] them and make them permanently staple and stuck to them. That's so fucking unhealthy. But in their heads, that's the only way that they like to go about doing it. They never told me that. And, and evangelism through the spirit saw this.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I was very young, you know, when this was happening, you know, and like, you know, most of that was when I was a teenager and the room once again when I was in my twenties, but, no, fuck no. Once again, when I was in my thirties. You know, but it, you know, but anyway, go look at that damn, that blog that we did at sexdrugsandjesus.

De'Vannon Seráphino: com and, and keep your clothes on and stop having sex with people the moment you fucking meet them and get control of yourself and start taking long spans of time off of having sex so you can reset your sexual energy. Have a think about yourself as a sexual being spiritual sexual look at sex spiritually and stop trying to reduce it to just physical.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You can't do that. You didn't create sex. [00:51:00] God created sex. There are certain dynamics and spiritual laws that exist in this universe that nobody can change. All you can do is put yourself into the state of denial about it and look like a fool before the divine and celestial beings because you do not have control of lust and of your carnal desires.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You've seen this in many TV shows and in many movies, where the more mature characters, be they deities, psychics, divine people, counselors, or whatever the fuck, you know, would test people to see if they'll be a fool for lust. You know, you can't think that everything that makes your flesh feel good is good.

De'Vannon Seráphino: We must become wiser than this. Let me read on about Scorpio this article called Scorpio the detective says symbolized by the elusive scorpion Scorpio is a fixed water sign that occurs in the middle of autumn a season that overlaps with Halloween Coincidence never and astrology there are none.

De'Vannon Seráphino: There's no coincidence ever any fucking way Scorpio is known for being intense magnetic and brooding [00:52:00] and modern astrology It's ruled by Pluto which makes sense both their sex and death oriented Kind of goth and edgy and luxuriant in the underworld. But traditionally, before Pluto was discovered via telescope in 1930, Scorpio was ruled by Mars, the planet of war and aggression.

De'Vannon Seráphino: While Aries, the other sign ruled by Mars, is loud and obvious and exhibiting its Martian values, Scorpio is subtle and slick, wielding its attacks with much more deliberate manipulative precision. Lord have mercy. I'm here for the the goth edgy luxurious in the underworld. I am so fucking goth Like I still have in my possession in my closet here in Manhattan There's a glitter boy goth shirt It's like a black shirt with like silver pinstripes like these straps and buckles on the side I got it from Hot Topic when I was in fucking high school By the grace of the lord, I can still fit it because i'm in [00:53:00] much.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I'm very physically fit now Yes And I am so fucking goth, like, I get my nails done black, you know, I'm actually going to this club to celebrate Down Under Apparel's 10 year anniversary on the 4th of October, it's called QXT's, and it's in Jersey. I will be hopping the train and taking me a nice hour train ride out to Jersey, and as I understand it, this is the oldest running goth club in the United States.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I hear it has three dance floors or something like that. I hear it is every fucking thing That's i'm going to be making my qxt's debut I'll be all goth out and scarpio is my rising sign and this makes sense On on instagram children of the night nine children of the night Number nine is my favorite fucking channel of all channels And it's just as goth as a channel.

De'Vannon Seráphino: They have all this goth. She got it's fucking It's fuck yeah, it's fuck yeah. I'm forever Halloween. Halloween is the only holiday I actually give a damn about because all the other holidays are like fake or [00:54:00] are just, they're just, they don't have any depth to them. You know, Halloween is like. It's like people are supposed to pretend and people have fun with it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Like I can get on board with that, but the other holidays, whatever. Continuing on, Scarpio has an elephant's memory, a special ability for keeping secrets, and a depth of passion unrivaled by any other sign of the Zodiac. But it also means Scarpions it also means Scarpios, and ever, Ever, ever let shit go.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I mean, we would all go insane if we remembered everything that ever happened. Never forgave or forgot, right? Not Scorpios, darling. These murky water signs are content just wallowing in their own strange pool. Be careful where you step. Famous Scorpio sons include Emma Stone, Vlad the Impaler, fucking hell, Hedy Lamarr, Jar Jar O'Keefe, Frank Ocean, Joaquin Phoenix with his sexy fucking ass, Sylvia Plath, Bjarke, Tilda Swinton, her cute [00:55:00] ass, and Tim Cook.

De'Vannon Seráphino: These provocateurs induce strong, deep seated emotions. We admire their wild depths and iconoclastic visioness, but their secrecy and charisma can feel truly frightening. The

De'Vannon Seráphino: three stages of life for for Scarpio. Is the scorpion also known as survival mode, the eagle, also known as self isolation, the phoenix, also known as rebirthing the scorpion. You are in survival mode early on in life. This means your primary purpose is to not get hurt. However, as this is unavoidable in life, you then want to inflict pain on those who have done the same to you. It doesn't matter if it was intentional or not. You have a very retribution based approach to life at this stage. If someone crushes your dreams, you often either take that very same energy out on someone else or [00:56:00] worse, on yourself.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Your stinging nature during this time can often come across as emotional unavailability with you, keeping away what it is you say you most want, as you realize that none of this is leading to success and life or love, you eventually retreat to the darkness to try to hide from being hurt anymore.

De'Vannon Seráphino: A low level Scorpio, it can be a self-destructive son of a bitch. I'm telling you. Hmm.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That might not have been the most compassionate word. They can, they can really, really do a lot to hurt themselves. You know, I've witnessed this in Scorpios. I've, I've known from the past, like Sunsign Scorpios. It's, it's very, very, very, very difficult to engage with this type of energy. So, so, you know, this, this, this, what this is [00:57:00] saying is this victim mentality where people think everybody is out to get them.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Somebody could probably give somebody a gift and he could try to whip it around their head some type of way to make it into a weapon. You know, this is somebody being an enemy of themselves in their own damn mind and your perspective. As they say in John Wick, perspective is everything. The way you view the world, your lens is your universe.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Nobody else is in your fucking head but you. And these people here, approaching the world from like a don't hurt me vibration, that's just not how you go about things. You gotta accept the fact that pain is a part of life, that God strengthens us through pain, like pain, let down, betrayal, it's like a spiritual workout, you have to have some sort of resistance in order to grow, you can't go to a gym and just stand there and look at the fucking wall, you have to find some sort of way to have some, some sort of resistance training, be it a band, squats, primal [00:58:00] movements, weights, Pilates, yoga, something, and then you get stronger by it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Problems are what grow us in life, not the good times. Suffering is a part of the human existence, so bitching about suffering, why is there hunger, why is there this, why is there abuse, why is there child molestation? This, God allows these things to grow us, to bring us closer to him, because if he didn't, people would just be successful and not give a fuck about anything but themselves.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Suffering and pain and problems is called balance. It humbles us. It gives us a reason to pray. God is doing all of this to lead us to him, to lead us to our highest evolutions. So once we mature, we stop whining about the fact that there's bad things and we look at the value in what bad things produce.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay, look at a plant. You gotta cover a seed in fucking dirt, drown it in water, and then when it comes up, some people have the audacity to cut, clip it, and prune it. It is gotta be out in the [00:59:00] damn hot sun or the blistering cold just to yield fruit so we can fucking eat it. You know, we're nothing more than plants for the Lord.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You know, and, and, and, and we, it's just not supposed to be comfortable all the time. Nothing is God ain't gonna never let this earth be so fucking good that you wouldn't want to leave it and go to heaven in due season. You know, you know, isn't, it's not supposed to be that way here.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's interesting that same retribution type mentality is here with Scorpio as it was with fucking cancer. There's a lot of, like, this, this, these signs are very fucking emotional. That's why it's important to acknowledge you have emotion and be okay with it. With masculines, you really gotta watch it because the world has told men in different cultures not to have emotions or to embrace them or you're weak or you're a little bitch or you're like a girl.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Ciao. Fuck all that noise. God made you, [01:00:00] God is emotion and love, the end. So are you. You are both masculine, you are feminine, I don't care if you have a dick, or what the fuck you think you're supposed to be defining your manhood by, but emotion must be a part of it, or you're not going to ever be whole, or feel whole, and you'll always be searching for something, or needing validation, what you really need is to own up to your feminine side.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Which could look like anything. It doesn't mean you paint your nails and act like a girl. It just means you honor the part of you that's more nurturing rather than, fucking controlling or trying to be a boss all the time or trying to create or do or be active. Just, you know, chill, be nurturing, be tender, show love.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And that might be the extent of your feminine side. That's, it is for you to search that out and to be okay with that and not to fight your emotions. If you're fighting your emotions, you're doing what this Here is saying fighting yourself. And then you're gonna blame every damn everybody else. That's only gonna last until you like die.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And then when you face the Lord, you're not gonna be able to play no damn victims anymore. Until you better tell yourself, tell yourself the [01:01:00] truth. Now you're not gonna always be on this earth to run around with lies and self de self-deception in your head. And I do mean that with love and compassion.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But that is a pot fucking topic for me. 'cause I've had to deal with, with with fucking low level Scorpios in the past. The eagle, the first inclination of this, the eagle being the second evolution of Scorpio is very fucking wild to me because in the tarot on the world card, you have the four fixed signs of the Zodiac.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You have Taurus. Scorpio, Aquarius, and Leo represented in those four, in those four corners, you have the bull, you have Aquarius represented as a cherub, and you have Leo as a lion, but you have this middle evolution of Scorpio on, on the world card, which has to do with, I mean, the world card is the last fucking card in the [01:02:00] major arcana, and it ends the cycle, it ends like the whole cycle, and you start back over at the fool.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Which I'll talk about all of that in great detail when I do my tarot, lessons, and I will be doing a global tarot reading, not science specific, covering everybody as we all go through the same cycles. I will be doing a global tarot reading once I go through all the tarot cards. Anyway, the eagle, the first inclination of this phase is to avoid being hurt again.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Oh, and on that world card, wait a minute, all of them are holding, like, basically the Bible or the Torah, the Old Testament. In in there, you know, it's very, very, very interesting in the world card like that. Anyway, the 1st inclination of this phase is to avoid being hurt again by not being around anyone.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The eagle flies higher than any other bird, which means there's a tendency to be lonely during this time, not because no 1 is there for you or because people don't love you, but rather because you've a self isolated out of fear of being hurt again. Or of having to change the [01:03:00] ego learns that it, that it doesn't have to hide in order to keep itself safe.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And you can find success in life and in love, but in order to do so, you need to take a chance on each. They learn that failure is the only redirection and that while pain is a part of life, it doesn't have to define who we are. I'll tell you one thing being this damn emotional. If you can get a mastery over yourself, you will be quite a masterful mother fire and you, you, you will, you will experience and feel power.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Such as you have not known that's one of the, one of the beautiful things about chaos and things being unbalanced and unstable is how relative to that weakness, how you glisten and shine once you pull your shit together to give you a great sense of humble pride. Okay,

De'Vannon Seráphino: this is just speaking to me about balanced expectations. [01:04:00] And fear letting fear go. God has not given us a spirit of fear, as it says in the book of Timothy, but of love and a power of a sound mind in your isolation, you will learn how to love yourself

De'Vannon Seráphino: going through a dark night of the soul or having some sort of thing humble you, you should be isolated. And while you're there, make it count, think about shit, write shit out, pray, meditate, let revelations come to you, learn to fall in love with yourself. You should love your own company more than you love being around people.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I personally think masturbation,

De'Vannon Seráphino: since it's connecting with self. It's preferable if I had to make a choice than sex with somebody else, because then I have to deal, which is a beautiful thing, but there's other energies. But whenever you're conjoining with somebody sexually, there's also, there could be energies present that you don't know.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You don't really know where the fuck they've been, because they've been around you. Or if [01:05:00] they haven't really been anywhere, what kind of thoughts they've let into their mind, what sort of spirits they've entertained. Doesn't have to be dangerous or nefarious or bad. But what I'm saying is, Even masturbation, which I talked about in, like, one of the other two episodes in this whole divination thing that I'm teaching that I'm doing is very powerful magic.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's very connecting with you to the divine. You know, you'll hear people say if it was their last day on earth, they'd find someone to sleep with. No, it was my choice and it was going to be my last day on earth. And I just couldn't find anything to do to find a way to bust the nut. You know, I would, I'd probably be praying and meditating somewhere, but if I had to do something sexual, I would rather masturbate than to go have sex with somebody else, because then at least I'd be in my own energy, you know, you know, which is, which is where you want to prefer, you better fall in love with yourself.

De'Vannon Seráphino: More than the love of company, the love of lovers, the love of children, the love of pets. You should love [01:06:00] the divine first, then you, then everybody else. I'm gonna say that again. You better love the divine first, then you, then everybody else. And whatever fucking order you want the bitches in, but you better put yourself in terms of love before everybody else.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That might sound selfish. I was, I didn't understand this until like last year, you know, cause I used to put the people I was dating and relationships with before me, but that's unwise. Do not do this thing. Because if you don't love yourself, you won't be able to show up for them the way you think you can.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And you won't have boundaries and shit. They won't fucking respect you, and it's just, it's gonna go up in flames. So you gotta take care of yourself where you can take care of somebody else. Or how did Mama RuPaul say, bitch, if you can't love yourself, the hell you gonna love anybody else? Period. Period.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And no, like your pain and [01:07:00] not just your pain, but the fucked up shit that you've done doesn't have to define who you are. The fucked up shit you did is who you were, but since you are the sign of death and transformation, you already possess the things you need to become some other being. That is what these stages are.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Once you ascend and become someone else, then you are someone else. As they say in the Hebrew rabbi, you, we forget those things that are behind that we press forward to that, which is the head. What's what has been need not always be you get when you're in Christ, you are a new creature, their old things are washed away and everything becomes a new.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So if you were aligned, manipulative, cheating, fuck whore, you don't have to always be aligned, manipulative, cheating, fuck whore, you can like, or if you were somebody who cast dark magic against people, or, you know, If you were a murderer, physical murderer, or if you were any kind of, or a cheater, or a little vibrational, whatever the fucking case might be, there is grace and mercy here to change.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That is what this is all [01:08:00] about. Not beating ourselves up or judging ourselves for the, for the fuck shit we used to do. We don't have to do fuck shit anymore, but we have to be committed to getting past fuck shit. Not making excuses for fuck shit or trying to act like it was a good fucking idea. All right.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That is, that is where this sign here can struggle with. Because if you've ever tried to get a sun sign Scarpio to say they're sorry, or admit they're wrong for some shit. Ciao. That's why you can't be in relationships with people like that, because you have to be able to forgive, which they don't fucking want to do, and they have to be able to let shit go, which they also don't want to fucking do, then you have to be able to be wrong, which they also fucking don't want to do.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So, so then the best thing they can do is just, just end up in some challenging relationship that revolves around surface level shit like sex or having experiences, which has no longevity and no respect before the divine. And[01:09:00]

De'Vannon Seráphino: The phoenix, you become unstoppable. The things that once burned you are only a part of your rebirth. Now, love that you were able to elevate away from being defined by your pain to being defined by how you heal from it. You no longer need to stay wounded out of fear of moving ahead. You have realized how truly powerful you are and that no one can make you feel anything without you first giving them permission.

De'Vannon Seráphino: This means you will elevate to that space of rebirth where you have finally allowed yourself to live exactly as you were meant to.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That playing victim shit, like this person here is saying, is about Having a fear of moving ahead. Scorpios being a fixed sign. Y'all ain't necessarily the first ones who want to hop up and change. I say y'all because Scorpios my rising sign, not necessarily my [01:10:00] sun sign. Creatures of habits. I've heard some of them say they're creatures of habits.

De'Vannon Seráphino: No, you're not. Nobody can be a creature of habit. You can try to tell yourself you are. But you're fighting the flow of the, of the universe and of the, of the flow that God has put into a creation because everything is always in a state of evolution. So you cannot possibly be a creature of habit if you have any kind of damn sense, because the whole point, that doesn't mean you don't have shit that you like, like playing your Xbox when you get home or watering your garden.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I mean, we have our go tos, but to try to put yourself into this mindset that you're a creature of habit and you're not one of those people who likes to change or likes variety is out of fucking fear. Poting on the pain, you, you don't, you want to hold what you have. It is comfortable and familiar. And you don't know what the fuck is going to happen.

De'Vannon Seráphino: If you move forward, it's called living life. We can always do better. Like we used to say in the game, if we going to trade, trade up, but you can always evolve. [01:11:00] You have to, you don't have a choice. You would not want, like, the divine to force you to change. That's what the Tower card and the Tower is all about.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Motherfuckers didn't want to. See shit for what it really was. They want to get to growing. So now there's lightning is here to fucking force you to your ass is going to move and change. It's just a question of whether or not you're going to do it willingly. Or if you're going to sit there in fear, coddled with trying to white knuckle and grip, exists as you understand it, be open.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The Phoenix is about that. This bird at this very Phoenix that I have behind me, when I was, the spirit told me to go look for like a board to put behind me. And I came across this. Like on Walmart, no, fuck, either Amazon or Walmart. com, you know, I found this, this board and I saw this phoenix and I was like, Oh, she pretty.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Yes. And, and, and, and, and I was like, I hope I put, I can put this Phoenix back here with this sun up here and it can inspire people. It [01:12:00] just, you know, it was by these colors and everything. And now, because the Phoenix gets burned up by whatever the fuck destroyed it, or it just poofs into flames, or if it was Fawkes, you know, when it, when it got.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Cursed by Voldemort when, when Voldemort was fighting Dumbledore, and I think it was the Goblet of Fire? No, Order of the Phoenix? Shit, I can't fucking remember. But, you know, Fox swallowed the Avada Kedavra Curse, the Killing Curse, and, and, and, and that, that Phoenix Fire was so powerful that even the Killing Curse didn't kill it, it just reset it, you know, you know, that's how strong, you know, Phoenix energy is, you know, the most powerful killing spell in the whole Harry Potter series could not destroy this Phoenix, and But shit, sometimes we need to reset.

De'Vannon Seráphino: We need to start over. And that's totally fucking okay. Like, if you done fucked up, and lost every goddamn thing, which I've done like, at least once, twice, in this life, [01:13:00] you know, and just had to fucking reset. I've had to file bankruptcy twice. I've been homeless twice. You, Oh, the fuck? Well, you know, you're not on anybody's time schedule timetable.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You don't have to have a 2. 5 kids and a, and a, and a spouse by the age of 35. No, you don't. That's what other motherfucking people do. You live according to you. The race is just with yourself to see how much you can grow, serve the Lord, find your soul's purpose and do it and show up for other people. And live honestly and genuinely.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I can tell you that people who I run into from high school, I'm about to be 42 and don't have any children. I'm gonna go adopt me a son when I turn 50. That's the plan. He's gonna be a 10 year old. Cause I only have 8 years of parenting a child in me. I know will always be his dad till I die. And when I turn into a spirit, I'll watch over him, commune with him and everything like that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Even as my ancestors did with me. That is the natural flow of things. And then, you [01:14:00] know, the spirit dropped that into my heart, you know, just to get a 10 year old, I started researching it and I didn't know. Until I researched that 10 years and older is like the hardest ages to adopt because people want to adopt nine and under I was like, well, this works out deliciously because I only want 10, you know, you know, you know, 10, you know, 10, you know, it's fine with me, man.

De'Vannon Seráphino: If he wants like a sibling, I'd be down for it. Once I get accustomed to him, but it would be, you know, a child, his age at that point. But, But, but when I run into people that I went to high school with who, who have children and shit like that, they are so fucking bitter because they are not free. They went and got into this relationship and had these fucking children because either they was fucking around and got pregnant or they intentionally did it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Because their families expected them to or whatever the case might be, but it's not them living their truth. And so they're looking at me and other people who are, who I'm with at high [01:15:00] school who don't have any kids, just Like, bitch, what you doing this weekend? I've been going to Tokyo or whatever. Or, you know, I'm going out to the club, I'm going to be high on LSD all weekend.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You know how I'm doing. I'm just going to be vibing and shit, bitch. They looking salty as a motherfucker because they can't. Because they got this whole fucking child here and embracing a child is a big deal. That's an eternal soul. And their angels do always behold God's face. They're not a pet. They're not something to get because you want to be entertained.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You want to be entertained, go get a fucking cat. A lizard, an iguana, a fucking ferret. You don't go have a whole ass child. You know, that's a, that is an ombrella motherfucking Gatian. And it's a beautiful one. And some people are really fucking cut out for parenthood. And it's great when I see that it is like, Goddamn.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Yeah. Some people have like the gift of motherhood. Like my mother's that way. Some of my friends are that way to see them with children is just like fucking. Mozart making music or some shit like that. They're damn good at it. And but when a parent [01:16:00] ain't, it's like, Oh Lord, Jesus, what did they do that for?

De'Vannon Seráphino: And, so live your truth, you know, do what the fuck you want at the age of one, do I admire celebrities for that? Not having children to their life, 40 or 50, you need to take time to learn you. A man is not fully physically developed. So we ain't like in our mid twenties, the mind tell we were like after 30.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So if you are a man and you're 20, then you have a child, you basically still a child raising a child, essentially. You might think, you know, who the fuck you are. And I can't speak for everybody who ever walked the planet. But I, myself, and other men can't attest to this, it wasn't until we went that around 30 that we really began to fucking settle, you know, at who we are and perspectives begin to develop.

De'Vannon Seráphino: In my 30s, my inner child wasn't even fucking healed, you know, I didn't even know, I didn't start having flashbacks regarding the molestation and shit till [01:17:00] in like my mid to late 30s. So slow the fuck down, live an authentic life, and stop trying to rush into experiences and trying to, you know, banish that societal conditioning.

De'Vannon Seráphino: There's nothing wrong with you if you don't have a family, or children, or this amount of money, or that, or whatever the case might be. And if you need to reset, if you get into some fucking bullshit, and you need to go back home and be with your parents for a while. I had to go back home and live with my parents for a while.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It was fucking terrible, because I was fucking grown, and I was clashing with them. Especially like my dad, because, I mean, he's an asshole any fucking way. And But, but if you got to do it, there is no shame in that, that is an honorable thing to me. If somebody has enough humility to ask for help and take it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Some people don't have parents to go home to or somebody to take them in or no shit like that, you know, to be [01:18:00] thankful for what the Lord has provided. And like when people need food stamps or TANF, temporary aid for needy family or different government. Since the programs, I used to work for the Texas workforce commission and used to sign people up for these programs.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Some people would have such like a pride thing about them. Like, I can't believe I need this. I'm like, girl, you paid your taxes for it. The only reason why these programs exist is because even if you didn't fucking pay taxes for it, who gives a damn take the fucking shit is help. You know, you need it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You got fucking children to feed. It's not like everybody just go get a fucking job because they want one. They don't hand them out on the corner. It's So if you going through some shit and you need something, then that's what the Lord has made it available for. When I was signing them up, I wasn't homeless.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I never thought in a million fucking years that I find myself in a situation where I needed the services I was helping other people get, but there I was then on food stamps at the food pantry, getting free food and shit and everything. Mm hmm. Talking about being humble, bitch. You can [01:19:00] have her to take my own damn advice.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay. And I took it to Pisces. So. Dates go from February the 19th to March the 20th. Popular symbol for Pisces is the fish. Element water modality mutable ruling house of the 12th house. The 12th house of the zodiac is ruled by the zodiac sign Pisces and it's a ruling planet Neptune before Neptune was found Jupiter was viewed as the planet of Pisces.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And since then, it has been considered as the co ruler of this mysterious house at 12th house. is likewise called the house of the instinct of dreams of the hidden world and the unconscious it is considered one of the most dangerous houses in the natal chart but we ought not overlook that its foundation lies straightforwardly in the depths of our psyche the natal chart is your birth chart astro.

De'Vannon Seráphino: charts. com which will be in the show notes the place where you can go to get [01:20:00] your your natal or your birth chart They tell you like all the different shit you were born order and the angles and all that. You have to have your date and time of birth for that. In this way, by changing the way our perspective and healing our spirits, the dangers that this 12th house brings us can be softened.

De'Vannon Seráphino: In this 12th house, we can find the deeper levels of our mind, the processes and values that are behind our thoughts and activities and our intuition and instinct and unconscious beliefs that we have inside us. The ruling planet, as it's stated classically, was Jupiter until the 20th century when it turns into Neptune.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And it's a body part is the feet.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Someone is likely to have a foot fetish and that someone is Pisces. Oh Lord. The last sign of the Zodiac. Pisces are believed to absorb all the lessons of the 11 signs that come before them. Given that heavy load, [01:21:00] Pisces governs the feet, the anchor of the entire body. To really get this water sign swimming, be sure to treat your Pisces lover to a steamy foot massage in the bed, or better yet, the bath.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I'm reminded of this modeling job. I was sent on, I used to model for first models in Houston, Texas. After I graduated from the Barbizon Modeling Academy and and one of the jobs I got paid the most for was like a foot photo shoot and I went for the audition after I got a pedicure and I, you know, I laid on the floor and did all these foot poses and everything.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And, and they were like, you've done this before, haven't you? And I was like, well, you know, And and sure enough, I got call I called back, I got the job, I got hired, I the job was like, I got paid over 300 for them to take pictures of my feet for like 45 minutes. I'm sure that this shit shit ended up on some like foot fuck fetish shit dot com or whatever the fuck, that's probably a damn website.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I wasn't [01:22:00] allowed to ask questions. I wasn't allowed to ask where the pics were going to go or none of that. I collected my coin, secured my motherfucking bag, and this was not in some shady place. It was in a professional photo studio, you know, but who knows who the client was who requested that from the photo studio.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Anyway, I just thought, thought I'd throw that little trivia out there, you know, but you know, my feet are snatched just saying Pisces, also known as the poet, the bottom of the sea is almost impossible to penetrate. But once there, you can catch multitudes, skeletons of eaten shark carcasses, sunken ships heavy with treasures.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Crabs and sea spiders so titanic they seem pulled from a hammer horror film. And that's exactly where Pisces, the last water sign of the zodiac, dwells. Pisces exists in a distant dream like space somewhere between planes of reality. [01:23:00] Pisces occurs at the end of winter, a time when, at least here in New York, the season's cold, tight grip feels truly endless.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Pisces is a mutable sign. Meaning it's ready to change and adapt and is receptive to outside ideas and understandings. In modern astrology, Pisces is ruled by Neptune, a planet associated with dreams, spirituality and escapism, and in traditional astrology, the time before the advent of the telescope, it's governed by Jupiter, the planet of expansion and evolution, either way you spin it, Pisces knows how to travel to the deepest depths of the human psyche, drifting into realms of subconscious, subconscious.

De'Vannon Seráphino: creativity, and spiritual fancy. Indeed, it is the most connected to the collective unconscious. Notable pop culture Pisces include Kurt Cobain, George Harrison, Elizabeth Taylor, Justin Bieber, Elliot Page, Quincy Jones, Glenn Co Jim, fuck, Glenn Close, Tyler, the creator, and Gabriel Garcia Marquez. [01:24:00] These individuals exist in realms of art, magical realism, sensitivity, and our own fucking fantasies.

De'Vannon Seráphino: While they may have struggled with boundaries, their unyielding openness allows us to engage and identify with their experiences as if they were our own. The stages of life for Pisces. The fish, also known as overwhelmed.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The darkness, also known as run away from pain. The ocean, also known as deeply spiritual. The fish, as you begin life, you live at the mercy of others. You feel everything and also take it in, which means you are easily able to be influenced by people and by your environment. Often, you're not even sure who you are or what feelings are actually yours as you start off in life.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You can get overwhelmed easily and often go through a period of immense sadness as you feel that you can't help everyone. Everything seems too big or too [01:25:00] heavy. It's during this time you have often withdrawn and enter into your second phase. It's not meant for us to help everybody. Your purpose is for specific people, for your time, for your generation on this earth.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That's just something we have to accept. Even in benevolence and being kind, we can become out of balance. So you want to always be praying to be led to the right people, the right organizations, nonprofits, or the right avenues to be benevolent, because you don't want to become out of balance, even in something good, like giving gifts, donating money, donating your time, the charity, your counsel, your wisdom.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You got to have a little bit of giving, some time to recharge, some time to do other shit and all these other things. You want to be balanced and everything. You want to paint with all the colors of the wind, but it is not for you to help everybody. Because you don't want to abort somebody's birthing process.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Like you would not help a caterpillar out of the cocoon or the fucker wouldn't be able to fly. Some shit you do want to rush [01:26:00] in if somebody's trying to commit suicide, that's a little different, but you can't heal every bit of suffering. This goes back to what I was saying earlier, we got to mature to a point where we can watch somebody go through suffering and rejoice because of the growth that they're going through.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And it, and it can be affected by emotionally, but you have to assess whether or not help is really warranted just yet. They're like, if you come into a lot of money, you don't want to go just handing it out to every damn body. Some people might go and overdose on that money or kill themselves or just get really fucking lazy about their spirituality.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Whether you want to pray that you don't do that and be the source of somebody's self destruction, most people aren't rich. Those people can handle a lot of. Money like that, it could break somebody's mind, you know, if you just like lay a million dollars on somebody out of nowhere, like you've got to be careful with how you handle benevolence of whatever form it is in the darkness.

De'Vannon Seráphino: In this place, all you want to do is forget. You want to forget the pain of the world, [01:27:00] of those around you, and even more so your own. While it's heavy enough living under the burden of being able to feel the world's emotions and feelings, you tend to take heartbreak, betrayal, and pain internally to a whole other level.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Often this affects your physical body and your life in general. All you want to do is forget, which means you will often use substances, people, or even just the belief that you'll never be loved in order to do so. You descend into the darkness, but the miracle is that in the giving up associated with trying to forget, you were also surrendering into the pain where there was light waiting to take you back to the surface.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Lean into the pain, pain is our friend, she seems like a bitch, but pain is like that friend that's giving you the hard truth, the hard shit that you don't want to hear. Pain is really one of your best fucking friends, pain, like Madonna said, it is a warning that something's wrong. Pain is a beacon, pain will help you with your redirection, you [01:28:00] don't want to have something fucked up that's hurting you and not be aware of it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: That's, that's how deep fucking trauma can be, like sometimes when trauma goes in us it's so deep we numb it out subconsciously. But when we begin to feel pain, that means we're processing it. This is a good thing, this is what we want. The ocean. Here you gain command of the ocean and of the emotional world. You feel everything as deep as you do now has become the superpower that you use to help others change the world and live an abundantly rich life. You are part of something bigger than just this world. And because of your divine surrender, you walk and live with one foot in the spirit world at all times.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You've learned that your heart is your greatest asset and embrace it for all that it is and all that it feels.

De'Vannon Seráphino: How beautiful is that? This is having all those [01:29:00] chaotic emotions and all of the hypersensitivity that is associated with Pisces. I say hypersensitivity, but too much is never enough. Fuck it. You know, I'd rather be over the top than like, underwhelming or coming in short. But being super sensitive or highly sensitive is overwhelming until you gain the mental and emotional and spiritual capacity to command it and balance it on the inside of you.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You can look at it as overstimulation. That's how a lot of like genius, in my opinion, like people, people who people try to label as autistic is sometimes that the, the, the, the, the things that are being perceived come in so fast that the physical body can't keep up with it and it makes the person look autistic.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Quote unquote slow or something like that, but really they just have a very fucking fast mind and a very fucking fast way of interpreting and processing things. But then as they get older, their body can actually [01:30:00] learn to, to meld with that. And then we see like a more refined being in person in front of us.

De'Vannon Seráphino: There ain't nothing wrong with being sensitive. Don't you ever let somebody tell you that you're like extra because you're emotional or you feel things deeply. Yeah. Fuck that. Fuck them. Okay? You, you, you better be being in touch with shit and feeling it and going through it. That's called a full fucking life experience.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Acknowledging emotions rather than denying them. Feeling pain rather than act like it's not there. Enjoying delicious pleasure too. Acting like you don't, rather than acting like you don't deserve it. Paint with all the colors of the wind, my children. Paint with all the motherfucking colors of the wind.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Pain, hurt, joy, sad, glad, all of it. All of it is a beautiful jambalaya that the Lord has prepared for us, and it will help create us into what he wants us to be, to serve him, to serve us, to serve others. A truly abundantly rich life is what this is talking about when you are one with the Spirit, and you walk in this world.

De'Vannon Seráphino: This article said, one foot in the Spirit world, one foot in [01:31:00] this world, one foot in the Spirit world, one foot in this world. Understanding that you are both Spirit and physical, and acting like it. This is a Pisces doing intentional shit, praying, fasting, meditating, taking spiritual journeys. I travel just to learn spiritual things.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I'll be doing that in Mexico next month. That's a beautiful thing, rather than always traveling to party, to have sex, to do much of the same shit you do in your own city. Like, it's a different energy when we travel, but fine, whatever. You know, going to, it is an honorable thing to travel for the purposes of spirituality.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It just is. And this, and this ocean level Piscean, Piscean person here fucking gets it. That you know that they're not going to always be here, and they're in command of their emotions and it doesn't bother them. This is like when you're able to take an objective look at yourself, and you ascend to a point where it's almost like you feel like you've stepped out of yourself and you're looking at yourself.[01:32:00]

De'Vannon Seráphino: You're going, okay, this person's hurting. That's fine. We can do this with this and this. Like, I'm going to feel this pain, but it's not going to last. You have a very level headed and sober minded way of handling any motherfucking thing that comes up. Doesn't matter how catastrophic it is. You don't fucking freak out.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You like, you're immediately like grounded and you're like, okay, this is how we're going to deal with this. You might be Feeling intense things, but you're not gonna react that way. You know how to take those feelings and transmute them and channel them wherever the fuck you desire for them to go. This is true self mastery.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And not just for you, but you look at other people. Going through their experiences, doing low vibrational level shit, you don't judge them, you just let people have their fucking experience, okay? This friend of mine wants to smoke ten packs of cigarettes a day and drink a liter of fucking alcohol. Even emotions about it, you just let that be.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Counsel if it's warranted, if the spirit brings it up where it feels [01:33:00] right, but you don't feel like you have to go run and fix everything. Like in your beginning phase back there when you were the fish, you know, you know, you're past that you understand there's problems in the world. It's not my job to fix them all.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Some of it I can work with to the extent that divine will let me most of it. I can't, but at the end of the day, everybody gets to go to their own experience. It's like I do mine and you don't freak out about the problem of the world. You don't watch the news and lose your damn mind because. Trump is on there acting a fool or Republicans are doing things Republicans do, you accept that that's part and parcel of the human existence.

De'Vannon Seráphino: If you're going to do something about it, you're going to do a strategically calmly, you won't let it consume your conversations when you're supposed to, when you can say anything, you're supposed to be speaking high vibrationally, you won't be repeating problems happening in the world. You're going to be either doing something about it or speaking of the spirit of judgment to come after we die and and face the Lord, or you're going to, [01:34:00] Or you're going to be doing some high vibrational shit somewhere, you're not gonna be fucking around on no bullshit, and you just, it's just, the perspective is clean, it's really crisp, it's really clear, internally, externally, emotionally, and it's a strong fucking power to be in when you, as this ocean, have high psychic awareness, yes.

De'Vannon Seráphino: To have a powerful mind is to have a powerful perspective. To have a powerful, per powerful perspective is to have a powerful point of view. And your perspective. And your point of view is everything is how you view every fucking thing. You view shit before you engage with shit. So we, when we can assess shit right, then we can live life in a very powerful, and I dare say right way, what is the right way?

De'Vannon Seráphino: Balanced. When we love ourselves, when we understand parameters and boundaries, when we give people space, we know when to act, when not [01:35:00] to act, when to speak, when not to speak, and we don't get all overly emotional and go run in and abort people out of their destinies. Doesn't matter. You know, you have to it's a learned skill and through these evolutions, we learn and we grow and then we look back.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And we can see where we've come from, and we can have quantifiable changes that we can document and say the things I used to do, Lord, I don't do those things no more. There's been a change since I've been born, since you touched me, since I had that psychedelic experience, as I was filled with the Holy Ghost, as I started reading the Hebrew Bible, since I started doing yoga, since I started praying and fasting and meditating.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Since I stopped going to the club every damn night or every weekend, since I started taking seven days to myself, there's been a quantifiable change since I've incorporated spiritual practices into my life. I'm still dating. I'm still, perhaps, or maybe taking a break from it for a while only to re [01:36:00] engage later in a better way, or I'm still having sex, or maybe not doing that for a while, so I can re engage and come at it from a better way.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I'm still enjoying life. Because God's not trying to take anything from me. I can have sex and date and travel and be poly, be monogamous and do all the things. Now I'm just taking it, making an active decision to incorporate spirituality into my life so I can actually be fully fueled. Fueled with food, fueled with spirituality, fueled with mental stimulation.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I have a full platter in front of me now, a full plate of food rather than just a third or two. I'm now painted with all the colors of the wind. This is where I'm trying to get you to, my people. That's all I have to say. That's the tea. The next time I come to you, I will be talking about the earth signs.

De'Vannon Seráphino: We're going to get into our Capricorn and you know, all of our Capricorn is my moon sign. So I might just go ahead and start with that. I don't even know. Now I have on a [01:37:00]beautiful, I think I got like this mainly like brown shirt. I'm wearing shirt colors that I feel like represent. The covers of the Zodiac.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I mean the, the elements that I'm talking about. I had on my red gold fire shirt with a fire sign. I got on my blue for you tonight. Representing my water signs. Yes, might as well make it fashional, darling. Fashionable. Yes. Milan, darling. Milan. That's my favorite fucking quote from the Incredibles. When that designer comes out and she's like Milan, darling.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Milan. Yes.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Oh, my gosh, what the fuck the website is sexdrugsandjesus. com down under peril. com YouTube sexdrugsandjesus podcast. Today we went over the water signs, fucking the Scarpio Pisces and motherfucking cancer. And we talked about the stages of evolution for all of them. I hope you learned something. [01:38:00] Hope you can find yourself in something that I've said today.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Please share this, you know, when you're hanging out with your friends, sometimes pop a podcast on or or have a book that you share between like your two or three closest friends or whatever, or a larger group. If you have that, whatever, you know, and really have a meeting of the minds and learn your friends by learning your friends.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You can help you learn you better to, you know, put some fun past podcast. I don't have to be this one. Or, or watch a video on YouTube if you don't have time for a whole podcast or you don't feel like you can just like take a segment of a long podcast and use it for whatever reason and talk about it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Because the Lord will step into the middle of that conscious collective conversation and make knowledge spur out of all of y'all that you'll find you'll be surprised at the things you say and the things the knowledge that comes to you when you sit down and intentionally and consciously apply your mind to knowledge.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So a podcast like this, it can be shared with friends and y'all can talk [01:39:00]about it and be like, girl, do you feel this way? Did you, did you, did you, what, girl, I didn't even know that about you. Well, damn, let me think about this for myself. Okay, then you can go out to a motherfuckin club or you can go home and have you some tea or whatever the case may be.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Do it all. Enjoy your life, but enjoy the pursuit of knowledge and spirit too. I am done preaching to y'all for this time around. I will see you for the earth signs. I love you. Mwah. This is the Van and Serafino signing off for right now. This is not the benediction. This is not the benediction.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Thank you all so much for joining us today and for taking some time to invest into yourself and into the lives of your loved ones, please visit us at sex drugs and jesus. com and check out our resource page, our spiritual service offerings, my blog, my books, and other writings that God has partnered with me to create.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Find us on any social media platform, stay strong, my people, and just remember that everything is going to be all [01:40:00] right. 

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