Sex, Drugs, and Jesus

Episode #162: The Karmic Cycle We Are In Right Now With A Detailed Dream Interpretation

De'Vannon Seráphino Episode 162

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Today I come to you with a warning about a sense of pending judgement which will bring a time of karmic review upon those for which it is destined. Be warned. Be prayerful and take some significant time to yourself for authentic reflection. Make the necessary changes no matter how difficult those changes may be. 

INCLUDED IN THIS EPISODE (But not limited to):

·      We Are Entering A Supremely Karmic Time

·      Detailed Dream Interpretation 




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Episode #162: The Karmic Cycle We Are In Right Now With A Detailed Dream Interpretation 

De'Vannon Seráphino: [00:00:00] Hello, everyone, and welcome back to the Sex, Drugs, and Jesus podcast.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I'm your host, Devanon Serafino, and I want to come to you today and talk to you all about,

De'Vannon Seráphino: well, this, this, this, this strong sense of foreboding that I've been dealing with these last few days as though we are in a time of a very karmic cycle of judgment that is getting ready to come upon us. And I think. Is already hovering over us already in a lot of manifest different ways. That's what that's what I want to spend some time talking to you about that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You can be warned about it. You can tell your friends and your people and your lovers about it. You can do what you can to prepare. This is something I've seen before. So then I felt before and then. And I just can't shake this feeling. And so that's why I wanted to get on this mic and record this real quick and to, to do my [00:01:00] part to warn the people. You know, the, the, the church and certain religious sects always would talk about, you know, like the return of Christ and, you know, judgment at death, but. We, I think that by now we have enough sense that karma comes around while we're yet alive.

De'Vannon Seráphino: All right. And it's like, sometimes God brings us up for review. And, and we get into these supremely karmic times. You've heard other, other tarot readers and other divination people on YouTube say this, you know, even the astrologers will get into that looking at looking at it from the planetary, alignment aspect.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I've been having this, this sense of foreboding. It's an ominous thing. When, when, when we have to, to come up for a review, it's like, it's like when you get your report card or performance review at work or report card in school or performance [00:02:00] review at work, you get like this, almost like butterflies in your stomach or like nerves.

De'Vannon Seráphino: No matter how good you think you've been doing, you still have to get the official judgment from the judge. Okay. For those of us who've been in the jail or been locked up, like literally standing before the judge. Hello. You know, hoping and praying for the best. And then not until you hear that judgment, did you know absolutely for sure where you stand, no matter what, what your personal assessment of yourself might be when karma comes around, it brings back both the good and the bad, and it happens to us while we yet live, I felt this last year.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I felt this same feeling last year after I was untangling myself from all of those, those people from that relationship I was in. And I was, and I was on my show trying to warn people about that. I, I have this, I have this this spiritual gift called aromancy, which means that I'm [00:03:00]able to detect like.

De'Vannon Seráphino: When God is moving or if he's about to do something through like the weather aromancy has to do is like weather divination. And so I can look at the clouds and see like celestial beings in there. I can hear like the way the rain falls and different things of that nature, which is one of the gifts that I discovered last year when my ascension began to my, to my recollection.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I don't think I had did this before last year. But when I ended that relationship, the intensity of it and the catastrophic way of it kicked me into a spiritual ascension, and I underwent a period of rapid spiritual growth, which started last year. And I was on this show last year trying to tell people when I was down in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, saying, y'all, like, I feel judgment coming.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I can hear it in the wind. I can hear it in the way the rain falls. I can see it in the clouds and people didn't really just listen to me. I don't think most of them did. Maybe some did, some didn't, but I also saw in my dreams [00:04:00] when, because I've been a gifted dreamer since I was five, my dreams always come true.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And true prophecy, true prophecy, and a dreamer is a, is a type of, of, of seer. So whether you want to call it prophecy, dreamer, a dreamer, dreamer has what, what, what in the Hebrew scripture is known as night visions. And so like a, What in the Hebrew scriptures they would have called a prophet would have been more like a day visions or day dealing with person kind of God.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I'm more of a night vision kind of person in terms of, of, of seeing what is to come or what has been and true prophecy is past, present and future past, present and future. And so in my dreams, I saw, I was shown the people like, like their karma, you know, that, that it was bad, you know, what, what happened to them is bad, bad to the point that I would dare not even give you details of the dream.

De'Vannon Seráphino: We must not speak of such things when, when something has befallen somebody like that, because we don't get, we want to, we, we just, we [00:05:00] just humble ourselves before God and then pray it don't happen to us. But, but I tried to warn them that it was coming, and I don't, I don't think certain people chose to, to, to, to pay heed to it, and there's nothing I can do about that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: For those of us who have sight, it is our responsibility to speak what we hear in private from the divine, and whether people want to do anything with it or not, that's up to them, but our hands are clean when their destruction comes upon them. Don't think. That whatever situation you're in can't be flipped upside down, be it good or bad.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You can be broke today and rich tomorrow, and you can be rich today and broke tomorrow. You can have health today and it could be stricken from you tomorrow. You could be in the hospital bed dying today and receive a miracle and miraculously, miraculously come back to life. What am I saying? Is that everything is subject to change.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And when we, and we get into these karmic cycles. Things can [00:06:00] shift and they can shift quickly and suddenly, and it tends to come in waves. I had been hearing a lot about, like, people getting hit by cars here in New York City, and in different parts of the world, people traveling into New York. Pay attention when you start to hear repeated things that you know you have, you don't usually hear every day.

De'Vannon Seráphino: This is the spirit speaking to you. Have you ever had it happen where suddenly you'll just start hearing about a lot of deaths? And you, and you might let it pass by you, but in your mind, you'll go, damn, there's a lot of people dying. And then you'll just carry on with your business as usual, but stop and listen and be like, could the Lord be speaking to me through this, through this, through these quote unquote anomalies that are happening because these things don't usually happen.

De'Vannon Seráphino: A lot of my friends and people like that have been getting divorced. Relationships have been ending and like rapid succession. People are moving out of law. These are not new relationships. These people were married to these people. For [00:07:00] decades, you know, you know, years, okay? These are long ass relationships that are coming to a colo.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And I had been in, in, and it, and I, and I've been tracking it. And then I and I do readings, you know, all the time. You know, here, you know, in, in my home in New York and, and when I travel and this, and this card here, I wanted to show you this, like this judgment card here. This is the Angel Gabriel, and we, all these naked people down here are us.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay, all these naked people down here are us. This is this, this card here is the judgment. This is one of the major iconic cards in the tarot. And, and basically when the, when the angels blow their horns and they come down here like that, it, it, it, it is a review. All of these people, there's a child, a grown man, a grown woman, all these people back here.

De'Vannon Seráphino: This is a review. When this, when, when, when the, when judgment energy is upon us. I have been getting a lot of [00:08:00] judgment, a lot of justice, a lot of the world, and a couple of wheel of fortunes here and there. Those four cards are very, very, very, very karmic, and the judgment card is the one that has been just showing up a lot.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So, but it wasn't until I had this dream the other night about somebody who I'm dealing with up here in New York City that, that it, that it, that this all came together for me because I wouldn't get on this microphone. And tell you that I feel like a judgment is upon us unless it, unless I really, really, really felt that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So in between hearing about these people getting hit by the car, these people getting these divorces and I'll watch where I'm going when I'm walking out. Usually even much have earbuds in my ear or because the train is right underneath my building. I have very little interaction with cars on the street.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So that was not a personal warning to me to not get hit by vehicles. Not too much. I mean, maybe a little, we can always stand to be more careful, [00:09:00] but in between hearing about these, these, these things happening to other people, these karmic cards showing up repeatedly in these tarot squares that I'm doing.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And I had six different decks don't matter that this judgment card here has shown up, I think in all of those decks that I've been pulling cards with over the last few weeks, last few weeks, then I, then I have this dream, the other night. And I can't, and I can't shake this feeling of foreboding, and that's why I wanted to tell you.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Tell you about it in this dream, this person who I'm dealing with up here.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It was a very, like the whole, this was like at four in the morning and I got up and I wrote like all this long dream out to this person so that they can receive their warning good God almighty, but it wasn't just for them [00:10:00] because the Lord is moving. It's like sometimes when he does something with deals, a person, one person, one way he would do what many of us in that way simultaneously.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Because God is not just gonna let us keep going on without a review. Because these reviews, these judgments, are chances for us, while we're still alive, to get it right. Whatever happens might be harsh. Well, you know, if you're still alive after it, you know, you can still change. So this is like you can consider these judgments while we're still alive like a, A pretest, a practice, a practice review or something like that before the final one, which either does happen at the return of Christ, which I think is a really long way off because there's just a lot of political things that need to happen before that happens.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But you could die today. I'm not trying to make you afraid, but you have to live realistically. And so you can't. Be playing with life and playing around with these little habits and things that you have and think you just can't wait till you get old to fix it. That's the devil [00:11:00] having deceived you.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Lucifer will eat up your time and try to snatch your life away while you are having fun and having experiences, but you're not taking your spirituality seriously. And so in this dream, and this is somebody. Who I have like a love interest in that we have not become sexual but I've been trying to get to know this person for like almost seven months and it is a very beautiful foundation, but it was difficult for me to see this in dream space, and then communicated to somebody.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You know who I'm trying to get get at like that. And so, but I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me and I really haven't felt like myself since I had this dream. And it reminds me in the book of Daniel how when Gabriel was dealing with Daniel and giving him these dreams of judgment to come in the end times, Daniel like fainted and he was sick.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You know, like for some weeks after that, because when, when a seer [00:12:00] sees something we, so the way, at least for me, and I think Daniel would agree with this, the way I feel is like it's happening right now, or like it's already happened. It's real, even though it has time to take to materialize all of those emotions are felt so when you're dealing with the clairvoyant who can truly channel somebody's energy or an event.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You know, that's why some of us cry and we go through all these emotions because what us is like, it's actually happening and it was hard on me and I'm not complaining or anything. I'm just letting you know what I'm going through because we all family here. Right? To see somebody who I care about, who I love and have strong love for.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I would like to fall in love with one day, you know, be, be, be making these kinds of decisions. So in this dream, they were hanging out. With their, with this, with their group of friends, men and women, these here were, you know, it, and, and, and they were just, [00:13:00] they were, they were like smoking crack out of like these broken and shattered crack pipes and, and they were smoking a fucking lot of it too.

De'Vannon Seráphino: There's a group of people could have been anywhere from like 9 to 20 people, but they all knew each other. They had a familiarity with each other. So, yeah. And this was not none, none of this person who I'm interested in. This was not blood family. I didn't sense that at all. These are people that this person has met through their walks of life, lovers, people they're sexual with, have been sexual with their homies, you know, and different shit like that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: One of the girls in the dream had on very dark green pants and she had kind of like red hair and another female was giving her like a shot in the ass, kind of like you would if it was a penicillin shot, because she had caught some kind of disease from another guy that they're affiliated with who was not with this large group of people at the time.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I understood in the dream that [00:14:00] this was a disease that she, she was not going to be able to get rid of. And you know, it could have been a physical STD or a spiritually transmitted disease. And I'm going to tell you spiritually transmitted disease is a fucking lot harder to get rid of if you can, than a physical transmitted disease.

De'Vannon Seráphino: This is why I turn the side eye at and throw out heavy amounts of shade at people who make such a big damn deal over wearing condoms, but then they don't pay attention to things like sex magic. You can go in there with a condom on and walk out of there with a curse that will cause you to lose your mind.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You won't get gonorrhea, but you're going to be in a mental hospital. And so you need to really take all precautions and not act like that. That condom makes people think they just safe enough, but it's an illusion because there's, there's a stronger darkness out there. That people are capable of, and when you have sex with people, you open yourself up to everything with, with that other person.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's not a [00:15:00] fleeting thing. It cannot be reduced to a simple physical transaction. And the silliest of people among us will try to deny that voodoo, witchcraft, and sex magic exists and go carry their ass out there and get gobbled up by shit and then try to explain it away as anything other than magic.

De'Vannon Seráphino: When, okay, we can't do anything with people like that. But, but she got this disease from this dude, and she's not going to be able to get rid of it. That dark green in that dream represents ill health. And none of the color in this dream was vibrant. It was all covered in shadow. I also saw these kinds of dreams last year when I was on my mic warning people about the judgment to come.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The dreams I saw about the particular group of people, Who I, who I, who the Lord was, was training me on how to see karma in my dreams, where all the dreams were covered in darkness. It had a very witchy vibe to it. It reminds me of the [00:16:00] times when I would be battling people trying to throw a witchcraft against me.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And my dreams will have that, that shadow on it when it, it's just kind of like if somebody, it's just like when you walk outside and the, and the clouds cover the sun and you're still looking at everything, but everything has a shade to it. Okay, when that happens in a dream, you know, there's a lot of witchcraft going on some damn where.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And, and, and, you know, last year, you know, the, the people I was getting away from and everything like that was tangled up with a lot of damn motherfucking sex magic. It was very dark. It was very fucking deadly. And, but the Lord took me right on out of that. And as you can see, I'm doing just fine and I let them and all of the wicked ass sex go.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I wasn't trying to have nothing to do with none of that nonsense. And, And this dream that I had the other night had that same sort of flavor about it. It was so damn disturbing. And I, and I, and I told this, this, this individual [00:17:00] up here, it isn't this dream. I said, I don't know who these people are, how long you've known them, but you know, you know, the judgment is upon you.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And when this, and when, and when this judgment comes up, we need, not only does God reviewing us, but this is an opportunity for us to review us. You gotta sit down, go into purposeful spiritual isolation, people, and review each and every relationship in your life. And you need to be able to physically write down what the fuck value that person brings to you, other than doing experiences with them.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Other than having sex with them. And you, only people you should have in your life, okay, that you consider close are people who you would just sit there, And just be happy being in their presence. You don't have to do anything with them. Their presence is your present. I know I said this, I think on the previous episode, but I'm going to drive this point home because when God wants to bless you, 1 thing [00:18:00] he might do is send a person into your life to give you some offer you some knowledge and wisdom.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's up to you. If you want to take it. Whereas the Hebrew scripture says, those who sat in darkness saw a great light, but it's up to them if they're going to get up off their asses and walk out of the darkness until that great light or decide that they're comfortable where they're at. Ain't nobody going to make you change.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And but if the devil wants to curse you and drag your ass down, he'll also send a motherfucking person and he'll be sure that they look like what you're attracted to and talk like what you want to hear. And if you don't have discernment and the ability to read past what somebody looks like, to read past your desire for quick connections.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay, you could fall by, by just by virtue of the connections that you have, because all energy is shared and a warning comes before a fall. I'm saying again, a warning comes before a fall. And that's in the Hebrew scripture [00:19:00] too. And ain't nobody immune from falling and catastrophe and destruction. I never would have thought I'd have been homeless twice.

De'Vannon Seráphino: In my life, I never thought I would be homeless at all, but twice it's happened in both damn times, or as a direct result of people who I had close to me, but I wasn't willing to view them for who the fuck they really are. I made excuses, I overlooked the red flags, and I was taken down. Every time because of people who I had around me, friends, lovers, both of those, and I got destroyed, you know, you know, not completely destroyed because the Lord held me up.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I was cast down, but not utterly cast down. Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus. But many of you are not close to God like that. I mean if you don't pray, you don't fast, you don't read any holy scripture, you don't meditate, you don't meditate even, you don't really spend time with the Lord to have a spiritual currency and savings built up for you for when the day of trouble comes.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And it's difficult to call on the Lord just [00:20:00] when you want to get out of trouble and you're not trying to fuck with him any other time. That's fucked up. But, so nevertheless, the Lord's rain and sun falls on the just and the unjust people who give a fuck about him, people who don't. And so this warning has come to you, review your damn relationships, and the people in your life, and be sure that any relationship you have that you consider to be close, or anybody you're giving a considerable amount of time to, or really fucking any time at all, have value, and y'all don't have a shallow ass surface level c c c thing going on, I wouldn't even call that a connection.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's just bullshit, as in this dream, all of these people were energetically intertwined, either by electing to be friends with each other or being sexual with each other. It extends not just from who this, this person who I know appears having sex with, but anybody who they might be having sex with too.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I sensed like three degrees of separation in this dream. In [00:21:00] shamanic and spiritual circles, we can't go into shamanic, psychedelic Ceremonies. If we have had sex with somebody like within the last few weeks to a month, they want our fucking energy clean. Some shamans or some spiritual gurus believe that it takes a few weeks to get somebody else's energy off of you and out of you.

De'Vannon Seráphino: After you have sex with them, some people say a few months, some people say a few years, some people say it is a permanent fusion. Do with it what you will. But the point is. Just the sex that you have follows you out of the situation. Don't matter if it's oral penetrative. If you lay there and cuddle with them all night, it doesn't fucking matter.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You get really fucking close with people when you accept them beyond platonic, even when you accept them platonic or in business or whatever. It, it, and it's a lagging indicator. If you have sex with somebody and they witch you and curse you, or if you lay there all night with them and y'all cuddle, And they still can witch you and curse you without you doing anything sexual because you that [00:22:00] close to them.

De'Vannon Seráphino: They could get up during 1 of the witching hours, 9 PM, midnight, 3 AM are very powerful hours to cast spells. Okay, I don't have time to get into why that is, but there's the hours and the times matter. And that when you lay in there with people, and they could get up, take a little string of your hair, do some magic and shit, take it home with them and have you on their altar at home, they could put talismans and things like that in your house, under your bed, they could have it under their bed, in their attic, in the garage, you really gotta fucking know people, and also review them.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Over time, at least once a year and, and pay attention because people will change. We all change. Did they change for the better for the good? Are you still compatible or not? If they curse your ass, it can, and probably will have a lagging indicator, which means you will be slowly corrupted or broken down over time.

De'Vannon Seráphino: When my dad had that affair, when I was in the eighth grade, [00:23:00] he had got caught up with a sex witch. Imagine fucking that. And by the time that woman was done with him, I came home for middle school one day. And his ass was crying under the, under the carport in the, in the backyard. My mom had to call the paramedics to come take him to the mental hospital and I ain't this some shit.

De'Vannon Seráphino: He done went fuck some bitch. I don't like to refer to females in that way, but if you're going to be a scandalous dark magic slinging home wrecking whore, then a bitch is what you are. Sorry, Jesus. And sorry, Lord. I ain't mad at the woman. It's just like, fuck, I hope I'm still not. I don't believe I am.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I mean, that's my parents relationship. But the point is, like, he done went and done all this shit, laid up in bed with this woman. However many fucking times he did it, now he crying.

De'Vannon Seráphino: [00:24:00] Now you crying. Okay. But this shit didn't catch up with him and kick his ass. Until, until some time after the sex was done. And in my dreams, when I was in the, in the eighth grade, I saw the cords that that woman had him in and evangelist Nelson, the high clairvoyant who raised me, I, I just saw like those multicolored strings we used to make those key chains with back in the eighties and nineties.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I just saw a fucking lot of them. And that dream had that dark. Shadow over it, just like this dream. I just had the other day, last year. And whenever I battled witchcraft against people, that, that same dark ass shadow over it. And she told me those are the chords that your dad was caught up in fucking around with that woman.

De'Vannon Seráphino: My evangelist Nelson didn't say fucking around with that woman. But you know, I saw in dream space and those are very powerful chords to break. Only fire can break those cards when we make those key chains or you have to have scissors. You can't just take them and pull them apart. When you get caught up with witches like that, [00:25:00] the way they curse you is so subtle, you won't realize that it's happening.

De'Vannon Seráphino: A lot of them use sympathy spells and shit against people to make you feel sorry for them and to make you more nice than what you would have been. It's a very indirect way to control somebody because it plays on the softest parts of your personality and your emotions. So this is not like driving a fucking pin in the heart of somebody in a voodoo doll or.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Or like taking their hair or a garment and burning like a, a, a spider or controlling candle against them. This is like being silk and smoothie and nice about it, but also being very black widow and controlling about it at the same time, and people don't see it coming because it's a very nice thing, but you got to pay attention to how you feel around people.

De'Vannon Seráphino: If your skin crawls, if you feel tingly and different things like that, don't ignore that. But you have to review these relationships and pay attention [00:26:00] in this dream, it felt sensual, like just like surface level flesh and I just had like these goosebumps, not the good kind of goosebumps like when we get hit with a chill or a spirit passes by us or the Holy Ghost is dealing with us, not that this was just like lustful, fleshy, sensuality that had no depth to it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And what this means in the dream is that this person up here and all of these people he's energetically connected to somehow, or it's no, it's no depth to their relationships. You have a lot of people doing a lot of things, going through a lot of emotions, making their flesh feel good. This could be drugs, sex, travel.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I don't know, playing tiddlywinks or whatever the fuck it is that they do. It feels really good to their bodies, but they're killing their soul. Because nobody was smiling in this dream. None of them 7 to 20 something odd people had a fucking smile on their face. One of them went into a psychiatrist or like a counselor's office, and for whatever reason in this dream she insisted [00:27:00] I go with her.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I was in this dream, I wasn't doing drugs with these people. I was just praying that I wouldn't fall and get weak like them because I haven't touched no crack since I was the last time I was in the mental hospital back in January. I've done none of the foods and since don't want to have a taste for it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The Lord delivered me from all of that crack, crystal meth, alcohol. And, fuck cocaine all at the same time. Hadn't done none of it since then. And I had been drinking since I was like five, I'll be 42 in December. Don't want it. Don't need it. Don't even think about it. No cravings. None of that. That's, that's a strong deliverance, but I got nothing short of a miracle.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Now in this dream, thank you, Lord, in this dream, this girl, one of the girls from this group that my, this, this person up here, I'm trying to talk to affiliated with wants me to go into the psychiatrist's office with her. I wouldn't go. Without me, and in this office, she's, she's like talking about how that's how they are doing.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Like, her and these people are doing the, [00:28:00] no, she was talking about like, how crack when you smoke it, you quickly, it quickly takes you out of your mind and it does. It's very, very fast. It ain't like taking LSD or shrooms where you need, like, a couple of minutes or whatever. For it to work its way down into you.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's a very quick form of escapism. If people are going to use it that way, which most people who use crack are using it for escapism. I don't know of any healing qualities and crack cocaine to be specific. And then the girl in the girl who wanted me to go into the psychiatrist with her was trying to say, but it's 1 of the boys who have a problem with it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: She was trying to project. Her addictions onto somebody else. And her as talking to the psychiatrists this way, it was basically like an interpretation within the dream for what the crack stood for. So this girl and all of these groups of people, this group of people who have this energetic connection with one another.[00:29:00]

De'Vannon Seráphino: None of them got no sense. In terms of saying, hey, maybe what we're doing is a bad idea. And the one person who might be starting to question it is looking for problems in somebody else. But she seems to be aware that they are trying to escape, escape what? Dealing with their inner child issues, dealing with whatever pain happened to them before.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Dealing with whatever the fuck it is they're trying to escape from. And just because you're sitting in front of a counselor or a psychiatrist don't mean that you're not setting their bullshitting them. You might not be telling them the whole fucking truth and the psychiatrist who's not a clairvoyant is not going to be able to go past what you're saying.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And so you are the quality of your counseling will extend no further than the quality of what you report. And if you're not telling that counselor the whole truth, or you have not accessed the whole truth, you're not aware of it, then you can't. I mean, that's as far as you're gonna go. And so in this dream, [00:30:00] I'm watching a whole ass group of people and in indulging themselves and many sensual pleasures, and they're all the more miserable for it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I saw rivers. And in the dream, what you want a clear, peaceful, calm rivers, these rivers, because the borders represent the mind, the emotions, the conscious, the subconscious, particularly the subconscious and dream space. These waters were black and choppy and boats. My friend was represented as a boat and I had a boat.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The boat is like the way we navigate our subconscious or our mind or the things that we're trying to work on internally. Yeah. His water, the waters carried his, his, his little white boat off his boat had no color to it. It was like this black and white thing. It felt weak. All right, not dead, but very fucking weak.

De'Vannon Seráphino: He couldn't control it. It's like the boat that represented him just was just taking on down the river. But it within this dream. It's like I was [00:31:00] given permission. To get in my boat, which was like this larger maroon boat and maroon stands for like, you know, strength and ability and things like that in the dream, in the dream space that I got in my boat to go and get his boat and I was able to bring his boat back to land and I don't drive boats in real life.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I've never wanted to do that. So, it's never been my thing at all. These are like bass boats and things that you would take out to go fishing in. And and then I saw this, this person up here who I know, is like, at one point in the dream,

De'Vannon Seráphino: it's like he, it looked like his body was seizing up when he was about to have a stroke. And, and the light was on him at that point. That light represents judgment. That light represents a lens being on him by God right now. That light represents that the whole point of this dream was to give him [00:32:00] a warning.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay. And that, and that, that the way that his hands and stuff like that, and I, and I did see a cane, you know, if he don't change in turn and, and really evaluate those relationships and cut off who he needs to. Or, or, or really, really change the dynamics, which would be very fucking difficult to do, because those people would have to change, and according to what I saw in this vision, they'd rather have their sensual indulgences.

De'Vannon Seráphino: See, we can't change nobody else. When I ascended, I had to leave a shitload of people behind. Blood family. Old lovers, old friends, because that's not gonna happen. They're on their own process, they're on their own journey. Just because, just because the Lord has singled me out to change, don't mean he singled them out to change.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But if I keep them, then I fuck up my destiny. Bye, Felicia. There's billions of people in this earth. I'm not about to fuck up my eternity because I can't let Susie go, or Brad go, or Felicia go. Oh, girl, [00:33:00] bye. I mean, I had to cry about it, deal with it emotionally and counseling, and take it to the plant medicine, but let them go.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I fucking did, and I'm happier and better and glistening for it. We can't love nobody more than we love the Lord. We gotta love God first, ourself, then other motherfucking people, which means you have to be able to let go of any fucking body, no matter who they are, if they ain't doing right. Period. And and so that is that, and that's the way that that warning went.

De'Vannon Seráphino: These relationships are bad to his physical, mental, soul, and emotional health, even though, and even though, even though people carry on in these sensual things, people be knowing. When I was homeless and strung out on meth and everything, I fucking knew that I was hurting myself and I really wanted something to change, but I also didn't know how to do the change.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I was actually glad when SWAT kicked the door in and came to help me. Tim to arrest me. I was like, fuck, thank God something happened to derail this [00:34:00] fucking path of catastrophe that I was on. You would think you would have enough sense to just say, I don't like what I'm doing. So I'm just going to stop this and go over here.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But it don't seem to necessarily work like that because we're, cause there's too many different dynamics at play. We're not thinking logically. Is what's happening, but then the Lord sends something to help to redirect us that we can get better from the redirection,

De'Vannon Seráphino: but people be knowing in this dream. It's like he was trying to. It's like he was trying to hide what they were doing for me. And sometimes I felt like a spirit just kind of like hovering and watching, but then he was aware of my presence. And then so was his friend enough to call me to the counselor's office with her.

De'Vannon Seráphino: It's like he has shame about it. Child, it's not what a human thinks that you need to be concerned about. It's what God knows about you that you need to be concerned about. I need to let you know that there are no secrets. [00:35:00] There are no secrets. When, when the angel, when God calls us up for judgment, see how naked these people are in this judgment card.

De'Vannon Seráphino: There's no such thing as a secret. Every questionable piece of sex you ever had, every naughty picture you sent, every prayer you prayed, every bit of fasting you did, every quiet tear you cried, every curse you cast against somebody that you should not have, every time you stood in the gap for somebody and prayed on their behalf.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The money you gave to people, the money you stole from people, whatever the fuck it is that you have done, bitch is recorded before the Lord. And Jesus tells us in the book of Matthew that we shall give account for every idle word that has come out of our mouth, much less every damn thing that we have done, I mean, much more every damn thing that we have done.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And so when the Lord cycles, these judgments around us is to break us out of this funk that we can get it into our head, acting like that. We're going to either live forever or. The shit we say and do day to day to day don't matter because Lucifer will put you in a state [00:36:00] and where you don't actually live like judgment is coming.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And people who like to just say connect to the earth or to the universe don't speak of judgment to come, not typically. You know, that's all rosy and good and there's a place for everything, but you gotta understand, you know, whether you believe in reincarnation or nothing or not. You, you, you should have a sense of a feeling that you don't have to give an account for the things that you've done.

De'Vannon Seráphino: We have to be more mature than to tend to act like the things we do are just done in a vacuum some damn where I'm like, we're never going to see or hear those things again. Everything you say, you're gonna hear it again. Everything you've done, all the, all the little things you do will end up catching up to you, you know, as the story goes.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So I messaged this person, you know, this, this, these many, many, many long paragraphs and gave the interpretation, you know, and I thank the, and I thank the Lord for granting , you know. [00:37:00] This, this mercy, well, extending this opportunity, you know, for mercy, you know, to, to see what, what they decide it is a, but, but I get this sense that it's not just this person in their group of friends.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I really feel like the Lord is looking at people and all the connections that you have decided to allow into your life. And I really feel like this is like a, like a group judgment that is coming up upon people.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Because in this dream, everybody accepted everybody, and everybody was conglomerate and confederate in the things that they were doing. Therefore, you don't have anybody challenging anybody. Your relationships are supposed to challenge you to do better, not just sit around and keep doing more of the same. This, these karmic times are not something anybody can like pray away or change. I can't go to God and ask him to move it. You can't go to no witch, no warlock, no wizard. This, this is permanent. This is [00:38:00] like karma itself. More like a spiritual law. This must happen. This is necessary. This is irreversible.

De'Vannon Seráphino: The only thing you can do is heed the warning. Get quiet. I recommend you get very fucking quiet and take some time to yourself. Y'all need to take like seven days to yourself, no socialization, no sex, no porn, no social media, no motherfucking sex apps and dating apps and all that bullshit that people like to, to throw their energy into none of it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And you need to get quiet in The Spirit. Okay. And and, and, and see if, if you need to be dealing with any relationships, getting rid of them, or trying to elevate them if you can, because people will act like they're going to change if they see you're about to leave them, be it friends, lovers, family or whatever.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But that's not true change. You have to be sure this person is truly changing. If you don't, you're going to fuck yourself over.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And look, you can't [00:39:00] tell all the time when somebody is under judgment, because the Lord is going to judge people and deal with them in in ways that he knows is going to hit home for them. So that could be in their mind. It could be in their soul. It might be in their physical body. It could be materially, you know, it's not up for us to decide how judgment is supposed to look, but if people are going to come out, usually try to act like all this great, even though they're getting their asses kicked by karma, and you can't just look at a person and tell, because the Lord, look at what he did to Nebuchadnezzar.

De'Vannon Seráphino: He, his riches and his kingdom stayed in place, but the Lord smote his mind. He didn't have the capacity to enjoy any of his riches or his previous abilities and sensual things he liked to do. For some people, the Lord removes the money and the sensual things and he leaves the person's mind intact. But see, it takes God to give you the mind to enjoy things, the ability to acquire it and the physical strength to go forth in it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: If any of those three things are out of place, then you, then you ain't going to be able to do it. We're only held together by the Lord, so it's a [00:40:00] very bold thing, the way the world is very flippant and casual about the way they go about.

De'Vannon Seráphino: And if you do know somebody is under judgment, somehow you know that, be mindful about hanging around them, because People's karma as a way of rubbing off on you through sex. Of course, absolutely. You can catch somebody's karma through sex. But if you, I ain't saying ostracize people, but it depends on how severe it is.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You know, I always think about Sodom and Gomorrah that way, when Lot's wife, you know, the Lord did not let their karma come upon them until he got Lot and his family out. Of their because he didn't want them caught up in it. You can get caught up in it. It's why when we leave people like bad relationships or groups of people, the karma won't hit them to after we're gone.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But when lots of wife turned around and look that she turned to the pillar of salt. That's [00:41:00] because she directed her energy at people who were under judgment. Yes, she was warned not to do it. And so just be prayerful about that. I'm saying do it or don't, but if somebody's under judgment, if they had any fucking sense, they would be trying to withdraw and go before the Lord and talk to him about it rather than out trying to hang out with you.

De'Vannon Seráphino: You know, they really, they really need to go into isolation because when God is moving like that, we need to be quiet before the Lord. Pray. You pray much, and when y'all pray, get on your fucking knees, if you're physically able, and bow your head till your forehead hits the earth, and show humility. Okay, show humility to God, and maybe he will have some type of mercy upon you.

De'Vannon Seráphino: But that that is determined shall be. As the angel Gabriel told Daniel in the Old Testament, he said, That that is determined shall be. Okay.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I'm in precise prayer. I mentioned fasting, [00:42:00] you know, go through the Bible, look it up. You know, fasting has to do with how we learn how to control ourselves. Self control is acquired through fasting to have something that we want and intentionally not doing it in this society. It's all about if you want it, go do it.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Well, yeah, that's one part of it, but sometimes electively choose not to everything you can do doesn't mean you should do it. And yeah. And fasting through food or any type of fast you do helps you to gain control of yourself. And I believe it puts a spotlight, positive spotlight on you from the Lord because most people don't are interested in going without pleasure or gratification somehow.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So you stand out to God when you fast

De'Vannon Seráphino: and you know, it's not just sex. Anything really that you do with any body carries an energetic like zest to it. That follows you away from it. This is why connections are so beautiful and so strong, but also detrimental. If you're not using them, right, you carry like an energetic signature, karmic signature.

De'Vannon Seráphino: If [00:43:00] you sit down and play video games, somebody go shopping with them, you pray with them, you do a ceremony with them, you cast magic with them. It's never just one and done, you know, in our, in our, you know, the world we live in is created by how we view it. And also by the things we do and who we choose to do it with.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I forgot to mention the tower card as well earlier. The tower card is another very karmic card and I love the tower in terms of calling our attention to judgment was the way that lightning strikes that tower and knocks the people out of there is a reality check. Okay. One that they did not want to face.

De'Vannon Seráphino: So basically, when we don't want to change ourselves. Like, what I saw in this dream about this person up here, like, if they don't make these changes, then the Lord is going to strike them, and then they're gonna be in a very bad situation. The Tower is all about God doing, making you make the changes that you won't fucking make.

De'Vannon Seráphino: Okay, that because it's gonna happen one way or the other, either you're gonna do it willingly or you're gonna [00:44:00] force God's hand and it's all about things happening that you never really thought could happen. That's what the tower card is all about. But before you know anything, you can you, you on the ground and you were on this lofty ass tower and now you on the ground and your tower is on fire and never will you ascend it again.

De'Vannon Seráphino: These are permanent changes. Glory be to God. Okay, that's, that's all I have to say on that.

De'Vannon Seráphino: I will be praying for y'all. Y'all pray for me. And let's live authentically. Let's tell ourselves the truth about everything, about us and everybody around us. Let's see things for what they really are so that we don't miss us. Life and that we don't miss out on eternity.

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